September 21, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1601 the 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division. Upon Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me CONGRATULATING MR. DEREK redeploying to Germany after fifteen months in in honoring Mrs. Sylvia Rucinski and congratu- CAVILLA FOR COMPLETING THE Iraq, the battalion conducted reset and full- lating her as she is recognized by the Polonia NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART’S spectrum operations training in preparation to Foundation. SUMMER TEACHER INSTITUTE deploy again in late 2005. From 2005 to 2007, LTC Williams returned f HON. DANIEL WEBSTER to the Office of the Chief of Legislative Liaison OF FLORIDA to serve as the Legislative Assistant to the HONORING MR. OLIVER SIEBERT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vice Chief of Staff, Army (VCSA). He stood OF CHESTERFIELD, MISSOURI out amongst his peers and made himself an Thursday, September 20, 2012 indispensible part of the VCSA’s personal Mr. WEBSTER. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleas- staff. HON. W. TODD AKIN ure to recognize Mr. Derek Cavilla of Orlando, From 2007 to 2009, he was promoted to Florida, a teacher at Workforce Advantage Colonel and led the division within OCLL that OF MISSOURI Academy, upon his completion of the National develops the congressional engagement strat- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gallery of Art’s Annual Summer Teacher Insti- egy for the Secretary, Chief of Staff, Under tute. During the National Gallery’s six-day Secretary, Vice Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Thursday, September 20, 2012 seminar, Mr. Cavilla intensively studied the Major of the Army. He performed exception- foundation of twentieth-century art by exam- Mr. AKIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor ally. He personally improved the Army’s stra- ining the pioneering artists of French impres- tegic communication with the Congress, and Mr. Oliver Siebert of Chesterfield, Missouri. sionism and post-impressionism. developed the engagement strategy and legis- The French government recently awarded Mr. In order for participants to be accepted in to lative objectives for the Army’s Senior Leader- Siebert the Legion of Honor for his part in the the Gallery’s Teacher Institute seminar, they ship. liberation of Strasbourg, France. The medal must first complete a rigorous application From 2009 to 2012, COL Williams per- and the accompanying title of Knight of the process. Mr. Cavilla was one of only forty-five formed duties as the Chief of Programs. He Legion of Honor is the highest military award teachers from across the nation chosen to expertly led the planning of the Army’s con- given by the French government. participate in this year’s National Gallery of gressional engagement strategies between Art’s Teacher Institute. From this seminar, senior Army Staff leaders and Members of Mr. Siebert, just twenty years old, was an acting second lieutenant leading the 324th in- teachers are able to return to their schools Congress, leading directly to a defense au- and students with new tools and ideas that will fantry battalion and the 220th field artillery in thorizations bill that enhanced the Army’s abil- enhance education curriculum of all grade lev- November 1944. American forces, operating ity to recruit, retain, and reset the world’s pre- els and subjects. The students of Central Flor- miere fighting force. jointly with elements of the French Second Ar- ida are blessed to have such a dedicated edu- Through these varying assignments, COL mored Division under the command of Captain cator as Mr. Cavilla. Williams provided outstanding leadership, ad- Jean Penet, fought across the Vosges Moun- On behalf of the citizens of Central Florida, vice, and sound professional judgment on crit- tains in the French Alps throughout October I am pleased to recognize and congratulate ical issues of enduring importance to both the and November 1944. On 23 November 1944 Mr. Derek Cavilla on his acceptance to and Army and Congress. On behalf of Congress, I elements of the French Army entered successful completion of the National Gallery thank COL Williams, his wife Helen, and his Strasbourg and liberated the city. of Art’s Annual Summer Teacher Institute. entire family for the commitment, sacrifices, Mr. Siebert’s service did not end with the May his dedication to our nation’s educational and contribution they have made throughout institutions and students inspire others to fol- liberation of Strasbourg. While conducting op- his honorable military career. Congratulations low in his footsteps. on completing an exceptional and successful erations in support of the assault of Hangviller career. on 27 November 1944, Mr. Siebert and a f f small group of American soldiers were cap- FIRST ANNUAL AMERICA’S FAMILY DAY IN HONOR OF MS. SYLVIA tured by German SS soldiers disguised as RUCINSKI U.S. troops. Three days later, after overpow- ering two SS officers and commandeering HON. JOE BARTON HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH their car, he was able to escape and return to OF TEXAS OF OHIO his duties as an artillery forward observer. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On Christmas Day 1944 a German shell Thursday, September 20, 2012 Thursday, September 20, 2012 landed not far from his forward observation Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on Oc- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in post and caused severe damage to his right tober 6, there will be an event taking place in honor of Ms. Sylvia Rucinski who is being leg. German strafing of the ambulance that Santa Monica, CA that I would like to high- honored by the Polonia Foundation on Octo- evacuated him that night caused further dam- light. This event will be the First Annual Amer- ber 7, 2012. age that would require extensive surgery and ica’s Family Day. The purpose of this event Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Sylvia lengthy convalescence to repair. After treat- will be to celebrate families and to stress the attended Miles Elementary School and grad- ment at several American military hospitals, importance of protecting and investing in our uated from Holy Name High School. She later Mr. Siebert was honorably discharged on 18 children. attended Cuyahoga Community College and August 1945. On March 7, 2012, the Bi-Partisan Privacy John Carroll University. Before beginning her Caucus, in which I serve as the co-Chairman, Mr. Siebert returned to St. Louis, earned a 22 year career at the Alliance of Poles of held a briefing to directly highlight H.R. 1895, degree in mechanical engineering from Wash- America, Sylvia held a number of different po- the Do Not Track Kids Act of 2011. On our sitions. She previously held jobs with Harris ington University and in 1948 married Virginia panel, we were joined by Nick Cannon, Seybold, Grabler Manufacturing and several Turner, his wife now for more than 63 years. Spokesperson for Safe Communications, who school and public libraries. I am truly honored to have the opportunity shared the same passion of ensuring that our Sylvia has been a long-time and active to share this heroic story. This son of a truck children are protected across all platforms. He member of the Polish-American community. driver for Anheuser-Busch, despite initially graciously publicly endorsed H.R. 1895 and She has been the director for the Alliance of being rejected for military service because he has decided to champion the cause by holding Poles Federal Credit Union and Ohio Division was ‘‘clinically blind’’, did not give up his quest the very first America’s Family Day. of the Polish American Congress. She also to do his part to defeat Nazi Germany. And I believe that Republicans and Democrats served as the recording secretary of Circle 9 now, almost seventy years later, I join the alike can agree that family is a sacred institu- of the Alliance of Poles. Because of her un- tion that deserves our time, energy, and devo- French government in honoring his sacrifice wavering service, Sylvia has been acknowl- tion. I am blessed to have a loving wife, four and service to the French people and these edged by the Alliance of Poles as the recipient wonderful children, two stepchildren, and five of the 2004 Meritorious Service Medal and United States. grandchildren. I want nothing more than to do Award and named the 2003 Grand Lady of Mr. Siebert, thank you. And may God Bless my part to make sure they are secure, safe, Pulaski by the Polonia Foundation. you and your family. and well protected. In this sentiment, I am VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Sep 23, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20SE8.086 E21SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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