rosse Pointe ews VOL. 47-No. 14 Grosse Pointe, Michigan, Thursday, April 3, 1986 30 cents 42 Pages for your mformatlOr We've moved again. Butfew home of the News since its tion and, the fun part, anticipa- To those who have gone be- of ,us remember when the founding in 1940. For almost a tion. I've a feeling our original fore us, we say, the emotions Grosse Pointe News was not on half-century, we have always staff and my father, Robert B. you must have had and shared the Hill and "Under the Elm," been located in the Kercheval Edgar, the founder of the ... the anticipation and pride Reflections unless of course, you became Hill area, with our beginnings News, felt Similar pangs of -we know the feeling fyi familiar with us since we lost in the Punch and Judy build- anxiety, anticipation and pride on a move the elm in the summer recent- ing when they moved into their ly past. Each move has been preced- first office in 1940 and the I swear ... Our move across the street to ed by deliberation, planning, "new" bulldrng three years Pfn&(l c;;.,r 96 Kercheval will be the fourth changes while under construc- later Publisher A college student was ticketed for illegal parking In the City, R , l' , and so despISed hISpredicament l ::;" . .r-, he decided he would retahate - t > ; t: ~~" by plastermg the payment "- , t " ~ -Jj~'" check and envelope with < ¥-"" L ,I' ,,'v vh ~ obscemtIes ~~ ~> I ''< • '& ?v Sergeant John Drummond of >;1. ~ if , the City's poltce department tP ~~ »- says sendmg obscenities ~~ ~ Ig through the mal! "could pos- 1° sibly be illegal" The case was turned over to postal authorI- ties. \; ,~ Drummond said the student t did make a more serious mIS- take than possibly vIOlating {f1,. , «' postal laws. He attached his 1"'Ii' ' mother's Birmmgham return ~ address sticker. Poltce sent a copy of the of- fending check to Mom, who will undoubtedly pose a greater rIsk to the student's well-being than postal offiCials There's a moral in this story - somewhere? Lawn job, snow job The police were just makmg a routine patrol March 29 when Photos by Peter A Salinas they spied a 1982Oldsmobile out In the middle of St Paul's lawn with a beer can on top, sur. rounded by a bunch of gruntmg people trymg to push it out of Publisher Robert G. Edgar, above at the left, and the spring mire. A editorial writer Bill Elston find a quiet corner to dis- The group, who had Just left • cuss a news story, while employees from the ad- a nearby party, wasn't making vertising department, at the right, help movers emp- any Impression on the buried movzng ty out the old building in the background. This car The driver had driven it 140 • photo was taken from the second floor of the new feet across the lawn, but told p<>- expenence building. More photos on pages 10 and 11. Itce it was an accident, as he hadn't noticed that the asphalt driveway quit. Sure On, James If you don't dream bi., you'll never reach-th~ SUifS, On J;h.~ other hand, you can get trappea Where your money goes: Breakdown of taxes by the grandiose. seems there was a man who thought he'd get By Mike Andrzejczyk away with something that didn't ments, water .'ind sewer filtration School tax bill $2,688.71 State valuation $66,950 School tax bill $3,736.14 belong to him, and have the po- Ever wonder where your tax dol- and, in general, anythmg that lice chauffeur him while he did lars go? didn't fit mto the other four cate- InstructIOn 1,770.43 Instruction 2,459.99 gones. City tax bill $1,125.43 it. Sure, you know you take the Supporting SerVIces 723.09 Supportmg ServICes 1,004 78 Cpl. Gordon Evans of the check to city hall, where It gets Because of differences in bud- Libraries 107.12 Libraries 148 85 Police/fire 51770 Farms police saw a man walk- mixed up with everyone else's and geting systems, totals shouldn't be Debt 88.17 Debt 122.52 Public works 27010 ing with a heavy box He stop- comes back to you m fire and po- used to compare municipalIties or lice service, clean streets and mu- make conclUSIOns about services. Grosse Pointe Farms Parks/recreation 5627 ped to ask about it and learned General government 168 61 that the man was delivering a nicipal parks. The school tax bill was split mto Home price $230,000 Other 112.54 Grosse Pointe Woods cash register drawer to his boss, But where do your dollars go? four parts, debt, librarIes, cost for but had lost his bus fare. Evans, With the help of local Realtors mstruction and supportmg ser- Home price $149,500 School tax bill $2,184.58 a good Samaritan, offered him and city officials, here's the vices Accordmg to ChristIan Fen- State valuation $115,000 answer. ton, dIrector of business affairs, a nde Instruction 1,438.40 State valuation $74,750 But Evans, also a good cop, A two-story Colonial-style home lust about $7of every $10 the school 1 City tax bill $1,520.30 Supportmg Services 58731 wondered about the box. He With four bedrooms, 2 12 to three system takes m ISspent on instruc- LIbraries 8704 bathrooms, about 2,700square feet tional services for students. stopped by his passenger's Alter Police/fire 548.31 Debt 7164 Road home to check his IdentI- and of similar age was found in