r ' STP.TEt1F.NT OF VICE PRESIDENT fTUT'1ERT EUTJ TYERJ::Y n r.FORE TilE NATIONP·!j 1\~SOCIJ\TION • OF RETAIL DRUGGISTS Grand Gallroom Sheraton-Bo ston HotPl r. ostcn, ~ ' assachusetts Yednesday, nct~ he r 9, 1968 Thenak you very nuc ~1 . Thank you very much. Thank you very much, my very dear and rrooC. friend and felloN citizen of the great ¥orth Star State of ~'iinnesota, Georq f'= Pilharl!l, and t.,re C. nn' t mind also salutin<; a q(>ntleman frnrn Texas 1 T~ illard Sim"TTons. So, t-re are v e ry happy to s ee both sic1es reprF>s r:? nted here . (I< pplause) You have a pharmacist from t-.1aine, that ic; crood. Those ar.e ~ n u s kie pharmacists out there. I arrt v ~ ry happy t c s ee you. (P.pplause) And I a m particularly please<1, f; eorry e I to s ee Many of 'f!:IY 0.earest and closest friends that have a l -:.1 ays supportE:!n.rne hut I neve r knew they r,orere so much behind M~· as they are tnday , a ll these ryoo<'! ~ unnesota pharmacists u ~ hereon t his platform u ith me, every one of theiTl. (l:.pplause) Ladie s and gentle-Men, I af"' no ne,,comer t o this 1athering . 1 I just asked Pillard, I saic 1 uhicl·· year is it now of the T'1l\TID Conventi~n and I believe you said t he 70th. ~ · ' e ll, I guess ' ·u~ are ready for Medicare the n. (Lauqhter) ~ y the way, it hasnti worked too badly either, has it, fellows? I will tell you that it has done all riqht. (Applause) It hasn't hurt a pharMacist that I know of y~ t 1 nor a c~ ctor, nor a hospital nor a nursing home, nor any ether :"..me rican. But I want to-talk to you as a participant in the work of t his ~ ssociation. I do take a great deal of ~ride in the fact that we still have our family business. '"hether you knm·l it or not, T keE=>p a ,.,atchful eye over it. Since I last spoke to you, the manaqe r of that little store ttrhich supports s ev e n or e irrht fa!!"llies in our community has passed on, my brothc:r. I lost h im a year aoo tris .1\.uqust to the deadly killer, cancer, wh ich only once aqain remin~s me ~f how much vmrk t~e have to do and r el!' inds me, an I ·.:rant to remind t h is audience and I ~1ant to remind this nation that the retail drunqist, the r e tail pharmacist, the prC'fessional nharmacist, is as much a pa.rt c f the healing arts of the l>~erican coanunity as a doctor or a t herapist or a technicia n or a hospital manage r or a nurs ~ . ~he pharmacist, that profe ssi•:mal pharmacist, trained , operating that store, is an intet}ral #5acctor in the health of the "'.rn "" rica n coiTllT'.uni ty and I shall ever be mindful of it. (Applause) I want to compli~e nt you on your qoo0 jud~me nt in c nhancina the repuhation of the !'Jl\Rn by pick inq a ""?.n from r.,innesota, r ,v qood friend, George 1:!ilharrn, as your President. (;~ pplause) ~nd since you are picking men from ~· innes~ta as y0ur pr€sicent, may I say the re is annther one availa~ l e . (Laughter and applause) I don't expect to <io as vrell in the qrocerv stores as a nother candidate ~ut I expect to do as- we ll or ~P tte r in the druo stores and I hope you get the message. (P..pplause ) Four years ago we \-Tere toqether in San Fra~cisco, as I r ~ call, and I spoke to you then as the candidate, for Vic ~ ~resid~nt o f the United States. Today I speak aqain as a~ern~er, as an olo friend, and as a candidate for the highest office in this land and I do - 2 - hope that afte r thi5 is all ovPr, that vou ~ ill invit~ me ~~c~ a~ain to speak to you as the ~resi~ent ~f the Uniterl ~tatPR. If you do, I ~ill come. (Appl.?mse) Now, with s~ many frie nds in thi~ audirnce I was a little surprised to