City Commission Meeting Agenda 2 Park Drive South, Great Falls, MT Commission Chambers, Civic Center September 01, 2020 7:00 PM UPDATES CONCERNING PROCESS OF MEETINGS Due to the COVID-19 health concerns, the format of the City Commission meeting may be modified to accommodate Commission member attendance in person, via a remote location/virtual meeting method, or to appear telephonically. In order to honor the Right of Participation and the Right to Know (Article II, Sections 8 and 9 of the Montana Constitution), modifications have also been made for public participation. Public participation is welcome in the following ways: • Attend in person. Refrain from attending in person if you are not feeling well. The City will require social distancing at the meeting, and may limit the number of persons in the meeting room according to applicable health guidelines. • Provide public comments via email. Comments may be sent via email before 12:00 PM on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, to: [email protected]. Include the agenda item or agenda item number in the subject line, and include the name of the commenter and either an address or whether a city resident. Due to tracking and dissemination requirements, written communication must be received by that time in order to be shared with the City Commission and appropriate City staff for consideration during the agenda item and before final vote on the matter; and, will be so noted in the official record of the meeting. • Call-in. The public may call in during specific public comment periods at 406-761-4786. All callers will be in a queued system and are asked to remain on hold and be patient. Calls will be taken in the order in which they are received. Callers will be restricted to customary time limits. We ask for your patience in the event there are technical difficulties. • The agenda packet material is available on the City’s website: https://greatfallsmt.net/meetings. The Public may view and listen to the meeting on government access channel City-190, cable channel 190; or online at https://greatfallsmt.net/livestream. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL / STAFF INTRODUCTIONS AGENDA APPROVAL CONFLICT DISCLOSURE / EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS/NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCILS/BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (Public comment on any matter that is not on the agenda of the meeting and that is within the jurisdiction of the City Commission. Please keep your remarks to a maximum of 3 minutes. When at the podium, state your name and either your address or whether you are a city resident for the record.) 1 1. Miscellaneous reports and announcements. 2. Appointment of an Alternate Member to the Ethics Committee. 3. Appointment to the Business Improvement District Board of Trustees. CITY MANAGER 4. Miscellaneous reports and announcements from City Manager. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda is made up of routine day-to-day items that require Commission action. Items may be pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion/vote by any Commissioner. 5. Minutes, August 18, 2020, City Commission Meeting. 6. Total Expenditures of $4,041,147 for the period of August 4, 2020 through August 19, 2020, to include claims over $5000, in the amount of $3,788,001. 7. Contracts List. 8. Grants List. 9. Approve the Montana Department of Administration 2020 9-1-1 Grant in the amount of $160,456 to upgrade the Next Generation 911 System, Contract #MT9-1-1 Grant 2020-007 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. 10. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Michael Baker International, Inc. in the amount of $160,456 and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. 11. Approve the final payment for the Skyline Drive NW Improvements of $25,630.27 to United Materials of Great Falls, Inc., and $258.89 to the State Miscellaneous Tax Fund and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents and to make the payments. 12. Ratify the submission of the DCIP Grant application to OEA (Office of Economic Adjustment) for the amount of $10,000,000 as a match for the new Aim High/Big Sky Recreation Facility. Action: Approve Consent Agenda as presented or remove items for separate discussion and/or vote by any Commission member. PUBLIC HEARINGS 13. Resolution 10366, Authorizing the Expenditure of Funds in the Amount of $5,050 from the West Bank Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing District to the Great Falls Business Improvement District to Assist in the Funding of the Great Falls Wayfinding Plan. Action: Conduct a public hearing and adopt or deny Resolution 10366. (Presented by Craig Raymond) 14. Resolution 10363, Request from Metropolitan, LLC to use Downtown Urban Renewal District Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds for the cost of reconstructing a public sidewalk and vault in association with a downtown redevelopment project; as well as consideration