1 Abietic Acid R Abrasive Silica for Polishing DR Acenaphthene M (LC

1 Abietic Acid R Abrasive Silica for Polishing DR Acenaphthene M (LC

1 abietic acid R abrasive silica for polishing DR acenaphthene M (LC) acenaphthene quinone R acenaphthylene R acetal (see 1,1-diethoxyethane) acetaldehyde M (FC) acetaldehyde-d (CH3CDO) R acetaldehyde dimethyl acetal CH acetaldoxime R acetamide M (LC) acetamidinium chloride R acetamidoacrylic acid 2- NB acetamidobenzaldehyde p- R acetamidobenzenesulfonyl chloride 4- R acetamidodeoxythioglucopyranose triacetate 2- -2- -1- -β-D- 3,4,6- AB acetamidomethylthiazole 2- -4- PB acetanilide M (LC) acetazolamide R acetdimethylamide see dimethylacetamide, N,N- acethydrazide R acetic acid M (solv) acetic anhydride M (FC) acetmethylamide see methylacetamide, N- acetoacetamide R acetoacetanilide R acetoacetic acid, lithium salt R acetobromoglucose -α-D- NB acetohydroxamic acid R acetoin R acetol (hydroxyacetone) R acetonaphthalide (α)R acetone M (solv) acetone ,A.R. M (solv) acetone-d6 RM acetone cyanohydrin R acetonedicarboxylic acid ,dimethyl ester R acetonedicarboxylic acid -1,3- R acetone dimethyl acetal see dimethoxypropane 2,2- acetonitrile M (solv) acetonitrile-d3 RM acetonylacetone see hexanedione 2,5- acetonylbenzylhydroxycoumarin (3-(α- -4- R acetophenone M (LC) acetophenone oxime R acetophenone trimethylsilyl enol ether see phenyltrimethylsilyl... acetoxyacetone (oxopropyl acetate 2-) R acetoxybenzoic acid 4- DS acetoxynaphthoic acid 6- -2- R 2 acetylacetaldehyde dimethylacetal R acetylacetone (pentanedione -2,4-) M (C) acetylbenzonitrile p- R acetylbiphenyl 4- see phenylacetophenone, p- acetyl bromide M (FC) acetylbromothiophene 2- -5- JC acetyl chloride M (FC) acetylcholine chloride R acetylcholine perchlorate M (P) acetylcollidinium tetrafluoroborate 3- -2,4,6- R acetylcyclohexanone 2- R acetylcysteine N- L- R acetylene dicarboxylic acid AA acetylene dicarboxylic acid mono potassium salt R acetylene(gas) M acetylferrocene JC acetylgalactosamine N- -O- R acetylglucosamine N- R acetylhomocysteine thiolactone N- -DL- R acetylhydrazine ,N- see acethydrazide acetylmethionine N- DL R acetyl methyl carbinol (butan-2-ol-3-one, acetoin) R acetylmethylcyclopropane, 1- -1- see methyl methylcyclopropyl ketone acetylmethylcysteine N- β-AB acetylmethylthiophene 2- -5- AA acetylneuraminic acid N- see sialic acid acetylpenicillamine N- D- AB acetylpenicillamine N- DL- R acetylphenylalanine nitrophenyl ester N- -DL- p- R acetyl phosphate dilithium salt R acetylpropanol 3- -1- R acetylpyridine 2- R acetylpyridine 3- R acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) R acetylsulfanilyl chloride N- 4L acetylthiocholine M (P) acetylthiophene 2- AA acetyltoluidine N- -o-R acetyltoluidine N- -p-R acetyltryptophan N- -S- NB acetyltyrosine N- -S- R acetylvaleric acid 5- (6-oxoheptanoic acid) R acid alizarin blue R acid fuchsin R acid magenta rubin see acid fuchsin acridanone 9- R acridine R acridine hydrochloride R acridine orange R 3 acridine yellow G R acriflavine R acrolein M (FC) acrolein diethyl acetal R acrylamide R acrylonitrile M (FC) acrylonitrile/butadiene copolymer R acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene resin R acrylonitrile / vinylidene chloride copolymer see under V