West Virginia Radio Pres; Rodney O'dell, Gen Mgr; Tom Hicks, Corni Mgr; $53; 48; 53; 43

West Virginia Radio Pres; Rodney O'dell, Gen Mgr; Tom Hicks, Corni Mgr; $53; 48; 53; 43

United. Net: ABC /C. Format: Top 40. Alan Henry, Marino, mus dir; Dave Gibson, chief engr. Rates: West Virginia Radio pres; Rodney O'Dell, gen mgr; Tom Hicks, corni mgr; $53; 48; 53; 43. Sean Michaels, mus dir; Larry Dale, prom mgr; Mike Wilson, news dir; Jack Slygh, chief engr. Rates: $11; WBES(FM) -Co -owned with WCHS(AM). Sept 16, 9; 11; 9. 1969: 96.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 360 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Btfl mus. Mort Victorson, gen & Berkeley Springs prom mgr; Kendra Dunn, prog dir; Randy Mallory, mus Patrick H. Kelly, VP; Walker L Trumble, gen mgr; & news dir; Dave Gibson, chief engr WCHS(TV) affil. Michael King, prog & mus dir & prom mgr; Terry Mat- thews, news dir; Mark Mills, coral mgr; Norris D. WCST(AM) -Sept 7, 1958: 1010 khz; 250 w -D. Box Rates: $15.60; 15.60; 15.60; 14. Phillips. 8 (25411). (304) 258 -1010. Berkeley Springs Radio chief engr. Rates: $9; 9; 9; 9. Stn Corp. Format: C &W. Carl Johnson, pies; Kenneth WKAZ(AM) -Feb 16. 1957: 950 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw- WPDX -FM- August 19, 1974: 104.9 mhz; 2.5 kw. Ant E. Robertson, gen & coral mgr & chief engr; Sammy N, DA -N. Box 871 (25323). (304) 344 -9691. WKAZ 390 ft. Stereo. Dups AM 100 %. Moss, news dir. Inc. (acq 5.1 -64). Group owner: Bristol Bcstg Inc. Net: ABC /C. Rep: McGavren -Guild. Format: Contemp, WPOZ(AM). -April 21, 1937: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 1965: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 70 Top -40. Spec progs: Black 1/2 hr wkly. W.L. Nininger, WCST-FM-December w -N. 444 West Pike St. (26301). (304) 624 -7571. ft. Prog dups AM 65 %. pres; Bob Turley, gen mgr; Dee Miller, coral mgr; Allegheny Bcstg Co. (acq 2- 29 -80). Net: NBC. Rep: Charlie Cooper, prog dir; Frank George, mus dir; Bill Smith, Regional Reps, Dome, Format: MOR. Spec Hagy, prom mgr; Debbie Gibson news dir; Charles Bethany prog: Farm 2 hrs wkly. Jai mie W. Stevens, pres; John Cooper, prog dir; L Lovejoy chief engr. Rates: V. Kane, gen & prom mgr; Linda Selby, sis mgr; Lee WVBC(FM) -Jan 1, 1966: 88.1 mhz; 10 w Bethany $22.75; 18.40; 22.75; 18.40. Hudkins, prog dir; Mark Jeffries, mus dir; Karen Drum- College (26032). (304) 829 -7853. Bethany College. mond, news dir; David Anderson. chief engr. Net: UPI. Format: Diversified. Dr. William E Tucker, WOBE(FM) -Co -owned with WKAZ(AM). Feb 19, pres; James Humes, gen mgr. 1959: 97.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. (304) 344-4433. Format: C &W Progs sep from AM. Geoff Peacock, Elkins prog dir; Bill Hagy, mus dir. Rates: $10.05; 9.70; Bluefield WCDE(FM) 90.3 mhz; 10 w. Ant 2090 ft. 10.05; 9. -1975: Box J, Davis and Elkins College (26241). (304) WHAJ(FM)- Listing follows WHIS(AM). WTIO(FM)- Listing follows WTIP(AM). 