Guinea Worm Eradication Program

Guinea Worm Eradication Program

On The Cover: Sunita Day of ]amshedpur, India, was one of five "Gold Medal" winners in the Paint Pals international OLymJ)iC art contest sponsored by The Atlanta Project in /995. More than 3 ,500 children from nine international cities wok /)art, creating art in the sJ>irit of J>eace and world friendship. MES AGE FROt-.1 PRE IDENT CARTER CHAIRNIAN OF THE BOARD OF TRU TEE hen Ro~alvnn an-! I un,h:rr.Jh• pc.tcc mt"llllb 111 f\;,,rth re!.!htr~ tlll'n'urc ch1ldren 'ray lnunde,l The- C.mer K,lrl.'.l, ll.lttt, Rnsm,t·H,,r:u.:nnna, .mel he,dth) through ltll1cl), prnper llTIIlllllll· Ccnrl·r 111 I9S2, ''e SuJ.m; mtllatcd ,1 new devell>pmcnt .tid :attnn,, ,m,l .1 "I'"''J'llrt" t~1r parenc~ tl1 C'l1\ l'l<l11l!d II .1~ .I plcH:C' -.rrare~\' w11h Gu\.tn.l; lwlpL·d mme than rc<.:ord \'ltal health .mJ safety mforma· IIW i1l'l"l' p~·ppk• UHtkl Ulll1l' togl•thcr to 200,L~0L1t.Hill t.untltc' 111 Erhtupi.t an,l rum ,thnut thctr childrLn In aJJ1nnn, V.L' rl'" '" ,. 1 hetr ,ltt!crt:tKe' .mJ ~nh-e <lther Afrtl<lll rrohk·np,, ...::ll1Ll' then. we ,d,, l ha\'e n.Hl<llh muc·,,...,. 11111 t.ltc,lprugr,un 111 demucr,tc\ .mJ gr.un produlfton, d,·n·l.,pmcnt, hum.m nghr-, glohal .md rr· 1\ I lied hc-.dt h, .md urban fl'\ n.dtz.ltton tn 'tr.1tt.'~lc' to .t,l.lrc" the ~~'lie' that C,llJ'C' dt,C<1rd. VJ..'l· .td\ olllll' lll.'t!'dom ,,, h.t\l' toudK·..I the lt\·e, ul people tn .11 thl· pre" 111 ne11 h le,,,t 6) u1untnc' h (,mntnJ.! rarrncr­ em..:rglll\! dcm. 'l ra· ,htp' ,m,!t,Nering C<)ll,tb,,r,ltiLm am,,ng cte,. mJi\' .... other nnnl.!o\ ernment.d Tll llllJ'f<l\'L' 'lf!.!<lnt:<lltun,, ofttctal ,tgenc u.:,, .md lwalth 111 the C<'fJ'<lr,ltton .... B) cu,,rJm;lttnt.: re,Purce' dc1 e[,IJ'tn!..! wnrld, .md ,,, ,,tJuw Ju1'l i11n ,,, cf"f~m .... \l't.: TIH: Cmer Center .1rt.: hl·lptn!.! nation' .md mJt,·tdu,d' ts k-admg .m rt.:mun· the ,,h,t.H.. Ie~ th.ll nt.:g<llt\-cl) tnt~rn.ll tunal .tlfL'Lt thl•tr qu.dtt') of life. c.unpat~n that h,t, The l 'trter Cl·ntcr i,lenufic' ..:reali\'C reduced <.:a't.:' pf wa\·, t•' .h.ldre" prohJ..:m, that impact tht.: ()utnL'<l wnrm 1111 ,,t \'ulner tbk• pe• 1plc-t11, ,_,. '' hu h.n·e dt,c.N' h 1.)7 Rosal)·nn and )imm·::; Career .tlCL'" t•l th,· kwc'r r,·,,ntrcc,. Then we per, em .m,J 1' 'eek p.trt ncr' to unplcmcnt "1lutt< 'il' 1hat hdptng I;K·tlit.llL' .Khtl'l'l' l.t,ltn!..! tmpr.11 l'lllt.:nt,. Rccau'e dtstrthut lUll <II ,1 drug t<• .mJ pre\ ..:IH l<llllllllll' fO ..:duc,lle thl• rubltc nhl1llt the ( \~lliCr IS lltlllJ'olfll,,l!l, \\ (' Lclll 'tCJ' Ill rt\Cr hlm,lru..:" 111 AlnL.t and L.urn ment tl tllne"c' .mJ r~'-t.:nrlv pr(xluLcJ ,1 ''her..: gm crnment' .rnd f'ther .1!:!