Published by the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc. www.jewishlouisville.org JEWISH LOUISVIllE INSIDE Shlichim return Israeli emissaries teach at Camp J COMMUNITY STORY ON PG. 9 FRIDAY Vol. 43, No. 6 | 9 Tammuz 5778 | June 22, 2018 Awarding Blogging evening from Poland Award winners Local teachers honored at to tour scenes annual meeting of Holocaust By Lee Chottiner By Lee Chottiner Community Editor Community Editor Two Kentucky school teachers who The Jewish Community of Louisville have made major, though different, con- honored some of its leading figures at its tributions to Holocaust education in the 10th Annual Meeting on May 29. state, will travel together to Poland this The meeting, which is meant to “cel- summer to see the scenes of the genocide ebrate the work we do together,” accord- for themselves. ing to JCL Chairman Jon Fleischaker, Ron Skillern, who teaches Holocaust recognized 11 teen leaders from the past studies at Western Kentucky University’s year as well as seven young adult and se- summer VAMPY program for gifted stu- nior community figures, and one corpo- dents, and Fred Whittaker, who teaches rate sponsor who has made a significant the Holocaust through the religious difference in Jewish Louisville. studies program at St. Francis of Assisi It was an “active year,” Fleischaker Catholic School, will tour Poland as part said, as he paid tribute to all the honor- of the nonprofit organization Classrooms ees, as well as the JCL staff, volunteers Without Borders. and board members. While there, the two teachers will blog This year, “There was a positive vibe in Seven for Community, sharing their observa- the board meetings,” he said. tions and reflections on everything they Singled out for their work were this see and learn. year’s campaign chairs, Jerry and Mad- “I’m just really excited,” Skillern said. eline Abramson and Ariel and Faina Kro- Decades “What a terrific opportunity to do this to- nenberg. The Abramsons are stepping gether. We’ll be able to run things by each down from the job, but the Kronenbergs other.” will return next year with new co-chairs The group will be in Poland from June to lead the 2018-19 campaign. of Israeli 30 to July 10. It will visit the Warsaw In speaking for all four campaign Ghetto, Treblinka, Lublin, Majdanek, Wi- chairs, Jerry Abramson referenced the erzbnik, Kielce, Auschwitz, the Krakow declaration Jews make at the end of Jewish Quarter and Plaszow. each book of the Torah: Chazak, chazak Music Pittsburgh-based Classrooms Without v’nitchazek. (Be strong, be strong and Borders is an experiential project that may we be strengthened). exposes educators and students to the “That’s exactly what this community is Above, Ranen Omer-Sherman scenes of the Holocaust in Poland and about,” he said. tells the story behind each song elsewhere in Europe, generating new JCL President and CEO Sara Klein thoughts and ideas for teaching this Wagner said this year’s campaign drew at the May 30 “Seven Decades dark period of history. A survivor, How- more than 100 new donors, and 46 per- of Israeli Popular Music” program ard Chandler of Toronto, Canada, will be cent of this year’s contributors were ei- along for the entire trip, as will experi- ther new or had increased their gifts over at Adath Jeshurun. Right, enced docents. the previous year. Cantor Yvon Shore of In addition, Poles who are descendants The 11 teen leaders were recognized for Hebrew Union College-Jewish of Righteous Among the Nations – Gen- their service to AZA, BBG, their schools tiles who risked their lives to save Jews or the community at large. They were: Institute of Religion dances – will meet with the group, recounting Abigail Geller (Joseph Fink Community to one of the tunes. Seven their own family stories. Service Scholarship); Ava Schumacher A teacher for 31 years, Skillern started and Drew Goldstein (Ellen Faye Garmon cantors and vocalists the Holocaust studies course at VAMPY Award); Elizabeth Hemmer and Emily performed music from all seven (Verbally and Mathematically Precocious Renco (Stacy Marks Nisenbaum Award); Youth). He also conceived the idea for Tovah Frockt, Jacob Ioffe, Lucy Calderon decades of Israel’s existence. students from each summer’s class to and Julia Bessen (Stuart Pressma See story on page 16. create a life-sized mural depicting a (photos by Jerry Wolff) See ANNUAL MEETING on page 23 See BLOGGING on page 23 THE BEST. SUMMER. EVER. JOIN THE J! 2 Community Y JUNE 22, 2018 Y 9 TAMMUZ 5778 THE DASHBOARD D’var Torah