Flora of China 6: 1–113. 2001. CARYOPHYLLACEAE 石竹科 shi zhu ke Lu Dequan (鲁德全)1, Wu Zhengyi (吴征镒 Wu Cheng-yih)2, Zhou Lihua (周丽华)2, Chen Shilong (陈世龙)3; Michael G. Gilbert4, Magnus Lidén5, John McNeill6, John K. Morton7, Bengt Oxelman8, Richard K. Rabeler9, Mats Thulin8, Nicholas J. Turland10, Warren L. Wagner11 Herbs annual or perennial, rarely subshrubs or shrubs. Stems and branches usually swollen at nodes. Leaves opposite, decussate, rarely alternate or verticillate, simple, entire, usually connate at base; stipules scarious, bristly, or often absent. Inflorescence of cymes or cymose panicles, rarely flowers solitary or few in racemes, capitula, pseudoverticillasters, or umbels. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual, rarely unisexual, occasionally cleistogamous. Sepals (4 or)5, free, imbricate, or connate into a tube, leaflike or scarious, persistent, sometimes bracteate below calyx. Petals (4 or)5, rarely absent, free, often comprising claw and limb; limb entire or split, usually with coronal scales at juncture of claw and limb. Stamens (2–)5–10, in 1 or 2 series. Pistil 1; carpels 2–5, united into a compound ovary. Ovary superior, 1-loculed or basally imperfectly 2–5-loculed. Gynophore present or absent. Placentation free, central, rarely basal; ovules (1 or) few or numerous, campylotropous. Styles (1 or)2–5, sometimes united at base. Fruit usually a capsule, with pericarp crustaceous, scarious, or papery, dehiscing by teeth or valves 1 or 2 × as many as styles, rarely berrylike with irregular dehiscence or an achene. Seeds 1 to numerous, reniform, ovoid, or rarely dorsiventrally compressed, abaxially grooved, blunt, or sharply pointed, rarely fimbriate-pectinate; testa granular, striate or tuberculate, rarely smooth or spongy; embryo strongly curved and surrounding perisperm or straight but eccentric; perisperm mealy. Between 75 and 80 genera and ca. 2000 species: widespread but mainly of temperate or warm-temperate occurrence in the N hemisphere, with principal centers of distribution in the Mediterranean region and W Asia to W China and the Himalayas, fewer species in Africa S of the Sahara, America, and Oceania; 30 genera (two endemic) and 390 species (193 endemic) in China. Arenaria, Silene, and Stellaria contain over half the species in the family in China. They are mostly concentrated in the Qinghai-Xizang plateau, and are especially rich from the Hengduan Mountains to the Himalayas. The main uses of this family are medicinal and ornamental. Dianthus superbus, Pseudostellaria heterophylla, Stellaria dichotoma var. lanceolata, and Vaccaria hispanica are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Some species of Arenaria, Dianthus, Gypsophila, Psammosilene, and Silene are used as medicinal herbs among the people or are habitually used in local Chinese medicine. Many species of Dianthus, Gypsophila, Lychnis, Saponaria, and Silene are grown as ornamentals. Atocion armeria (Linnaeus) Rafinesque (Silene armeria Linnaeus), native to Russia and Europe, is also cultivated in China. It differs from Silene in having a corymbose inflorescence and obscure calyx veins. Wu Cheng-yih, Ke Ping, Zhou Li-hua, Tang Chang-lin & Lu De-quan. 1996. Caryophyllaceae. In: Tang Chang-lin, ed., Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 26: 47–449. 1a. Stipules present, rarely obscure (subfam. Paronychioideae). 2a. Fruit an achene; petals absent. 3a. Sepal apex aristate; pistil 3-carpeled; style apex 3-fid; leaves subulate-linear; shrublets .. 1. Gymnocarpos 3b. Sepal apex not aristate; pistil 2-carpeled; style apex 2-fid; leaves oblong, elliptic, or subcordate; herbs perennial ......................................................................................................................... 2. Herniaria 2b. Fruit a capsule; petals present. 4a. Styles free. 5a. Styles 5; capsule 5-valved; leaves usually pseudoverticillate, stipules not connate ............ 3. Spergula 5b. Styles 3; capsule 3-valved; leaves decussate, stipules connate ........................................ 4. Spergularia 4b. Styles connate at base or throughout. 6a. Sepals green, leaflike; petals 2–6-parted ............................................................................ 5. Drymaria 6b. Sepals white, scarious; petals entire or 2-lobed. 1 Northwest Institute of Botany, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, People’s Republic of China. 2 Herbarium, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Heilongtang, Kunming 650204, People’s Republic of China (not Zhou Lihua (周立华) at Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology). 3 Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 78 Xiguan Avenue, Xining, Qinghai 810001, People’s Republic of China. 