SSeeee TThehe HHealthealth LLinkink IInside!nside! SStartingtarting oonn ppageage 4477 Happy Birthday Linking Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Passaic & Union Counties Issue #238 Elie Y. Katz! Order on-Line at www.chopstixusa.com 201-833-0200 July 16 SEE AD ON PAGE 63 JEWISH LINK July 6 | 23 Tamuz Parshat Pinchas Light Candles: 8:12 PM July 5, 2018 | 22 Tamuz, 5778 CANDLE Shabbat Ends: 9:21 PM OF NEW JERSEY LIGHTING Rabbeinu Tam: 9:43 PM Schwartz, Katz Sworn In as Deputy Mayors; Hameeduddin Elected Mayor for Fourth Term YourY By JLNJ Staff Monday evening for the reorganiza- summer bbq tion meeting and swearing-in cere- The mayors of many surround- mony of the Teaneck Town Council, headquarters ing towns and multiple dignitaries a group lauded for its intercultural as well as family and friends of the council were present this past steamy CONTINUED ON P. 14 See our ad on back cover Celebrating the Life of Mitch Gross, z”l By Steve Gutlove, JLNJ Sports Editor Last Thursday night, a packed room of friends and family members gathered to cele- JLNJ Co-Publisher Mark (Mendy) Esther Shayowitz brate the meaningful life of Mitchell Gross, z”l, Schwartz, with his wife, Nomi, and his ® REALTOR Menachem Avraham ben Nachman Moshe, a father, is sworn in by Bergen County 201.638.5858 beloved community member and Moriah par- Executive James Tedesco, left. VERA-NECHAMA.COM ent who passed away suddenly during a basket- ball game in 2008. He was just 39. (l-r) Teaneck deputy mayor Elie Y. Katz, mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin Mitch’s name lives on, however, in MGBL, and deputy mayor Mark (Mendy) Schwartz. the Mitch Gross Basketball League, which has provided a positive sporting experience for Project S.A.R.A.H. CAMPS CONTINUED ON P. 17 10% OFF Mitch Gross, z”l \RXUåUVWRQOLQHRUGHU* Preps Day Camps @ GLATTEXPRESSX 2QOLQHFRP SINAI Shalem HS at Heichal for a Safe Summer HaTorah Names New Director By Pearl Markovitz By JLNJ Staff In the course of fi ve days, at See Our Ads on Next Two Pages marathon pace, Project S.A.R.A.H’s SINAI Schools recently announced the Camp Safety Program presented appointment of Hannah Cowan as direc- their expanded program to over tor of SINAI’s Rabbi Mark and Linda Kar- 700 counselors at nine commu- asick Shalem High School at Heichal Ha- nity day camps including Camp Torah. Cowan comes to Shalem at Heichal 613, Camp Kef, Summer Playland, from Kulanu Academy in Cedarhurst, Union Y, Camp Regesh, Camp Summer at New York. She has over a decade of ex- Acheinu, Moshava Ba’ir, Passa- The Therapy Gym perience working in special education, ic Clifton Playgroup and Camp the week preceding camp open- Call 201-357-0417 notably with high school students who Kesser Malka. According to Rab- ings, through morning, afternoon to Inquire have intellectual and/or developmental bi Michael Bleicher, LCSW, as- and often evening sessions, camp 205 West Englewood disabilities. Hailing from England, she sistant director of Jewish Fami- administrators, directors, divi- Ave, Teaneck, NJ earned a master’s degree and certifi cation ly Service and Children’s Center sion heads and counselors were www.thetherapygym.com of Clifton Passaic, and director of See our ad on page 20 CONTINUED ON P. 14 Hannah Cowan the Camp Safety Project, “During CONTINUED ON P. 66 Early Sick Call now for your camp Visits & school Call now Available! physicals! for