Public Document Pack Wyre Borough Council Date of Publication: 29 May 2018 Planning Committee Please ask for : Carole Leary Democratic Services Officer Agenda Tel: 01253 887444 Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday, 6 June 2018 at 2.00 pm at The Thornton Little Theatre, corner of Victoria Road and Fleetwood Road, Thornton, FY5 3SZ 1. Election of Chairman 2. Apologies for absence 3. Election of Vice Chairman 4. Declarations of Interest Members will disclose any pecuniary and any other significant interests they may have in relation to the matters under consideration. 5. Confirmation of Minutes To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 2 May 2018 (already circulated by email). 6. Appeals (Pages 1 - 16) Schedule of Appeals lodged and decided between 15 April 2018 – 15 May 2018 7. Planning Applications Background Papers: The following documents have been used when preparing the reports on each of the planning applications to be considered at this meeting. The Wyre Borough Local Plan (1999) Wyre Borough Core Strategy Preferred Options document (March 2012) Wyre Local Plan Issues and Options (June 2015) Submission draft – emerging Wyre Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Statements of Government Policy/advice (NPPF, NPPG, Circulars etc.). Supplementary Planning Documents and evidence base documents specifically referred to in the reports. The application file (as per the number at the head of each report). The forms, plans, committee reports and decisions as appropriate for the historic applications specifically referred to in the reports. Any additional information specifically referred to in each report. These Background Documents are available either on line, or for inspection by request at Planning Services, Civic Centre, Breck Road, Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 7PU 8. Reports of the Head of Planning Services on planning applications to be determined at this meeting (a) Application No: 16/00241/OULMAJ - Land to the (Pages 17 - 80) West of the A6 (Preston/Lancaster New Road) Bounded by Nateby Crossing Lane & Croston Barn Lane, Nateby, Garstang Outline planning permission for the erection of up to 269 dwellings, up to 5,532sqm of Class B1a offices, up to 3,957sqm of Class B1c light industrial floor space, up to 495sqm (gross) Class A1 convenience store, up to 300sqm (gross) Class A3 Coffee shop with associated landscaped open spaces and pedestrian/cycle link to Garstang with access taken from the A6 and Nateby Crossing Lane including the construction of a new roundabout and reconfiguration of the A6 (resubmission 14/00458/OULMAJ). This application has been brought back to the committee to enable it to consider a proposal to amend the wording of the affordable housing condition, prior to a decision being issued. (b) Application No: 17/00267/OUTMAJ - Selbys Pig (Pages 81 - Farm, Little Tongues Lane, Preesall 102) Outline application for the erection of 10 dwellings with access from Little Tongues Lane / Boubles Lane and layout applied for (all other matters reserved) (c) Application No: 18/00145/FUL - 15 Newton Drive (Pages 103 - East, Normoss, Blackpool 120) Erection of 8 Apartments following demolition of existing residential dwelling (d) Application No: 18/00158/ADV - Cooperative Retail, (Pages 121 - 34 - 37 High Street, Garstang 132) Erection of 5 x ‘One Stop’ (3 x illuminated) (2 x non- illuminated) signs, 1 x ‘Post Office’ illuminated fascia sign, 4 x non-illuminated direct print panels, and 4 x non-illuminated poster frames (e) Application No: 17/01077/FUL - 71A Victoria Road (Pages 133 - West, Thornton Cleveleys 142) Erection of a free standing ice cream kiosk on forecourt 9. Tree Preservation Order No 5 of 2018 - Land to the East of (Pages 143 - Tithebarn Park and to the North East side of Tithebarn Street, 158) Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 7BY Report of the Service Director People and Places 10. PLEASE NOTE: Transport for the Members will leave The Thornton Little Theatre, Four Lane Ends, Thornton, FY5 3SZ for the Five Site Visits at 10am This page is intentionally left blank APPEALS LODGED AND DECIDED Appeals Lodged between – 15 April – 15 May 2018 NONE Appeals Decided between – 15 April – 15 May 2018 Page 1 Application Location Proposal Com/Del Decision Date Decided Number decision 17/00745/FULMAJ Lakeland View Erection of a three storey residential care Non Allow 26th April 2018 Laidleys Walk home for use within Use Class C2 determination Fleetwood including car parking with vehicular and Lancashire pedestrian access and associated FY7 7JL landscaping 17/00412/FUL Land Adjacent The Stables Erection of one new dwelling with Delegated Dismissed 26th April 2018 Moss Lane detached double garage and creation of Agenda Item 6 Hambleton new vehicular access onto Moss Lane (re- Lancashire submission of 16/00934/FUL) FY6 9DA This page is intentionally left blank Appeal Decision Site visit made on 27 March 2018 by Katie