ST MES TEMPERANCE EDUCATION NUMBER This Nan Should Not DRINK! PHOTOS BY GALLOWAY RESPONSIBLE MEN DON'T DRINK Are You an Alcoholic? The Fallacy of Liquor Revenue Alcohol—Destroyer of Personality The Great Illusion THE GREAT ILLUSION. Alcohol Not the Boon to Mankind It Is Supposed—and Advertised—to Be by L. H. LONERGAN, M. D. OR centuries beverage alcohol has been erly. In this condition many small areas of tance of beverage alcohol as a cause of the popularly esteemed as a stimulant to prac- liver cells are destroyed and then replaced disease is shown by the fact that cirrhosis tically all the vital functions of the body. by scar tissue. As this destruction of liver of the liver occurs eight times as frequently It has been used, in years past, to treat many cells proceeds in different areas of the or- among chronic alcoholics as it does among of the common ills to which man is heir. gan, new cell groups are formed in the re- the general population. However, modern investigation has dis- , generation process, thus constituting small Why does the individual within a few pelled many of the illusions concerning its nodules separated by scar tissue. Those minutes after taking alcohol feel so much apparent value in the treatment of various groups of cells near the surface of the liver warmer that he is inclined to overexpose diseases. appear as small knobs of tissue; hence the himself to cold? It is immediately observed The supposed increase in strength of term "hobnailed liver." Obviously such that the skin is flushed. The individual persons under the influence of alcohol has scarring and obliteration of liver tissue will feels warmer because more blood is actually been shown to be false; the feeling of obstruct the circulation of blood through flowing through the skin vessels. This very warmth, only a flushing of the blood ves- the organ, with the result that the blood is action—the increase in size of the skin sels of the skin with actually a much dammed back into the veins from the stom- vessels—means that more blood is brought greater loss of body heat; instead of any ach, intestines, and spleen, and these organs from the interior of the body to the surface, "energizing effects," a definite impairment also suffer. In severe cases blood plasma where it is cooled; hence, with more heat of nutrition; and, most important, instead passes out into the abdominal cavity, where lost, the body temperature actually drops. of the supposed stimulation of the mental it accumulates and may have to be re- Experienced polar explorers and ski moun- faculties, a real depression of the entire peatedly drawn off in order to relieve the taineers are well aware of the foolishness of nervous system. severe distention and discomfort. using beverage alcohol to "keep warm" "From almost every standpoint ethyl al- This disease is usually progressive and during, or previous to, exposure to cold. cohol must be regarded as the most im- fatal. Available evidence indicates that cir- There seems to be a widespread impres- portant poison with which medical men rhosis of the liver is not a direct result of sion that beverage alcohol exerts some stim- and jurists have to deal; no other poison the effect of alcohol on that organ, but ulating effect on the sexual functions. The causes so many deaths or leads to or in- rather that it is secondary to the nutritional only explanation for this is that the higher tensifies so many diseases, both physical disturbances which so frequently accom- centers of the nervous system are depressed. and mental, as does alcohol in the various pany chronic alcoholism. Such nutritional Because judgment, will power, and self- forms in which it is taken."—Quoted from deficiency may occur in those who have control are definitely inhibited, the sexual Hunt and Gettler in Legal Medicine and never become inebriated. Yet the impor- desires are under less restraint. Actually, Toxicology, edited by Peterson, however, with the ingestion of large Haines, and Webster. amounts of the drug, the spinal cord We can point out perhaps half a is also depressed and sexual powers dozen disease conditions in which are impaired. Among chronic alco- a prominent causal factor is the con- holics (in about one third of the tinued use of beverage alcohol— uncomplicated cases) some derange- usually over a period of years. It ment of the reproductive organs is should be emphasized, however, evident. This may result in sterility that any one of these or all of them or atrophy of the testicles, and sex- together do not outweigh in impor- uality may be completely abolished. tance the one outstanding imme- It has long been known that the diate effect of alcohol on the body use of alcohol definitely lowers re- —that of depression of the central sistance to