Paga A-S THE PRESS Sunday, July 30, 1961 Minow On space<^ TLo Mr. Newton Minow, FCC Chairman, makes a special appearance, via tape interview, to discuss Communications Satellites on the "Space Log" color series, Friday night, August 4th, 7:00-7:30 p.m. over KRCA (Channel 4). NBC News Correspondent Ray Sherer met with Mr. Minow in Washington to tape lites, regular series host, Roy the special segment in which Neal, interviews space scien Mr. Minow discusses building tist Dr. of satellite's for both Govern­ George Mueller, oi ment and private industry. Space Technology I^a bora tor To wrap up the story of ies, Inc., in Los Angeles; and Co m m u n i c a t i o n s Satel- a special recorded segment with a noted representative of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company will be featured. KJICA Director, Don Davies flew to New York over the past weekend to se­ cure the added interview. The result, will be an ex­ tremely comprehensive cov­ BRITISH, BRITISHER, BRITISHEST—Enc Sevareid, CBS News family of Sheffield, England, on CBS Reports: "Britain—Blood, erage of the problems of com­ London correspondent (left), discusses the growing power of Sweat and Tears Plus 20 Years," to be rebroadcast Thursday, municating by satellite. The th« British middle class in England with the William Hart Aug. 3, on the CBS Television Network. mechanics of the systems, the benefits to the users, and the regulatory problems in­ Motion Pictures ARE YOU If you are a recent high school grad­ volved will all be treated dur­ uate, or are dissatisfied with your pres­ ing the half-hour colorcast. LOOKING A man sees his name on a ent employment, you may be quali­ Communications satellites tombstone in a monument FOR A fied to enroll at Flavio's Beauty shop in "August Heat," up­ in a few short years may give Origins Traced coming suspense drama on us global live television; over­ The pre-screen history of |all modern film techniques. Is CAREER? College for an exciting career. "Great Ghost Tales" Thurs­ seas telephone calls for about motion pictures, early staging]the subject of Friday's dis­ the same cost as present TORRANCE day, 9:30 p.m. Aug. 10. techniques and the innova­ cussion. His inventions and Flavio BEAUTY COLLEGE THE REAL McCOYS—Luke (Richard Crenna) The cross-country tolls, and world­ falls victim to an artist, Jimmy, is drunk tions of producer I). \VV Grif­ discoveries between the years aggravating image in "Baldy," seen Thursday at 8:30 p.m. on in the August heat in New wide data-link facilities for I the harried businessman. fith will be discussed by, host 1908-1012 will be examined WHERE MEN AND WOMEN LEARN A ABCMV. Channel?. ________. York and stumbles upon the HIGHLY PAID PROFESSION IN 9 MOS. monument shop only to find KRCA's complex three-city Arthur Knight in ,KN«XT's and explained. REGISTRATIONS NOW BE- that the stonecutter, whom coverage of 4he Communica­ early-morning classroom "The "The Liveliest Art" is pre­ ING TAKEN FOR DAY OR Beeinnert, tions Satellite story Liveliest Art," Monday, July NIGHT CLASSES. Senior*, he doesn't know, is exactly would sented three times weekly by Manicuring. 31, Wednesday. August NO AGE LIMIT Buffalo like the man whose picture have been a simpler task, if 2 and 8ruin UP». Bill Comes to there were V r»i d a y, August 4, (6:30 to 7 KNXT and the University of he drew that very morning. a Communications Moderately Priced Hair Service "August Heat/' by W. W. Satellite system in use today. a.m.) on Channel 2.: ( • >. ~ Southern California. Knight, Avftilab!* to the Public Out <rf $t*te. Life on KNXT Show Harvey, was adapted for tele­ "Space Log" is produced in Monday'-s lecturecovets-th* Associate Professor of Cine­ Student Work Intermediate*, The legend of, William vision by Robert Thorn. Ron cooperation with Space Tech­ advances in movie production ma at USC and film critic, for Stvte Director rievio Frederick Cody alias Buffalo nology Laboratories, made during Bliltnano (author, In­ Bill, including little ,known, Winston will be the director. Inc. the inth century, The Saturday Review, teach­ structor, lecturer, win- facts about the Western hero, culminating in ISO") with the ntr of many outstand­ es the non - credit college ing awards. Past Pr*s. will be presented by Dr. Herman Harvey on "The Touch LA Flavio first projection of motion pic­ A Hollywood Hair I of Fame," today July 30, 3 p.m., on Channel 2/ tures on a screen. Knight will course. StylUti. _ _._.