City tax bill $885.04 each commumty. Using Its sales PublIc works 349.67 ty, then drove him to hiS work- Grosse Pointe Parks/recreation 76.02 Grosse Pointe Shores place, the Shell station at Mack price, we calculated its state equa- Public safety 43367 lized valuation and Its tax bIlls. Home price $164,800 General government 121.62 and Chalmers Only trouble is, Other 42568 Home price $229,000 Public works 141 61 they'd never seen the guy City tax bills are broken into five Parks/recreatIon 7080 categories: public safety or police before State valuation $82,400 School tax bill $3,752.45 General government 88.50 The cash register drawer, and fIre, public works, parks and State valuation $114,500 Other 15046 recreation, general government worth $200, turned out to belong InstructIOn 2,47073 to A.L Price The man said he'd and other. "Other" is a catch-all so City tax bill $1,435.41 Supportmg Services the bills add up 1,009 17 Village tax bill $1,860.63 found It lying on the sIdewalk Libraries 149.50 School tax bill $2,439.10 Public safety beside Sears The muniCIpal budgets are not 645.93 Debt 123.05 PublIc safety 688 43 So why did he tell the story? that easy to read. The "other" ca- Public works 37321 Public works 204 67 InstructIon 1,60598 "I knew he wouldn't beheve tegory represents bonded debt, Parks/recreation 71.77 Grosse Pointe Park Parks/recreatIon 5582 Supportmg SerVIces 65596 me because I didn't live around capItal Improvements, buildmg General government 200.96 General government 316 31 LibrarIes 97.18 here. " mamtenance, street improve- Other 143.54 Home price $133,900 Other 59540 Debt 7998 Fighting the good fight Sierra Club joins protest against incinerator Takmg part m a study of the long-term vascular comphca- By Nancy Parmenter tIons, approved and peflodlcally mmed that the state has a good tlOn can take actIOn. Budgetary ted by the plant IS a component of tions of diabetes at Henry Ford EnVironmentalists are gearIng audited by the EPA. Where stan- staff and the good Will to carry out constramts prevent the agency aCid ram Hospital IS Denise DesRosiers, up to fight the DetrOIt mcinerator dards for certain emiSSIOns have the program," he said "We try to from audltmg every proposal, but "I wonder what the people at a semor at South High The dis- m its proposed form A letter- been attamed, the EPA neverthe- allow for profeSSIOnal differences protest helps focus EPA atten- the Cultural Center are thmk- CIpline and time Involved wflting campaign IS under way less retams jUflSdiction in order 10 Judgment" tIon. 109?" Ruttmger said "There's a haven't done a thing to discour- and groups are urgmg their mem- to prevent slgmficant deteriora- A geographical pomt could be "Inasmuch as It'S gettmg a lot lot of talk about marble damage" age her bers to attend the April 9 hearmg tion, Van Mersbergen saId In both attained and non-attamed; of attention nght now, It'll get our She saId that while the museums "I've met a lot of neat people at the City-County BUilding such cases, the EPA delegates to that IS, standards could be met for attentIOn," Van Mersberger said are not located m the prevallmg and learned about my diabetes Last week the state chapter of the states the power to Implement some emiSSIOns and not for CItIzen groups representing wmd pattern. aCid fog could settle and how to keep It under con- the Sierra Club petItioned the En- federal regulations others For example, DetrOIt IS city reSIdents lIvmg near the pro- on the whole area surroundmg the trol," DesROSiers said. "It's vironmental Protection Agency to The EPA has JurisdICtion over conSIdered non-attamed for partI- posed faCIlIty, health mterests faCIlIty on days when the wmd espeCially Important to control invahdate the DetrOIt permit Its both attained and non-attamed culate and attamed for sulfur and the environment are ex- does not blo'W It now so I don't run mto com- March 21 letter asked the EPA re- areas, but m different ways In dioxide, Van Mersbergen saId pected to testify at the hearmg All of the groups are expected phcatlons later That's the gional admimstrator m Chicago Although he would not dISCUSS Stepha me Ruttinger of the Detroit whole thrust of the study." to ask that the mcmerator be to invalidate the permit because speCIfic responses to the SIerra Audubon SOCIetysaid that 10 addi- eqUIpped With the latest DesROSiers was the first per- of faIlure to comply With federal Club petitIOn, Van Mersbergen tIOn to the legitImate health con- son to enter the study She has technologIcal controls Piper of clean aIr standards lMichigan has a very agreed that If there IS In fact a cerns of the reSIdents m the path the SIerra Club Said that environ- partiCipated for two years and "Michigan has a very weak aIr VIOlation of the federal clean air of the prevailIng wmds, hydro- has eight to go She hopes that weak air pollution con- mental groups are not opposed to pollutIOn control law ," saId Sierra standards, the EPA admlmstra- chlOrIC aCid prOjected to be emlt- mcmerators as such and that they by controlling her blood glu- Club spokesman Denms Piper trol law .
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