read a !J~ll the 0th:~ r day ,,rhi c~ ' said that T'lic"'ard F ixon has an edrye a:-:to nq the nation.' s pl1ar"l'laci~ts. r·' ell, I rnust ~c.y that is apparently just an nld prescri~tion that S0~Phorly is tryinq to refill. (Lauqhtar and annlause) Den 1 t ··r:-rry, novJ, G'?nrqc-. Don 1 t ··10rrv. I hav t:~ hc->- en nravina for Georq <:'· 1 s p:-1 i t.ics f0r c: lonq tir'E' . It is a t2~porarv inr'ic:;­ position and I i1 ave a ren(~dy \\•hich vill ~ ·mrk nretty ':..rE' ll t r at I a,.... q0inq to t<ili< t0 ycu a little b it about. ' 1y sururis>? u.: ~: nut t"~ at poll in-all rrf)rr~ ~u -n 0r ':1 3-S ~.,r--c :; u:.: ., T t }dnk that t!'le p!1armacists •.-Jhn may havf' vott=d in that- noll a litt1..e differently th3.n I t'lish th <~ y •·muld hav:" forrrottE'n to ask t hf.:!~ S ? lves 7 a very ~Jasic questicn. T hich ,.,f theSE- c a nr:'ir}a.tes (! as r r·01ll v worke c'l for in h is public life, his .. privcte li~G, t" ~ 2- s J.,~ll husinessmen? And I thin;.;: I Ii'il"!'1t ask ~·!hich f)f tht:sE> :;~r ti .t?s h.c,c; prcvided t~ e g r ~ ~test ec0no~ic opportunit y for t~e ~ Prchant, for the ...,orkcr, f~r the c c rpcr a.t ~~ o•.m e r, f0r the stock o··mP.r, f.:)r t1 1~ Lu s iness wan? So , I ~~ goinq tn talk to ynu fir~t nf a ll, fir s t to~ay, a little ])it aLout my ')tm r-=corrl an(1 t .ry t0 r-ca ~<e a s:1l;:· an0 J a ' ~ qninq to try to do it with ~rofessional stan ~arfs . I had a n0tc he;:·e t;·,at a cri .~ nd fron U!i'; i.._s~0 ciation 0ave tr:­ me and it r eal1 just lik? this. : nhPrt, ask the1. ~·J~<:t Dick ' ~ ixon ever has ~one for a small t usinessnan, agide fror th rP ~ r ~ c ~ ~qio ns, 111hile he hac: the same Clffice t!~. at ynu hnld nm.r, in the Pi0ht "P2rs fro~1 1953 to 1961. I! c•JoJ, t r, c:t is a ha.rc1 questi0n to ans•,rC>r as are T"ost ('fue~ti0n.:; a 1 ·,out ·;r. I-~i x':'ln 1 s specific pr,nitions 0n t.he kev issU(.;-S o-f t~.ir:, car-.paiqn. !if has been so silent C'n !i0 r ucl'i t hat a ni za r~e.ci-=; t fri e nd nf mine suqqestec~ t '"lat my rmn0nent maybe ~. as 1 'c:>e n ta}~ina tranrruilize-r~ a ncJ that his n .::.:rn.e shoulc~ be JHcharc1 ·~iltoun ''ix on. (hpplaus ~ and lau0 hte r) I ho~e h -:: 1·:ill accent t hat in '100(1 '1U!''n r 1)e. cauSf" r'dl tn• :ns have a tendency to put one in qoo~ hum~ r. (Laughter) ~low, .::.sk vours :_ l f '.Jhat !1as the !)e:·'ocratic nemine:- "" c",C"nr- f0r omall businessmen, a.n~ I know t hat nany of you an0 a ~00~lv nu!li!:'JE·r of y0u u.re n~t reqist -'?. r e,·1 De1:0crats. I 2.:- •:0 ll c.'::=re 0-l" t hat. 1 Frankly, thc: t (10 (::S n t 1Y''th"r r-te a t~ it. I ha.( :." n E> 0f r.v srn ;- c0r1 ~ to ~e nC't lonrJ aqn ~ nc": tE"ll :r1e, he sai ~_.:. , nr'- -.r , ~a :J , '·Je f :?1 just. a little out of plc: c e in our cc:"'r.uni ty. I sa.irl , , ·hat is thl'? ?" a ttr--r ? ··e ll, he said, all t~e y0unn ~ol ko 0ut t ~ ~ r€ sav th2y ~r0 "PPU~licans. Th~y ~e long to t ~' 0 c ountry club , thPy he l~nq to ~iffer e nt sncj.al ~oups and ~J h enevs-r ~·J<" are wit!-: th.:!IT they sc:.v, you J·n01-.r, if ... c. talk politics, t hc-y ~ay ur: ere r::l,...... u1)licans and I ~ave to rr"' ~r4"1urr"' saying I am a ')ernccr ~ t. If('; Raid it snrt 0f mah:~ ~ y~u f~: c-' 1 011t 0f place. I ,naid, Son, if it ~ak e s y~u fe~l '·0tter tc sav v~ u are ~ RepubliCc!fl, a~n It l et that ;·; -:)th~ rycu. ~C' ri~~t a rz·:l'~ ~ n0 c::;ay it :.ut just r c:.'T"'i'?::-> hn:- tl:'lat y('ln :::. r f' in ' · u~ines~ c_n , ~ th? '"'l".lV '~ay v0u can affc- r c~ to say you are ~cpu·1 lican is t(' vote D ~!" 0cratic. (Lauqhte r) So procee~ to do s0.
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