.Panaji,22nd April, .1971 (Vaisakha 2, 1893) SERIES III No.4 " OFFICIAL GAZETTE- ~OVERNMENT OF GOA, D!MAN AND DIU 17th Stop - Government ~vimary School, 'Sa:Ugao GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN 18th Stop - Saligao Tintt-o, Cotula ,19th Stop-Oxel', Nagoa Road Junction AND DIU 20th Stop - B-roitowaddo Road Junction (Parra) 21st !Stop - Parra. Post Office 212nd Stop - Parra Tintto, Canea General Administration Department '23rd Stop 0:- Undracho Posro, Canea ~ Terminus - Mapusa stand. Office of the District Magistrate of Goa III. Route: Qandc>lim.(M"pusa Starting POint - aandoZim Tintto Notifjcotion 1st Stop -Oha;pe1 of Candeias, CandoHm MAG/MV/71-140/75 2-nd IStop - CandoHm Post Off-ice The Dl'strict Magistrate of Goa, Panaji sin exercise of 'his 3rd 'Stop - Ximer, Chapel of Piedade -powers under 'Rule 7.2 of the Goa, oDaman and Diu Motor 4th Stop - St. Anthony's Ohapel, Gaurawa<!do, Calangute Vehlcles Rules, 1965 hereby notifies the following places as 5th Stop - Shantadurga Pi-cture House, Calangute .- 'bus stops on the route Ca'langute-Betim v·fa Orda of Can­ 6th Stop - Calangute Tintto do1im, lSinquel"im-Mapusa and Candolim-Mapusa and also on 7th Stop - Calangute Church the route Baga-Mapusa via Appora for ;taking up and -setting 8th Stop - St. Alex Convent, Calangute 9th $top - 'Mater Dei Institute, SaHgao ~<1own of passenger-s. 10th Stop -D J Souza 'RepaJr Shop, Abreuvado, lSaHgao No stage 'Carriage shaH Itake IlJP or set down passengers l'Hh Stop - Sequeira's Hou-se, ISequeirawaddo, Sa:ligao --execept at the iplaces shown ,below as ,bus stops. 12th Stop - Government Primary School, Sa:Ugao NQ stage carriage shaH be halted at a ,bus-stop for longer 13th IStop - 'Saligao Tdntto, Cotu:la than 'is necessary to take up such passengers as are awaiting '14th Stop -,Oxer, Nagoa Road Junction when the vehIcle arrives and to set down such passengers J.5:th Stop-BrlttowaJddo, Road Junction I(Parra) . as whish to alight. 16th Stop - Parra Post Office 17th Stop - Parra TJ.ntto, Can:ca Routs: Calangute-Betim via Orda 18th IStop - Undr-acho Posro, Canca Ternninus ~ Mapusa Stand . ..8tarting point - Oal<mgute Beach .lst Stop - Vil'la Souza Xavier, Porbuvado, Calan-gute Fo:]Jowdng are rthe l'bUS stops on a portion of the route 2nd Stop -CSilangTUlte ~intto ~CMarket) Baga~Ma.pusa, v·ta AI1>ora. 3rd Stop - Calangute Church >lith 'Stop - St. Anthony's Chapel, Gauravado, Calangute Starting Point - Baga 5th Stop ----}eimer, Ch8lpel of Pied,ade 1st Srtop - HiHary's Bar .& Restaurant, Baga 6th Stop - CandoHm Post Office 2nd Stop - Chapel .af Candei'as, 'S8JUntawaddo,_ Oalangute 7th Stop - Cha"pel of Candeia's, Cando1irn i3rd IStop - Opp. House of Alex Nazareth, Sauntavaddo, 8th Stop-Candolim Tlntto (Market) Ca:langute 9th Stop - Basio Hospital, Pintowado, Candotim. 4th Stop - Chapel of Piedade, C<>brawaddo, C"langute 10th Stop - candol1m Church . 