• TEX TUCKER PAGE 15 ~ EXP ENT . EXPONENT@MONTANA. EDU THURSDAY, M ARCH 4. 2 0 0 4 ISSUE 2 2 V OLUME 9 8 -cCarthy, Galster A{>ologize for Actions ANGIE CONNERS - EDITOR ASMSU Hopes to ver 50 students packed into Increase Voter "MSC senate meeting last :ia). Feb. 26, many curious Turnout with Grant the issues surrounding JACOB BECKER cnt Scott McCarthy and EDITOR-IN-CHEIF t1ess Manager Chris Galster. 1eeting ran for three hour'; Last Thursday, Feb. 28, topics \\ere covered, but ASMSU learned that it had <lpit drrn discussion for received a $5,000 grant from Help half oJ the meeting-the America Vote Ad (HAYA). This , trip. grant will give student leaders Exponent reported here on campus a new resource in ·eek that !v!cCarthv and the fight to increase voter turnout, r .lltended the \iat 1onal which will be very important in ration for Campus the upcoming legislative session, amment's national con­ now less than a year away. n in Cincinnati, Ohio, "This was a big win for .:mtrovers\ has surrounded AS~!SU. By working to increase ,ue since the two returned. voter turnout, we improve leg­ • senate meeting last week, islative recognition, which will b asked questiom of positively affect us in the future rthy, Galster, and all senate _...,. Photo by Charlie Capp when money is distributed to higher education," said ASMSU ers. ~1an) students raised ASMSU President Scott McCarthy speaks at last Thursday's senate meeting. McCarthy apologizedfor President Scott McCarthy. tions and stated their opin- hurting anyfeelings, but defended his decision to attend the NACA conference. both in fa,·or and opposi­ The Help America Vote Act was signed into law October 29, o :--.1cCarthy and Galster's Galster's apology followed benefits of the conference. As a thing that was valuable. ft was 2002. It creates many mandates s. ~lcCarth}; and Galster shortlv after McCarthy's. Galster student, I am here to finish my important; it was necessary, and for state and local governments. pologized for their actions staled, "In light of recent allega- obligations as business manager I believe that the cost of it will To date, nearly $1.5 billion has the discus- tions, I feel and slowly earn ba k the trust of be taken care of in the distant been appropriated by Congress to egan. it 1s my duty my fellow peers that I so carelessly future-the next few semesters. "I would li ke you all to assist state and local governments c C arthy as a leader of threw to the wayside. We have The doors that are open for this know that I om deeply in meeting the requirements of gized b\· ASMSU to faced tough issues throughout conference are substantial and sorry for upsetting any HAYA. It wiJJ also help to improve i;, "Whether publicly apol­ our term that we have worked are important to the student of you, the feelings that access for voters with disabilities ons1der the ogize for my hard together to solve, and as a body," McCarthy said. I hove hurt. I didn't mean and those who are living outside actions and team working together, we will One student out of the for any of that to come the country, including military or wrong, decisions to also solve this issue and move on. attendees, Ryan Bergstrom, a bout." personnel stationed overseas. In • Id like you attend NACA From this point I would ask each addressed the senators by saying, - Scott McCarthy Montana, some of the money has t know that I without noti- and every one of you to focus on "To all the senators, if you feel ASMSU President been used to replace punch-card 1'.deeply sorry fying those the solution, not the problem that there has been an injustice voting systems (whose hang­ · psetting any who work because what has been done has done here, I challenge you to do ing and dimpled chads were the u, the feelings that I have with me in this organization. I been done." something about it. Even if there center of controversy in Florida .. I didn't mean for any of that had forgotten my place and those Despite many concerns raised is six weeks left in [McCarthy's] •me about.. I do ask your who look up to me as a leader. I by attending students and ques­ term .. .I challenge you to act on in 2000) in six Montana coun­ ·1~eness for that. It was not didn't realize the effect my actions tions asked, McCarthy stood it, not let it slide by because he ties (Broadwater, FalJon, Fergus, 1 t in anr way to hurt you or would have with the student gov­ behind his and Galster's decision. Flathead, Glacier, and Mineral). ;rganization." ernment, as I was focusing on the "This conference was some- S EE SENATE PAGE 3 {h ttp://sos.sta te. mt. us/css/ELB/ Hava.asp} This isn't the first time that ~peration: ASMSU has received a grant Fear· Factor, Mission: Complete to increase voter turn out just •• JENNY HARRIS flags and touching hairy taran­ six competitors, yet only one pre­ of stomaching these lovely and recently the ASMSU Leadership Institute was awarded a $300 I Of'<ENT WRITER tulas, these six students endured vailed. The grand prize, a round slimy parasites. The eight-inch grant also geared toward reduc­ four weeks of sweat, meal worms, trip ticket to anywhere in the U.S. slimy night crawlers were worth :ampus Crusade, decided paintball bruises and grueling (just in time for spring break) was fifteen points, while the two- inch ing voter apathy. 