i FRIDAY, NDVCMBER HI, IM I WAOM B G H T B b . iianirlfrBtfr lEtt^nbts 1|:?rdh Area Suspends Actit4ties in Mourning-See Story on Page 3 Ih a Lithuanian AJUanoa at tloB department to limit mem­ Amerioa wtil aponaqr a rum- bership In Its SdUvitles to towns­ Sale, Exhibit Set About Town maga aide tomorrow from 0 Walter Fox people only. Brig. Hok Special Guest The Weather a.m. to 8 p.m. at Lithuemian Fox, whose interest in sports By Garden Oiib Fereeaet of U. K Weather Vlrat qutiter nixirt 'p&rdr goes back to 1918, now devotes were dtnrttmtad to «tudent|i ut Hall, Ooiway S t Again Heads At Salvation Army Event SHOP nls time to Me second love, hla ••A partridge M a Pear ’Brae’’ Oloady, windy and nanoh epider t t a m M CbaMjr TocMeal Sciwol garden, but never fails to at­ Miaa Lealie Ann Berkman, te 11»e theme of a Ohrintmaa at this tenigfit with showers. Low In daughter of Mr. and Mra. Saul tend a meeting of his commis­ and cnmiloaen vocal muate Rec Advisors Brig. RSchatd E. Hoix o<t«xBta Gpeena and Daooratlonn Sale ate. Sunday partly etoudy, wtai- Bertonan, 19 Ruaaell St., haa sion. for Satvathm A m y cholra. IMh KaMB Jjaatm RMtunar, At last nights meeting, the H artf ord 'wldl be a apaeial guest iiattrijpatpr lEupmttg Jlpralli been named to the dean’a Uat Durtxg: 'Wbrld War It ha and BKMMt to be aponaored by SIGN dy and cold. High 40 to 45. of Mk«. Qtacgt M. Walter K. Fox of 90 Garden chairman welcomed newly a]^ at the dalveMon A m y totnor- at for the flirat quarter maridng awveid in Hew Guinea, L ie ^ the MlMMhantar Garden <3ub M ancf^ter— A City of ViUago Charm Hnomar Box Mountain Dr., 12-yeSr veteran of the linted Christopher (Huck) Me­ now at 7:30 pjn. at a Papa VamoB, and tbo late Mr. Hasn- pertod at Becker Junior College,, St., and Oidnawa an chaplain of the Dec. 7 and 8 at WMton Memo­ of Woree(Worcester, Mbm '. Town Advisory Park and Rec­ gals to the fold. McHale, a Oonoert preamted by the band 972 and 882nd Alrtiome En- mar, graduated laM night from Democrat, waa named by the rial Auditorium, 86 N.' Main St. the School of PtacUoal Nuraing reation Commission, waa re­ board of directors to fill the post and choir at the Youth Center. gineera. He wan with the fl«iM On Saturday, Dec. 7, there (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1963 (Claaalflod an Page It) PRICE SEVEN CENTS at lh « Manchester Oedarettes The eivent la open to the ptA- Amerioans to enter Japan Dapandablllty and Mental HeMth tlM Oard^ '^U meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. elected last night as ita chair­ formerly held by Republican wlD be an exhibit of awaiige- nar State Hoapttai, Oardner, man. Bernard August. Uc. when, on Sept. 1, 1946, he and ments and deooraitlona from at Center Congregational Brig. HoIb wwb recently ap­ Ilia "Swaet Chariot.’’ were Church. Fox, a retired insurance un­ The board was unable to 9:80 to 10:80 am . bafone the derwriter, haa long been an ad­ agree on a method of cwitrol point^ dlvMOnal commander flown 'to Ateugl Airfield, neer arie from 10:30 a.m. to. 4 p.m. Tba Bi WMi Amertoan Chib vocate of expanding town awim- of out-of-towners at town swim­ Yokohamau On Sunday, the exhibit and sale wSI apomor a danoe for mem- Chailes Hirth of 79 HoUteter ming pods, and tabled Its deci­ The ohoir wiU akm "'niis M will be open from 1 to 4 pjn. '63 CHEVROUT bera and guaata inmomnv from St. waa recently appointed aa- sion on "fee or free swimming" the Day of the Ixxro,’’ written to the public. g pm . to 1 am. at the dub* aiatant inspector general of the 1 until its Jan. 16 meeting. by Brig. Hola who, with hla Items featured at the sale bouaa. Chaitoe Varrick’a orctiea- VFW. Recreation Superinten­ family, wUl present special will be unusual Ghrlatmaa dec­ *2290 muntoal numbers a t the concert. trn wSl ftrmlah the muaic. dent Jam es Herdic announced orations for throughout tha Cervair Mens a OowvarWle The Guild of Our Lady o^ St. that 986 teen-agers had become Some brass Instrumental 6. house, eapaUered treee, fniH Bartholomew whl conduct rag members of the Teen Center numbera Inoluded in the pro­ topiary treee, Chriatmaa greens, Helm and paper drive tomorrow from gram are: Minuet in G, by '62 OLDSMOMLS President Johnson during the past year, and that awags, wreaths and coraagee. 