BRYMPTON PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Office, Abbey Community Centre, The Forum, YEOVIL, BA21 3TL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BRYMPTON PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 23rd SEPTEMBER 2020 ONLINE AT ZOOM.US. PRESENT: Mr K Weston (Chairman ) Mr G Pritchard (Vice-Chairman) Mr S Attrill Mr P Burt Miss O Darling-Finan Mrs E-J Hopkins Mr P Seib Mrs J Snell Mr D Staddon Mr Williams Mrs D Wood Mrs E James (Clerk) One member of the public OPEN SESSION FOR BRYMPTON PARISHIONERS None REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Mr Seib and Mr Williams provided updates. 87/20 TO RECEIVE ANY APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE A personal apology was received from Mr Wood. 88/20 TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Mr Weston declared a personal interest in agenda item 7, as an employee of the National Trust. Mr Williams, Mr Seib and Mrs Snell and declared that their interests were as written in their Register of Interests. 89/20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 26th AUGUST 2020 It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 26th August 2020. 90/20 CRIME, DISORDER and COMMUNITY SAFETY (a) Members noted that a fire had occurred in the meadow of the Larkhill Open Space, which had been attended by Police and Fire Brigade. (b) Police had been advised of drug taking activities within the parish. The Police had recommended that such activities are notified to 101, with the use of the Take3Words app so that the exact location can be found. It was AGREED to advise the Police that the disused part of Alvington Lane behind the hotel should be monitored for similar activity. (c) It was NOTED that there had been a spate of arson events. It was RESOLVED to bring forward agenda item 7. 91/20 PLANNING (a) APPLICATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION 20/01859/FUL - The erection of a first floor side extension to dwellinghouse. 29 Trellech Court, BA21 3TE RECOMMENDATION: SUPPORT 30 20/02147/FUL - The erection of a two storey side extension and front porch, to include an integral garage. 74 Bond Street, BA22 8SP RECOMMENDATION: SUPPORT 20/02047/OUT - Outline application for residential development for up to 73 dwellings, including access with all other matters reserved Land South Of Tintinhull Road Chilthorne Domer RECOMMENDATION: OBJECT The Parish Council object to this application - specifically sustainability, the disproportionate size of the application and highway concerns; Infrastructure: a) The increased loading on the existing infrastructure is significant : b) the drainage and sewage are already overstretched with cases of flooding reported. c) the school is full and there is no easy way in which it could be increased in size, hence children would need to be schooled in another area. Highways: d) The single site entrance onto Tintinhull Road (priority junction) needs review in light of the existing road infrastructure. e) The site fails to encourage the use of non-vehicle modes of transport f) It is difficult to access the village from the proposed site, so at the very least a pedestrian crossing and traffic calming measures would be needed. g) Any highway measures would result in a need for street lighting. h) the Travel plan predicts a 70% use of cars and predominantly these will be family and the work commute. The rise in vehicle use is not insignificant considering the existing road infrastructure. General comments: i) The proposal fails to recognise in a reasonable manner, the provision with an appropriate scale & massing to respect the form and layout of the existing (rural) residential development -less the existing plans for the 28 new builds ! Consequently, the proposal does not sensitively integrate into the existing townscape. j) We cannot see how the proposal passes the “positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness” of the site, as per NPPF Para 192. k) The proposal fails to recognise in a reasonable manner, the provision with an appropriate scale & massing to respect the form and layout of the existing (rural) residential development -less the existing plans for the 28 new builds l) The site fails to encourage the use of non-vehicle modes of transport. m) The site layout considers the use of solar radiation (building locations and ’solar gain') and yet none are detailed – is the onus on new property owners – in which case it is considered that the sustainability aspects of PV/solar is unlikely. n) The proposal to use triple glazing, increased insulation, electric power points and low carbon lighting are all welcome, but we have seen no definitive build standards detailing it – is this aspirational only?. 30 o) Waste management issues raised by the SSDC Somerset Waste Partnership are logical and reasonable. Additional parking provisions lack detail and empirically parking alongside the arterial roads (single access and exit point) are