The Threatened and Rare Plant Species of the Lake Shkodra – Delta Buna Hydrological System Marash Rakaj1, Lefter Kashta 1Department of Biology, University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Sheshi “2 Prilli" Shkoder, Albania ABSTRACT The wetland ecosystem of Lake Shkodra - Buna Delta constitutes a habitat complex favorable for the development of high floristic diversity. Different ecological forms of plants are identified in that region, such as hydrophytes, hygrophytes, helophytes, halophytes, geophytes, psamo-halophytes and psamophytes etc. Based on number of threatened species, richness flora and threatened habitats both sites, Lake Shkodra and Buna Delta in Albanian IPAs (Important Plant Areas) were included. The flora of this region is characterised by a high number of threatened and rare species as well as isolated endemic species. Three globally and European threatened species (Trapa natans, Marsilea quadrifolia and Caldesia parnassifolia) and eight Balkan or local endemic species are evidenced. In the recent Red List of Albanian Flora of 360 species, 128 of them from Shkodra district are included, important number of them belongs to the wetland ecosystem of the Lake Shkodra – Delta Buna. In this paper a list of 31 threatened, rare and endemic plant species (18 hydrophytes and hygrophytes, 5 geophytes, 6 trees and shrubs and 2 psamophytes), as well their distribution and status according to IUCN categories are given. Three species belong to ferns and 28 belong to Angiosperms. The species distribution was mapped on 10 x 10 sq. km and shown in a UTM grid system. Keyword: Lake Shkodra, Delta Buna, threatened species, rare species, hydrophytes and wetland. Introduction The wetland ecosystems of the Lake Shkodra and Delta Buna represent one of important centers of geodiversity and biodiversity for Western Balkan and South-East Europe. It is the most important wetland system along the Adriatic Sea and one of the best preserved in the Mediterranean (STUMBERGER et al. 2008). It include a large crossborder wetland surface (>30.000.00 ha) with a high biodiversity and numerous endemic and relict species of flora and fauna. Montenegrin part of Lake Shkodra has the status of the National Park, while as a whole lake it was designated as Ramsar site (2006) and together with Delta Buna were included in the list of Important Bird Areas (IBA) with a global importance. Delta Buna was declared protected region and also in the European green belt and in list of Albanian Important Plant Areas (IPAs) together with Lake Shkodra were included (SHUKA et al. 2008). The wetland ecosystem of Lake Shkodra and Delta Buna extending along Adriatic Sea is part of the Mediterranean evergreen shrubs zone, ilicis Adriatic subzone (Orno-Quercetum ilicis). Vegetation is dominated mainly by evergreen and deciduous forests and shrubs known as maquis and garrigue (RUCI 1986). The wetland is characterized by numerous favorable habitats suitable for development of life, as Marine, Estuarine (Delta Buna), Lacustrine (Lake Shkodra, Lake Shasi), Riverine (Buna and Morača Rivers, the last part of Drin), Palustrine (Viluni Lagoon, marshes), sandy shore etc. (SCHNEIDER – JACOBY et al. 2006a). Methodology Applied The List of the Rare and Threatened plant species of the area is based mainly on personal investigations and collecting plants material during 1998-2009 and on literature sources data (JANCHEN 1920; RUCI 1983; HADZIABLAHOVIC et al. 2001; DESFAYES 2004; KARPATI & KARPATI 1961; KASHTA 2007, KASHTA & RAKAJ 2001, 2003; SHUKA et al. 2008; XHULAJ & SHUKA 2007; RAKAJ 2009). The threatened status of listed plants of the Lake Shkodra and Delta Buna were specified according to Red Lists of Albanian Flora (ANONYMOUS 1997, 2007; VANGJELI, RUCI & MULLAJ 1995), IUCN categories (WALTER & GILLET 1998) and their actual situation during our field trip. BALWOIS 2010 - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - 25, 29 May 2010 1 Among the thousands of plant, it is necessary to make a selection of species that are considered to be of specific conservation concern, co-called “target species”. Target species are defined as species of European importance, which fulfill at least one of the criteria: The Bern Convention (Emeral Network), The Habitat Directive for the conservation of wild animal and plant species and natural habitats (Natura 2000), Listing on IUCN Red lists and endemism. On the basis of relevant distribution data, all investigated plant species are mapped on 10 x 10 sq. km and shown in a UTM grid system. The wetland indicator status based on wetland flora according to REED (1988), for first time was given using indicator categories: OBL - Obligate Wetland (>99% in wetland) FACW - Facultative Wetland (>67-99% in wetland) FAC - Facultaive (34-66% in wetland or equally) FACU – Facultative Upland (1-33% in wetland) UPL – Obligate Upland (>99%) Results Obtained The high ecological diversity explained by different wetland types and habitats have influenced not only to a rich flora, but also has conditioned growing a large number of rare and threatened plant species with a great scientific interest. The recent Red List of Albanian Flora (2007) include round 360 threatened and rare species or 10% of Albanian wild flora, of which round 128 species belong to the Red List of Shkodra plants included more then 30 species that grown in the Lake Shkodra and Delta Buna wetland ecosystems (Table 1; Figure 1, 2, 3). Critically endangered CR A1b 1 CR A1c 1 Endangered EN A1b 4 EN A1c 1 Vulnerable VU A1b 17 VU A2b 2 Lower risk LRnt 2 Three species belong to ferns and 28 belong to Angiosperms, of them 22 herbaceous and 6 trees and shrubs. Three globally and European threatened species: Trapa natans, Marsilea quadrifolia and Caldesia parnassifolia grown on the investigated area. Four species: Caldesia parnassifolia (Bassi) Parlatore, Marsilea quadrifolia L., Trapa natans L., and Salvinia natans (L.) All. were included in the Bern Convention as regionally endangered. Almost extinct in that area would be considered Marsilea quadrifolia, Salvinia natans and Lycium europaeum, since have not been found in the reported areas for many years. Common Oak (Quercus robur) was considered critically risked due to damage and destruction of its habitat as a result of human activity. Specie (Hydrocotyle vulgaris) was considered rare species due to the critical reduction of their habitat, which might lead up to extinction. Two species (Anacamptis pyramidalis and Hyacinthela dalmatica) are proposed to include in the Red List of Albanian plants, because of their very limited distribution area in Albania. Also, Leucojum aestivum was proposed to include in the Red List of Albania some years ago (ZEKAJ & KASHTA 2006). Round 15 species belong to hydrophytes and hygrophytes, 6 to phanerophytes (trees and shrubs), 5 geophytes, 3 hemicryptophytes and 3 psamophytes. Among vulnerable species, which include the hydrophytes, their survival depends on the conservation of species ecosystem often sensitive such as coastal lagoons and water basins. In the Red List of ecosystems were included rare, endemic and threatened plants with scientific values, that are threatened from damage of their habitats as result of erosion, deforestation, changing of water regime, introduction of invasive species, pollution of their habitats by urban and solid residue etc. The impact of human activity particularly in the last decades has caused the damage and the degradation of several habitats and ecosystems threatening the existence of many plant and animal species. New insight will be valuable in the area aiming to evaluate in more details the ecological situation of actual list of the rare and threatened plant species. Table 1. The Red List of plant species of Lake Shkodra and Delta Buna wetland ecosystems BALWOIS 2010 - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - 25, 29 May 2010 2 DIVISION NR. SCIENTIFIC NAME FAMILY WETLAND IUCN LOCALITIES INDICATOR STATUS STATUS I. PTERIDOSP. 1. Adianthum capillus- Adiantaceae UPL, FACU VU A1b Mokset (Lake veneris LINNAEUS 1753 Shkodra) 2. Marsilea quadrifolia Marsileaceae OBL EN A1c Mertemza LINNAEUS 1753 marsh 3. Salvinia natans (L.) Salviniaceae OBL EN A1c Mertemza ALLIONI 1785 marsh III. ANGIOSP. 4. Nuphar lutea (L.) SMITH Nympheaceae OBL; FACW VU A1b Lake Shkodra, 1809 Domen and A. Mertemza NYMPHEACEAE 5. Nymphea alba Nympheaceae OBL VU A1b Lake Shkodra, LINNAEUS 1753 V.Rezervat Domen and Mertemza B. 6. Ranunculus lingua Ranunculacea FACW VU A1b Lake Shkodra, MESANGIOSP. LINNAEUS 1822 e Domen and Mertemza B1. EUDICOTS 7. Nymphoides peltata Menyanthace OBL VU A1b Lake Shkodra (S.GMELIN) O.KUNTZE ae 1891 8. Hydrocotyle vulgaris Apiaceae FACW VU A2b Lake Shkodra, LINNAEUS 1753 V. Rezervat 9. Oenanthe tenuifolia Apiaceae FACW VU A1b Lake Shkodra, BOISSIER ET Velipoja ORPHANIDES 1859 Rezevat 10. Hippuris vulgaris Hippuridaceae FACW VU A1b Lake Shkodra LINNAEUS 1753 11. Trapa natans LINNAEUS Lythraceae OBL EN A1b Lake Shkodra, 1753 Delta Buna 12. Tanacetum cinerarifolia Asteraceae UPL VU A1b Shiroke (Lake (TREV.) SCHULTZ BIP Shkodra) 1820 13. Quercus robur Fagaceae FACU VU A1b Lake Shkodra LINNAEUS 1753 V. Rezervat 14. Laurus nobilis LINNAEUS Lauraceae UPL EN A1b Lake Shkodra, 1753 Delta Buna 15. Salix triandra LINNAEUS Salicaceae FACW, FAC VU A1b Lake Shkodra BALWOIS 2010 - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - 25, 29 May 2010 3 1753 Delta Buna 16. Prunus webbii (SPACH) Rosaceae UPL VU A1b Zogaj (Lake VIERH. 1915 Shkodra) 17. Petteria ramentacea Fabaceae UPL Lr nt Zogaj (Lake (SIEBER) C. PRESLE Shkodra) 1845 18. Lycium europaeum Solanaceae FACU, CR A1b Velipoja LINNAEUS 1753 FAC* Reservat B2. MONOCOTS 19. Butomus umbelatus Butomaceae FACW VU A1b Lake Shkodra LINNAEUS 1753 Delta Buna 20. Baldellia ranunculoides Alismataceae FACW CR A1c Velipoja (L.) PARLATORE 1860 Reservat 21. Caldesia parnassifolia Alismataceae OBL, FACW VU A1b Lake Shkodra (BASSI) PARLATORE 1860 22. Sagittaria sagittifolia L. Alismataceae FACW, VU A1b Domen, 1753 Mertemza and Lake Shkodra 23. Hydrocharis morsus- Hydrocharitac OBL, FACW VU A1b Domen and ranae LINNAEUS 1753 eae Delta Buna 24. Zostera noltii HORNEM Zosteraceae OBL VU A2b Viluni Lagoon 1832 25. Gladiolus palustris Iridaceae FACW LR nt Lake Shkodra, GAUDIN 1828 V.
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