9 a.m. to noon in the school estimated expenses for the Cen­ Beenhoven; apedal 'variations of ’The Manchester Garden Annour vrilt tend you i | parking lot. Ih the event of ter’s operation will amount to a Negro ^ritual by Od. Al­ Ckib’a apedal blend of feed for •2290 rain, the drive will be jxxrtponed $1,800-$1,800 for this fiscal year. bert Jakeway; "Montondo,’’ a wild b ir^ will be sold, together until Nov. 90. .march, by bandsman Donald with feeders and nuppHee for F-86 Ootlaaa ConverUMs SmDQUiAR Oagood, written to commemo- the feeding of wild birds. DUMe-Maozinl L<odge, 06LA, mta the International Scout’s General chairmen for the aale '60 MERCURY Sets Fast Tempo Jw t for tending the cooking wUl meet tonight ait the W. P. Flood, in Street "Mofitondo’’ a t Ixintareei, Hol- and exhibit are Mian MiUtcent bistroctioiR from inside package Quleh Funeral Home. 225 Main lahd, in 1662. ’Hiia la an African A. Jones, Mrs. Earl C. Herrick, S t , to pay reapeota to Hugenio Basis of Oaim jungte word that mnans a gath­ SAn. George M. Johnson and •1090 Berto who waa a memiber. ering for giving thanks. Mra. H any Maidment. Comet 4-Door SSa. Wagon AW M O UW ^ A RodeviUe man haa noteCled First Day on Job Rainbow Mothers Circle will at STUFFED llw town Manchester tiiait he '60 RAMB. CLASSIC meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the Is aeelting |29.47 for damages 2 Masonic Temple. Alan Hill will WASHINGTON (AP)r-Solemn-faced Lyndon B. TURKEY show color 'slides taken this wtiicih he says resulted 'when •1190 summer on a Western Holiday he tried to avoid a flooded sec­ Johnson shouldered the full massive burden of presi­ In 7 to 12 lb. tour. All mothers of Rainbow tion of Haynoi S t on Nov. 7. 6-Pnaeenger Stafton WbfMi dential duty today in the tempo set by his first order as siaes. Girls are invited. CarRnn Laac. 37 WMaor Brtg. Blchard E. Hols chief executive—"Now let’s get airborne.” Walter E. Fox Ave., alleges that tha right '60 MERCURY But he left the White House to John F. Kennedy, the Two bridge groups of the New­ front wheel and tire of hie car at the Salvation Army in Con­ 86 East Center St. ming facilities, ^and hia efforts were ndned 'when he tried to necticut and Rhode Utamd. Be­ predecessor whom he served and for whom he mourned, Cap LaBroad of nearby comers Club^luo ofoi theme Manchesteriusncnesier ; .—v..... At Summit St. now lying in state in the magnificent East Room as a Wulingrton and his help­ YWCA win meet tonight at 8. “ dlrectibn have borne cUitito the ourt) to avoid the fore hia appointm ent he was •990 One will meet at Uie ■ home of “* mc*nt years. flooded nection at road. banchnnnter of the Salvatlan WEEKEND CASH AND CABBY SPECIAL Comet S-D»er BeCaa national martyr. ers will really have some Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, 44 I He hw seen hla share of con- He dnltna that the flooding Army Staiff Band in New I For his own first full day in the high office Johnson work to do over this Scott Dr., and the other at the hDversial subjects since 19S1, reauHed fhotn a dogged storm Yortt CMy, and mpervlaed aO '63 VOLKSWAGEN sewer on Haynes 9t., which a Salivation Army music In the ■ chose to go back to his old suite in the executive office weekend to process all home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert appointed to ' building across the street. the orders we have here Franklin, 76 Farm Dr. , commission, and sUll backs highway department crew eastern tlMted ' States. Sal'var CARNATIONS ___ up the most discussed of them deand Just atfter the aHaged tion Aivny bands often une liia I But it was a day of full presidential duty neverthe- at Pfaiehurst for Farm- •1750 The Rev. George F. Noatrand, * ***• decision of the recrea- Incident. • instirumentei numbers, and be gunroof, fully eqnlppefi ' less, starting^ before 9 o’clock with arrival at the execu- FYeah Connecticut tur­ rector of St. Mary’s Epiacipal ^______________________________ |tive mansion. The first official business was a confer­ keys. Church, will be In charge of _ radio broadcasts sponsored by ‘ - '62 VOLKSWAGEN ence with Secretary of State Dean Rusk at 9 :30 to deal the Manchester Ministerial Ae- with worldwide problems that may have been multiplied Ciq> LaBroad asked us to Bociation on station WINF Sun­ I by Kennedy’s assassination Friday.. advertise that he can day at 7:80 p.m. and dally next •1790 14 Deioxe Comrertnile 1 The "get airborne” directive was Johnson’s first give you most anything week at 7:80 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. ' move after he was sworn in aboard the presidential je t n the large turkey class.
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