DO CUMF NT R F S OMR ED 024 477 RC 000 288 Basic Goals for Elementary Children: Volume I. Beginners Level and Level One; Volume II, LevelsTwo and Three; Volume III, Levels Four, Five and Six; Volume IV, Levels Seven and Eight. Bureau of Indian Affairs (Dept. of Interior), Washington, D.C. Pub Date 66 Note-752p. Available from-Publications Service, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas66044(no charge) EDRS Price MF-$3.00HC-$37.40 Descriptors-*Activities, *American Indians, Art Activities, *Curriculum Guides, *Elementary Grades,English (Second Langua9e). Guidance Objectives,Guidelines,HealthActivities, Language Arts,ListeningSkills, Literature, Music Activities, Number Concepts, Physical Activities, Reading, ScienceActivities, c.:ocial Studies, Speaking Activities, g(Teaching Techniques, Writing Skills These curriculum guides were developed by the Bureau of IndianAffairs to be used by teachers and administrators of Indian studentsfrom the beginning level through the eighth. The four volumes lorovide a structuring and selquencingof themes and concepts designed to prepare Indian children to competefavorably with their peers in other school situations.Explanations and activities are provided for each level in the areas of guidance, social studies, music, listening,speaking reading, writing literature, art, health and physical fitness, science, andnumber concepts. For each area at each level an extensive bibliography of relatedmaterials is provided. (DK) C)R -ELQIviNTARYeAsIC COALS C1-11LIN BEGINNINGDEPARTMENTBUREAU LEVEL OF INDIANOF TIiEAND INTERIORAFFAIRS LEVEL ONE DEPARTMENTStewartUNITED L.OF Udall, STATESTHE Secretary INTERIOR RobertBUREAU L. Bennett, OF INDIAN Commissioner AFFAIRS AssistantDIVISIONCarl L. OFCommissionerMarburger EDUCATION PublicationsHaskellLawrence,Order Institute fromKansas Service U.S. DEPARTMENTOFF:CE OF HEALTH, OF EDUCATION EDUCATION& WELFARE THIS DOCLMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCEDEXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE POSITIONSTATEDPERSON DO OR OR NOT ORGANIZATION POLICY. NECESSARILY ORIGINATING REPRESENT IT. OFFICIALPOINTSOFFICE Of VIEW OF EDUCATION OR OPINIONS ELEMENTARYBASICf o GOALS rCHILDREN BEGINNERS LEVEL and LEVEL ONE VOLUME I Bureau Preparedof Indian1966 by Affairs CONTENTS BUREAUINTRODUCTION EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY 2Aat41 GUIDANCEBeginners 5 SOCIALBibliographyLevel STUDIESOne 139 LevelBeginners One 2015 MUSICBeginnersBibliography 24 BibliographyLevel One 343129 LANGUAGE ARTS LISTENINGLevelBeginners One 3835 SPEAKINGBibliography 4144 BibliographyLevelBeginners One 5465 READINGBeginners 69 WRITINGLevelBibliography One 7276 LevelBeginners One 7779 LITERATUREBeginnersBibliography 8384 Level One 88 ARTBeginnersBibliography 92 BibliographyLevel One 1049995 HEALTHBeginners AND PHYSICAL FITNESS 106 SCIENCEBibliographyLevel One 123115 LevelBeginners One 129J.25 NUMBERBeginnersBibliography CONCEPTS 135 BibliographyLevel One 147141137 iv INTRODUCTION - IndianBureauAon, long childrenteachers, have beento counselors, provide engaged a in administrators,framework developilag for planningandeducationrevising curriculums. specialists,guides based and on othersneeds andinterestedcommon experiencesin Indian educa- of fromcommittee,composedand thethe CentralBureauof for four varyingand Office,volumes, one lengths fromprepared and the aof scopeCenter thistime, and1966werefor sequence revision Appliedtwo tribal chart Linguistics.of councilmenthe in threeguides, sections.Aand committeeBasi_s_goalsen_y_lentarChildren, two linguists,Acting of educators as oneconsultants offrom the eightlatter to theAreas Basicadequatelyandusedqkills interests byGoals believedteachers withfor of Elementarytheir totheand be childrenotherenvironmentrealistic staffChildren, of and theirmembersand essential fromfurther schools. inthe planningbeginnersforThe Indian structuredand level childrenorganizing through content to curriculum acquirethe reflects eighth, in toorderconcepts, aremeet guidesthat the theyattitudes,specific only, may to copeneeds beand curriculum.determineThese guides needed areSchool changesnot staffsintended in arecontent to urged be andrestrictive to formatuse them,theirfornor to future limiting,education.examine revisions. them nor forto bestrengths the final and word weaknesses, in Bureau and elementaryto culturalations,eachIn developing level, whichheritage which isthe compatible ofwillguides, the prepare children much with Indianeffort theand maturity theirchildrenhas beenunfamiliarity ofputtothe competeforth children, towithfavorably indicate cultureand whichwith and groups theirtotakes suggest other intopeers thanlearningaccount in othertheir both contentschooiown. the situ-atrich planningchildrenThroughoutthe eighth andas thelevel, theyorganizing total progress there framework thecan through