THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ☆ VETERANS OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE VOLUME I I I NUMBER 1 THE ARDENNES CAMPAIGN MARCH 198A signments will be made according to your 1984 ARDENNES VISIT service - dividing the Bulge area into the We th o u g h t th e i n t e r e s t was t h e r e ................. north and south sectors. Next, we will now we know! It is! The response to our study your individual requests of places AOth Anniversary European tour to partici­ you want to visit and route the motorcoach pate in special commemorative events honor­ as closely to that area as possible, and ing the Battle of the Bulge has been great. plans are under way to have local citizens We are now is a GO position! Already 96 provide their private cars to take individ­ people have registered for our trip and ual family units to these special places on more are expected! one or more of the days that we will be t h e r e . Our planned trip has stirred the memories and imagination of nearly every European Each motorcoach will operate as a separ­ nation, particularly Belgium and Luxembourg. ate tour, not in convoy, to enable greater This was clearly evidenced in September when flexibility. At the same time, scheduling members of the VBOB took part in the Cler- will be arranged to insure that everyone is vaux, Luxembourg, dedication of a new G.I. present at predetermined points for group monument built by that small community to functions and events. This will enable honor the American veterans of the Bulge. everyone to enjoy the major group events, But everywhere, it seems, from officials to but still have the opportunity of "doing local citizens, great anticipation was ex­ t h e i r own th in g " in t h e i r own s e c t o r s . pressed at the prospect of joining with This represents a massive planning program, them in 198A to remember the AOth Anniver­ but it will be accomplished. Much of the s a r y . And w o n d e rfu l p la n s a r e b e in g d ev ­ success w ill, however, depend upon each e lo p e d . person who plans to take part. Early reg­ istration and advance information as to Many q u e s tio n s have been r a i s e d in th e your particular areas of interest, as re­ past several weeks about how the trip will quested in the Registration Form, will be organized; whether individuals who take h e lp . SO ACT PROMPTLY! I f you p la n to go part will be able to return to their spec­ and have not registered, make your reser­ i a l p la c e s w here t h e i r own u n i t f o u g h t; vations NOW. Don't delay. And mail in will there be time to retrace some of our your requests for special places immediat­ route, etc. These are all good questions e l y , to o . and are being considered by Galaxy Tours, our tour organizer, a company which has A few other facts which will be helpful.. specialized.in trips for U.S. veterans for FIRST, there are a number of tours be­ more than 20 years. ing offered by different organizations and travel companies. Some of these are excel­ But le t's examine some of these points. lent, but tend to lean very heavily on one Fortunately, the complete area of Bulge or two basic elements without the balance action is relatively restricted. It will of historic facts and personal involvement enable all of us to enjoy an overview of with local citizens and touristattractions. the total battle areas, yet to have suffic­ Our VBOB trip is structured to recognize ient time in our own sectors to revisit that most people want some of both. It is places that are particularly important to our belief that the association of our each of us. We will accomplish this in members with local people in each area in several ways; for instance, motorcoach as­ which we can share together some of the extraordinary activities being planned is V itS l wC tw0 pr*OpS*^ y>oc! +■ o ^ T r>r* ryf' PnlgO BATTLE OF THE BULGE action and the development of family par­ IViQrsiUfVIEfNiT TO THE ticipation in the growth of VBOB itself. AMERICArU SOLOIER Moreover, the spirit and the friendships On the occasion of the dedication of the manifested in our visits will contribute to monument to the American Soldier in the a more meaningful experience and support Battle of the Bulge in Clervaux, Luxembourg the common goal of perpetuating the wonder­ on 11 September 1983, VBOB President, Clyde ful relationships which have endured for D. Boden, addressed the assemblage as fol­ the past AO years. lows : SECOND, airline arrangements will be "Royal Highnesses, excellencies, ladles, made for you from your home to Europe and return. If you want to remain overseas after the tour ends, Galaxy will assist you and provide the lowest cost, most conven­ ient airline arrangements for you. You can even return from a city other than that shown in our brochure. Call them on their toll-free telephone (800-523-7287) for in­ formation . THIRD, d e t a i l s and recom m endations w ill be sent to you soon regarding suggestions for perhaps small gift items you may want to take to Europe to present to your hosts who will be attending to your special re­ quests. We are planning social gatherings with our friends in Belgium and Luxembourg and this information will be sent out to everyone who i s going. Scj — we’re on our way . but we want Y 0 U to be with us. If you haven't made your r-eservations, DO IT TODAY! If you would like another copy of the tour broch­ ure, let us know. Tt will sent to you. And, by the way, bring your family and friends with you. This will be perhaps our "LAST Hurrah" for major celebrations in MONUMENT TO THE AMERICAN SOLDIER IN THE Europe! And it will be a good one! BATTLE OF THE BULGE.................................................... [This information is provided by "Kipp" gentlemen, distinguished guests and mem­ D eA ngelis, VBOB's L ia iso n O ffic e r f o r In ­ bers of CEBA (Cercle d'etudes sur la Bat- ternational and Intergovernmental A ffairs.1 aille des Ardennes), it is with the great­ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= est of pleasure that I join with others here to bring you warm greetings from the Outfit Reunions Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge on this The 557th AAA Battalion Association will momentous occasion honoring those who par­ hold its 35th Annual Reunion at the Marriott ticipated 40 years ago in combat here in M otel, H a rrisb u rg , PA on 18 & 19 May 19BA. the Ardennes. In this peaceful setting in Further details may be obtained from L. C lervaux, we a re f a r rem.oved from the h ard ­ Edell, 290A OakcresL, Baltimore, MD 21234. ships and horrors of that pivotal battle »>»>>»»><<<<«<<<<<< which was fought in the most severe of 1984 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SHAPES UP! weather conditions -- fog, mud, ice, snow - 9j_ 10, 11 November 1984 __________ over a period of 40 days and which involved NOTICE n o t only a m illio n tro o p s but a ls o many others whose heroism cannot go unnoticed... The VBOB Executive Council will meet at Our thoughts are sad as we gaze at this y a.m. on baturnay, Marcn 31, iy«4, at striking monument which reminds us of val­ Fort Myer, VA. Other VBOB members are invited to attend. ues that have undergirded free-thinking people for centuries. But I see more than citizens of Luxembourg as you gather to a monument . I see a soldier, seemingly celebrate and commemorate the liberation of solemn in thought, recalling for us battles your home country nearly AO years ago. over the ages. Those were battles — some Those indeed were trying times, but during won, some lost — that were in many the long dark years of occupation, faith in instances fought by young people who just the future and belief in the fundamental recently had been in school, on the farm, v alu es of freedom , peace, and human d ig n ity in the office, in the factory willing to were reaffirmed. The placement of this give their lives for what they believed to monument to an unknown GI stands as a f it­ be r i g h t . " ting tribute to the courage and dedication of those from both our countries who died Mr. Boden went on to say "But most of all to restore liberty. This monument will I see a challenge. 1 see a challenge to serve as a solemn reminder of the joyous people who want freedom and peace, a chal­ day when at last Luxembourg was released lenge to strengthen those who are free to from the grip of oppression. I wish to ex­ stand up and fight, a challenge to aid press my sincere appreciation for this those who want to shake off the yoke and so symbol of enduring friendship between our indicate by their actions.
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