636 -6565. Davis and Elkins Board of Trustees. Format: Mary Mullenax, gen mgr; Mike Betler, WHIS(AM) -June 27, 1929: 1440 khz; 5 kw -D. 500 Div. chief engr. w -N. 900 Bluefield Ave. (24701). (304) 327 -7114. WTIP(AM) -Nov 4, 1946: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D,250 w- WDNE(AM) Feburary 1948: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Daily Telegraph Printing (group owner). Net: NBC. N. (CP: 45 kw. Ant 400 ft.). 817 Suncrest Place - Co. w -N. Box 967 (26241). (304) 636 -1300. Marja Bcstg Format: Adult contemp. Ned Shott, pres; Mike Shott, (25301). (304) 342 -3136. Chemical City Bcstg Inc. Corp. (acq 12- 1 -55). Net: Keystone. Format: MOR, gen mgr; Pat DiMaggio, coml mgr; Dean Gatherum, Net: NBC. Rep: Masla, Dome. Format: Btfl music. Spec Top -40, C &W John P Carr, pres; William G. Carr, stn prog dir; Gail Lawson, prom mgr; Steve Gregory, news Prog: Class 5 hrs wkly. Gus Zaharis, pres; Bob mgr; Ken Hinkle, coml mgr; Dale Wilson, prog dir; Ray dir; Kennith Dick, chief engr. Rates: $14; 14; 14; 14. Knightstep, mgr; George Zaheras, prog dir; James Zaharis, chief engr. Rates: $10: 10: 10; 7. Pollero. prom mgr; Dave Settle, news dir. WHAJ(FM) -Co -owned with WHIS(AM). April 21, 1963: 104.5 mhz; 83 kw Ant 1200 ft. Stereo. Prog sep WTIO(FM) -Co -owned with WTIP(AM). September Fairmont from AM. Net: RKO. Format: Top -40. Steve Gregory, 1964: 102.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 470 ft. Prog dups AM WFGM(FM) 1975: 97.9 mhz; 32 kw. Ant 150 ft. coml mgr. Rates: $16; 16; 16; 16. 25 %. Format: Btfl mus. Spec Progs: Class 19 hrs wkly. -Oct Rates: $8; 8; 8; 8. Stereo. 1101 Fairmont (26554). (304) 366 -9880. Mountain Bcstg. Format: Btfl mus. Robert L Purcell WKOY(AM) -May 18, 1948: 1240 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N. Box 800 (24701). (304) 327 -6124. Fincastle WVAF(FM)- Listing follows WCAW(AM). and Earl Judy Jr., owners; Numa Fabre, gen mgr; Jean Communications Co. Inc. (acq 2 -75). Net: UPI. Rep: Murdock, sis mgr; Pete Hunter, mus dir; John Turner, WVPN(FM) -June 28, 1979: 88.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant Devney. Format: Top -30, adult rock Spec progs: Rel 6 news dir; Robert Ice, chief engr. Rates: $6.75; 6.75; 230 ft. Stereo. Bldg 6, Captiol Complex (25305). (304) hrs wkly. O.C. Young, pres; Greg Kanode, stn mgr; 6.75; 6.75. 348 -3239. W. Va. Educational Bcstg Authority. Net: Greg Kanode, coml mgr; Mike Carol', prog & mus dir; NPR. Format: Div. Spec progs; Black 5 hrs wkly WMMN(AMI 22, 1928: 920 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. Betty Weimer, prom mgr; Mary Jo Babbitt, news dir; -Dec Richard Eiswerth, gen mgr; Steve Moore, prog dir; Fairmont Hotel (304) 363 -5200. Marion Bost Jay Belt, chief engr. Rates: 58.86; 7.34; 8.86; 7.34. (26554). Andy Ridenour, news dir; Francis Fisher, chief engr. Corp. (acq 9 -76). Net: CBS. Format: MOR, Contemp. Robert Harvit, pres; Frank J. Lee, gen mgr; Chuck Buckhannon WXIT(AM) -1939: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. 