INCLUSIVE ARTPROJECT AN ENERGY COOPERATIVE Connections Agroup comes to mosaic starts its the Keys Thursday Keyswide tour, 4B to pitch solar, 1B VOLUME 65-NO.11 STAY CONNECTED /KEYSINFONET NEWSAll DAY. YOUR WAY. WWW.FLKEYSNEWS.COM FACEBOOK.COM WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7,2018 50 cents THE FLORIDAKEYS 7786790 22222 MIDDLE KEYS $40M rebuild setfor anew hospital Fishermen’s building had roof damageand flooding in September’s Hurricane Irma. BY KATIE ATKINS Sheriff’s Office [email protected] Followingextensive roof damage SUGARLOAFBOATCRASH and flooding during Hurricane Irma, Fishermen’s Community Hospital in Rescuersrespond to the Mondaycrash of ajet-poweredboatthatran up an embankmentalong Tarpon Creek Marathon will undergo arebuild next near the KOAonSugarloaf Key. RonBurkettofTennessee wasthe only personaboard. He wasairlifted to a year to the tune of $40million. Miami trauma center in serious but stable condition. Burketttold statemarine officersand local police thathe Baptist Health South Florida, which wasonplane when his boatstruck pilings and went out of control, crashing into the bank. No charges were bought the hospital at mile marker filed pending additional FWCinvestigation. 48.5 oceanside last year,said Monday it aims to raise $15million from dona- tions as partofthe $40millionproject. Construction will start in early 2019. It’sthe only hospital on the 80-mile stretch from Lower Keys Medical Cen- UPPER KEYS ter in Key West to Mariners Hospital in Tavernier, alsoaBaptist hospital. In the meantime, patients in need of avisit to the emergency room can go Islamorada park welcomes neighbors tothe temporary hospital on the Fish- ermen’s hospitalproperty. It went up FoundersParkoffers the same schools and hang out two weeks after Hurricane Irma blew temporaryfreeentrance together,” Councilman Mike through the Florida Keys. About 20 forTavernier residents with Forster said Tuesday. patients are seen there daily. 33070 on license. “They would do the same Chief Executive RickFreeburg told for us,” he said. “It’s neigh- Monroe County commissioners at bors helping neighbors, Keys their Nov. 14 meeting the pop-up hos- BY KEVIN WADLOW Strong. It’s just the right thing pital comprisingtentsand mobile [email protected] to do.” buildings needs to move. The county Hurricane Irma caused and Baptist came to an agreement that Islamorada put out awel- extensive damage to the Baptist couldpotentially build anew come sign at Founders Park oceanside Harry Harris Park, pop-up hospital at the west end of the this week for its neighbors in off mile marker 92.6. The FloridaKeys Marathon International the Tavernier zip code. property also was used to store Airport, but that’s no longer happen- While work continues to boats pulled out of nearshore ing, according to Baptistspokeswoman open Harry Harris Park on waters. Dori Alvarez. south Key Largo, the Islam- Founders Park also suffered “The current field hospital belongs orada Village Council voted in the storm, but its bayside to the state of NorthCarolina. We unanimously to open its doors location at mile marker 87 expect to replacethe field hospital for 33070zip-code residents helped limit some of the de- with atemporary modularfacility in to use the boat ramp and facil- struction. the samelocation this spring,” she ities at Founders Park. For a90-day period, the Village of Islamorada said. “That modular facility will oper- “Those folks live only a Tavernier residents with a The children’s Splash PadatIslamorada’s Founders Park. ate until the new,permanent facility couple of miles away. Kids Tavernier residents can temporarily use Founders facilities,with a opens.” from our communities go to SEE PARK,2A small surcharge foraquatic centeruse. Baptist will still have the option in the next 12 months to lease the land from the county, according to county public information officerCammy Clark. LOWER KEYS At the current pop-up hospital, serv- ices available includeX-ray imaging and care for heart attacks and strokes. It is staffed with EmergeNcy Room Another messageinabottle physicians, nurse practitioners, and radiologyand lab technicians. The note inside waswritten theHurricane-Irma ravaged kan,two Ohio wine makers, Baptist operates seven hospitals and in 1986 and the bottle placed Avenues when they found it. leave this legacy for you to multiple outpatient and urgent-care on aLowerKeysisland. “My husband tossed it out find...Happily we may be facilities, among other medical cen- to me from avacant lot on remembered;Happily we ters. Avenue Fand said, ‘It’s a maybeforgot;Happily you BY KATIE ATKINS winebottle,’ ” Staceysaid. drink our wine; Happily we Katie Atkins: 305-440-3219 [email protected] After taking acloser look, rot.” Stacey saidshe wasshocked Stacey told the Keynoter On asummerday in 1986, andexcited