4 Missouri Botanical Garden, c/o Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, England, United Kingdom. 5 Botaniska Trädgården, Uppsala Universitet, Villavägen 8, SE-75236 Uppsala, Sweden. 6 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR, Scotland, United Kingdom. 7 Herbarium, Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada. 8 Department of Systematic Botany, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Norbyvägen 18D, SE-75236 Uppsala, Sweden. 9 University of Michigan Herbarium, 3600 Varsity Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108-2228, U.S.A. 10 Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299, U.S.A. 11 Herbarium, Department of Botany NHB-166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A. 7a. Sepals centrally ridged abaxially, hyaline at margin; style apex 3-lobed; leaves obovate or spatulate ..................................................................................................................... 6. Polycarpon 7b. Sepals not ridged, hyaline throughout; style apex entire; leaves linear or oblong ... 7. Polycarpaea 1b. Stipules absent. 8a. Sepals free, rarely connate at base; petals nearly clawless, rarely absent; stamens often perigynous (subfam. Alsinoideae). 9a. Flowers of 2 types: chasmogamous at stem apex, with petals, usually sterile; cleistogamous at stem base, without petals, fertile; plants with fleshy root tubers ..................................... 8. Pseudostellaria 9b. Flowers not of 2 types: cleistogamous flowers absent; plants usually without fleshy root tubers. 10a. Capsule teeth as many as styles. 11a. Styles 4 or 5; petals shorter than or equaling sepals, rarely absent. 12a. Petals entire ........................................................................................................... 9. Sagina 12b. Petals 2-fid ........................................................................................................ 10. Stellaria 11b. Styles 2 or 3; petals longer than sepals. 13a. Styles 3; seeds numerous ................................................................................ 11. Minuartia 13b. Styles 2(or 3); seeds 1 or 2 ......................................................................... 12. Lepyrodiclis 10b. Capsule teeth 2 × as many as styles. 14a. Styles (4 or)5. 15a. Petals 2-fid for up to 1/3 their length, retuse, or rarely entire; capsule cylindric, usually greatly exceeding calyx, apex 8–10-toothed ..................................... 13. Cerastium 15b. Petals deeply 2-fid; capsule ovoid to shortly cylindric, shorter than or slightly exceeding calyx, apex 10-toothed, or 5-valved to middle with valves 2-fid at apex. 16a. Capsule shortly cylindric, shorter than calyx, apex 10-toothed; styles episepalous ................................................................................. 14. Pseudocerastium 16b. Capsule ovoid, slightly exceeding calyx, 5-valved to middle, valves 2-fid at apex; styles alternisepalous .................................................................... 15. Myosoton 14b. Styles (2 or)3(or 4). 17a. Petals 2-fid, rarely absent, lobes not toothed at apex. 18a. Petals 2-fid for up to 1/3 their length; capsule cylindric, toothed at apex 13. Cerastium 18b. Petals deeply 2-fid, rarely absent; capsule ovoid or globose, opening by valves ........................................................................................................ 10. Stellaria 17b. Petals entire, rarely emarginate, toothed, or 2-fid with toothed lobes. 19a. Sepals connate below middle; seed testa spongy ........................ 16. Thylacospermum 19b. Sepals free; seed testa not spongy. 20a. Seeds with membranous strophiole ............................................. 17. Moehringia 20b. Seeds without strophiole. 21a. Inflorescence umbellate; capsule cylindric; seeds dorsiventrally compressed ............................................................................ 18. Holosteum 21b. Inflorescence cymose, paniculate, or flowers solitary; capsule ovoid or oblong; seeds reniform or globose. 22a. Seeds few or numerous, rarely 1; sepals herbaceous; petals shorter or longer than sepals; herbs erect, diffuse, or cushionlike 19. Arenaria 22b. Seed 1; sepals subscarious, semihyaline; petals much shorter than sepals; herbs climbing .................................... 20. Brachystemma 8b. Sepals connate into a distinct calyx tube; petals usually clawed; stamens hypogynous (subfam. Caryophylloideae). 23a. Styles 3 or 5. 24a. Fruit berrylike, drying when mature; irregularly dehiscent (Silene baccifera) .................. 21. Silene 24b. Fruit a capsule, with regular teeth. 25a. Calyx lobes leaflike, longer than tube; styles hairy .......................................... 22. Agrostemma 25b. Calyx teeth shorter than tube;
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