Pubblicazione on line della Collana ADAPT Newsletter in edizione speciale n. 4 del 24 aprile 2008 Registrazione n. 1609, 11 novembre 2001, Tribunale di Modena All’interno Lavoro decente e produttività Productivity, Investment in Human Capital and the nel mercato globale Challenge of Youth Employment in the a cura di Olga Rymkevich, Iacopo Senatori Global Market Comparative I temi della qualità e della produttività re in una prospettiva di analisi ancora Developments and Global del lavoro sono ormai da tempo al cen- scarsamente esplorata: quella della Responses in the tro del dibattito sviluppato in seno alle transizione dai sistemi educativi e for- Perspective of School-to- organizzazioni internazionali e alla co- mativi al mercato del lavoro, intesa co- Work Transition munità scientifica, tra gli studiosi e gli me momento decisivo per la determina- operatori delle relazioni industriali. È zione delle condizioni occupazionali dei di Michele Tiraboschi e infatti intorno a questi temi, e a quelli giovani. Il recente Congresso regionale Iacopo Senatori ad essi affini quali sviluppo economico, africano dell’Associazione, nel quale è inclusione sociale, nuove modalità pro- stato presentato il contributo incluso in pag. 2 duttive e tecniche di organizzazione del questo Dossier, ha costituito la prima lavoro, che si sono allestite le ultime importante occasione per esporre alla versioni dei periodici simposi dell’Asso- comunità internazionale un progetto di Realizzare il lavoro ciazione Internazionale di Relazioni In- ricerca che si propone, nei prossimi me- decente in Africa dustriali, che riunisce a livello mondiale i si, di mettere in discussione le tradizio- Sintesi del V congresso ricercatori della materia. Si tratta di un nali tecniche di regolazione e di politica regionale africano filone di ricerca appassionante e fecon- dell’impiego al fine di risolvere il proble- dell’Associazione do, che il gruppo facente capo alla ma dell’occupazione giovanile, ormai Internazionale di Relazioni Scuola di Alta formazione di Adapt e divenuto un’emergenza planetaria. Industriali Fondazione Marco Biagi intende coltiva- di Olga Rymkevich Productivity, Investment in Human pag. 20 Capital and the Challenge of Youth Per saperne di più Employment in the Global Market Per maggiori approfondimenti si rinvia al sito della Scuola di Comparative Developments and Global Responses in the Alta Formazione in Relazioni Perspective of School-to-Work Transition Industriali e di Lavoro di Adapt − Fondazione «Marco di Michele Tiraboschi e Iacopo Senatori Biagi» Il documento completo, corredato delle note a pié pagina, è disponibile in Indice A-Z, voce www.fmb.unimore.it Giovani e lavoro Framing the issue: labour market specialists. rethinking the employment of In an awareness of this complexity, that Indice A-Z young people in the global market is reflected in the relative lack of con- Voci Africa, Giovani e lavoro, vincing proposals, even of an experi- Lavoro e globalizzazione. In a comparative perspective, access to mental nature, on the part of the aca- Aggiornamento degli ultimi documenti pubblicati the labour market on the part of young demic community, and labour law schol- people is a complex issue, and for some ars in particular, the analysis put for- pag. 21 time now it has attracted the interest of (Continua a pagina 2) Coordinatore di redazione Marina Bettoni: [email protected] Tutti i numeri del Dossier sono disponibili sul sito: www.fmb.unimore.it Per l’invio di materiali da pubblicare e per la collaborazione con il bollettino: [email protected] BOLLETTINO ADAPT – NEWSLETTER IN EDIZIONE SPECIALE N. 4 DEL 24 APRILE 2008 ward in the present paper focuses giving rise to the risk of impover- beginning of 2006, in response to on certain aspects of youth em- ishing the human capital in the French government proposals to ployment that are only apparently country of origin. introduce a new type of employ- contradictory, not to say paradoxi- The question of youth employment ment contract known as the initial cal. has therefore become an ex- employment contract (CPE in These aspects are still in need of tremely urgent matter which French), with a view to boosting in-depth examination, at least in should play a key role on the employment figures. Similar de- an international context and in the agenda of political decision- velopments have been seen also global workplace perspective, re- makers and trade union leaders in in Italy, where the modernisation flecting not only the various levels all the regions of the world, in- of the labour market, and the diffi- of economic and social develop- cluding the most economically ad- cult negotiations between the gov- ment, but also the stage of devel- vanced ones. ernment and the social partners opment of labour law and indus- In this connection, significant de- over the measures to be adopted trial relations in the various coun- velopments have been recorded in to deal with youth unemployment, tries considered in this study. the countries of the Organisation has been