disease, especially pneu-• nervous system. Among the changes monia. In a study of t,000 cases of produced by alcohol on body tissues pneumonia at Bellevue Hospital, re- is a chronic inflammation of the viewed by Lambert, the death rate stomach. Whenever beverages are among alcoholics was 5o per cent, taken in concentrated form (40 per compared with 24 per cent among cent alcohol and over), the drug is the nonalcoholies. Another report highly irritant to the stomach lin- from Cook County Hospital, Chi- ing, producing congestion and in- cago, summarized the death rates flammation. The lining secretes a among 3,422 cases of pneumonia thick mucus in an attempt to pro- as follows: tect against further damage. This Excessive drinkers 49.85 per cent irritation repeated over a consider- Moderate drinkers 34.4 per cent Occasional drinkers able period of time eventually results in a chronically inflamed stomach, or abstainers 22.45 per cent with slow and imperfect digestion. A possible explanation for this in- The liver, too, is sometimes in- creased mortality among alcoholics volved in a scarring process known is the demonstration that alcohol as cirrhosis, which may markedly Alluring liquor ads create the great illusion, and it is time inhibits the movement of the white decrease its ability to function prop- the truth about alcohol received equal publicity. blood cells from the capillaries to Page Two -)( SIGNS of the TIMES the invading bacteria in the tissues. Thus important of all its effects. Again, any sub- 3. Increased requirement of vitamins. As alcohol weakens the first line of defense stance which is so likely to produce a vi- the nonfat calories of the diet are increased against bacterial invasion. cious habit cannot be called a food. Far in taking beverage alcohol, there is a cor- We candidly admit that as the drug is from being a true food, alcohol is one of responding increase in the vitamin require- rned or "detoxified" in the liver to form the most important causes of nutritional de- ment, especially vitamins of the B complex. carbon dioxide and water, some heat is ficiency in this country today. In practically For some time prior to the onset of the slowly liberated; but that fact is surely in- all chronic alcoholics some degree of die- specific deficiency disease the patient often sufficient reason to classify this drug as a tary deficiency may be found. The impor- presents a picture of vague ill-health char- true food. Unlike foods, alcohol cannot be tant reasons for this observation are three: acterized by any one or several of the fol- stored in the body, but remains unchanged I. Decreased food intake. The economic lowing symptoms: weakness, with loss of until it is completely burned or eliminated. aspect as well as the loss of appetite leads weight, excessive tiredness and fatigue after This combustion process, or oxidation, pro- the chronic alcoholic to spend his limited even moderate exercise; headache, irritabil- ceeds at a steady rate regardless of needs. funds for beverage instead of food. ity; anemia; "dyspepsia," and varied stom- Neither can this drug be utilized in growth 2. Decreased absorption and utilization ach disorders. As the condition increases repair of body tissues. Unlike foods, of the food which is eaten. This is a result of in severity, gradually the symptoms of more .ohol produces a definite depression on the inflammatory and degenerative changes specific diseases become apparent—espe- the central nervous system, by far the most in the alimentary tract and liver. (Continued on page 5) FOOTBALL COACHES DENOUNCE Ads% riy, at-AA4414if Athletics and Alcohol Don't Mix by ALLIED YOUTH, Inc. 11111-E4ADING university and college foot- "Alcoholic beverages of any kind do not drinker cannot stand the pace of competi- ball coaches and directors of athletics mix with football or other sports of high tive sports. The drinker does not have the have united in a strong and timely skill."—Don C. Peden, head coach, Ohio confidence of his teammates. Alcohol-free statement about athletes and alcohol. University (Athens, Ohio). living is the only choice a boy or man can They say that athletic achievement and "I know full well the harm an athlete make, if he wants to go places athletically!" alcohol do not mix. submits his body to if he tries to use alco- The group message was signed by the They declare in unison that "no small holic beverages. Not only do I oppose them following head football coaches: part of the team's morale is the realization for athletes but for all youth."—Grant each member that he is personally bound Feeser, football coach, Lebanon Valley Ike J. Armstrong, University of Utah. abstain from alcoholic indulgence." (Pennsylvania) College. D.
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