136 Warner, prog dir; Becky Richards, mus dir; Mark High St. (25311). (304) 342 -4166. Kanawha Bcstg Thompson, news dir; Wayne Shroyer, engr. WBUC(AM) -Dec 13, 1959: 1460 khz; 5 kw-D. chief Corp. (acq 5- 15 -78). Net: ABC /I. Format: Contemp Rates: 513; 10; 13; 10. Drawer C (26201). (304) 472 -1460. Radio Station Christian. Spec progs: Black 4 hrs wkly Frank Blake, WBUC Inc. Format: C &W, MOR. Jesse D. Newman. pres; Don Black, gen mgr; Jim Hoge, prog dir & chief WTC8(AM)- January 1948: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 pres, mgr & chief engr; Ann Newman, mus dir. gen engr; Alan Kingery mus dir. Rates: $7; 7; 7; 7. w -N. Box 1549 (26554). (304) 366-3700. Fairmont Bcstg Co. (acq 5- 1.56). Format: MOR, Top 40. Spec WVPW(FM)- September 1968: 88.9 mhz; 14 kw. prog: ltal 3 hrs wkly. Nick Fantasia, pres, news dir, Ant 840 ft. Stereo. Bldg 6, Capitol Complex, Charles Town corni & gen mgr; Joan Shannon. prog dir; Nicolena Charleston (25305). (304) 348-3239. W. Va. Educa- 1962: 1550 khz; 5 kw -D. Box Fantasia, mus dir & prom mgr; Charles F. Snoderly, tion Bcstg. (acq 5 -76). Net: NPR. Format: Div. Spec WXVA(AM) -May 28, Bcstg Corp. chief engr. prog: Black 5 hrs wkly. Richard Eiswerth, gen mgr; 188 (25414). (304) 725 -7055. WXVA 1 hr wkly. Steve Moore, prog dir; Andy Ridenour, news dir; Fran- (acq 8- 1 -70). Format: Top -40. Spec prog: prog chief Jim cis Fisher, chief engr. John P Luce, pres, gen mgr, dir & engr; Fisher McDonnell, mus dir. Rates: $6.55; 6.55; 6.55; 6.55. 1, khz; w -D. WVWC(FM) -Sept 5, 1977: 92.1 mhz; 13.5 w. Ant WELD(AM) -Aug 1956: 690 500 with WXVA(AM). Aug 28, 50 ft. Box 167 (26201). (304) 473 -8034. W. Va. WZFM(FM) -Co -owned (26818). (304) 538 -6062. South Branch Bcstg Corp. from AM. For- Wesleyan College. Net: ABC /FM. Format: Top -40. 1966: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. 110 ft. Prog sep Group owner: Mid Atlantic Network. Net: APR. Rep: mat: C &W. Dome- Messervey, Keystone. Format: C &W, Religious. Spec prog: Class 1 hr, jazz 5 hrs wkly. Debbie Hut- Farm 3 hrs wkly. Daniel Pennell, mgr. ton, gen mgr; Gary Taylor, prog dir; Tom Siebert, mus Spec prog: Rates: 4.85; dir; Bill Lowe, prom mgr; Brooks Oliver, news dir; Ar- Clarksburg 55.45; 5.45; -. nold Sayer, chief engr. WHAR(AM) -Nov 28, 1946: 1340 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Fort Gay Charleston w -N. 350 W Main St, (26301). (304) 624-5525. Har- rison Corp. (acq 7- 25 -61). Net: ABC/C. Rep: PRO 'WFGH(FM) -1973: 90.7 mhz; 7.8 kw. (CP: 89.3 mhz). Ant 205 ft. Fort High (25514). (304) WBES(FM)- Listing follows WCHS(AM). Time Sls. Format: Top -40. James T. Fawcett, pres; Gay School Robert Hilber, gen mgr; Flora Vespoint. sec- treas; 648 -5752. Wayne County Board of Education. Format: WCAW(AM) -1946: 680 khz; 50 kw-D, 250 w -N, DA- Mike Shirley, prog dir; Don Graye, mus dir; Greg MOR. Spec progs: C &W 3 hrs, rei 19 hrs wkly Ver- N. Box 4318 (25304). (304) 925 -4947. Capitol Bcstg Walsh, news dir; Joe Sweeney, chief engr. Rates: non R. Stanfill, gen mgr & chief engr; Hazel Damrod. prom Corp. (group owner; acq 1 -56). Net: ABC /E. Format: $10.50; 9.50; 10.50; 9.50.

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