of Alternative Resolution 10363, which is the applicant’s request to fund $132,392 of improvements including interior demolition and fire protection work for the building addressed as 313 and 315 Central Avenue. Action: Conduct a public hearing and adopt or deny Res. 10363. (Presented by Craig Raymond) 2 OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCES / RESOLUTIONS 15. Resolution 10367, Intention to amend and restate the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and to approve the Civic Center project as an urban renewal project. Action: Adopt or deny Res. 10367. Ordinance 3222, Approving the amended and restated urban renewal plan for the Downtown Urban Renewal District and to approve the Civic Center project as an urban renewal project. Action: Accept or not accept Ord. 3222 on first reading and set a public hearing for October 6, 2020. CITY COMMISSION 16. Miscellaneous reports and announcements from the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT (Please exit the chambers as quickly as possible. Chamber doors will be closed 5 minutes after adjournment of the meeting.) Assistive listening devices are available for the hard of hearing, please arrive a few minutes early for set up, or contact the City Clerk’s Office in advance at 455-8451. Wi-Fi is available during the meetings for viewing of the online meeting documents. Commission meetings are televised on cable channel 190 and streamed live at https://greatfallsmt.net. City Commission meetings are re-aired on cable channel 190 the following Wednesday morning at 10 am, and the following Tuesday evening at 7 pm. 3 Agenda #2. Meeting Date: September 1, 2020 CITY OF GREAT FALLS AGENDA REPORT Item: Appointment of an Alternate Member to the Ethics Committee. From: City Manager’s Office Initiated By: City Commission Presented By: Sara Sexe, City Attorney Action Requested: Appoint an Alternate Member to the Ethics Committee for the remainder of a three-year term through December 31, 2022. Suggested Motion: 1. Commissioner moves: “I move that the City Commission appoint _______________ as an Alternate Member to the Ethics Committee for the remainder of a three-year term through December 31, 2022.” 2. Mayor requests a second to the motion, public comment, Committee discussion, and calls for the vote. Summary: On June 18, 2019 the City Commission adopted Ordinance 3201 which revised the Official Code of the City of Great Falls (OCCGF) §2.21.080 by adding one alternate member to serve on the Ethics Committee in case of a member being unavailable or unable to attend a meeting. 2.21.080 Committee Membership. A. Subject to the provisions provided in Subsection (B.) of this part, the Committee shall consist of three (3) members and one (1) alternate member, who shall be appointed and ready to serve in the event that a Committee member is unable or unavailable to serve. The members and alternate shall be appointed by the City Commission for not more than three (3) consecutive, three-year terms. Members shall be qualified electors and residents of the City. Members shall not be City employees. As is reasonably possible, the members shall have experience and or training in the following: 1. Public administration; 2. Governmental operation; 3. Political practices; or 4. Legal practice. Page 1 of 2 4 Agenda #2. B. The first appointee to the Great Falls Ethics Committee shall serve an initial term of three (3) years, the second appointee shall serve an initial term of two (2) years, and the third appointee shall serve an initial term of one (1) year. Following the expiration of these initial terms, the provisions of Subsection (A.) of this part shall apply. City Commission, at the recommendation of the Ethics Committee, appointed John Hackwith on November 20, 2019 to serve as the Alternate Member. Mr. Hackwith was recently appointed to the Police Commission and has resigned from the Ethics Committee. Advertisement was done through the City’s Website and the local media with two applications being submitted. During an Ethics Committee meeting on August 12, 2020 the Committee reviewed the applications and recommended the appointment of Kenneth E. Engelhardt. Background: The Ethics Committee was established through Ordinance 3169 and adopted by the City Commission on October 17, 2017. The purpose of the Ethics Committee is to ensure that all City officers and employees are performing their duties in compliance with the provisions of Montana Code Annotated, Title 2, Chapter 2 and the provisions of the Official Code of the City of Great Falls (OCCGF) Title 2, Chapter 21. Committee Duties listed below were also clarified and amended through Ordinance 3201 on June 18, 2019: 2.21.100 Committee duties. The Committee shall meet and be presented testimony regarding matters referred to it. When considering an ethics complaint, the Committee shall determine whether a complaint appears to be substantiated based on the information and testimony presented.
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