THE NEW YORK HERALD. PART 11. [COPYRIGHT, 1916, NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, NEW YORK HERALD COMPANY.] In the Metropolitan District. SEPTEMBER 13, 1916.- -IBY THE PRICE ONE CENT THREE CENTS on Trains and Elsewner* PERONNE MENACED BY A BIG FRENCH ADVANCE ON NORTH FRENCH NOW REACH DILL FI A NEW BULGARIANS LOSE 36-HOUR BATTLE, Greeks if They Join Allies ALLIES PURSUING ON STRUMA FRONT Would Like to Conduct Own IHE BAPAUME OB FRENCH WAR LOAN Campaign British Established on East Allies capture British crosi a Against Bulgars Bulgarian the struma \ Bank of River and French trenches on SL?VLAKAtP V ' \ - NORTH OF PERONNE GOES Z Mite FRONT. GROUND TO DEPUTIES < Barely an Capture Village. 800 YARDS DEPTH) 7 V Escaping Alliance with the Central Powers Through %J'\ a Bribe of $200,000,000 Offered by Baron Schenck, Deliver Offensive Vigorous Finance Minister c „ Says First AMBULANCES BUSY ON 'Moriashr ol a AY Agent of Prussia, Leaders Now Turn to Entente from Combles to the Somme, Five Per Cents Are Now DEMIR-HISSAR ROAD for Way Out of Their Dilemma. Advancing Rapidly. Above Issue Price. W r ) q French Carry Bulgar Positions and AY E JSSLeavriM [Special Cable to the Herald.] ROME, Tuesday. CARRY WHOLE Advance on Line West of A SYSTEM DEPUTIES, STANDING, proposal that the Greek army, with the Serbian forces subservient to it, will undertake OF PRUSSIAN TRENCHES APPLAUD ROUMANIA the Vardar. I BOMBARD YE—! / to handle alone the offensive In the southeast against the Bul- fc* S ENEMY tSEY B , : garian and Austro-Prussian armies is declared to have been put forward as a —— way London, Wednesday. S TRENCHES I out of the dilemma In which Greece now finds herself and as a means of Hold Important Highway from Out- Complete Confidence in Trend of SERB OF J The new offensive of the Entente Allies NORTH restoring the prestige of King Constantine. skirts of Rancourt Events in matchukovo — to District War Is Manifested In on the Macedonian front has resulted ACTIVE fLr n-f 1V \ The calculation is made by the Patris, of Athens, that the forces lined up who suf- AIN ST E—T 1 Bulgarians, AG ~ South of Bouchavesnes. the Chamber. the defeat of the on the Austrian side in the Balkans Is only slightly more than 200,000. The fered enormous losses in a battle of BULGAKS ionl Y 5 Greek army, supplied with munitions by the Allies, would be well cope thirty-six hours and are retreating, pur- IN REGION able to OF BANICA with these forces, It is affirmed. PARTS, Tuesday.-—The French infantry PARIS, Tuesday.—The Chamber of sued by the Allies. j CROSS THE STRUMA Deputies to-day. AND Mr. Venizelos, whose return to power is believed to started a vigorous offensive to-day along reassembled Premier troops _ AT vicinity be has French co-operated with the n *> Y= NEoHoRf I imminent, 7° 50u,..„ & Briand 9 39 4Q V= FROM emphasized in series of articles in front of six kilometres north of the said that on Thursday the govern- British on the Struma front and cap- ll ' ' MILES BULGARS a the Athens Herald the necessity of govern- 1 1 _ P FOUR VILLAfIFS. \ Somme, from the Combles region to the ment would make a declaration in regard tured a village from the Bulgarians. The mental action to regain the lost prestige of the nation. He intimates that the river, and in half an hour took an entire to the diplomatic situation. British forces which crossed the river continuance of- the Greek dynasty at the head of the nation Is comprised in first line of trenches, says the official The Finance Minister, Mr. Ribot, intro- have seized Bulgarian trenches on the his party’s plans for a rapid modification of the previously existing conditions. communication issued to-night. duced in the Chamber the bill for the new east bank. Says Natural Conditions Will Defeat The rOle of King Constantine in the long period of oscillation of the Greek Another portion of the French forces war loan, accompanying it with a memo- Established East of the Strains. government between the belligerent parties is being shown to • better advan- carried a system of trenches al<fng the randum in which he said:— yes- An official announcement, issued Economic “War After War” on Germany tage now that the censors in the allied countries are allowing the details sent road from Bethune to Bapaume and "The time has come to appeal to thd terday, says:— by correspondents in Greece to be published. Among the statements Pdronne. Prisoners to the number of country for a second loan of five per cents made in “The detachments mentioned yesterday the Rome Tribuna In this connection 1,600 had report i for national defenoe, similar to the loan is one to the effect that It was the King been taken when the as crossing the Struma at Nechore