
May 26, 1971 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17193 EX·TENSIONS OF REMARKS NATIONAL VOLUNTEER BLOOD representing 1,500 covununity and hospi­ Glover. The accomplishments in Florida JX)NOR MONTH tal blood banks and 3,E-00 professional were discussed in an editorial in the members in the 50 States, strives un­ Orlando Sentinel. ceasingly to persuade adults in good Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ HON. TIM LEE CARTER health to become volunteer blood donors. sent that these two editorials be printed OF KENTUCKY The association, the world's largest dev­ in the RECORD. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES oted specifically to blood banking, trans­ There being no objection, the editorials Wednesday, May 26, 1971 fusion services and related areas, car­ were ordered printed in the RECORD, as ries on numerous other programs to im­ follows: Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, we are prove the quality and safety of blood [From the Weirton (W. Va.) Daily Times, living in an age of scientific wonders, transfusions, further research, and c0n­ May 19, 1971] not the least of which is the trans­ serve available blood supplies. One of its MAN OF CONFIDENCE plantation of human organs. Actually, most valuable services is the national George A. Stinson, president of National however, the first successful human tis­ clearinghouse program. Through this Steel Corp., of which Weirton Steel is a sue transplant took place more than 150 program, a donor may give blood at his division, was the speaker at the Steelm.ark years ago, in 1818, when James Blun­ local AABB blood bank or Red Cross Month kickoff banquet in Follansbee Mon­ dell, the English physician, performed a Blood Center and have the credit trans­ day night and reiterated the commitment he blood transfusion to control hemor­ ferred to a patient almost anywhere in made before a U.S. Senate committee that rhage in a woman fallowing childbirth. the steel industry is "hard at work and will the United States. By enabling blood continue at that work" until the recycling of The miracle of that first transfusion banks with surpluses to lend to those has been repeated hundreds of millions all steel containers can be carried out as a with shortages, the program aids signif­ "regular routine matter with benefit to all of times. Although there have been icantly in the nationwide utilization of of us who value the preservation of our raw many dramatic advances in the prac­ blood supplies. materials and our environment." tice of medicine, there is still no sub­ Our Nation's blood banks are truly He called for cooperation by the govern­ stitute f.or the vital, living human tis­ "Guardians of Life" whose service pro­ ment, the public and producers of all con­ sue-blood. The person who gives blood to tects all of us. They need the support of tainer materials. help another is performing a service as all our citizens in their vital work. I urge National Steel, like all other steel compa­ unique and as indispensable today as it nies, is deeply involved in environmental you to take favorable action on asking problems, including air pollution and stream was a century and a half ago. the President to proclaim January 1972, pollution, and millions of dollars have been To honor the millions of Americans National Volunteer Blood Donor Month. spent and will continue to be spent to cor­ who share "gifts of life" with the ill and rect these problems. injured, and to remind others of the Much of Weirton steel's production goes need, the month of January has been into the canning industry. The Tin Mill here observed for the past 2 years as National INDUSTRIALIST GEORGE STINSON is one of the largest and most up to date in Blood Donor Month. In 1970 and 1971, PROVES HIS LEADERSHIP IN RE­ the world. the observance was established follow­ CYCLING EFFORT-EDITORIALS Mr. Stinson, who has had a close attach­ ing a joint resolution of Congress asking ment to the Weirton Steel and the Weirton INDICATE ATTENTION TO CON­ community, has spoken often in the Weirton the President to proclaim it. National STRUCTIVE PROGRAMS area and he always tells the story as it is. Blood Donor Month was initiated by the Despite the continually multiplying prob­ American Association of Blood Banks lems confronting the steel industry generally and has the support of the American HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH including the import threats, Mr. Stinson National Red Cross, the American Medi­ OF WEST VIRGINIA has always spoken very optimistically and cal Association, the American Hospital IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES inspiringly of the steel industry generally and Weirton Steel in particular. Association, and other national orga­ Wednesday, May 26, 1971 nizations. In Monday's address he described how Weirton Steel was one of the first i;;teel com­ Once again, these organizations are Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, it panies in the nation to experiment with re­ urging the designation of January as Na­ has now become widely accepted that cycling of tin cans and steel cans and he gave tional Volunteer Blood Donor Month. the development and use of methods to assurances that "the future for steel in the There is a great need to encourage recycle our precious natural resources is container market is bright." Its competi­ more eligible people to voluntarily donate essential to our efforts to provide a clean, tion-aluminum, paper, glass and others-is blood. A recent National Academy of healthful environment. It is gratifying tough, but Mr. Stinson assures that the fu­ Science report indicated that blood ob­ to me to regularly observe the efforts of ture of the tin can is secure because it is in­ tained from paid donors generally car­ individuals and industries as they work expensive, it is totally reliable because of its to greater strength, it is convenient to use and ries a higher risk of transmitting hepati­ bring this goal to fruition. it can be disposed of, collected, separated and tis than does that from unpaid donors. One of the leaders in the effort to de­ recycled with greater facility than any of its Figures ranging from 1.4 to 13.7 cases per velop practical recycling technologies is competition. 1,000 units of "commercial" blood have George A. Stinson, president of National Mr. Stinson said he was impressed with been reported. Steel Corp. Under his leadership, Na­ the friendly spirit and cooperative nature of The need for transfusion blood has tional Steel continues to point the way in the local communities. this important field. He paid tribute to the sponsors of Steel• never been greater. Open heart surgery, mark Month and underscored the fact that for example, is totally dependent on the Mr. Stinson spoke last week in Follans­ the observance originated in the Ohio Valley. availability of fresh blood obtained from bee, W. Va., at a banquet marking the The Steelmark observance not only pays donors whose blood type is compatible beginning of Steelmark Month. At that tribute to the men and women who make with that of the patient. The transfusion time he reviewed the progress National steel, but encourages people to buy products of blood platelets, together with cancer Steel continues to point the way in this made of American steel. chemotherapy, is prolonging for months, products. With the American economy confronted even years, the lives of many leukemia National Steel's plant at Weirton, with critical problems, it is reassuring to patients who formerly would have died in W. Va., has for some time been engaged have people like Mr. Stinson come to Weir­ a few weeks. Massive transfusions of in important research on the recycling ton and express their hopes with such su­ preme confidence and in the tradition of the whole blood and blood comJXments are of steel containers. Other industrial in­ past administrators of the Weirton industry. saving the lives of countless accident vic­ stallations, notably Continental Can tims, patients undergoing general sur­ facilities in Florida, have done equally gery, and victims of a variety of blood important work in this field. (From the Orlando Sentinel, May 14, 1971] disorders, such as hemophilia. Mr. Stinson's address and the work of RECYCLING METAL CANS To meet the increasing need, the his company were noted in an editorial One of the great fears of ecologists-that American Association of Blood Banks, in the Weirton Daily Times edited by Paul the nation will be interred under a mam- CXVII~l081-Part 13 17194 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 26, 1971 moth pile of beer cans-will be unfounded A very similar bill was vetoed by the Pres­ revised to allow flexibility for entry into the if a pilot program started this week is suc­ ident last year on the grounds that it would system and protection within it. cessful. lock people into dead-end, make-work jobs. 3. All enrollees would have an equal oppor­ With the endorsement of Gov. Reubin We believe that this bill overcomes such ob­ tunity to compete for available permanent Askew and Apollo 7 Astronaut Walter Cun­ jections. It requires that special consider­ Civil Service jobs in their areas of training. ningham, an ecology advocate, five Florida ation be given to jobs with advancement 4 . A delivery system for supportive services metal can recycling plants will be buying prospects, with built-in training, and in directly and/ or by contract js established and cans at salvage prices for recycling. occupational fields most likely to expand in functioning now providing health services, Two of these centers are in Central Flor­ the public and private sector as unemploy­ transportation, child care, counseling, adult ida-the Continental Can plants in Au­ ment recedes.
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