H iGHTSTOWN G AZ ET1E. J ^ ^ m i r c c l tibr ary HIGHTSTOWN, m e r c e r c o u n t y , NI'W JEKSl'.Y, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1035 N U M B E R 33 VOLUME LXXXVI FRANKIE HAYES Cranbury Presbyterian REV. DR. C. P. NEWTON John B. Braun, Jr., Appointed RESIGNS FREEHOLD Fire Loss Only RETURNS HOME FROM Churches Vote to Unite BAPTIST PASTORATE $195 in Borough TOUR OF ORIENT i Conj;rt‘g:itional nu.‘CtiiiLiS in thu Hrst Presbyterian Church and the Second Jameshurg Baseball Player Back From Ih'eshylerian Church, C'ranhury, unatii' Member of Borough Council Accepts a Call to Parmly Memorial Barnstorming Trip Reports Royal Church at Jersey City—Well Known inously \nted to unite in .singl_e member­ Welcome Throughout Japan. Here as a Peddle School Student. Fire caused damage of only $195 ship under the jtastorate of the IG'v. | Frank \\. IG-erill. of the Sccoiul Chureli.l during 1934 in the Borough of Frankie Hayes, jainesbur^'s baseball .After serving ten years a.s pastor of 'Phe united church, with a comltined, hero, lias returned boinc front a barn- PRESIDENT LEWIS the First Dapfjsh Clnirch o,f Freehold, Hightstown. This fact was revealed mcinhershiii uf Htltl, vill he known a'-i stonnins through the Ofient with the Rev. K)r. .Cuthberi P. Newton has wKen Fire Chief Thomas B. Malone the ]*'irst I’roshyterian Churcli, and eon - - -..................... ^ an all-siar team picked from the mem­ resigned fo accept a call to -the Parmly presented his annual report to the bers of the American League. He is a Memorial Church, Jersey City. He will Common Council Tuesday night. regular catcher for the Philadelphia Reappointed By Mayor SUver-Ad- [ireach his last .sermon at Freehold on' 2(X)lh amiiversarv, lost its pastoi, liKy . k t .'T’ i t *1 (amiary 27 and assume his, new duties Athletics: Ke\'. Hr. Joseph 1’.. Curr\'. N'n\'einher 7 During the year the department " According to l^'rankie, “the japs are ............ ' journed Meeting Next 1 uesday tor Lon.sider- February 3. , o , answered 19 alarms in the Borough in..an automobile inisha)L His first charge was at the Gethsc- ^ not so liot at hitting, but they are good in the fiehl.” He arrived home Sunday Since that time, congregation'- of both; ation of Budget. mane Church, 'rrciiton, where he rc-j and 23 alarms from adjoining town­ night.iiiMiL Hayesiiayv-a left hurriedly________J on ______October churches ha\*e been contemplating tluo mained for 17 years before going to ships. Hours of service: In Hights­ 18*^ wdien*hV1lcw'from Newark Airp action and have been meetingi 'I'lie ai'poiniinent^ ...... of --.yJohn F. Fraun. — ' v town, 9 hours; outside, 28 hours, 15 to'Sealtle Wash., to join the team sad- during the past montli as a um-i c-lection oi Daud t. 1,( a • p r T P i r It^K ew lon is It Canadian, by birth, minutes. Miles travelled: In Hights­ ing-f{,r japan. He was called to rci.lacc grggati.m. The Second C'urch whicl, j ,-,.,r,.an,zai,..„ iiu-<yng oi ^ . haviiig^lteen born in Yarmouth, New- town, 18 miles; outside, 160.9. Charles Berry of the .Alliletics, who| is nearlv HH) years old, will he di-'ini-ed ■ Couiiai at tlu- Fmough ON CLEARANCE RUN foimdlan'd, '-He was' educated at Peddie was stricken with appcndicUis and could-of by coii.e future action, U wa^ au--n.^„ -pi.^.^iay ui.cln THRU HIGHTSTO-WN'■1'' School, Highlstown, and the University Chemicals used: In Borough, 15 gal­ not continue on the trip. I noiinced. Onicial approval of the 1 u-s- p, ])„„• .Silver who assumed .. 1 U n .U J vj.xy of Indiana. In 19(X) lie entered the Uni­ lons ; outside, 7.5 gallons. “We had a wnmlerful time,” he rc-lbylcry of Monnimith will be sought ,|j^. Mayoi oi the Ihnoiigh on Fwidentlv' Gohsidering Fti ted States enstoms service and was as­ ported. “The fellows on the team were' Jainiarv 22, when ihat body meets at - Day, appointed Mr, IJranii- PennsvPennsy EvidentlyEvtdeptly .Considering LDEle'ctrp-^ The out-of-town alarms were: fication of , OJd Amboy DivuioVk .rr^ signed to China, where he enjoyed many greal and Babe Ruth is a fine fellow j Dolaiicy, ias nieiiiber ol Council for the tcini -ot nmisiial expediences, among them the East Windsor, 14; Monroe, 3; Cran- Train Stopped HeVe WodnesdayeP to team with. We traveled from onc| ^lie united church becomes the sec-L.ne year caused by the rcsiginilioii (>l Noon. Boxer rebellion. hury. 1; Millstone. 2; Washington, end of lapan to the other and |dayed|pa,l largest in the Moiiiiioiith I’resby- 1 )r. SiUcr as Coiinciliiiaii. 