your camp & school physicals! englewoodhealth.org See our ad on page 52 See our ad on page 13 See our ad on page 47 NEW YORK | HACKENSACK | LAKEWOOD | MONSEY | CHERRY HILL | PHILADELPHIA FRESH FROM CHEF HACE AT OUR DELI! 1HZ-XO\$UULYDOV &RORPELDQ(PSDQDGDV 0DQJR&KLFNHQ0LODQHVH &KLFNHQ6SLQLFROOL "Empanadas are a popular Colombian "One of the most eaten fruits in the :HȵDWWHQFKLFNHQDQGVWXLWZLWK snack. These fritters are made with world, mangoes are seasonally best in fresh spinach, broccoli, and sun-dried ground meat and can be served with June and July, giving this seasonal dish tomatoes, leaving it crunchy on the Israeli salad and lime. Viva Colombia!" DWURSLFDOȵDYRUWKDW VWUXO\IUHVK outside and juicy on the inside!" $VLDQ%HHI5LFH%DOOV 6SLQDFK2U]R6WXIIHG3HSSHUV -DSDQHVH3DQNR0HDWEDOOV " These beef and rice ballls are a very "Our sweetest, freshest bell peppers "We created a panko breadcrumb en- NLGIULHQGO\GLVK7KH\ UHGHOLFLRXVO\ arrive in the summer so we created a crusted dish that is deliciously crunchy soft, tender and will easily attract your spinach version of the popular Greek yet still tender and succulent on the kids’ attention at dinnertime!" dish that goes with any meal!" inside. The perfect meatball indeed." *HWIUHHWDVWLQJVDQ\WLPH "Come in anytime and ask for me, Chef Hace! Get a free tasting RIWKHVHIUHVKGLVKHVDQGFKDWZLWKPHDERXW.RVKHUFXLVLQHΖ G love to hear from you!" 6HH\RXDW*ODWW([SUHVV 0LQXWH6WHDN )UHVK )DPLO\3DFN 6OLFHV 7RSRIWKH5LE 'DUN&KLFNHQ&XWOHWV IRURQO\ IRURQO\ IRURQO\ $ $ $ 12.99/lbs 10.99/lbs 7.49/lb *DUOLFDQG+HUE +RG*RODQ &KLFNHQ%UHDVW 6OLFHG7XUNH\%UHDVW "҃"$! ! ĴŖŖ IRURQO\ IRURQO\ 'DQL V:HHNO\'HDOV $ $ 4.99/lbs 4.99 6DYLQJVUHæHFWHGDIWHUFKHFNRXW pkg, ultra thin, 7 oz * Deal starts on 01/15/17 and ends 01/20/17. 201.837.8110 [email protected] GlattExpressOnline.com Ŗbmbll-lom|=ou7;Ѵb;uŖŖ ;-Ѵv--bѴ-0Ѵ;bmŊv|ou;ouoŖmѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺ buv|ou7;uomѴĺ@;u]oo7|_uo]_rubѴmѴbm;ĺ ;-Ѵv]oo7|_uo]_ƕņƐƒņƐѶĺ)_bѴ;vrrѴb;vѴ-v|ĺƐƏѷ ƒƏ|_ĺƐƏѷ7bv1om|bѴѴ0;u;Y;1|;7omu;1;br|-[;uCuv|ru1_-]oo7=ou=uv|Ŋঞl;omѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺv;ĺ 2 FAST SAME-DAY DELIVERY IN BERGEN COUNTY** 2 July 5, 2018 • 22 Tamuz, 5778 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM GLATT ♥ ([SUHVVLRQ Recipes from our culinary ([SUHVV([SHUWV CHEF HACE'S 7KDL*ULOOHG 0LQXWH6WHDN 3HUIHFW VLGHGLVK" Grilling greatness comes down to 2U]R6WXHG3HSSHUV Freshly made orzo and bell a fantastic marinade and time to peppers make a wonderfully let the steak absorb it. Give this delicate side for this savory dish. deliciously marinated” steak a try! RECIPE DETAILS Prep time: 120 Minutes Temperature: 350o Cook time: 10 Minutes Serves: 4 INGREDIENTS Package Glatt Express minute steaks 2Q6DOH 6HH3DJH 2 cups soy sauce 4 garlic cloves 1 cup honey 1/2 scallion stock 1/2 squeezed lemon 6WHS Using a blender, combine your soy sauce, garlic cloves, honey and lemon and blend on high until marinade is thick. 6WHS 6KRS7KLV5HFLSH Unwrap your minute steaks and coat with /RYHWKLVUHFLSH"2UGHULWRQOLQH fresh marinade. 