localbe tracedof curriculum,thethe years.manyBasic important GoalsSuchfor structuring themes Elementary or basicand Children, sequencing concepts from thatof thecontent should beginning givesbedevelopedyear direction through with to mitteesSchooldate the staffsmay needs find and and itindividuals interests helpful in ofwill usingchildren find the various ofthreeanyyet sectionswaysparticular permits to useof much school.thethe freedomchartguides and infor thetheir varying manuals curriculum the to emphases begin work. by:toSome accommo- com- 2.1. SettingsionallyIdentifying aside, reversing an forimportant -workingthe order theme, purposes, and tracingnaming goals theit fromintheme each the appropriately. levelbeginner which through reflect the this eighth theme levels, and usingor occa-these atheirSkillful particular experiences, goalsdevelopment theme. to serve insights, of as these the understanding nucleiunits withof teaching the and children skills, units atandat each eachadvance levellevel. their will developmenthelp themto of deepenconcepts and relatedextend to Another1. approachClearly identify,might be to:without referring to the guides, an important concept which teachers and parents 2. believethatStudy manifest the children chart this toshould conceptdetermine develop. or iftheme; this writeconcept in canadditional be traced goals from that levelare to neededlevel; torecord help theguide goals the 3. beUsechildren broadrelevant enoughin explorationgoals for at the each andnucleus level concept aroundas thedevelopment. whichnucleus a greatfor unit deal development. of learningcanAt timeshe acquired. a singleMore goal often, may Theinstance. suggestionsarelated unit.While ongoalsmany activities, goodmay besuggestions selected techniques, fromhave andthebeen bibliographiesvarious made, theylearning must are areasthrough not assumedand necessity clustered to be be exhaustiveto limited form the in in nucleustheseany of -workbibliographyCurrentlyandguides. deletions in which Thesethere follows toindividuals areare better offeredfour each achievevolumes. subjectworkedto help his in areathe The purposes.the teachergoalsin areas each are ofgetTeachersvolume. arrangedtheir started. Thesegreatestwill within noteItchanges is competence contentchanges expected came fields inabout and thatthe submitted asandformathe a will aresult carefully of makegoals the of additions Basiccommittee bypreparedareas Goals. and mayTonizelevels. functionoffset flow It fromsome inis English,levelhopedapparent tothat thelevel disadvantages the language andmore from compact of subjectsuchthe volumes school,as areafragmentation withIndianto subject easy, children of readyarea. goals, mustreference, which be able makes and to usefulitcommunicate difficult bibliographies, into English.recog- Totaneously communicate and automaticallyin English requires in correct mastery context. of language2 items to the extent that they can be produced spon- Communicationstructuralapplicationspeaking little practice of in pre-arranged orEnglish noof Lnglish,English involves pattern andor real substandardto drills. theresponses use TimeofEnglish, tothis and real English efforthis situations.responses mustin other be aredevoted Forsubject an the outgrowth both Indianareas. to thechildof learningsequential coming andto and schoolthe jectNoInsecond attemptaddition to language. indicate has to beensuggestions howHowever, madethere in may ainthis number Speaking,be guidecarryover of tosuggestions sample develop of patternslanguage aappear structured learned,implications for the sequence oruse being appearof forsituational learned, atthe each teaching intolevelor all functional ofand areasEnglish in eachof English. aswork. sub- a EnglishPatternsday.such as asthosedeveloped a second in the through language,dining sequential room, emphasis the practicedormitories, must be shouldplaced and beonon related communicatingthe playground. to children's in EnglishTo haveactivities throughout a quality and theprogramexperiences school in 3 BUREAU EDUCATIONALPHILOSOPHY Thehave great basicthe opportunityexplosionphilosophy of ofto therealizeBureau their of fullIndian potential Affairsandencompasses to become the useful belief members that allof Indiansociety.children must research,objectivesandongoing services. and and for independent experimentation TheyIndian should educationknowledgelearning, bendleading theirare demands teadhers as toenergiesfollows: creativefrom should eachtoward andhavechild developing criticalaccess independence tothinking. widespreadattitudes andMore self-initiative.ofand discovery, specifically, well-organizedproblem-solving, Tothe materialsfacilitate Bureau B.A. To developprovide communicationa climate conduciveskillsto aesthetic, social, andintellectual development D.C. anTo
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