VOL. 95 —NO. 236 TUCSON. ARIZONA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1967 52 PASES— 10 CENTS Lonborg, Not Every Urban Renewal Story Will End Happily Yaz Lead By CHARLES TURBYVILLE they can to make the best of about 20 years ago is worth this business. The parking lot But neither his land nor his 'threatened' urban renewal separated from neighbors and Citizen Staff Writer some unfortunate circums- maybe $5,000 now." owners all know him and he building are worth very much. there." relatives they have grown to Some stories don't have hap- tances. An example of the conse- knows them. In many cases, he There appears little chance of depend upon for companionship quences of this deterioration is can repair a damaged car and Many residents of the area or help. py endings. A good many "This is the greatest problem his receiving enough from the Sox Win people in the city's urban re- the situation of the owner of an city to be able to purchase ano- find themselves in sad circums- we're up against: The area has "Some of them believe the newal project area are going automobile body shop on South ther site equally convenient for tances. With what they receive Boston Takes just plain declined economic- city is trying to gouge them," to be worse off because of their Main Avenue. His principal Analysis his customers. for their properties, they will ally and physically over the business comes from the own- not be able to purchase homes Laidlaw said. "This is some- One-Hitter, 5-0 displacement, it appears now. "Some people blame the thing we may not be able to last 10 years," said Donald ers of downtown parking lots, which are, for example, within BULLETIN who bring him cars damaged threat of urban renewal for the overcome." The responsible city officials Laidlaw, urban renewal direc- have it back to the parking lot area's decline," Laidlaw said. walking distance of downtown BOSTON (AP) - Jim Lon- are aware of it. One gets the by attendants. Tucson. The city offers property own- borg pitched a one-hitter and tor. "A piece of property that bforethe car owner re- "But look at East Congress Carl Yastrzemski hit two impression they are doing all may have been worth $10,000 He is weil located to handle turns. Street —we certainly never In other cases, they'll be Continued Page 9 home runs Thursday, leading the Boston Red Sox to a 5-0 victory over the St. Louis Car- dinals in the second game of A Beautiful the World Series and tying the best-of-seven classic at one For Yanks In Vietnam apiece. Tucson Day The third game will be There is no doubt played in St. Louis Saturday. In my mind; BOSTON - Right-hander This weather is Jim Lonborg, trying to get the The perfect kind. Red Sox even for two games of — U. Tope lyah the World Series, had a no-hit- We should have a near-per- ter through seven innings this fect day tomorrow, as should afternoon and the Red Sox had the rest of the state. a 2-0 lead over the St. Louis Cardinals. The weathermen see gener- CASUALTIES TOP 100,000 Lonberg, pitching smoothly ally fair skies, except for and going to a 3-2 count only some cloudiness in the late four times, set down 18 straight afternoon and evening. The IN VIET WAR Hanoi Says men. He got home run help in chance of rain is only 10 per the fourth when Carl Yastr- cent. 6 Planes zemski lined a shot a dozen The highest tomorrow will Senators Call rows deep in the right field be between 85 and 90 and the stands. low tonight will be in the Downed Dick Hughes, the Cardinal mid-60s. Yesterday we got up starter, allowed only four hits to 88 and today the mercury For More Aid SAIGON (UPI)-U.S. troops through the first five innings, bottomed at 66. suffered 1,920 casualties last but was lifted after he had con- week, including 141 dead, it was trol trouble in the sixth. He There were no reports of From Asians announced today. The new was replaced by 'right-hander rain anywhere in the state figure sent casualties for the Ron Willis.. yesterday. The state's hot- WASHINGTON (UPI)—Near- United States should not con- war soaring above the 100,000 spots were Gila Bend and With one out, George Scott ly a score of senators, hawks tinue to bear an ever-increasing mark, most of them suffered Parker, both with 94. Lows i n in the first nine months of and Reggie Smith drew con- and doves alike, joined Sen. proportion of the fighting in today ,-aried from 41 at Flag- Charles H. Percy today in this year. secutive walks as Hughes threw Vietnam," the