AGENDA GOVERNANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE Friday, 30th June, 2006, at 10.30 am Ask for: Andrew Tait Medway Room, Sessions House, County Telephone Hall, Maidstone 01622 694342 Tea/Coffee will be available 15 minutes before the start of the meeting UNRESTRICTED ITEMS (During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public) 1. Substitutes 2. Minutes - 1 March 2006 (Pages 1 - 10) 3. Ombudsman Complaints (Pages 11 - 26) 4. Draft Statement of Accounts (Pages 27 - 132) 5. Financial Regulations (Pages 133 - 134) 6. External Audit Fee and 2006/07 Joint Audit and Inspection Plan (Pages 135 - 162) 7. Code of Practice on Contracts and Tenders (Pages 163 - 166) 8. Internal Audit Annual Report 2005/06 (Pages 167 - 198) 9. Internal Audit Reporting (Pages 199 - 218) 10. Other items which the Chairman decides are urgent EXEMPT ITEMS 11. Internal Audit Reporting - Irregularities (Pages 219 - 222) 12. Safe recruitment of people working with children (Pages 223 - 230) Peter Sass Head of Democratic Services and Local Leadership (01622) 694002 Thursday, 22 June 2006 Please note that any background documents referred to in the accompanying papers maybe inspected by arrangement with the officer responsible for preparing the relevant report. Agenda Item 2 KENT COUNTY COUNCIL ______________________________ GOVERNANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES of a meeting of the Governance and Audit Committee held at County Hall, Maidstone on Wednesday, 1 March 2006. PRESENT: Mr C G Findlay (Chairman), Mr R L H Long, TD (Vice-Chairman), Mr D L Brazier, Mrs T Dean, Mr C J Law, Mr J F London, Mrs M Newell, Mr W V Newman, Mr R J Parry, Mr D Smyth, Mr M V Snelling and Mr R Tolputt. OFFICERS: The Strategic Director (Resources), Mr D Lewis; the County Finance Officer, Ms L McMullan; the Head of ICT, Mr D Cockburn; the Chief Internal Auditor, Dr C Webster (with Mrs J Armstrong); the Head of Financial Services, Mr N Vickers (with Mrs D Mattingley); the interim Communities Director of Policy and Resources, Judy Edwards; the Performance Manager, Mrs J Hill; and the Democratic Services Officer, Mr A Tait. ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs J Eilbeck and Mr M Stevenson of Pricewaterhouse Coopers. UNRESTRICTED ITEMS 1. Membership (Item 1) The Committee noted the appointment of Mrs T Dean in place of Mr M J Vye. 2. Minutes (Item 3) RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2005 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman. 3. Code of Corporate Governance (Item 4 – Report by Strategic Director (Resources)) RESOLVED that:- (a) the County Council be recommended to amend Appendix 10 of the Constitution as set out in the Appendix to these Minutes, taking into account amendments suggested by the Committee; and (b) future minor revisions to Appendix 10 be made by the Director of Law and Governance, reflecting any views put forward by the Committee. 4. KCC Annual Plan (Item 5 – Report by Strategic Director (Resources)) RESOLVED that the Director of Business Solutions and Policy be authorised in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Labour and Liberal Democrat Group Spokesmen to discharge the Committee’s responsibility to check the compliance of the KCC Annual Plan with statutory reporting requirements prior to its publication by 30 June 2006. 1 Page 1 5. Risk Management – Revised Directorate Risk Registers (Item 6 – Report by Strategic Director (Resources)) RESOLVED that the revised directorate risk registers be noted. 6. Performance Review (Item 7 – Report by Strategic Director (Resources)) RESOLVED that:- (a) the formal Performance Review programme be discontinued; (b) the approach taken to performance review by the Policy Overview Committees be reviewed by the Committee after 12 months; and (c) consequent amendments to the Constitution be recommended to the County Council, to reflect this change. 7. External Auditor’s Preliminary Joint Audit and Inspection Plan and Fee (Item 8 – Report by Strategic Director (Resources) (1) A revised report, including amendments to the Preliminary Plan had previously been circulated to the Committee; (2) RESOLVED that:- (a) the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as the Authority’s external auditors until 31 March 2007 be noted; and (b) the Chief Executive or his nominated representative be authorised to approve the External Auditor’s Preliminary Joint Audit and Inspection Plan and fee in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Labour and Liberal Democrat Group Spokesmen. 8. Internal Audit Plan 2006/07 (Item 9 – Report by Chief Internal Auditor) RESOLVED that approval be given to:- (a) the proposed 2006-07 Plan for Internal Audit set out in Appendix A of the report; (b) the proposed improvements to Internal Audit working practices set out in paragraph 7 of the report; and (c) the reporting arrangements for the outcomes of audits set out in paragraph 8 of the report. 