Bttmb. 172. 4341 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1917. Crown Lands set apart tor Disposal by TVay oj Sale or ILand in Karangahape Pari.qh, Waitemata CcYUnty, taken for Lease to Discharged Soldiers, "nder Special 'l'en"reR, in Railway Purposes. the TV ellington Land District. (L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. I A .!:'lWCLAMATIU.:\. A PROCLAMA'l'lUN. I WHEREAS it has been found desirable for the use, . convenience, and enjoyment of the New Zealand N pursuance. of the power and.authorlty conf~rred upon Government Hailways to take land in Karangahape Parish, I me by sectiOn four of t~e .DIBcharg~d Soldlers Settle· Waitemata County, for railway purposes: ment Act, 1915, I, Arthur Wilham de Brito Savlle, Earl of Now therefore I Arthur William de Brito Savile Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-~eneral cf the Dominion of New Liverp~ol, the Go~ernor-General of the Dominion' of New Zealand, do hereb~ prO?lalm and declare that the areas of Zealand, in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred Crown lands described lD the Schedule hereto shall be and on me by section eleven of the Publio Works Act, 1908, and the same are hereby set apa~t and declare~ open for disposal of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me by way of sale or lease to dl~cha~ged sold~ers, under speClal in this behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land tennres, lD the manner prOVided lD the sald Act. desoribed in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes above mentioned. SCHEDULE. SOHEDULE WEI,LINGTON LAND DIRTRICT.-CROWN LAND. ApPlwxmATE area of the piece of land: 50 acres 3 roods. H unua Survey District. Portion of Allotment 34, Karangahape Parish, Waitemata A. R. P. County. (S.O. 19733, blue.) SEOTION 28, Block VI Area,80 2 20 In the Auckland Land District; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked W.R. 25092, WairO<t Sur1Jey District. deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways at Part 2 of 375, Block VI .. Area, 19 1 24 Wellington, and thereon edged reel. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Ri~ht Given under the hand of His Excellency the Ri~ht Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the Earl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Most Distinguished Order of .Saint Michael and Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian I Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, Governor-General and Commander-in­ Order, Governor-General and Commander-in­ Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued. under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the Government House at Wellington, this twenty· Government House at Wellington, this twenty­ sixth day of November, in the year of our Lord third day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. F. H. D. BELL, W. H. HERRIES, For Minister of I .. ands. Minister of Railways. GOD SA VIC THE KING! GOD SA VIC THE KING! RRATUM.-In Gazette No. 162, of 1st November, 1917, page 4019, in the Warraut authorizing the Postmaster at E Owaka to take and receive statutory declarations under the 288th section of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1908, for" George Ehu Clifford" read" Henry George Ehn Clifford," A 4342 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. rNo. 172 Reooking Part oj a Proclamation taking Additional Land at sheet 5 (S.O. 1!)059), deposited in the office of tho Minister of Greymouth Jor the Purposes of the Nelson--Greynwilth Railways at \Vellington], such land being part of the lanel Railway. mentioned in the Schedule to tho said Proclamation. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, A PROCLAMATION. Earl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and HEREAS by the Public Works Amendment Act, 1909, Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian W it is enacted that if at any time after the iAsue or Order, Governor - General and Commander-in­ making of any Proclamation taking land under tho Public Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of Works Act, 1908, and before the payment or award of any New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued compensation in respect of the taking thereof, it is found under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the that the land or any part thereof is not required for the Government House at Wellington, this twenty­ purpose for which it was taken the Govcrnor·General may, second da.y of November, in the year of our Lord by a subsequent Proclamation gazetted, revoke the former one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. Proclamation, either wholly or so far as he thinks necessary: W. H. HERRIES, And whereas it is found that part of the land at Greymouth Minister of Railways. taken for the purposes of the Nelson-Greymouth Railway by a Proclamation made. under the Public Works Act, 1908, GOD SAVE THE KING! dated the eighth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen (hereinafter termed" the said Proclamation "), and published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 67, of the sixteenth RpTON"rJ n Protlan/ati"u (aking Additional Land at GreY?no1tth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, page for the Purposes of the N elson-Greymouth Railway. 2799, is not required for the purpose for which it was taken: And whereas compensation in respect of the taking of the [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. said land has not been paid or awarded: A PROCLAMATION. Now, therefore, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl HEREAS by the Public Works Amendment Act, 1909, of Liverpool, the Governor-Genllral of the Dominion of New W Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it is enacted that if at any time after the issue Or me by the Public Works Amendment Act, 1909, and of all making of any Proclamation taking land under the Public other powers enabling me in this . behalf, do hereby revoke Works Act, 1!J08, and bcforo the payment_or award of any so much of the said Proclamation as affects one rood twenty­ compensation in respcct of the taking thereof, it is fbunll five decimal one perches [shown coloured edge!l red on the that the land or any part thereof is not required for the plan marked W.R. 21510 (S.O. 1741), deposited in thc offico purpose for which it was taken tho Governor·General may, b~' of the Minister of Railways at Wellington], silch lan!1 being a subsequent Proelamation gazetted, revoke the former Pro· part of the land mentioned in the Schedule to tho said c1amation, either wholly or so far as he thinks necessarv: Proclamation. And whereas it is found that the land at Greymollth tak<'ll for the purposcs of the Nelson-Greymouth Railway by a <1iven under the hand of His Excellency the Right Proclamation made under the Public Works Act, 1908, dated­ Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile. the twenty-eighth day of March, one thousand nine hundred F:arl of Liverpool. Knight (irond Cross of tht and twelve (hereinafter termed "the said Proclamation") ~rost Distinguished Order of 8nint Mirhncl and and published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 32, of the fourth Saint George. Member of the Roval Victorian day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, pages Order, Governor - General and Commander-in­ 1216 and 1217, is not required for the purpose for which it Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of was taken: New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued And whereas compensation in respect of the taking of f,]w under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the said land has not heen paid or awarded: Government House at Wellington, this twenty· Now, therefore, 1, Arthur \Villiam de Brito Savile, Earl of second day of November, in the year of our Lord Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of N!'w one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in me W. H. HERRIES, by the Public Works Amendment Act, 1909, and of all other Minister of Railways powers enabling me in t,his behalf, do hereby revoke the said Proclamation. GOD SAVE THE KING! Given under the hand of His Excellency the Rii;lht Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savlle, Earl of LiverI?ool, Knight Grand Cross of the Reoolcing Part ~f a Proclamation taking Additional Land Most DistingUIshed Order of Saint Michael and between l'akanini and Runciman far the PlIrposes of the Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian Kaipara-Waikato Ranway. Order, Governor - General and Commander-in­ Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of LIVERl'OOL, Governor-General. New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued [L.S.] under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the A PROCLAMATION. Government House at Wellington, this twonty· HEREAS by the Public Works Amendment Act, 1909, "","ond d"y of November, in the year of our Lord W it is enacted that if at any time after the issue or one thousand nine hundred and seventeen.
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