1803 .......... 1953 OHIO SESQUICENTENNIAL 25c t ~-=r---=- - Cleaner, fresber, Smoother\ IN\ DIANA- OHIO w · . VrLnuR E STATE tlham A · SNYPP E · John F. J-i Woodruff • d1tor Nati ummel - - A~vertisin Don Snal Advertisi;;- - }trculatio~ ~anager pencer Co., 2 g epresentative anager he Pr id • ew York /i Madison Av e., TOhio enl s Page ' . Y. ndianatale ·Fo th all. taff----- ------------ Oh' mvers0 ity Offi . ------ --------- . ' "'" A,hl . mb ----------- ------ 4 IHoo , i« c "'" "" ----- --- -__ _ -- --- ------ 5 Me 0t Tl oaches - ---------- ----------- 6 ,e Ho · ------ ------ --- 9 Ohio ,., ., ""' Pl,yo,; ·-------------_:: ·· --------_ 1 fodiao, Pl 0o.Cap.,io, ---------___ ------_____ Ohio 0 9 B,~d ,.,.,'fi'',l,<e ~d --,------::·_- C?aeho __ --------------____- ______ ::::: , ;---.------ _____ 10 Oh ,o ""' Pl, o,qm,oo,oooi,, ----------- ----- • 3'. 36, 40 T,eaty L' k yers ----- ------ },I p·ione er mpi. 't01 . 0, -------Indian; __________ ------- l6. 29- -'i:--1 3---------15 cen r ri 11n M -- ' · · • 8 42 •9 0 h,o· '.' e,.'°"' id 195' 1- G,m," ""' -------- _______' ' ']8 hio', Coll '"" - ------ ----------. 20 Ohio "" '{"' --- ______ :: ·· --------____ ::·· ---------" Ob,o tat o te,· -------- -------- 23 e at C ----- ----- ---45 fodiao, R os•ter ,lilorni, ---------------__ -- ------_________--_______----.. 3347 _______ _48 C I G A R 3 PRESIDENT'S PAGE W. W . HAYES, Head Cooch ESCO SARKKINEN, HARRY L. STROBEL, WILLIAM R. HESS, End Cooch Defensive Line Coach Freshman Cooch EUGENE FEKETE, DOYT L. PERRY, Asst. Backfield Cooch Backfield Cooch THE Ohio tate Univer ity is proud today lo open its 64th year of var ity foot­ ball. Throughout its 80-year history, the University has sought to maintain a high standard of athletic competition. Football has played an important part in fulfilling this objective. It is appropriate that the 1953 ea 011 should open with our good neighbors from the west, Indiana Uniyersity. Our visitor represent a stat who e early hi tory in many ways parallels the development of Ohio. \Ve welcome them on this occasion and call their attention to the 1 SOth anniversary of our state. Dr. Howard L. Bevi,, . WILLIAM S. ARNSPARGER, E. R. GODFREY, Defensive Backfield WILLIAM A . O 'HARA, Tockle Cooch Asst. Athletic Director Junior Varsity Cooch 4 5 Indiana University Officials ERNEST R. BIGGS, Head Trainer DR. HERMAN B. WELLS President RALPH GUARASCI, Stadium Supt. PAUL J. HARRELL ROBERT C. RIES, MARVIN HOMAN, Dr. RICHARD PATION, Dr. ROBERT J. MURPHY Director of Athletics Asst. Ticket Director Asst. Pub . Dir. Team Physician Team Physician 6 7 Hoosier .Coaches MEET THE HOOSIERS Center Chuck Razmic ·aw more gridiron action Coach Bernie Crimmins, then a Notre Dame as­ last season than any member of the 1953 quad. Play­ sistant. felt bad when Tackle John Connors, from ing offense, he totaled 289 minutes, never dropping Chicago t. Patrick, didn't head for South Bend. The Indiana Staff below 29 minutes a game .... Tommy Cas idy, Now the Hoo ier coach feel right happy the big sophomore quarterback from Chicago Mt. Carmel, lineman cha e Indiana instead .... Halfback Jerry played under Terre Brennan, former otre Dame Ellis. an offensi,·e starter for two seasons, won 16 Director of Athletics star and now a member of the Irish coaching staff letter in high school at New Castle and was All­ PAUL J. HARRELL, Indiana, '29 .... End Paul Kobulnicky, who wa picked Mid- State in both football and ba ketball, as well as being we tern Lineman of the Week a standout in track and baseball. Head Football Coach after last years Purdue game, His leaping catch of a pass on and his wife became the parents the one-yard line. urrounded by BERNIE CRIMMINS, Notre Dame, '42 of a on in August .... Tackle Purdue defenders, with second (At left) Conney Kimbo wa picked by the to go was one of 1952' out-of­ pring practice squad a Indi­ lhi -world plays .... End J aim Line Coaches ana's most-improved lineman. Zuger is the squad's artist and CHRIS DEL SASSO, Indiana, '37 The trophy for the most-im­ ha had his oils and water colors ROBERT MADDOCK, Notre Dame, '42 proved back went to Quarterback exhibited in campu shows .... Florian Belinski, the Hurley, Halfback Earl (Petey) Fisher, \,Vis., junior who. after two years although only 5-4 and 1SS Backfield Coach as Indiana's ace punter, as ume pound , led the squad in pass HARRY CONNOLLY, Boston Col., '43 quarterbacking respon ibilities receptions last Fall with 27, only Jim Vesel .... Guard Dick Barnhart and one under Clifton (Doc) Ander­ To m Dailey End Coach Center Jim Ve el, both from son's Indiana record: A bride- South Bend Central, had their high chool coach o-room of last . ummer ... The Hoosier football ROBERT FITCH, Minnesota, '42 catch up with them at Indiana when Chris Dal Sa so squad ha repre ntatives from 12 ·tate .... Guard