6WHSSeal marinated steaks in ziploc bag and place in fridge for two hours. We'll deliver the entire recipe box 6WHS After pre-heating grill, place marinated RILQJUHGLHQWVULJKWWR\RXUGRRU steaks on medium heat, grilling for 3 minutes *ODWW([SUHVVFRP([SUHVV%R[ on each side. 6WHSRemove from grill, let rest IRUȴYHPLQXWHVSODWHDQGHQMR\ lb \RXUåUVW % * 10 OFF RQOLQHRUGHU @ GLATTEXPRESS2QOLQHFRP * Deal starts on 01/15/17 and ends 01/20/17. GET OUR WEEKLY DEALS FIRST! @ *ODWW([SUHVVFRP'HDOV Ŗbmbll-lom|=ou7;Ѵb;uŖŖ ;-Ѵv--bѴ-0Ѵ;bmŊv|ou;ouomѴbm;ĺ ;-Ѵv]oo7|_uo]_ƕņƐƒņƐѶĺ)_bѴ;vrrѴb;vѴ-v|ĺƐƏѷ ]oo7=ou=uv|Ŋঞl;omѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺ 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM July 5, 2018 • 22 Tamuz, 5778 3 WORLD NEWSBRIEFS Netanyahu: Strong Stance “While the U.S is hitting Iran econom- achieving a goal of peace between Israelis of human rights” according to its website, Against Iran Deal Pays Off ically, we are working to prevent Iranian and Palestinians. which examines objectively the implemen- (Yona Schnitzer/TPS) The Iranian regime forces and their proxies from achieving Released Monday, the survey conduct- tation of the International Covenant on is well aware of the approaching renew- military entrenchment in Syria, and that ed by the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Civil and Political Rights. al of sanctions against it, Prime Minister is how we will continue to act.” Aviv University shows that nearly 75 percent Shany, a former dean of law faculty at Binyamin Netanyahu said during Sunday’s of Jewish and Arab Israelis believe a plan by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, was government meeting. Israeli Poll Shows Little Faith in the American administration has either very appointed as a member of the committee, “The Iranian economy is at a low. You Trump Plan to Achieve Peace low or moderately low chances to succeed. which meets three times a year in Geneva, have to see the data to believe it; Iran is in- An overwhelming 77 percent of respond- in 2013. He was the second Israeli member vesting billions of dollars to fi nance terror- ents said they believe Israel’s interests are ever in the committee and the fi rst since ism around the world and in the region, in- important to the American president, with David Kretzmer, a law professor and hu- stead of investing in Iran’s citizens,” said over 60 percent saying they believe the in- man rights activist who helped found the Netanyahu, adding that “the Iranian people terests of the Palestinians are not. Association for Civil Rights in Israel (1972). are protesting, and rightly so.” Shany’s selection comes both in light According to Netanyahu, the change Hebrew University of long-standing grim relations between in the United States’ stance on Iran em- Professor Chosen to Head the U.N. and Israel, as well as some indica- bodies a strategic reversal for Israel. “I be- UN Human Rights Body tions of a thaw in recent months. Israel an- lieved that this change was possible when Senior Adviser Jared Kushner and Special (Mara Vigevani/TPS) Prof. Yuval Shany, nounced in December 2017 that it would I stood up to the entire world in order to Representative for International Negotiations an Israeli jurist of international renown, leave the United Nations Educational, Sci- cancel this bad deal,” he said, referring to Jason Greenblatt meet with Prime Minister made history by being elected on Monday entifi c and Cultural Organization (UNE- the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Ac- Benjamin Netanyahu at the Prime Minister’s as the fi rst Israeli to chair the UN Human SCO) following a long string of anti-Israel tion.
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