„__ Cody, born in Iowa continuing with the Coun­ in 1846, was given the name, Buf­ KTTV Gels analyze the plays and staging FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE (Bonded and undtr luriidiction of itatt) falo Bill at the early age of technique of irrigation ty's program to develop techniques of the same era on Use Press classified ads to to (he Southwest Sportsman's park 1628 CRAVENS AVE., DOWNTOWN TORRANCE 14 when he used to shoot buf­ West and gave substantial aid Wednesday. 1). W: Griffith, buy, rent or sell. Phone into the finest regional rec­ who forged the foundation fdr ' DA 5-1515; For Information Call FAirfax 0-0404 falo for the pioneers en route towards the development of 'One Step...' reational center in Los An­ to KTTV yesterday acquired California. He became a Yellowstone National Park. the fty-epifiode "One Step Be- geles County, the Board of scout during the Indian Wars "The Touch of Faml" is yond"'serics of.half-hou.r tele- Supervisors has approved and later developed the fam­ presented weekly by, KNXT viRion programs from ABC- final plans and specifications ous Wild TV Film Syndication, it was for construction of a nine hole West Show,. He re­ and'thfi University of South­ pitch and putt golf co'urse fused to accept a seat in Con­ ern California. .Dr." < Harvey, announced by'Dick Woollen, gress the station's vice president in IheTe, it wns announced this though already elected Associate Professor of Psy- week by William N. Stivers, without his consent, but took choloj at USC» hosts the charge of programs, i KTTV Supervisor Hahn's chief de­ advantage of the "honorable" series!? rodmref-R are William is the first station in puty. title which he always used in the nation to purchase the Rtedman of tho University In front of his name. and .Joe Sand for KNXT pf .,.b-..,,, \v,,f ,ii,. M represented approving construct inn Dr. Harvey will trace thei IJ|jhli <: Affairs. ( irr'the ne#n- of the new recreational faci­ lity Hie Board of Supervisors colorful man's life in' show 1i;itKins .inn .i,u-k Tobin han­ dler! for ABC-TV Film ftvndi- issued a call for bids, which business and politics-to -illu­ will be opened on strate how a legend is formed. CYO Night With cjit ion. ' Series, originally re- August 16. Influential In tHe conservation loHsr-d . as "Alcoa Presents," The LA^Dodqers dramatizes true stories of Use classified ads for'quick movement, Cody has been re­ results. Phone DA 5-1515. ferred to as the Father of Re- Choice blocs of $3.~>0 box psychic phenomena. It will clamation, Introduced the seats and $2.50 reserved seats he programmed this fall on now are available for the KTTV. Winter Leagues third annual "CYO Night With the DodgWs" Monday, Aug. 14, at the Coliseum. The Now Dodgers will play the St. Forming Louis Cardinals. "Threshold" a three part All proceeds except tax GABLE series of 90-miute programs charges will again,benefit the HOUSE exploring America's scientific CYO's varied program among BOWL plans, objectives and accom­ under privileged South plishments in the Space Age land youth. FR 8-2265 will be produced by NB.C All checks and money or­ News for presentation on true ders for tickets must be made NBC Television Network dur­ out to the Catholic Youth Or­ ing the 1961-62 season. ganization and mailed c/o L»a*ue» which ere avail­ CVO Dodger (lame, Catholic able to bowler* include the Sunday • Monday Chanties following: Center, ] 100 W. Monday * e.m. Mixed l'», Lana Turner Ninth St., Los Angeles 15, 7M hdcp.. 10 teams. Monday t p.m.. Men'* J'l, 'PORTRAIT Calif. •00 hdcp. 10 teemt. R Tuetdav IN BLACK' * 30 p.m., Mixed Vi, Jit hdcp. (b*e), 10 (Color) teams. James Davit TuewJay • p.m., ladtet' O Scratch Trio, 47$, 10 'THE GAMBLER Fiscal team*. WORE A GUN' Tueiday 7:30 p.m , Mixed Trio Scratch, soo, to A team*. Tuesday • W*dnttday Tuetdav * p.m.. Mixed Policies Doublet, hdcp., max. 300. Cameron Mitchell 10 team*. PATRICIA BLAKE star* in Tuetdav t p m.. Merch­ D 'ESCAPADE IN ant* Hdcp. ( MO, 10 teemt. JAPAN' "The Prince**," debuting to­ Wednetriay 4:30 p.m. Twl- (Color) Discussed llwht Five*, 100, men hdcp morrow, Monday, at 9 a. m. 10 team*. 1 Also Alan Cranston, controller on KTTV, Channel II. Pat it a Wednesday <:30 p.m., Mixed rivet, aOO, 10 teem* John McKay of the State of California, will story-teller who spins tales of Wednesday » p.m. Mixed 'THE DEAD ONE' Five*, 7SO, M teemt. guest with regular moderator enchantment for young peo­ Thurtday, e:30 p.m. Mixed U Leonard Shane to discuss the ple of ages 4 to Five*, 12 team*. * * 12. The show Thurtday » p.m. Men'* fiscal policies of California, ' will be carried daily Monday Scratch Five*, 10 team*.
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