2 Page 2 9. Internal Audit Reporting (Item 10 – Report by Chief Internal Auditor) RESOLVED that the report be noted. 10. Mr David Lewis This being the last meeting of Mr David Lewis, Strategic Director (Resources) the Committee thanked him and paid tribute to his services to Kent County Council. Mr Lewis suitably replied. EXEMPT ITEMS (Open Access to Minutes) (Members resolved that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 7 and 14 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act) 11. Internal Audit Reporting – Irregularities (Item 12 – Report by Chief Internal Auditor) (1) The Chief Internal Auditor provided brief details of all irregularities cases completed during the period November 2005 to January 2006. (2) RESOLVED that the report be noted. 06/c&g/auditcommittee/030106/Minutes 3 Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank Page 4 APPENDIX (Minute 3 Refers) 1. Corporate Governance is defined as the leadership, direction and control of the organisation to ensure it achieves its agreed aims and objectives and in so doing serves the public’s best interests with integrity. In 2004 the Council adopted a Code of Corporate Governance based on that set out in the CIPFA/SOLACE document “A Keystone for Community Governance”. 2. In 2004 the Independent Commission on Good Governance in Public Services was established and supported by the Office for Public Management (OPM), the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), in partnership with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The role of the Commission was to develop a common code and set of principles for good governance across public services. This code was published in January 2005 and is incorporated within the Council’s Code of Corporate Governance. 3. The Code presents six principles of good governance that are common to all public service organisations and are intended to help all those with an interest in public governance to assess good practice. 4. The following table identifies the key elements of each of these six principles, those that the Council has adopted and, where appropriate, the key documents/processes that ensure the overall arrangements made by the Council for assuring its corporate governance meets current best practice. The main document is the Constitution itself. 5. These arrangements are reviewed annually, the review and any consequent necessary action being reported to and agreed by the Audit Committee. Audit Committee approval to the latest version of the Council’s Code of Corporate Governance was given on [insert date]. 1 Page 5 Code of Corporate Governance DOCUMENTS/PROCESSES IN PLACE TO THE COUNCIL’S COMMITMENT SUPPORT COMPLIANCE: 1. Good governance means focusing on the organisation’s purpose and on outcomes for citizens and service users 1.1 Being clear about the organisation’s purpose There is a clear statement of the organisation’s and its intended outcomes for citizens and purpose, which is used as a basis for planning service users • Vision for Kent • The Next Four Years document • Annual Plan • Local Area Agreements • Public Service Agreement 2 • Directorate Business Plans 1.2 Making sure that users receive a high quality The Council constantly reviews the decisions it service takes, making sure that they further the organisations purpose and contribute to the intended outcomes for citizens and service users: • Policy Overview Committees • Cabinet Scrutiny The Council measures the quality of service for users and makes sure that it has the information it needs to review service quality effectively and regularly: • Best Value Performance Indicators • Next Four Years Targets and Pis Processes are in place to hear the views of users and non-users from all backgrounds and communities about their needs, and the views of service users from all backgrounds about the suitability and quality of services. The information is used when making decisions about service planning and improvement: • Kent Resident’s Panel • Consultation Strategy and Index • Comments & Complaints Procedure 1.3 Making sure that taxpayers receive value for The Council measures VFM and makes sure money (VFM) that the information it needs to review VFM effectively, including information about similar organisations for comparison, is available. 2 Page 6 2. Good governance means performing effectively in clearly defined functions and roles 2.1 Being clear about the functions of the The Council sets out clearly in the Constitution Council its approach to performing each of the functions of governance and has a
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