acrylic acid R actinomycin D M (P) acycloguanosine (acyclovir) DS adamantane R adamantanecarboxylic acid ,-1- R adamantanecarbonitrile -1- R adamantanecarbonyl chloride ,-1- R adamantanediacetic acid 1,3- CG adamantanedicarboxylic acid 1,3- CG adamantanediyldiphenol 1,3- -4,4'- CG adamantanemethylamine 1- R adamantanol -1- R adamantanone R adamantyl bromomethyl ketone 1- R adamantylmethyl bromide JW adenine R adenosine CG adenosine diphosphate sodium salt CG adenosine monophosphate 2'/3'- R adenosine monophosphate 5'- R adenosine triphosphate disodium salt R adenosine triphosphate sodium salt CG adipamide R adipic acid M (LC) adiponitrile (1,4-dicyanobutane) R "AD mix" osmium containing oxd'n agent CH adrenalin bitartrate M (P) adrenosterone R agar-agar (gran) M (LC) agarose R alanine β-R alanine DL- R alanine L- R alanine anhydride (3,6-dimethylpiperazine-2,5-dione) R alanine ethyl ester HCl L- R alanine methyl ester HCl L- R alanine methyl ester HCl DL- R alanine ethyl ester HCl ß- R alanine methyl ester HCl ß- R alanine t-butyl ester HCl L- R 4 alanylalanine L- -L- R alanylalanine DL- -DL- R alanylphenylalanine DL- -DL- R alanylvaline DL- -DL- R albumin (bovine) R albumin (blood) R albumin (egg) R albumin (human) AB alcian blue 8 GX 300 R aldehyde fuchsin R aldol R alginic acid R aliquat 336 see methyltricaprylylammonium chloride alizarin R alizarin red S = alizarin S alizarin S R alizarin yellow GG R alkathene (polyethylene) R allene (gas) M allopurinol R allothreonine l- CG alloxan R allyl acetate R allylacetic acid R allyl alcohol M (C) allylamine R (FC) allylbenzene R allyl bromide M (C) allyl chloride M (LC) allyl chloroformate R (FC) allyl cyanide R allyl ether (=diallyl ether) R allyl ethyl ether R allyl fluoride CH allyl iodide M (LC) allyl isocyanate M (FC) allyl isothiocyanate SSC allyl mercaptan CH allyl methacrylate R allylmethylamine N- JW allyl methyl sulfide M (FC) allylphenol o- R allyl phenyl ether R allyl propyl ether n- R allyltrichlorosilane MO almond oil R aloin AA alum M (LC) alumina α-phase R 5 alumina β-phase R alumina other types see aluminium oxide aluminium ,powder M (LC) aluminium acetate M (LC) aluminium ammonium sulfate M (LC) aluminium arsenate M (P) aluminium arsenite M (P) aluminium bromide (tri) R (FC) aluminium butoxide tri-t- R aluminium carbonate R aluminium chloride M (C) aluminium di-s-butoxide ethylacetoacetate chelate PW aluminium hydroxide R aluminium iodide (tri) R (FC) aluminium lithium hydride M (C) aluminium lithium hydride, sltn in diglyme R aluminium lithium hydride -d4 R aluminium nitrate M (LC) aluminium oxide (alumina) M (C) aluminium oxide, activated, pellets R aluminium perchlorate M (P) aluminium phosphate R aluminium potassium sulfate M (LC) aluminium propoxide ,iso- R aluminium silicate R aluminium stearate R aluminium sulfate M (LC) aluminium telluride M (P) aluminon R amaranth R amberlite see ion exchange resin amberlyst see ion exchange resin amidobenzoic acid o- (= amino-) R amidophenol p- (= amino-) R aminoacetaldehyde dimethyl acetal R aminoacetanilide p- R aminoacetonitrile .H2SO4 R aminoacetonitrile .HCl R aminoacetophenone hydrochloride α-R aminoacetophenone o- R aminoacetophenone p- R aminoacridine hydrochloride 5- R aminoacridine hydrochloride 9- R