Class 984 Musical Instruments 984 - 1

Class 984 Musical Instruments 984 - 1

CLASS 984 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 984 - 1 50 PIANOS {NONMUSICAL ASPECTS OF TOY PIANOS A63H 5/00; ASPECTS OF AUTOMATIC ACTUATION SUBCLASSES 200+; COMBINATIONS OF CROSS-REFERENCE ART COLLECTIONS MICROPHONES, PICK-UPS OR AMPLIFIERS WITH MUSICAL 1 ORGANS; HARMONIUMS {MOUTH ORGANS INSTRUMENTS SUBCLASSES 300+} OR ACCORDIONS SUBCLASSES 100+; {G10C} ASPECTS OF AUTOMATIC ACTUATION 51 .General design of pianos or like SUBCLASSES 200+; COMBINATIONS stringed musical instruments OF MICROPHONES, PICK-UPS OR with keyboards {G10C 1/00} AMPLIFIERS WITH MUSICAL 52 ..Of upright pianos {G10C 1/02} INSTRUMENTS, ELECTRIC ORGANS 53 ..Of grand pianofortes {G10C 1/ SUBCLASSES 300+} {G10B} 04} 2 .General design of organs, 54 ..Of cembaloes, spinets, or harmoniums, or like wind- similar stringed instruments actuated musical instruments {G10C 1/06} {G10B 1/00} 55 .Details of, accesories for, 3 ..Of organs {G10B 1/02} pianos or the like {G10C 3/00} 4 ...Electrically operated {G10B 1/ 56 ..Cases {G10C 3/02} 04} 57 ..Frames; Bridges; Bars {G10C 3/ 5 ...Fluid operated {G10B 1/06} 04} 6 ..Of harmoniums {G10B 1/08} 58 ..Resonating means, e.g., 7 .Details of, accessories for, resonant strings, soundboards, organs, harmoniums, or the etc.; fastening of the like {G10B 3/00} resonating strings {G10C 3/06} 8 ..Blowers {G10B 3/02} 59 ..Arrangements of strings {G10C 9 ..Reservoirs {G10B 3/04} 3/08} 10 ..Valves; Sleeves {G10B 3/06} 60 ..Tuning pins or straining ..Pipes, e.g., open end, reed 11 devices {G10C 3/10} pipe, etc. {G10B 3/08} 61 ..Keyboards; Keys {G10C 3/12} 12 ..Actions, e.g., coupler, etc. 62 ...For actuation by the feet {G10B 3/10} {G10C 3/14} 13 ..Keys or keyboards; Manuals 63 ..Actions {G10C 3/16} {keyboards for musical 64 ...Hammers {G10C 3/18} instruments in general 65 ...Involving the use of subclass 60} {G10B 3/12} hydraulic, pneumatic, or 14 ..Pedals or pedal boards {G10B 3/ electromagnetic means {G10C 3/ 14} 20} 15 ..Swell chambers; Accentuating 66 ...For grand pianofortes {G10C 3/ means {G10B 3/16} 22} 16 ..Tremolo-producing devices {G10B 67 ...For reciprocating of tremolo 3/18} {G10C 3/24} 17 ..Transposing devices {G10B 3/20} 68 ..Pedals or pedal mechanisms for 18 ..Details peculiar to half-blow or similar sound electrically-operated organs, modifying {G10C 3/26} e.g., contacts therefor, etc. 69 ..Transposing devices {G10C 3/28} {G10B 3/22} 70 ..Couplers, e.g., for playing octaves, etc. {G10C 3/30} 71 .Combinations of pianos with other musical instruments, e.g., with bells, with xylophone, etc. {G10C 5/00} December 2000 984 - 2 CLASS 984 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 72 .Special tools or methods for the 118 ..Anchoring devices for strings, manufacture and maintenance of e.g., tail piece, hitchpin, pianos {G10C 9/00} etc. {G10D 3/12} 100 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS NOT OTHERWISE 119 ..Tuning devices, e.g., pegs, PROVIDED FOR {ASPECTS OF pins, friction discs, etc. AUTOMATIC ACTUATION SUBCLASSES {G10D 3/14} 200+; COMBINATIONS OF 120 ...Devices for altering the MICROPHONES, PICK-UPS OR string tension during playing AMPLIFIERS WITH MUSICAL {G10D 3/14B} INSTRUMENTS SUBCLASSES 300+; 121 ....Tremolo devices {G10D 3/14B2} SOUND-PRODUCING DEVICES NOT 122 ..Bows; Guides for bows; Plectra REGARDED AS MUSICAL and like playing means {G10D INSTRUMENTS OR PARTS THEREOF 3/16} G10K} {G10D} 123 ...Plectra and like playing means 101 .General design of stringed {G10D 