eg1 Mm#$w&m" SPECIAL SYMBOLS SYMBOL IO.COLUMN USE PUNCH * ln col!mn lr indicatesprima'y contiol statement In any other columnr indicalescontinuation of conlrolstatement A I 1.7-8 Separates notes t!om slatemenl on primary conlol card Indicat€s terminalion of Darameterson PRAM contol card 0-3-8 S€parales specification fields: two commas (,,) in succession requiredto indicateblank specification{except last) ! In columnl, lollowedby mnemonicoperator: indicatessecondary (blank) contol statementand delimits its operatol In prinary conlol statement: delimitsoptions tield; two blanks(ti) il successionrequirsd for blank optionfield lollowedby specilications Indicates termination of slatement 0i SeDaratessubfields within a so€cification PFIIMARY CC]NTROL PRTXARYCOtTiOf iCALLtoptionsiname/vers ion, I ibrary,ti le,parameter,parameter,... ccoFoptionstname'versron,ribrary aE-) option3: X: abort job il no find or activationot unit recordroutrne optioni: A-E: loSicallest switches no X: use no'maloutout unit fecordrouline if io lind or activatlonand iSnoreICAL R = clerr switches tilc: P : primary output steam H, M, or L = serviceand selectionpfioiity (high,medium, or low) S = secondary output stean XorY P = go-column FORTRAN input cards dCOREtopl i onstl ibrary,name,/ve rs ion,v,v,v,...v O ' COREttn in imum,har.m!m options: A = coileclion to memory localion: v: conectron address '€lative to system base address/co(ections nininum: ninimrn erlension (no, ot words) of core r€quir€d lor task €lemenl (NoA) norimufr: marim!m exlensiondesir€d X, Z, ot P = cofrect on lo e lem€nl:v : co"ection address/segmentno., corrections lAlgEoptionslperipnral code,lilecode,minimum/maxinum (l) P: purgeinactiv€ secondary executive routlnes options: J = hold for job durationor unlil, FREE iDuMPtoptionstril€ code,vt, v2, line spacing (, no J = hold tor task tetmination V = assignm€nt oplional tor task execution oprions: O: l0r character words pcriplcrol codc: ORUM: FH-432 drum, FH{782 drum or FH-880 drum A - Fi;ldara coded F432 : FH-432 drum only O: conve( rired poinl binaryto siSneddecimal F1782= FH{782 drumonlY F: converllloating pointto signeddecimal F880 = FH-880 only P: peripheralof randomaccess stofage drum FAST = nornal tack on FASTRAilD drun E: dunp only it terminatedby eilor oi abort FBAN: Fastbandlack on FASTRANDdrun C - start new page fo. prinling RAN = FH-432 FH{782 drom, FH.880drum, or Fastbandor normal L = lisling of task addendum,aclivity add€ndum,and storagemodul€s ot dump drum, tack on FASTRAND drum actrvity sEQ = FH-432drom,FH-1782 dtum,FH-880 dtum,Fastband or normalnack vl: no. olwords of cor€ or random storage, or no. oI tape blocks on FASTRANDdrum, or maEnetictape unit Y2: no. blocks bypass relalive slartinS address, logical incremeit, or ol lape begi.ning t0 6ioi60n/ftorimun: no. of assirned words p END rAsGlogtionsiperiph€ral cod€,tile code,tile name O IFIN option3:H=800fPi rJOBtoptionstidentity/individual,acco!nt,priority,v3,v4 M: 556 fpi L = 200 fpi options: A-E: switches no H, M, L: 556 rpi R: RT/COMil tasks F = tixed or compatibl€mode (UNISERVO ll A) priotily: A-E E = €ven parity recording v3: I 'unningtime in minutesor C no E: parity vd: add primary output pag€s/s€condary output card images, or c U - Inhrbrtautomal'c block numberng *C: contin!oos N: inhibit noise recordconstant R. r€windwithout inte'blockafler mountinS dL0ctoptlonstcode numbe',titera (!) V as3 Snnenloptional lor €r€cutron opliorr: (use only one) T: tan3late BCD to Fieldata(FD) on read, FD to BCD on write (requir€sE oplion) A: l/O diaSnoslic W: sait tor operatorresponse B: CPU and cor€ diagnostic pcriglerol codo: TAPE : any availabl€ tape unit : C = 9rogran contingency diaSno!tics Uil3c UNISERVOlll C only D = normal loB message Uil6c = UilISERVO Vl C only (7{rack mode) o E: user messaCe UilqC : UilISERV0 vlll C (7{racI mode) e UN2A : UNISERVOll A only F F: consolemessaee z G = systemand statisticaldata UN3A : UNISERVOlll A only o = u H. l, J reserved C0MP UNISERVOVl C or Vlll C with 9{ack oDtion no A-J optron : impliedD option (!) (use onry onel lAsGsoptionstp€lipheral code,lile code z K = binary I'teral oplion3: B: columnbinary 9 L: mixed binaryand alphanumeric T: XS-3 or 90-column code to FO on read. FD to XS-3 or 90-column cod€ on Dunch F M - alphanumeric no B and T = tanslate card amaSe = = ! no K, L,M impliedM optron V assrSnme.toptional - N = includeuser chafle and job no.'s wilh Iileral pcriphcrol codc; ClNS = 80'column ca'd '€ader €xcept prima'y inpul cod€ nunber: octal 000-777 C0UT8 = 80'colunnpunch except secondary output ClN9 = 90-columnca'd r€ad€rexcept primary inprt t o C0UT9: 90-colomnp!nch ercept secondaryoutput rilsGtoptionstrirerar CD tAsotoptronstperipheral oPtions:R: as!i8nr€sponse no. andwait lo. operatorresponse code,lile code,um,/bm/pl O no R = operatorrespons€ not '€q!ired optionr: V = oplional assiSnnent J - hold iFREE job rPRAMtopti onstparameter,parameter, until o' ond ol no J : r€leaseat l€rminationol task = paramelel option3: A alphanumeric periphcrolcodo: PRINT = hiShspeed p'int€r oi UNIVAC 1004subsystem erc€pt p'inary output n0 A: numerLc {6: no. ot lines tof uppermargin C: lileral bn: bottom marSrn X, Y, Z or noneot the lhr€e pl: text lines or (lor user formcon!ol) O (:ero) tREADYtoptionsistation n m/ha/el: use system patam€ters optioni:vary wilh r€mot€ unit (reler lo applicabledocum€nt on peripheral subsystem) .ASOtoplionsiperiphera I cod€,ril€ code 3lotior:idenlities'emote terminal oplions: J= hold until iFREE o' end ol lob rSOURCEbortions'6'vo,v1,vr,v,,vo no J: hold to task termination V. optionalassignm€nt options; C file I cof'ectionsfollow this card In p'imary rput {vn) peripherol codc: PTIN: paper tape feader no C no correitionst6 sourceelement PTOUT: paPe,tao€ Punch s updatedsou;ce not put in pilmaryinput (requires U and'or O option) noS source put in pramsryinput lor steam element) {used iob ,LAsctoptionstvo,tilecode,v2,priorily,v4,!5 O create source elefr€nl lom images followinS in primary input ) .e8rsle,addrtional handler qu€ue process actrvrty addendum D del€lesource elen€nl irom job libraryatter p,ocessinS load, link remoteline nandl€r enlersource el€n€nl Lnt0job lib'ary o submitupdated source elemenl lo secondaryoutpul wail fo' CTM resequencecafd numbe'tield ol each image(declnal sequ€nceno.'s) assiSnonly CTM updatedfor maintenancetesting mechanismcoilects el€ment by imageposition, slart ng at first posillonallel level I, drs'ega'dfile codeand own code spacefollowing s€q!ence nunb€r (C optionm!st also be used) v0: p€rtpheralcode, namingCTM lype or block assrgned tirsl position afler space following s€quenc€ numbeils positron I of new vr: remote lrn€ handlef name version source rmaSe p;io'iry: octal 0-17 X: aborl iob on €rrol vt: (optronal) nan€ ve'sion or oulput o*n cod€ (usef lask to staging) Y: continuep(ocessine il eilor in corection inag€ v5: (optional)name've'sion ot outputown code(random access to remotehandler) no X and Y: lerminalesource imaSe coil€ctor on exec!tion eilo' v0: name/vetsion 0t job library solfce to be pfocessed (absence of vn requires C or J option) Yr: lrbrary3pecit'cation vZ: name/version of updated elemenl (r€quired with U option) v3: mask,(requires R option)initial card no. (decimalwith no O)/'nc'ement(decimal, no D) R optionand no v3= initial card n0.000100(decimal) vt: loptional) lD; S.character Fieldala (som€ symbols erclud€d) rdentrfrel #5TARTt-oplionstname/version,library,lrme,dat" O ottion3: X : abort job if no tind tihe: day clock time hh/mm dale: yea' and monlh yyddd ._ PNIfARY COiTROL PRITARY CONTROL /FREEtoptionstfile code,rale identirier (t r0UTtoctronstvo,v,,vr,vr,., (t ,rliotr3; L: direcl operator to label released tile optiorr: X, Y, Z, or no X, Y, and Z no L: fil€ neednot be saved C: specitaed elements submilted to secondary job output F: write EOF tape markatter lasl elen€nt tLFREEthlrecode O L = only RB elef,ents in outpul M: only loadelen€nts in output oMFlttopt'onstt'te cod€,vt,v2,v3,v4 O N: only sou.ceel€ments in output oplion3: A: assign lile (vl) to file code R: initial 'ewind of outputtape = C = cataloguefile-in Masler File Direclory(MFD) as p€'manent S systemor groupIibrary fo!mal will be g€ne'atedby inclusionof eremenlsI'om given | : catalogu€file anMFD as tansient library v0: o D = release tile assignnenl belore task terminaiion {only if no C oplion) frle code of devic€ to receive elements e E: current,ob has sole contol ot file vl: outputlibra'y/'(ilSoption)grouplibraryfil€no.assignedtooutputelements F J : hold file code assignmenl tor job duration vt,v?.,,:name/versronofelementslobetansfeiledfromlibrary;novr,...=allelementstrom z o L: for aoternaluse only specrt,edlrbrary h,ll be transfeiledto sp€citieddevrce (v^)' U Q = do not submitMFD stateme.tto primaryoutput steam (to prolectread/writ€ k€ys) rPRlioptionsitilrary,v,v,... (t o R: feleasefile fromMFD and releaseassoclated random access storage V = optionalassignmBnl or catalogue.request options:X, Y, z, orno x, Y, andz = W: write enableon tape file T pfintonty TOC yl: user no,/file no. (l-4 di8it3 each) v,v,...:name/v€rsion ol €lement(s) to be pilnted; no v's,...= all elenentsof specified d librarywill beprinted v2: read key/write key (up to 5 alphanumeric characters each) o v1: retention period in no. ol days rREPoRTtoptions (t v;: reel identitier q I opiions: P = aborl task at completion ol initialization if parametereilor o F = abort task rf tile eilor ,SwlTcHtoplionstold file code,new ril€ code c O no Pand F: continueto €nd ol inoutor tstar eilol oplionr: R: rewind,without interlock,tape units associatedwith
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