ue ABRS Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music This is to certifi that DAFNE, COME.LLI is award,ed, the ABRSM Leuel 3 Certifi,cate in Grad,ed, Examination in Music Performance (Grad,e 8) GRADE 8 PIANO and passed with distinction in 2017 The certifi,cate hold,er has been award,ed, 32 cred,its at Leael 3 Presented for examination by MRS IRTNA ALEXANDRO\NA OWCHINNIKOVA Gorlf dyfarnu cydnabyddedig -# Becognised awarding body [4.7[^r t*À dl [C,t- Michael Elliott Chief Executive Regulation Regulated by ABRSM,4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y sAU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales Q9218» & Scotland (SC043343) Date of issue: 10101/18 Qua I if ication ref erence: 5O1/ 2163/ 7 U nit reference : K/ 602/ 19 69 3lffi! 17 /2/ lT / MILA/ EURI/ 4455341/12/ 4/ Cert No166016 i- ue ABRS M Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music This is to certify that TOMMASO GANZINI is awarded the ABRSM Lanl I Award in Graded Examination in Musi,c Performance (Grade 1) GRADE, l PANO and, passed, with d,istinction in 2017 The certifi,cate holder has been awarded 5 credits at Lanel I Presented, for examination by MRS IRTNA ALEXANDRO\NA OWCHINNIKOVA Godl dylarnu cydnabyddedig \§ [4.r,1^ù r-ri dll;Cf Michael Elliott Chief Executive Regulation Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) Date of issue:10/01118 Qualif icaticin reference: 5O1/215O /9 Unit reference: L/ 602/ 4072 3lqH,$j fi /2/ I / MILA/EURI/ 4455341/12/3/ Cert No:'l 66015 I UJU ABls Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music This is to certify that ANNA SISTTJ is award,ed, the ABRSM Lanl I Award, in Grad,ed, Examination in Music Performance (Grad,e 2) GRADE2 PANO and, passed, with merit in 2017 The certificate holder has been awarded 9 credits at Leael I Presented for exarnination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\NA OWCHINNIKOVA Corll dy{arnu cydnabyddedig =# Recognised awarding body il4.r,{^ù t-) dtl;C,t. Michael Elliott Chief Executive Regulated by ABRSM,4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) Date of issue: 10l01l18 ofqk*k; Qualif ication reference: 501/2159/ 5 Unit reference: Y / 602/ 407 4 17 /2/ lT / MILA/ EURI/ 4455341/12/2/ Cert No:166014 a UJU BRS Patron: Royal Academy- of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royal College of Music President: His Royal Highness Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Prince of Wales Royal Northern College of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music This is to certify that GABRTE,LE. GANZINI is awarded the ABRSM Leuel 3 Certificate in Graded Examination in Music Performance (Grade B) GRADE, B PANO and passed with distinction in 2017 The certificate holder has been awarded 32 credits at Leuel 3 Presented for examination by MRS IRINA ALEXAND RO\TT{A OWCHINNIKOVA Gorfl dylarnu cydnabyddedig [4.r,1^tr t*À dl [C,f Michael Elliott Chief Executive Regulation Regulated by ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) & Scotland (SC043343) Date of issue: 10,/01,/18 ofq.uRl Qualification reference: 501/ 2163/7 Unit reference: K/ 602/1969 17 /2/ I / MILA/ EURI/ 4455341/12/1/ Cert No:166013 u& ABRSM Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royat Cottege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates Royal Northern Cottege of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Th,i,s i,s to certify that CARII{A IOANA CIRTITA wa,s gx,a,rn'ingd i,n GRADE 8 PIANO and passed with di,sti,ncti,on in 2015 Presented for exa,rnination by MRS IRINA ALEXAI\DRO\AIA OWCHINNIKOVA ,i' [4ìat^ù t-) dll; MichaeI El.l.iott Chief Executive @sg! ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Engtand & Wates 1292182lr & Scottand (SC0433431 1 6 / 7 / lT / Mlt-à/ EuRt/ 44653.41 / 2 / I 4 ulk ABRSM Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royat Cot[ege of Music President: His RoyaI Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates Royal Northern Cottege of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music This is to certify that MATILDE. CUDINI u)as exa,mined in GRADE 7 PIANO and passed with distinction in 2015 Presented for examination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\AIA OWCHINNIKOVA [lìr,t^r,, dlt;Qf MichaeI ELtiott Chief Executive Ofqucl ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London W1 B 1 LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Engtand & Wates {292182} & Scotl.and 1SC0433431 20 1 6 / 2 / t't / Mtr,A / V \"SC / 4455341 / 6 / 2 u& BRSM Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royat Cottege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates RoyaI Northern Cottege of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music This is to certi,fy tltat MATILDE CT]DII{I was exam'ined in GRADE 5 PIANO and passed with distinction in 2016 Presented for examination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\TI{A OWCHINNIKOVA [4.d^ù t-) dll;Cf MichaeI Etliott Chief Executive ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Engtand & Wales lLq21\2l & Scottand [SC043343) 1 6 / 1 / tI / MrrA/ ÈuRr / 4455341 / 2 / 77 u& ABRSM Patron: Royal Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royat Cottege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates RoyaI Northern Cottege of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Th,i,s i,s ta certi,fy that GABRIE,LE GAI\ZINI was ex,am'ined i,n GRADE 5 PIAI'{O and passed with disti,nct'ion in 2015 Presented for exam'ination by MRS IRINA ALEXAI§DRO\A{A OWCHINNIKOVA [4.at^ù t-) dll;Cf MichaeI EtLiott Chief Executive ABRSM, 24 Porttand Place, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Engtand & Wates 1292182lr & Scottand [SC043343) 1 6 / 1 / tI / Mfi-A / EU[<U 4465347 / 2 / 15 ue ABRSM Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen RoyaI Col.tege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates Royal Northern Cottege of Music The Associated Board of the Rryal Schools of Music This i,s to certify that DAF].{E COMELLI wa,s exa,ruL'ined i,n GRADE 5 PIAT{O and passed with distincti,on in 2015 Presented for exa,rn'ination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\ATA OWCHINNIKOVA .r{^ù t-) dll; MichaeI EtLiott Chief Executive Ohuol ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London WlB 1LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Engtand & Wates 12921821 & Scotland [SC0433/,3] 16 / 1 / tT / MfiÀ.l LURr / 4455141 / 2 / 5 u& ABRSM Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royat Cottege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates Royal Northern Cottege of Music The Associated Board of the Rryal Schools of Music Thi,s i,s to certi,fy that LOREI'{ZO FORTE wa,,s exam'ined in GRADE 3 PIANO and passed with distinction in 2016 Presented for examination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\N{A OWCHINNIKOVA [4.at^À t-) dll;C.t- MichaeI Ettiott Chief Executive OQuol ABRSM, 24 Porttand P[ace, London Wl B 1LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Eng[and & WaLes l2921BA & ScotLand {SC0433431 16 / 1 / tT / MfiÀ,/ LURI / 4455247 / 2 / 12 ÈU ABRSM Pat ron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen Royat CoLLege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scot[and The Prince of Wates Royal Northern Cotlege of Music The Associated Board of the R.yal Schools of Music This is to certify that ME,LISSAPETRI was examined i,n GRADE 3 PIAI',{O and passed with di,stinction i,n 2016 Presented for examination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\TI\A OWCHINNIKOVA [4.r,{^ù t-) dt[Cf MichaeL El.tiott Chief Executive ABRSM, 24 Porttand Place, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Eng[and & Wates 12921921 & Scottand (SC043343] 16 / 7 / tT / MilÀ/ EURL / 4455341 / 2 / I u& ABRSM Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen RoyaI Cottege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scot[and The Prince of Wates RoyaI Northern Cottege of Music The Associated Board of the Rryal Schools of Music Thi,s i,s to certi,fy that EVA SISTT] wa,s exam'ined i,n GRADE4 PIANO and passed with nterit in 2016 Presented for ex,arn'ination by MRS IRINA ALEXAhTDRO\rI\IA OWCHINNIKOVA l J [4.r,1^ù t-) dll;C,t. MichaeI Ettiott Chief Executive @uol ABRSM, 24 Porttand Ptace, London W1B 1LU, United Kingdom Charity registered in Eng[and & Wates 1292182lr& Scottand [SC0/*3343) 16 / 7 / tT / Mfi-à./ ÈURt / 4455341 / 2 / 4 u& BRSM Patron: RoyaI Academy of Music Her Majesty The Queen RoyaI Cotlege of Music President: His Royat Highness RoyaI Conservatoire of Scottand The Prince of Wates Royal Northern Cottege of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Th,is is to certify that FRAI{CESCO MORRONE wa,s gxa,m'ined i,n GRADE 3 PIAhtO and passed witll rnerit in 2015 Presented for ex,a,rn'ination by MRS IRINA ALEXANDRO\TI§A OWCHINNIKOVA .r,t^ù t*rl dll; MichaeI Ettiott Chief Executive
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