McDonald MSc MRTPI an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State Decision date: 25 April 2018 Appeal Ref: APP/U2370/W/17/3192023 Former site of Lakeland View, Laidleys Walk, Fleetwood, Lancashire FY7 7JL The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a failure to give notice within the prescribed period of a decision on an application for planning permission. The appeal is made by Mr Wylie (TAS Limited) against Wyre Borough Council. The application Ref 17/00745/FULMAJ is dated 4 August 2017. The development proposed is the erection of a three storey residential care home for use within Use Class C2. Decision 1. The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the erection of a three storey residential care home for use within Use Class C2 at Former site of Lakeland View, Laidleys Walk, Fleetwood, Lancashire FY7 7JL in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref 17/00745/FULMAJ, dated 4 August 2017, subject to the following conditions set out in the attached schedule. Procedural Matters 2. The appeal is against the non-determination of the application for the development detailed above. However, the Council has explained that, had it determined the application, it would have refused planning permission for three reasons. Two relate to the living conditions of existing residents, and the other to the increase in traffic and the effect of this upon the safety of pedestrians and road users. 3. The description of development in the heading above has been taken from the planning application form. However, I have removed the last sentence as it is unnecessary. 4. Policies CDMP3 and CDMP6 of the Wyre Council Submission Draft Local Plan are referred to in the submitted reasons for refusal. The purpose of a Local Plan examination is for the Examiner to consider whether the plan is ‘sound’. Accordingly, it is possible that a policy could be amended or deleted as a result of the examination or that the plan is withdrawn or found unsound. As these policies have not yet been examined, little weight can be given to them. 5. An additional plan (drawing No A109) has been presented with the appeal that sets out accurate measurements of interface distances between the buildings surrounding the site and the proposal. The Council has raised no comment on this plan. As there are no changes to the proposal, I am satisfied that no party https://www.gov.uk/planning-inspectorate Page 3 Appeal Decision APP/U2370/W/17/3192023 would be disadvantaged by me taking account of this plan in my overall consideration of the appeal. Main Issues 6. Based upon the evidence before me, the main issues are the effect of the proposal on: i) the living conditions of existing occupiers of nearby residential dwellings; and, ii) the safe and efficient operation of the highway network in the vicinity of the appeal site. Reasons 7. The site is a flat, open, rectangular parcel of land located to the north of Fleetwood. It is relatively undeveloped, save for an electricity substation. The site was historically occupied by a residential care home and the area is residential in character. Laidleys Walk is typically characterised by a mixture of 2, 3 and 4 storey buildings. Directly to the rear of the site are a number of 2 storey semi-detached residential dwellings, specifically 5-8 Malcolm Place and 62 and 64 Macbeth Road. 8. The proposal is for a 3 storey residential care home. It would provide 80 bedrooms and associated facilities. First and second floor bedroom windows and communal lounge windows of the proposal would be sited in both the front and rear elevations. The building would front northwards on Laidleys Walk, overlooking the model yacht pond and coast line. Living conditions 9. When measured directly from the rear wall of the dwellings on Malcolm Place and Macbeth Road to the rear wall of the proposal, the evidence before me indicates the interface distances between the building and the dwellings would be around 28m at a minimum. The Council advise the distances would be in excess of 21m. The advised interface distances vary. However, as the existing dwellings to the rear are off-set and sited at varying positions around the cul- de-sac of Malcolm Place or on Macbeth Road, the location of the interface measurements could have taken place at various positions. 10. Nonetheless, the building would be to the north and thus would not adversely affect light to dwellings. Furthermore, whilst the building would have an elongated and tall form; this would be broken up by stepped elevations, varying materials and breaks in the roof line. These design features would reduce its perceived mass. 11. Taking account of these matters and the observations from my visit; I am satisfied that the separation between buildings would be sufficient to ensure adequate living conditions of the existing occupiers were maintained with regard to privacy, light and physical dominance.
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