<: nuc' \men .1. Th,• ( l'ntcr rL'Ll'llt h ..:xpanJ,·,I \ t,(eu olllllt'd ,11 redt!<.:111!..! the 'rtl.!tn.l L rnnot g, .md mohd 1:l' wnrld 1,· tdL'I'' .md It' cth1rt-. 111 ftght tht, dt'l.'·l'e h laund1· .t""<:,•,l '' 11 h t hl''l' llt'l',l'e'. •lthn cuunull J'l't•pk· tll dku t.;h,mg~.:. mg ,1 1\C\\ Rt\~1 Blmdnc" Pr,,gr.un. In \Vhd,· the 'ii:UJ'l', 11 \Jllf tLII\ ttte, l smg the,,· pnn,lpl,·~. Thl· ( 'nrrl·r addttiOn, thl' l L'ntl'r I' 1 p.1rtncr 11 nh u1nttnucs tu cxp.m,l, l ttr ll'Cli' fL'Ill,lln' lt·ntcr curremh lll<Jillt<>r' the ill<"t Thl' T.tsk h•tH' l11r ( 'htld ::::lltl'\'1\ ,tl .md ilK• ,,lllll.'" IP hL•(p 111dt1 tdu,t(~ oiU.JlllfC th..: '~rh 'II' ut th,· wmld\ u111t11L1~ and h.t, l'll'\ elupnwnt. whtLh 11 Prb tu protect t.,,,(.., the\ nel·d t•, unpn>IL' th ..· tr \11111 ''h'l'r\ ~,1 cl,·utun~ tn ,lh<lltt ,,,l,,:,·n chtkln·n \l<lrkh\ tck· .lf.:ollnst rr..:\ cnr.lhk· l11 e,. ullllltrtc~. \X!h,·n thl· tnr~rn.lli<ll1,1l dt'L'·l'l'' suLh "' me.t,(c, ,m,lpllltn. l<llllllllllltl\ 1\.t., un.thle t••.1dJre'~ the 1\t h<liiiC, 1\l' hol\l'I.IUnLhl'd !.!f<ISS• L<ll1fltLI 111,t .tnd Rurundi, thL· rw•h tntlt.ttnc~ 111 n,·cdy net~hhnrhu,,,(~ lccl,ler' tl the''-' LOUIHrte' p(u, Tan:anw, thHIUgh The :\tlnnt,t l'wj..:Lt. Ex.unplt: .•m,l .t,k~, l Th.. · C.mer tr1llu,Ic .1 k1an fund h•r 'mall hlNn..:-se,, ( \·ntL'r to c1 J<llnt mtrratt\·e 111 .1 nattnn.1l ptlut prul.!ram make, the rL'ghll1 w h~'lp ,·nJ th~: 'tnlcnce. Wl· npp() Int.: fpr '<1Ual 'en ICC' l.btcr anJ 11,,> h.11 ~, re,pondL·d to reyu1.:-t~ to more ~:ost cffeutn·, .1 l omputcn:ed - MESSAGE FROM jOHN HARDMAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CARTER CENTER h~ phra~e "thmk global h-. act 6'5 Clluntries ro d.uc, the Center ha l!lL<llly" t~ ufu.:n u~ed tn learned that re~pcumg the pcrspccth · e~ dcftnc the role llf a glohal of ot hcr Lulture~. and acknmdcdgmg T cttt:en. At The Carter that a country\ cm:cn~ nrc the best C~ntcr, we believe that hetng a gooJ expert~ on their own lives, builds the gluhal ciu:en h.1~ .1~ much rn do with tn1~t thm unlncb the dour to communi· how we offer llUf a~sistance as it docs c:::Hil)n and n:~oluunn llf problem~. We with the potcnual hcnl·fir IN~ If. From have learned rh1~ <lpprnach worb at h~lpmg Ethiopia c'tahl1sh standards for home a., well us O\'Cr~cu~. Aft~r years ll( human nghb pracuce' w tead1mg wmktng Ill 1mprm c l1fc ahroad, Jimmy farmer-. how tn increa-.