3/16B} musical instruments {pianos or 124 ..Chin-rests, hand-rests or similar instruments with guards as part of the keyboard subclasses 50+} {G10D instruments {separate 1/00} auxillary devices or supports 102 ..Materials or treatment of subclasses 250+} {G10D 3/18} materials for the 125 .General design of wind-actuated manufacturing of stringed musical instruments instruments {G10D 1/00B} {accordions subclass 148; 103 ..Of violins, violas, Organs, harmoniums subclasses violoncellos, basses {G10D 1/ 1+; Whistles G10K} {G10D 7/00} 02} 126 ..Materials or treatment of 104 ..Of harps, lyres {G10D 1/04} materials for the 105 ..Of mandolins {G10D 1/06} manufacturing of wind-actuated 106 ..Of guitars {G10D 1/08} instruments {G10D 7/00B} 107 ...Mechanical design of electric- 127 ..Of the type wherein an air guitars {electrical or current is directed against a electromechanical features ramp edge, e.g., flute, subclasses 368+} {G10D 1/08B} recorder, etc. {G10D 7/02} 108 ..Of banjos {G10D 1/10} 128 ...Recorders {G10D 7/02B} 109 ..Of zithers, e.g., autoharp, 129 ...Flutes, piccolos, fifes {G10D etc. {G10D 1/12} 7/02C} 110 .Details of, or accessories for, 130 ...Ocarinas {G10D 7/04} stringed musical instruments 131 ..Of the type with a beating reed {G10D 3/00} {Rohrblatt) or reeds, e.g., 111 ..Cellopins and accessories oboe, clarinet, bassoon, therefore {G10D 3/00B} bagpipe, etc. {G10D 7/06} 112 ..Resonating means, horns, or 132 ...Oboes; Bassoons; Bagpipes diaphragms {G10D 3/02} {G10D 7/06B} 113 ..Bridges, mutes, or capo-tastos 133 ...Clarinets {G10D 7/06C} {G10D 3/04} 134 ...Saxophones {G10D 7/08} 114 ...Capo-tastos {G10D 3/04B} 135 ..Of the type with a cupped 115 ..Fingerboards {G10D 3/06} mouthpiece, e.g., cornet, 116 ...In the form of keyboards orchestral trumpet, trombone, {keyboards for musical etc. {G10D 7/10} instruments in general 136 ..Of the type with free reeds subclass 61} {G10D 3/08} (Zunge), e.g., trumpet for 117 ..String {G10D 3/10} children, etc. {G10D 7/12} 137 ...Mouth organs {G10D 7/12B} December 2000 CLASS 984 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 984 - 3 138 ....With movable mouthpiece {G10D 200 AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 7/12B2} NONMUSICAL ASPECTS OF TOY 139 .Details of, or accessories for, INSTRUMENTS A63 5/00; SOUND wind-actuated musical RECORDING AND REPRODUCING instruments {G10D 9/00} G11B; ASSOCIATED WORKING WITH 140 ..Tuning devices {G10D 9/00B} RECORDING OR REPRODUCING 141 ..Mouthpieces; Reeds {G10D 9/02} APPARATUS G11B 31/02 {G10F} 142 ...Reeds {G10D 9/02B} 201 .Automatic musical instruments 143 ...Cupped mouthpieces {G10D 9/ {G10F 1/00} 02C} 202 ..Pianofortes with keyboard {G10F 144 ..Valves; Valve controls {G10D 9/ 1/02} 04} 203 ..Pianofortes which have no 145 ...For woodwind instruments {G10D keyboard {G10F 1/04} 9/04B} 204 ..Musical boxes with plucked 146 ....With continuous change of teeth, blades, or the like tonal pitch {G10D 9/04B2} {combinations with other 147 ..Mutes {G10D 9/06} articles, see the relevant 148 .Accordions, concertinas, or the classes for the articles} {G10F 1/06} like; Keyboards therefor (keyboards for musical 205 ..Percussive musical instruments instruments in general {G10F 1/08} subclass 61) {G10D 11/00} 206 ...Carillons {G10F 1/10} 149 ..Actions {G10D 11/02} 207 ..Wind-actuated instruments {G10F 150 .Percussive musical instruments 1/12} {G10D 13/00} 208 ...Barrel-organs {G10F 1/14} 151 ..Drums, tambourines {G10D 13/02} 209 ..Stringed musical instruments 152 ...Pedal operated bass-drum {pianofortes