5th Stop - VHla 'Souza Xavier, POl1buwaddo, Galangute l11th Stop - Orda Tintto, Candolim 6th Stop - Ca;langute 'Tintto. llZth Stop - House of Mrs. Epplfan,io 'Cardoso; Sa1pem 13th Stop - Opp. House of Mrs. Ja:cinta Fern~des, Mar-ra, Panaji, 3rd M,arch, 1971. - P. S. Bhatnagar, Pistrict Magis­ PUerne trate. :1_ Stop - Chapel of St. Anne, !Marra, Filerne -1]J5th Stop - Maddanim, PUerne QJ6t:b Stop - Dalgado's House, Portais, Verem Notificotion 17th Stop - Verem Market 18th Stop - Thal1y's Tjmber Depot, Verem No. MAG;;MV/711-140/4 '19th IStop - Barreto's Colony, Verem The- -District Magistrate of Goa, Panaji =in exero1se of 'his Terminus - Betim Stand. powers under Section 716 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 read wLth rule 7.12 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Veh'i­ II. Route: Sinquerim... 'Mapusa wa candolim cles Rules, 1965 hereby noti111es the foUowing numbers of ;8tarUng Pomt - Sinqueritm Excise Oheck-Post Autorickshaws to be ·parked as indicated against their names. 1st 'Stop - Gagresha Temple, Sinquerim '2nd Stop - Government Pr'imary School, Danda,_ CandQlim Total number of 3rd Stop - Cottage Hospital, Candolim Place of stand Autorick:/:;:haws 4t'h Stop - Panchayat Ghar, Cando1int to be parked 5th Stop - CandoHm 'Di-ntto 6th Stop - Chapel of Candeias, Candolim '7th Stop - Candolim, Post Office- Central Post Off>ice ~ 8th Stop - Xdmer, Ohapel of Piedade Near Azad Maidan (Opp. Goa Chamber of 10 9th Stop-1St. Anthony's Ohapel,_Gauravaxldo, Calangute Commerce Building) 110th Stop - Shantadurga Pioture House, Calangrute. St. Ines at Shanta Building 12 11th Stop - CailanglLte Tintto 12th Stop ---.:: Calangute Church St. Ines (Govt. Quarters Bldg. No.2) 3 -13th StOP-1St. Alex Convent, Calangute Munl:c.ipa;l Market, Panajl 4 14th ,Stop - Mater Dei Institute, SaHgao -115t:h Stop-iD~Souza's Repair 'Sh~p, Abreuvaddo, SaligaQ :16th Stop - Sequeira's House, Sinqueravaddo, Sallgao Panaji; 6th Apr.i1, 1971. -' S. R. Arya; District Magistrate~ '. 24 _SERIES III No.4 Notific<!Ition c Notification No. MAG/MVV71-4,29 No; >MAG/MV/71-432 The District Magistrate <of Goa, Panajl in exe~cise of his The District Magistrate of G:oa, Panaji, ·in exercise of powers under Section 75 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 his powers under Section 75 of the Motor VehiCles. Act, :],.93-9- hereby ndtifies the following places for fixation 6f _signboards h~rebY noH'fIies the following ,places for fixation of Signboards. for a period of 2 months i. e. upto 11-6-'197,1 on account of construction 'Of the culvert. Name at place No. and type of signboard No. and. type of ~ignboard- Name of pla~e St. Sebastian Chrupe1 and ·_St. Thomas GirlS­ 2 Closed The porti'on of the road Rua A venida 2 Closed .0envent Aldona-Bardez do Brazil between Rua J3ernard lPanaji, 14th April, 1971. ~P. S. Bhatnagar, Distri!ct Magis-- Guedes and Rua Governador trate. ,; Pestana. -- Panaji. 13th April, ,1<91-1. - ~. S. Bhatnagar, District Magis­ ••• trate. Finance (Budget and Accounts) Department Directorate of Accounts Notification No. DA/Admn./1-42;i28 No. MAG/MV:/7,1-424 To The District Magistrate of Goa, Panaji in exe~cise of his All Heads of iJ)epartments and Offices. powers under SecUon 74 of the Motor V-ehicles Art, 1939 hereby notifies that the portion of road. near Medical ISu-bject: lucentive to clEIDical staff to get tramed: College building at Rua Avenida do Brazil will be closed in acceunts work-Rules. for vehicular traffk upto 1:1-6-1971 