Snapshots Where does G-d live? By Rabbi Shmully Litvin this time of remem- For Community brance to make a personal journey, to Do you remember when you moved consider what was, into your first apartment away from what it meant and your parents, or when you first walked what we felt. into your new house? On Saturday When Duby and I returned to Louis- Night, July 21, Jews ville and moved into our house, it was around the world quite the adjustment from the single will mark Tisha bedroom apartment, and it took some B’Av (the Ninth of time to make that house our own. If you Rabbi Shmully Litvin Av), the day of the ask Duby, we are still working at it – breaking of the Ten every day. Commandments, the Recently, we were blessed with a son. destruction of the First and Second Tem- As we brought Gavi into his room I won- ples and numerous other calamities that dered: What will make this house into have befallen our nation. Each congre- his home? Will he connect with the art- gation will offer chances to experience work on the walls or the music that we our loss of G-d’s home, through prayer, play? Will the delicious smells from the meditation and song. kitchen of his favorite meals and baked During the first three Thursdays of goods bring that sense of security and July, I will lead an audio-visual journey comfort that a home should have? to visualize and experience the won- It may be some of these things or it derful structure that once sat upon the may be all of them. It may be different Temple Mount in Jerusalem. When Jew- things, not just for Gavi, but for each of ish Louisville celebrates Israel at 70 in us. We work every day to create a space August, we will participate with an ar- for ourselves and our family to thrive cheological exhibit where one can dig up and grow. relics from the Temple period, bringing What do you think it would take to the past to life and helping to visualize outfit G-d’s house? the future Temple. For almost 1,000 years, G-d had a While we yearn for the Temple to be home in the center of the land of Israel. rebuilt, our sages have taught that we Known as the Beit Hamikdash (the Holy can act today. As we design our personal Temple), it served as the place where G- homes and spaces, we have the chance d’s children could come together to cel- to create our own mini-Temple, a place ebrate with G-d. in our hearts and homes where we can Three times a year, the Jewish na- connect to the spark of G-d that we each tion came together in pilgrimage to the contain. We are all created in G-d’s image Holy Temple. The miracle of Chanukah and are thus empowered to be bearers of took place there, and many phenomenal G-d’s light and goodness. All we need to events mentioned in the Talmud oc- do is keep working to make G-d feel at curred daily in the Temple. Alas, it was home, and sharing this warmth and light destroyed. Our ancestors were forced with our family, friends and community. out of Israel. I wish everyone a most meaningful The J pools opened to the community on Memorial Day weekend, offering wet, wild fun to So where do you think G-d is residing journey and look forward to witnessing parents and children alike. Summer memberships are available (Community photos by William now? the greatest home improvement real- Beasley) Next Sunday, July 1, we begin the an- ity show ever: the building of the Third nual three-week period of mourning Temple. Amen. and sadness over the destruction of the Holy Temple. We will spend time pray- (Rabbi Shmully Litvin, director of the Jew- ing, singing, crying and yearning for the ish Learning Center, teaches at the Louis- rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash. Each ville Jewish Day School and the Louisville Candles Jew is invited and encouraged to use Beit Sefer Yachad religious school.) Here are the candle-lighting times for Shabbat in July: • July 6 @ 8:51 • July 20 @ 8:44 • July 13 @ 8:48 • July 27 @ 8:38 I’m dedicated to our Jewish community. JEWISH BEDTIME STORIES and SONGS Contacts Buying or selling, Got a story idea? A letter? A gripe? A Administrative Coordinator Kristy Bene- kudo? field can handle all circulation questions. I’ll work just as hard Send it to Community Editor Lee Kristy can be reached at kbenefield@ Chottiner at lchottiner@jewishlouis- jewishlouisville.org or 502-238-2770. for you! ville.org. You can also call Lee at 502- Got an item for the Community eblast? 238-2783. Send it to weeklyupdate@jewishlou- Not getting your paper? 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