to see amessage she tracked down Wolkan’s LISA RANCK STACEY two winemakers fromOhio inside. sister, BethWehry, on Face- This is partofafaded message swam to asmall island near “Whenwewenttoget the book who toldher themen in abottle written by two BahiaHonda State Parkand cork out,the bottle broke into were inspired by an episode Classifieds 5B friends from Ohio in 1986.It buried amessage in abottle. amillion pieces,” she said. of “The Undersea World of Living 1B wasreportedly buried on Saturday, Lisa Ranck Sta- The faded note reads:“On JacquesCousteau” and later Opinion 5A Trinity’sKey,near Bahia Honda ceyand herhusband were this summerday of nineteen swam to Trinity’s Key near Puzzles 2B PrintedoN StatePark, and found by aBig part of acrew on Big Pine hundred and eighty-six... We, Puzzles 100% recycled Pine Keycouple Saturday. Key cleaning avacant lotiN Neil Johnsonand LarryWol- SEE BOTTLE,2A answers 2B newsprint 305-743 - 5680 www.DiscountDemolitions.com Lic#CGC1523252 DEMOLITION SITE WORK HAULING DUMPSTERS 2A KEYNOTER WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7 2018 Keys News FLKEYSNEWS.COM KN MONROE COUNTYSCHOOLS FROM PAGE 1A same. The Upper Keys school PARK had a68percent Hispanic Keys graduation rates graduationrate and a92 33070codeontheir percent white graduation driver’s license can get rate. MarathonHighhad free park entranceand an 89 percent white grad- use the boat ramp. The uation rate and a77.8 park also likely will host belowstate average percent Hispanic gradua- several Upper Keys tion rate. Little League games The only highschool normally played at Har- Also, thereremainsa Thedistrict’s graduation mas, accordingtoareport the highest rate of the that had seniors who iden- ry Harris. disparity between rates of rate is below the state’s by Dave Murphy,the dis- three public high schools tified as black was at Key The Ron Levy Aquatic white graduates to black average,82percentand trict’sexecutive director with 83 percent,while West High, where 85.6 Center will be available and Hispanic graduates. slightly higher than last of assessment and ac- Marathon was close be- percent of white students for the same $2 to $3 year’s 77.9 percent rate. countability. hind withnearly 83 per- graduated compared to 68 entrance fee paidby “We need to do abetter School Boardmember cent andKey West High percent of Hispanics and Islamorada residents. BY GWEN FILOSA job of getting allkidsto MiNdy CoNnsaid the Keys Schooltrailed behind at 79 79 percent of blacks. Forstertook thelead [email protected] certain benchmarks along can’t count on ever scor- percent. Last year, the Hispanic on the issue with the the way thatwill set them ing a100 percent gradua- But Monroe County still graduationrate was nearly Village Council after MonroeCounty schools up so they cancomplete tion rate, giventhe varia- has aproblem with the 88 percent and the black attending apackedTa- had a79percentgradua- the process,” said Superin- bles of students choosing rate of whitestudents graduationrate was 69. vernier Community tion rate fromits three tendentMarkPorter. to get aGED, which being higher than those of The board meets next Association meeting on traditional high schools for Porter added,“Thisis counts againstthe gradua- students of color, the re- Feb. 13 in KeyWest start- thestatus of Harry Har- the school year 2016-17, not ahigh school-only tion rate. port shows. ing at 2p.m. ris Park. but disparities still exist issue, it’s asystemicis- “What Ireally want to Overall, 86.5 percent of Jenny Miller Flanigan with white students grad- sue.” see is 100 percent positive white students earned Gwen Filosa: asked at the session if uating at ahigher rate Of the Keys 611students outcomes,” Conn said. diplomas while 68 percent @KeyWestGwen Islamoradawouldcon- than Hispanic andblack eligiblefor graduation, Coral Shores High of Hispanics and73per- sider sharing Founders students. 484walked off withdiplo- School in Tavernier had cent of blacks did the Park duringthe Harry Harris closure. “’I’m very thankful to Mike Forsterand the Islamoradacouncil for LEGISLATURE embodying the ‘Keys Strong’spiritbyopening Founder’sPark to Ta- Statetreebill stalls but not chopped yet vernier residents,” Fla- nigan said Tuesday. “Many local families Florida Senate panel state Sen. Anitere Flores’ closely.” who havebeeNNegativ- delays action on proposed office. Karen DeMaria, urban ely impacted by Hurri- lawtoblock local tree State Sen. Greg Steube forestry manager for the cane Irma will benefit regulation in Florida Keys (R-Sarasota County) filed Key West Tree Commis- from this generousshow and statewide. SB 574“to stop theover- sion,said recentlythat of solidarityfrom the reachofour counties and passage of the bill would village of Islamorada.” cities,” he wrote
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