lOn account of construc­ A reference ~s invited te "the Notification No. DA/Admn./' tion ()f the culwert. /87 dated 2"8-1968 pubHshed in the Official Gazette­ The alternate route for vehicle will be diverted along No. :22 dated 29-8~lJ9t68 and to state that it has· been decided Rua Bernard Guedes and Rua Governador Pestana to joint to held the examination fer Acceunts CI~rks on 29th May,' the road Rua A venida dQ Brazil again and vice v~rsa. 1971 in ,the Lyceum Hall at Panaj1. The programme 'Of exa­ minatien is given below. Panaji, 13th AprU, 1971.-P. 8. Bhatnagar, Dlstrict Magis­ Y'OU are requested te send a list of elig!ble candidates SQ as Itrate. to reach this 'Office oui 'Or befere 5th May, l!971 in the. proforma 1ndicat-ed below:- PROFORMA Notificotion 1; Name: No. MAG~MV/H-l'40/364 2. Office/Dept. in which currently This is an Amendment to tMs office 'Notification werking: No. MAG/MV/70-140/2164 da.ted 7th October, 1970 publIshed 3. Date 'Of appointment/premotion/ in the Official Gazette !No. 29; . Series m da.ted 15-~0-1970. re-designatiIooll' as Accounts- Clerk The District Ma~i'Strate of Goa,_ Panaji, in exerc1se .of i:n the scale of Rs. 130-300. h!is powers under Rule 7.2 of the Goa, Daman and D1u Motor 'Vehicles Rules .19-65 hereby ..notifies the following 4. Cepy of Ord~r 'Of Appoi·ntm-ent; Prometion/Re-desigIiaHen drily places as bus-stops on the Bet1m Mapu~ route. attested should be enclos-ed. No stage carriage shall take up or set down passengers except at the places shown below as bus stops. 5. Certificate frem Head of Office/ No stage carrlage. shall be halted at a bus-stop -for longer !Dept. that the candidate/s ·cen­ than is-~necessary to take up'such passengerS as are await­ cerned p..as/have rendered 'One mg when the_ vehicles arrives and to set down· such passen­ year's continueus servrlce or gers a'S wish to aHght. otherwise as Alccounts Clerk as on 1st May, -11971. Starting Paint Bet'im 6. It repeater: 1st Stop Verem road junctiion-after Food draft i) NQ. -of chances availed 'Of Centre, Porver.im ii) The menth, year, and index 2nd Stop S. do Mundo road junctien·Porv'Ortm. number alt the examinatien in 3rd Stop Alt'O Pervorim, Chapel which appeared previously: 4th Stop Bank of India, Pervor'im ·iii) Exemption 'Obtained ,if any: 5th Stop Ambarim .road jUn-ctien-Porver-1m 6th Stop Pervor.im Bazar Papel' I 7th Stop Guir1m road junctJion (Cress) Part I: Precis and Draft including) 9.30 A. M. to 8th stop Bandar, GufiTim Grammar 12.30 P. M. Part TI: Offi'ce Procedure 9th Stop Bastora road junction t 10th Stop Guirim Chapel, Near Bank of Baroda Paper II Terminus Mapusa Stand Part I: P,recheck i 2 P. M. to Panaji, 14th April, 1971. - P. S. Bhatnagar, District Magis­ Part II: Acceunts 5 P. M. trate. Part III S'ervice Rules J Kindly aclmlowledged receipt of ·this TcommunJication. Panaji, 16th April, 1971. - The Director 'Of Accounts, N. R, Notification Kulkarni. :No. iMAG/MV/71-223 ••• The District -Mag-istrate 'Of Goa, Panaji, ,in exercise of -his powers under 8'ecti'on 74 'Of the Motor Vehicles Act, 19:39 Finance (Controil Department hereby notiflies thak the portion of (lane from St.
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