joined the Hoosier staff .... End Iate Borden has Tom Dailey was a fullback until three weeks 1 e­ Freshman Coach been around. At Jersey City he was an All-State fore the opener at Ohio State last year but made the TED WHEREA TT, fullback, moved to tackle his la t season and made conver ion and played 31 minutes against the Bucks. All-State there. After lettering as A business major, he's squad's Superior (Wis.) State College, '28 a freshman tackle, he moved to secon 1-highe t ranking -cholar end la t year and caught a TD .... Wayne Ethridge, who Ho­ pass in his first game against osier follower predict will be­ Ohio State. Coaches think he come one of the nation· great may become one of Big Ten's centers, turns 19 the day before best .... Fullback Les Kun turn­ Indiana's Dad's Day game with ed in the season's most sensation­ orthwestern, Nov. 14 .... End al play last season. A freshman I at Fellinger may celebrate with halfback then, he completed a 59- him. He' a day older .... Center yard pass play again t Iowa aft.er Ernie Ferrario never played high half-time had run out with a 25- school football but made the All yard run in which he juggled the North California Junior College ball agonizingly for ten yards and Dick Barn hart B, oc k Strom Conference team as a tackle then staggered and stumbled the while at Hartnell JC in Salinas final ten yards after baking off a desperation ankle Guard Tommy Hall will be observing his 21st tackle .... Fullback John Bartkiewicz, a freshman birthday when the Hoosier meet Missouri in the letterman last season, is a Marine veteran of the Oct. 31 Homecoming .... It will be sort of a home­ Korean war. From Chicago Tilden Tech, John went coming for Line Coach Bob Maddock, who was on into service with a Re erve unit the Missouri staff for three years after graduation in 1950. A tank before coming to Indiana .... commander, he took part in the Top cholar of the football squad drive into North Korea and la t year was Center Brock fought his way out when Chine e Strom, who averaged a shade Reds intervened and forced evac­ under straight-A marks on a uation in December of that year. tough 1 etroleum engineering ma­ He was rotated home in time to jor .... Guard Lou Kollias is enter the University for the sec­ nicknamed "The Golden Greek" ond semester last year. Brothers .... Ed Slosky, moved from full­ Joe, an end, and Walt, a guard back to guard la t season, got to who captained the 1949 team, play only ten minutes but im­ INDIANA COACHING STAFF- left to right: Ted Whereatt, freshman coach; Chris Dal Sasso, line coach; Bob Maddock, line John Connors played at Indiana from 1946 proved o much over the year he's Ed Slosky coach; Bernie Crimmins, head coach; Bob Fitch, end coach; Mike Connolly, backfield coach. through 1949 .... counted on as a starter thi . ea on. 8 9 Ohio State's Co-Captains \"'::: ~..,.. IF YOU Howard Johnson's O· know the ~ ' ·: ..· \ <.. ·.. ·· ) : .. ·1; .. ·i ·· .. \ .. ~ . #. -~ \ lee Cream lwppes and Restaurants you'll choose the OF Score ••• freedom and luxury of COLUMBUS, OHIO modern, fully automatic • BEFORE AND AFTER THE GAME ROBERT JOSLIN GAS APPLIANCES AVOID IN-TOWN PARKING PROBLEMS End so fast, clean, cool, econom1ca• 11. • Modern GAS ranges, refrigerators, Three Convenient Locations water heaters, incinerators, and clothes dryers are designed for • carefree living ... and family fun East Broad Street and James Road 5090 North High Street the ohio fuel gas company 1313 Olentangy River Road I - - GEORGE JACOBY Tackle 10 11 those who know fine food .... recommend The Maramor Columbus' Nationally Famous Restaurant LUNCHEON ... COCKTAILS ... DINNER 137 E. Broad St. (2 minutes walk from Broad and High) ADams 9286 TOM CASSIDY Be Sure To Visit Our Unique Gift Shop No. 26-Quarterback THE THE HISS STAMP SHAW-DAVIS CO. COMPANY FUNERAL HOMES 34 W. 2nd Ave. UN . 4155-4156 HERMAN A. BLOOM Ambulance Service President and Ge11 eral Ma11 ager JERRY ELLIS KEN SCHERMER JAMES RAHMAN JOHN BARTKIEWICZ No. 49-Fullback Columbus' Newest Funeral Home No. 16-Halfback No. 6B-End No. B9-End and Chapel 4341 N. High St. RUBBER, BRASS AND STEEL LA. 2600 MARKING DEVICES JE. 3600 BRONZE TABLETS LATEST CADILLAC AMBULANCES NUMBERING MACHINES Serving the Stadium since its inception 195 EAST LONG STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO Henry H. Shaw, Jr. Robert J. Shaw WILLIAM HOLZBACH No. 40-Halfback TELLINGS The Quality lee Cream 245 E. Town St. AD. 2171 JOHN ZUGER No. BS-End 12 13 Band Salutes Sesquicentennial JACK 0 . EVANS, Director CHARLES L. SPOHN , Assistant Conductor FORREST D. STOLL, Assistant Director JAMES E. BODMAN , Drum Major MARTY KAROW, MIKE PEPPE, ROBERT KEPLER, HERMAN WIRTHWEIN, Baseball Swimming Golf Tennis FLOYD STAHL, FORMATION MUSIC Basketball Asst.
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