1terta111 six Montana State competition, and somehow sur­ awarded to the fiercest competitor crunchy mealworms were worth Money from this grant will ' rsity students: Jacquie vived the end of the Fear Factor of all Paul Hansmann. a mere five points. However be used to reduce voter apathy :'lette, Paul Hansmann, Mike organized by Crusade. The final fear factor event many of the scrumptious evening and increasing voter turnout. k" Laukaitis, Taylor Wil on, There were four total events, came down to an "All you can delicacies a contestant was able to Among the proposed ways to Osborne, and Alexa Hicks each with over 200 fellow MSU eat bug buffet," complete with swallow in 60 seconds won the accomplish this are improved "1eir annual "winter activity''. students attending to witness, the crunchy and delicious taste event. All six contestants partici­ advertising about voter aware­ •ifting through bowls of three of the events were previ­ of meal worms and night crawl­ pated, and through biting teeth, ness and the use of refresh­ 15ots, dodging paintballs, ously taped, and the first event ers covered in slime. All six vomit, water, and twitched facial ments and entertainment to lure tt>ing rocks, racing to gather people to the polls. was live. Each event included all contestants were put to the test expressions, somehow, the worms went down. McCarthy said that oppor­ Fear Factor Quick Facts At the end of the "bug buf­ tunities for grants in other fe t;' the winners of the four week areas are being explored, but Event sponsor: Campus Crusade challenge were announced. In for ASMSU wanted to add 6th place, Alexa, in 5th, Tank, that, "Due to the fact that this # of Missions: ..f 1st place: Paul Hansmann 4th, Levi, and 3rd, Taylor. The is a very time consuming and # of contestants: 6 2nd place: Jaquie Nequette winning place was a tie between difficult procedure, and with applications regularly met with .Mission I : Seach for the key 3rd place: Taylor \Vilson Jacquie and Paul, both admirable Mission 2: Dodge the paintballs 4th place: Levi Osborne contestants, both swallowing rejection, ASMSU should feel very excited about its successes, Mission 3: Rock Climbing 5th place: 1'Tank" Laukaitis numerous whole night crawlers at once. The tiebreaker between the especially when con idering Mission ..f: Mealworms and nightcrawlers 6th place: Alexa Hicks its efforts involving acquiring SEE FACTOR PAGE 2 finances for the student body." 2 THURSDAY. M A RC H 4, 2004 NEWS MSU to Study Cell Phone Use While Driving 1n• Rural Are ..... RACHEL HERGETI Department of Transportation, em·1ronmcnts. The tind111gs "ill R i'-!SL''s \ice President for then be compared. Countries That Ban Cell The \\'estern Tr.111,portat1on Research, and ;\!SU\ Lngineering "Rural areas have none of lns1itutc {\\"fl) <It :'\lontan,1 St.tic department. the stoplights and bus,· intersec­ Phone Use While Driving* t..:niwrsitY ts conducting a 'tud' ,\ccnrding to the \ISL' 1'.ews tions that arc hazardous 111 urban •Australia •India (New to test how the use of cell phones Sen· ice, "Once se,1ted m the 1,200- .ire<1s," said 1'.cllv. •Austria Delhi) •Romania affects dm ing ab1lit\. pound <..1b, test dm·ers will turn In a pos,ible scenario a driwr •Belgium •Ireland •Russia "\\'hile sen:ral studies b) the 1gn11ion key and the program could encounter all sorts of obsta •Brazil •Israel •Singapore other umversities and research "ill begin. Either Kelh or rese,1rch cles. The ro.1ds m,n be pawd or •Canada •Italy •Slovak Repu inslttutes haw concluded th.It associ.1te uzan1w L1ssacher will grawl, the weather could be clear •Chile •Japan •Slovenia the use of cell phones up the risks opcr,tte the computer programs or there might be a blizzard, there •Czech Republic •Jersey •South Africa associated with dri,·ing four to six that power the fi,·e pl.1sma-screen could be other cars, people, or •Denmark •Jordan •South Korea times, none of these studies wae scenes that surround the ,·chicle.
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