1 lu-' a]i- In 1905, he returned to this country 25 gaines altogether, winning all, (|,rougli the action. poinliiieiii was unanimously cnniiniicil. The eleelnlii-ation uf il-vg ^ and entered Crozer Theological Semina­ 3; West Windsor, 1. Wherever we went we got big recep- ' E A n in«'>inK was called m m ■ division ol the 1’emisvK anjt ry at Chester, Pa., where he studied lions and were treated royally. ^ dcr tlie clerk stated that N ajui b ih u for fotir years, ffe was ordained at j EAST WINDSOR TWP. v’omp.ui\ is appari'iillv being Ti “The trip also- included games nr ry » y m P AI T and Coum-ilnieii I'Ciiton and l.ewis Pad Trenton in 1909, and was immediately NATIONAL BANK cd hv the railroad oHieials. China and 'the Philippine Islaiufs, We | F R E E OF TAX FOR ALK husiness was Two electric locomolneN weiTiaiSlei assined to the church in ihat city. REDUCES SIZE OF met .Senator McAdoo, of California, and; LOCAL PURPOSES ’ ilu- eU-etiun by Coiiiieil ol David , War Service over the South Amliov-Fsudentowit. the senatorial iiarty which wciil to Ihci ----------- -l.ewis as President of Coiiiieil. lie was Early in 1918 he joined the 3-15th DIRECTOR BOARD roatl on \\ e<lnesday, Supervisoi .'-IVni- _______ I I’hilippiiics when wc were there j Revenues Will Be Sufficient ypj^pjjimu‘'ly elected. Infantry, 78 Division, ranking as a first liev, of Jameshurg. wu'^ in charge and re entertained by Frank Mnrphey, To Meet Budgeted Items—Roads and Mayor Silver announced apiioint- lieutenant. He went to France and saw- J. V. D. Perrine Advanced to Vice lie slated that the rim was being n,ui(l)t governor-general of. the islands, who Poor Items Are Principal Expense. munts. all ct-nfirmed, as followv: action on the bloody Flanders front. President—Directors and Officers of fi >r deal anee purjioses • a ‘ .. was foipticrlv mayor of Detroit. ^Bi _-----------, I IF \'. 1). IGving, treasurer, The tram Aupped here; during fhe He was mustered out in 1919, but since Both First National and Hightstown No monies will be raised by taxation [ p'ly^ wuperintemlnU p'uh- has maintained his military connections, Trust Company Reelected. Japan .Ambassador Grew received ns.” rlooii liotir. Through llie courtesy of However, despite the tlirills of the for local ]iui'!)0ses ^^in least Windsor; engineer am! water CMiunus- now ranking as a major in the reserve \lr. Touhey, the l-'.ditor wu" grantetd ' J'ownsliip during 1935. I-ollowing llu-j............oiie r ,,,,,,, ^ arrnv, and serving as active chaplain The size of the board of directors of new experience which he has had the, pi'Filege of inspecting the new and- the First National Bank was reduced rcoi-ganization of the township eoniniit-;' jj Conou-r, rliu-l of. policq; in the 119th .Medical Regiment, New Frankie is glad tu be hack in the fold. from twelve to ten members by vote of “1 feel right in the pink and not a tee wilh I.eimiel I.laek beiii.g ' ; p.me.st L. Davison and kred \.pfrated eiuirelv bv eleetrieilv. Tin Jersey National Guards. the stockholders at the animal meet­ bit tired," he said after his journey of hairnian, the Inid.gel anil tax ordinaiKC,^..i . , snllieieiit eapaeitv for pull He was one of the first chaplains approved, ..Final eonsnleratiimwuii K, Hampton, u-eorcler ^ 120 of the New Jersey American Eegion ing held Tuesday morning. several thousand miles. “The contracts At this session the following direc­ haven’t come out yet for next season he given on Friday, January 18, at ............................ .......... and was a member of the Freehold Le­ iir. tors were reelected: Thomas E. Apple- but 1 expect to he called down to Fort dowtmhip Hall. i'Ara.■ 1 1- 1 ;,i .'iMrs. 1 s. ,.F.lsie 1.,..^ .hraiiWlin ............................... and .\lhsun , |,e eleelvie loeoiiiolii es were atlaeh- gion, serving as chaplain. .....................I'hc budget, vvhich IS published . in this ,,)ev, three veiir terms, meniher of . In addition to his duties at his church gate, Calvin 1„ Chamberlin, Aaron V. My6'rs, I'la,, our triunuig camii, about Dawes, William T. •Denison, Richard H. February 20. fn the meuiitinie 1 am .sue of The Gazette, M'pro]|riates a | j ^^,,,^,,1, (Zo„,„y Ordinanee), p.p,,,,,,,.;,,, m Freehold, he serves as chajdain at the .otal of $(),l(il,19, as compared to , jj,,.;,,,, \-auNest, Augustus Lonover, New Jersey State Hospital, Marlboro. FJly, Joseph Holmes, William H. Meijrs, going to’do some bird shooting in Soiftii J. V. D. Periine, John G. Schcible and Carolina. Fred Gunson, of Janiesburgg 379.67 bust year. , and l-'raiik Wolfe, im-mbeis of Shade SARAH THOMAS are $2,500 for roads and $1,W>0 for l'Oor. ,p^.^.^, .........
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