characterised by and The most advanced economies are for Economic Cooperation and De- influenced by a return to domestic characterised, in general, by a velopment (OECD). In these coun- terrorism against an ideological progressive raising of the age at tries, although the younger age backdrop. which young people enter the la- groups are less numerous and The problem of youth unemploy- bour market, giving rise to signifi- more highly educated than previ- ment takes a totally different form cant social and economic problems ous generations, there is increas- in other regions of the world, par- in a context in which the popula- ing anxiety about their employ- ticularly sub-Saharan Africa and tion as a whole is ageing. The high ment prospects, reflecting the South Asia, where the extremely level of academic attainment and alarming labour market statistics high rates of poverty and low in- well-being is in some cases ac- concerning young people in vari- come levels are accompanied by a companied by a significant level of ous countries, though these indi- strong presence of young people, intellectual unemployment, to- cators are not necessarily the who account for 80% of the young gether with difficulties on the part most appropriate, with regard people of the world (Figure 3). of enterprises in recruiting em- both to unemployment among In the African countries, in par- ployees with the right skills for young people (Figure 1) and long- ticular, it is well known that youth positions that tend to be rejected term unemployment for this age unemployment is closely linked by young people among the local group (Figure 2). In addition, the with high levels of poverty, re- population. issue of segmented labour mar- flecting the apparently contradic- The same goes for the manage- kets or precarious employment, in tory situation in which a low level ment of small or micro enterprises the sense of work of a temporary of demand co-exists with the high- and for the numerous trades taken nature and of low quality that is est participation rates for young up by immigrant workers who are available to young people, is of people in the world, with high willing to learn and hand down central importance in the domestic rates of employment in the infor- trades that are essential for the debate in many countries, with an mal sector, and all the negative national economy and that may impact on election campaigns both consequences that ensue in terms now be seen as a kind of endan- at national and local level. A case of unemployment, underemploy- gered species. On the other hand, in point, at least in Europe, is that ment, lack of education, training the economies and societies of the of the revolt of young people in and vocational skills. However, in developing countries are charac- France at the end of 2005 and the spite of the decline in fertility rates terised by the opposite trend, that may appear to be contradictory or paradoxical, bringing to mind the early stages of the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of modern labour law, marked by the large-scale and often brutal ex- ploitation of the young workforce and by child labour. Due to extremely high levels of unemployment and underemploy- ment, this leads increasingly to large-scale migration towards the most developed regions (for a comprehensive evaluation see the World Youth Report 2007, Depart- ment of Economic and Social Af- fairs, United Nations, October 2005), that are characterised by a declining workforce, low birth Figure 1 – Youth unemployment (age range 15- 24 years) in a number of OECD rates, and an ageing population, Countries (1995-2005). 2 BOLLETTINO ADAPT – NEWSLETTER IN EDIZIONE SPECIALE N. 4 DEL 24 APRILE 2008 pean Union since the end of the 1990s, albeit with limited success. In particular, the approach is that of the Open Method of Coordina- tion (OMC), consisting of the defi- nition of common guidelines by a supranational body for the Mem- ber States, comparing the meas- ures adopted by the various coun- tries, providing for a periodic as- sessment aimed at identifying best practices, and where possible, their extension to other national settings (benchmarking) (see, re- cently, Making (it) Work: Intro- duction to the Special Issue on the Future of the European Employ- ment Strategy, monographic issue of The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and In- Figure 2 – Incidence of long-term unemployment among youth. dustrial Relations, 2007, no. 4). However, the EU experience, to- gether with the pressures that the and the impact of HIV/AIDS on origin to seek better training and global economy exerts on the na- overall population growth, Africa employment opportunities abroad tional systems, highlights the lim- still has the highest rates of demo- (at times unsuccessfully) in what its of an approach in which regula- graphic growth in the world, with has been called the “battle for tory powers remain in the hands the population mainly consisting of brains” (R.
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