subclass 202 and beaters {G10D 13/02B} 203} {G10F 1/16} 153 ..Timpani {G10D 13/04} 210 ...To be played by a bow {G10F 1/ 154 ..Castanets, cymbals, triangles, 18} or other single-toned 211 ...To be plucked {G10F 1/20} percussive musical instruments 212 ..Combinations of two or more {bells G10K} {G10D 13/06} instruments {G10F 1/22} 155 ..Multitoned musical instruments, 213 .Independent players for keyboard with sonorous bars, blocks, instruments {G10F 3/00} forks, gongs, plates, rods, or 214 .Details of, or accesories for, teeth {G10D 13/08} automatic musical instruments 156 ...Keyboard operated {keyboards {G10F 5/00} for pianos or the like 215 ..Actions {G10F 5/02} subclasses 50+} {G10D 13/08B} 216 ..Tune barrels, sheets, rollers, 157 .Combinations of different spools, or the like {G10F 5/ musical instruments 04} {combinations with pianos 217 ...Driving or setting of tune subclasses 50+} {G10D 15/00} barrels, discs, or the like; 158 .Musical instruments not provided Winding, rewinding, or guiding for in any of the preceding of tune sheets or the like groups, e.g., Aeolian harp, {handling webs or sheets in singing-flame musical general B65H} {G10F 5/06} instrument, etc. {G10D 17/00} 250 AIDS FOR MUSIC (METRONOMES G04F 5/02; TEACHING MUSIC G09B 15/ 00) {G10G} 251 .Means for the representation of music {G10G 1/00} December 2000 984 - 4 CLASS 984 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 252 ..Chord or note indicators, fixed 303 ..Recording/reproducing or or adjustable, for keyboard or transmission of music for fingerboards {G10G 1/02} electrophonic musical 253 ..Transposing, transcribing {G10G instruments {G10H 1/00R} 1/04} 304 ...In coded form {see also 254 .Recording music in notation subclasses 375+} {G10H 1/00R2} form, e.g., recording the 305 ....On magnetic tape {G10H 1/ mechanical operation of a 00R2B} musical instrument 306 ....Transmission between separate {performing, per se, B26F} instruments or between {G10G 3/00} individual components of a 255 ..Using mechanical means only musical system {G10H 1/00R2C} {G10G 3/02} 307 .....Using a MIDI interface {G10H 256 ..Using electrical means {G10G 3/ 1/00R2CO} 04} 308 ..Means for obtaining special 257 .Supports for musical instruments acoustic effects {combined {cellopins and components with modulation subclasses therefor subclass 111} {G10G 311+} {G10H 1/00S} 5/00} 309 ..Means for controlling the tone 258 .Other auxillary devices, e.g., frequencies, e.g., attack, separate holders for resin, decay, etc.; Means for strings, conductor‘s batons, producing special musical etc. {G10G 7/00} effects, e.g., vibrato, 259 ..Carrying cases for musical glissado {for instruments instruments {interior fittings using voltage controlled for trunks A45C 5/12} {G10G 7/ oscillators and amplifiers or 00B} voltage controlled 260 ..Tuning forks or like devices oscillations and filters, {G10G 7/02} etc., see subclass 381} {G10H 300 ELECTRONIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1/02} {STRUCTURAL COMBINATIONS OF 310 ...By additional modulation {G10H MICROPHONES, PICK-UPS, OR 1/04} AMPLIFIERS WITH MUSICAL 311 ....Continuous modulation {G10H INSTRUMENTS SUBCLASSES 1+, 1/043} 50+, AND 100+; INSTRUMENTS IN 312 .....By electromechanical means WHICH EACH NOTE IS GENERATED {G10H 1/045} BY A DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALLY- 313 .....By acousto-mechanical means, ACTUATED MECHANICAL RESONATING e.g., rotating speakers or STRUCTURE AND IS AMPLIFIED sound deflectors, etc.

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