aminoanthraquinone 1- R aminoanthraquinone 2- R aminoantipyrine 4- (4-NH2-1,5-diMe-2-Ph-pyrazol-3-one R aminoazobenzene p- M (P) aminobenzene sulfonic acid 2- R aminobenzene sulfonic acid 3- see metanilic acid 6 aminobenzene sulfonic acid 4- see sulfanilic acid aminobenzimidazole 2- R aminobenzoic acid 2- see anthranilic acid aminobenzoic acid 3- R aminobenzoic acid 4- R aminobenzonitrile 4- R aminobenzophenone o- R aminobenzophenone p- R aminobenzothiadiazole 4- -2,1,3- R aminobenzotrifluoride p- R aminobenzylamine 2- JC aminobenzylamine 4- R aminobutanol R-(-)-2- -1- AA aminobutyric acid 4- R aminobutyric acid α- -iso-R aminobutyric acid β- -n-R aminocaproic acid 6- R aminocarbethoxypyrazole 3- -4- AB aminochlorobenzophenone 2- -5- R aminochlorobenzothiazole 2- -6- .HCl R aminochlorophenol see chlorohydroxyaniline aminocresol 2- -p- R aminocresol 3- -o- .hydrochloride R aminocresol 3- -p- R aminocresol 4- -m- R aminocresol 5- -o- .hydrochloride R aminocresol 6- -o- R aminodichlorophenol 4- -2,6- R aminodichloropyrimidine 2- -4,6- DS aminodimethoxypyrimidine 2- -4,6- JW aminodimethylaniline 4- -N,N- .2HCl R aminodimethylaniline 4- -N,N- R aminodimethylbenzene 2- -1,3- R aminodimethylbenzene 2- -1,4- R aminodimethylbenzene 3- -1,2- R aminodimethylbenzene 4- -1,3- R aminodimethylbenzene see also dimethylaniline aminodimethylbenzimadazole 2- -5,6- .H2OR aminodimethylpyridine 2- -4,6- R aminoethanesulfonic acid 2- see taurine aminoethanethiol 2- R aminoethanethiol 2- .HCl R aminoethylamino)ethylamino)-ethanol 2-(2-(2- R aminoethylcarbazole 3- -9- R aminoethylethanolamine 2- R aminoethylisothiouronium bromide.HBr R aminoethylpiperazine N-(2-aminoEt)- R aminofluorene 9- R aminofluorene 9- .HCl R 7 aminoguanidine bicarbonate R aminoguanidine sulfate R aminoheptane 1- R aminohexanoic acid 6- see aminocaproic acid aminohippuric acid p- R aminohydroxybutyric acid DL-γ- -β-R aminohydroxymethylpropanediol 2- -2- -1,3- R aminohydroxypyridine 2- -3- R aminohydroxynaphthalenesulfonic acid 4- -3- -1- R aminoisobutyric acid α- see aminobutyric acid iso- aminolevulinate dehydratase δ-AB aminolevulinic acid δ-AB aminomethanesulfonic acid NB aminomethoxyphenol 5- -2- NB aminomethylalizarindiacetic acid -N,N- R aminomethylanthraquinone 1- -2- see disperse orange 11 aminomethylbenzoic acid 4-(aminomethyl) R aminomethylbenzoic acid 4- -3- R aminomethylphenol various isomers see aminocresol aminomethylpiperidine 4-(aminomethyl) R aminomethyl propanol 2- -2- -1- R aminomethylpyridine 2- -3- R aminomethylpyridine 2- -4- R aminomethylpyridine 2- -5- R aminomethylpyridine 2- -6- R aminomethylpyridine 2-(aminomethyl) R aminomethylpyridine 4-(aminomethyl) R aminomethylthiadiazole 2- -5- -1,3,4- 4L aminonaphthalenetrisulfonic acid trisodium salt 8- -1,3,6- R aminonaphthalimide 4- -1,8 R aminonaphtholdisulfonic acid disodium salt 1- -2- -3,6- R aminonaphtholsulfonic acid 1- -2- -4- R aminonicotinic acid 2- NB aminonitrobenzoic acid 5- -2- R aminonitrobenzophenone 4- -3- R aminonitronaphthalene 1- -4- R aminonitrophenylpropanediol D-(–)-threo-2- -1(4- )-1,3- R aminonitropyridine 2- -3- R aminonitroquinoline 5- -6- R aminonitrotoluene see methylnitroaniline aminonitrotoluene 2- -5- M (LC) aminooxyacetic acid

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