seized Steamship Director Necessities Any himself who upset a scheme by leading Ministers for throwing Greece Into was filed. of 1915. The former issue was made at trenches on the eastern bank. Declares Trade Will Level the always arms of the Central Empires. The text of the statement reads:— 87.25. The price on the Bourse has “A French detachment co-operating Artificial Barriers the Allies May Erect—Predicts That price ''The battle continued to-day north of been above the of emission and now with the British captured the village of Huge Sum for Propaganda. the Somme. Our infantry delivered a vig- stands at 90, with the next coupon period America Will Build Another Isthmian Canal. Yenimah and took thirty prisoners. The leaders of this movement, the Italian newspaper says, were the Prus- on kilometre beginning from August is, it Is orous offensive a six front “In these operations the enemy suf- sian agent, Baron Schenk, and Mr. Gounaris and Mr. Skouloudis. both of whom between the district south of Combles and about three points above the issue price." BERLIN, Monday (via LONDON, Tues- plenishment of these supplies. Like most fered heavily from rifle and artillery fire were Premiers after the ousting of Mr. Venizelos, and General Dusmanis, who the river. The attack started at half-past The Finance Minister referred to the -1 day).—The prospect of a “war after the other German business men, Herr Heine- during his retirement, and also in his was chief of staff until August 27. The sum of 1,000.000,000 ($200,- twelve In the afternoon and developed success of the previous loan and said the war,” as proposed by British newspapers, ken felt that the proposed "war after the drachme counter attacks. Many ambulances 000,000) is said to have been at the disposal of Baron Schenk for purposes rapidly, thanks to the spirit of our troops, forthcoming issue would be an attractive and discussed at the economic conference war” would have no greatly Injurious ef- the were seen on the Demir-Hissar road. of the campaign of propaganda In Greece in Who in less than half an hour captured the investment. of the Allies at Paris, apparently Is causing fect on the future of German shipping behalf of the Prussian cause. “On the Doiran front our artillery car- The occasion first suggested by whole of the first line German trenches. "There is not a Frenchman/* he com little anxiety in Germany, where the be- lines. England, he declared, Is too de- those working for Prussia to force Greece ried out systematic bombardments of the out "Subsequently pushing eastward with tinued, "who does not feel it is his duty to lief Is expressed that natural commercial pendent on Germany for aertaln articles, of her neutrality was the presentation of the note of the Entente Powers enemy trenches north of Matchukovo.” the same vigor, we took successively Hill bring to the State at least a part of his tendencies will soon overcome any arti- and Germany in turn can supply herself .which demanded demobilization and a return to the Greek constitution by the French Advance Half a Mile. holding 146, Marri&res Wood and the whole system resources to assist in the national de- ficial barriers which may be erected. This in some ways with too much advantage of a free general election under threat of a landing of allied troops at French troops on the Macedonian front, from permit of trenches as far as the Bethune-Pdronne fence. The confidence of the nation is view was voiced in a statement made to- England, to of the permanent the Piraeus. It will be remembered that the Berlin official news agency sent questioned, present taking the offensive against the Bul- road, which we now touch from the south- never and at the it is day by Phillip Heineken, director of the supplanting of natural and mutually ad- out a statement at the garians, have captured all the positions time that the allied troops had actually been disem- ern outskirts of Rancourt to the district stronger than ever. No one in France or North German Lloyd steamship line. vantageous relations. Then, too, he add- barked. of their opponents on a front of two miles eouth of Bouoh-Avesnes. Further south out doubts that victory is certain. Herr Heineken discussed projects In ed, the proponents of a post helium eco- to a depth of about eight hundred yards, Mr. Skouloudis, then Premier, and Mr. Gounaris, his adviser, we pushed our lines on to Slope 76, west "Victory must bring peace worthy of Germany to resume International trade nomic war forget that they may not he in after con- it was announced in Paris In an official sultation with the King, proposed to the Cabinet council that the note of Feuillauoourt.
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