likely to cause issues. Final comment Councillors believe that on balance the proposal is not well suited in the current format and should be refused. The size and pace of change to the rural village would be irreversibly damaged by the proposal. The vehicle access and increased traffic is of particular concern. The apparent widespread opposition is tangible and whilst new homes are necessary the impact to Chilthorne Domer would be significant and detrimental to the rural community. Should the application be approved then Elms T3 and TG4 should be appropriately replaced and special care is given to the significant oak (T8) in terms of its roots. Mr Seib and Mrs Snell advised that they would consider the matter afresh when considered by the District Council. 20/02352/FUL - Full planning application to develop the site to provide 27 employment units for Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 purposes, construct vehicular accesses and parking areas together with the landscaping of the site. Plot 21 Artillery Road Brympton BA22 8RP It was NOTED that the application below had been received on 23rd September and required a response by 14th October. It was AGREED that, in accordance with Standing Order 15(b)(xvi), the Clerk would respond following consultation with Mr Attrill, Mr Burt, Mr Seib and Mr Weston. (b) Lufton Key Site – In accordance with min. no. 70/20(e) an update on the progress of the Lufton Key Site had been requested from the District Council. (c) South Somerset District Council have confirmed without modification Brympton No. 1 Tree Preservation Order 2020 - Trees and Woodland on Old Preston Road. (d) PLANNING UPDATES (i) Consultation on changes to the current Planning System - no comments. (ii) Consultation on Planning for the Future - no comments. (iii) Transparency and Competition: Data and land control - no comments. (iv) Comments on the consultations from SSDC Planning Policy Team had been circulated. (e) NOMINATIONS FOR THE PLANNING WORKING GROUP TO CONSIDER It was AGREED that Mr Weston and Mrs Hopkins would be members of the Planning Working Party for the forthcoming month. 92/20 REPORTS FROM PARISH COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES APPOINTED TO COMMITTEES, WORKING PARTIES AND OUTSIDE BODIES A request was made that the Clerk clarify regulations on the use of masks in community centres on social media. 31 93/20 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS None 94/20 HIGHWAYS (a) SID data – it was NOTED that the latest SID readings had been circulated prior to this meeting. (b) Loan of SID (min. no. 71/20) – It was NOTED that Odcombe Parish Council had been advised of the conditions set by this Council for the loan of the SID. They had been advised by their insurance company that they would need to see a legal agreement before offering the insurance required. It was RESOLVED to approve an exchange of letters between the two Councils. (c) Possible planting on roundabout at junction of Thorne Lane with Western Avenue (min. no. 70/20[e]) – It was NOTED that, as the area had not been adopted, permission had been sought from Wyatt Homes to plant the roundabout. Wyatt Homes were in agreement but advised that any proposals would need to be approved by Somerset Highway Audit department to ensure there was no detriment to highway safety. Wyatt Homes would require evidence of the approval from the Highways Department for their records. A request had been sent to Yeovil Without Parish Council to consider this as a joint project and it will be considered at their next meeting. It was AGREED to ask the District Council Specialist - Horticultural with Operational Management Environment Services, for assistance in designing a suitable scheme. 95/20 CORRESPONDENCE (a) It was NOTED that a request from SCC for a meeting to discuss a new fostering project in the Yeovil Town and Brympton areas had resulted in a virtual meeting being arranged for 7th October at 7 p.m. for County Council staff and the two Councils. (b) SSDC - Get SuSSed, latest news from SSDC Environment. Circulated electronically. (c) SSDC – Stronger Somerset, circulated electronically. (d) SCC – One Somerset, circulated electronically. (e) It was NOTED that a letter from an organisation called “Somerset Against the Badger Cull” had been received, a copy being available from the Clerk (f) Somerset Community Council – invitation to virtual AGM on 22nd October 2020. (g)Brympton Parishioner– it was NOTED that a number of concerns had been raised regarding a large number of wasps in a small plot of land at the top of Elmleigh, which remained within the ownership of David Wilson Homes. It had been ascertained that the wasps were staying in the area as one tree produced a large amount of sap. It was AGREED that the tree was unsuitable at this location. It was AGREED to support a request that the tree be removed and replaced with something more suitable.
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