~ gr.un production and Rnsahnn Caner returned from a rnp in Ghana to pm,·1dmg th~ knnwlcdge to one d,ty tn "a) "we cnuld usc these same eradtcate Gutnea wmm dt~ease tn pnnctplc~ to tn<tkc life hcuer 1n Adanta." Afnca---our approach I' to take a hack , n tn late 1991, they tounded The scat w a countf) \own cit1:en~. to ,Is 1~t. Arl.mta Project (TAP). Smcc then, TAP to <tdv1se, to train mhers.l9'nlv by taking residents ha,·e undertaken more than 400 r~~rom.1htl1ty tor .1 pro)..rram can a J'fl1JeCt;, t1l improve the 11\'CS of fnmtl1cs countf) \ pellple attatn the confidence and ~.:ht!Jrcn and tore' italt:e thetr and skills nece,sary to sustatn it, le.tdmg neigh horhooJ~. to evemunl self-suff1c1ency nnd perma­ We C.lluld not acwmplish these nent soluum~ ach1e\ ements wtLhout the help of One example 1s Guvana, where the dcdiL.ttcd parrn~rs. In recent years, The Jircct-m;u( program, whtch ha~ grown to Center is hdping this South American Carter Center ha~ recci,·ed funding from more than I 00,000 dnnnrs over the past country\ leader~ draft .t comprchen~iv~ ctght of the top l 0 and 25 of the top 50 year. This growth renect., gra-,~-roots J~n.:lllpmcnt -.rratl'g)-th~ first of Its Amcncan fnund<tttnns from which we;: arc cnmmumcnt rn our work at home and kmd that wi II prll\ ide ,1 hluepnnt for cltg1hle tll recci\·e gr.mts. Although ahmad. long-term ~conom1c and soctal growth. Amcncan found.uions prondc many of As we look hack at 1995, one thine is Att~r t 1\'ll year., of rcs~ .uch, mcludtng the grants that su.,ratn nur vaned cerram. Whctho:r the Ollrders that div1de tnput fr1ll11 morl' th.m 300 localmtere~t pmgramo,, 1 s1gntf1cant number come u~ arc ptc.ker fcnc.c~ or narinnal hound­ gnlups, rhc Ciu\anc.,c g1lvernmt:nt 1s fwm tndl\ 1duab, corpuratams, and anes, \\' C .1rc ,1ll nc1ghhor' 111 a glllhal ncanng Clltnplcttun of that document. dcvelo pm~nt <ISSI,t<tnce pro(!rams, hllth Cllmmunlt}. Nm\ is ,1 gnoJ time to lnok Half a wurld a\\ •') m Atrica, farmers in U. .mJ fore1gn. ahead at the oppmtun1ttc~ and responsi­ Ghan.1 hdped thc1r nartnn ach1c,·e Ther~ are other 'uccc~ses. Our budg~t htlltlcs w~ hm·c ro m.tke .1 d tffcrcnce ns agricultural sdf-suffic.icncy hy us1ng is habnccJ, and llUr endo\\'ment, <b of rc~tJcnt~ nf our ncighhllrhood~ and a~ 1111prm·ed growmg techniques. Ghana's Aug. 31, 1995, 1s ,·alucd at more than citi:cns of the world. Mtnlstr) of Agncultun.: nuw manages the $64 million tn pledges and paid-in gifts. project, which cnnunucs to work with While a numher of sourLes fund our farmers at the vtllage level. general operating expenditures, a llavtng undcrt<tkcn projects in at lca:.t suhsmnrtal pmtton 1s denvcd from our TABLE OF CC)NTENTS MI--.C....J()\.

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