proposed resolu- six straight pitches off the staff to 71 at Yuma. sponsoring a resolution calling tion said. A military spokesman put the plate. Jerry Adair was safe on At 2 p.m. today, it was 8 on President Johnson to try weekly tolls at 141 dead, 1,758 Mike Shannon's error, loading degrees here, with 35 per cent harder to get non-Communist "The non-Communist nations wounded and 21 missing, as Asian nations to help out in-i the bases. relative humidity. of Asia, including South Viet- compared with the Communists Full Weather Report, Page 39. Vietnam. v Rico Petrocelli brought the nam, should contribute substan- who lost 1,155 dead the past run in with, a long sacrifice fly "The armed forces of the tially more manpower and week. Most of the casualties to center. Elston Howard was resources to share the military, were suffered in the Con Thien intentionally walked with first, diplomatic, economic and psy- area just below the Demilita- base open, but Lonborg struck chological tasks in Vietnam; rized Zone. It was a slight rise out to end the inning. Senate Votes Approval and the President... should over the week before when 128 Americans died. Lonberg had a perfect game move with greater determina- through six innings,' but lost it tion to obtain (such) commit- The casualty figures for the In the seventh when.he walked O•' f Antipoverti • .. yj Fund• s ments..." ; war, using January 1961, as the Curt Flood after the Cardinal The "sense of the 'Senate" starting point, reached 100,025. centerfielder fouled off several WASHINGTON (AP) — The in fiscal 1969 starting next July Of these 13,634 were dead, 1. resolution is designed to pitches on a 3-2 count with one Senate passed Thursday a $4,- strengthen our hand" in the 86,635 wounded and 756 missing out. 658,000,000 two-year extension of The total for the current year Vietnam conflict, Percy told to make the Vietnamese war is $198 million more than the UPI. But its introduction today almost as costly as the one in the antipoverty program. Korea. $2.06 billion asked by President was expected to reopen the UCC Hits •The vote was 60 to 21. Johnson. Senate's .Vietnam debate. • pickup 2nd pgh ' 061A: The Final action came after 11 Was He No. 100,000? report, and elimiate 15th pgh: The Senate refused on a 50-36 Percy's senior colleague, GOP He said • . 46.1 Per Cent 'days of Senate; debate and a de- vote earlier Thursday to cut this leader Everett M. 'Dirksen, said Pledges totaling $614,321 were cision to strip from..the meas- $198 million out of the measure. he had been asked to sign the U.$. Marines and Navy medical corpsmen show in Saigon reported today that recent heavy fighting Hanoi Radio reported new air ure a $2.8 billion emergency job on mi I ctV in .•fl^Olt- f *ir>*ie? **l e? 4-tt AVP ' itrn**!?1 «ri tm «** in ff\im n Wr**Y «*• *->1t *i.^1 4-n 4^*1 T T C* »,.„.._lj* * . Ji. « T» _ * reported this noon at the firsF resolution but declined. anguish; in their faces as they wprk; in vain to save a had pushed total U.S. casualties in the Vietnam war raids against North Vietnam. report luncheon in the 1967-68 program which its advocates The bill, once it is signed into wounded buddy, on a.beach southeast of South Viet- over the 100,000 mark, including 13,643 killed, 86,635 today and said six planes were said offered the best promise of law, still must be followed by Dirksen, who has backed United Community Caf- nam. The picture was released as the ILS. Command wounded and 756 missing. (AP Wirephoto) shot down, two of them by paign. fighting poverty. an appropriation for the present President. Johnson's. .Vietnam policy, told newsmen: MIGs, and' "several" ;. pilots' Jack Newman, general chair- The bill was sent to the House fiscal year. captured. Hanoi raised its man of he annual fund raising where the Education and Labor "I think this resolution is full claims of American planes drive, said the amount pledged The bill represents a complete House Panel Committee has been struggling rewriting of all of the important of mischief. How do you think downed in three days to 23 but represents 46.1 per cent of this with a similar measure. Admin- the mothers and fathers of boys Bandits Get $1.5 Million the United States has acknow- eyar's goal of $1,360,700. sections of the OEO act by a istration leaders conceded it Senate Labor subcommittee from Australia and New Zea- To Discuss ledged the loss of only two.
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