707000 708000 709000 710000 711000 712000 713000 0°34'0"W 0°33'0"W 0°32'0"W 0°31'0"W Glide Number: (N/A) Activation ID: EMSN-029 Product N.:Reference Map, v2, English Montán, Castellón - Spain Forest Fire - 2015 6#797.2m 671.3m 865.1m REFERENCE Map - Detail A1 775 725 675 575 #7 675 #7 7 6 625 2 6 00 8 8 0 5 6 0 775 5 0 75 5 WX 5 7 0 7 0 0 750 La Pedrera 625 6 70 5 0 #7 750.5m Las 0 0 5 Corral del 751.3m #7 %% × 6 00 739.4m 5 3 25 7 #7 3 4 0 Umbrías 4 Montanejos 8 Fuente la Reina 4 Collado de 5 7 4 25 7 ! K.18 6 775.9m 893.8m La Hoya #7 776.2m 5 #7 × la Reina #7× Torrechiva × de Antimo × × Castellón Montán 5 × × 7 × Montán × × 5 × × (Spain) × 750 7 50 812.7m 00 ! 5 #7 Fuentes 57 750 de Ayódar ! 5 × Convento 750m Los × #7 × 77 de los 5 5 ! B A1 5 Arcos 5 Cerro de . 2 . 8 . × . 0 × 7 Servitas. 0 710.2m 5 . la Silla 0 × #7 57 WX . Loma de × La Viña 794.3m 82 #7 5 896.4m × del Lugar 697.1m Borray #7 × ¬ ¬ #7 885.5m ×× 00 ¬ 888.3m 850 #7 Caudiel 700 6 × #7 × 846.4m 875 Torralba ×× × #7 0 ! N B × 85 del Pinar × " × × × × 0 La Hoya ' × × La Tejería × ! × × × El Calvario 2 × 6 Frutos ° Higueras 5 × 0 ! Pavías × B 0 Solana 690.6m × × × 4 #7 × ! ! de Mingo ! ! El Balsón 5 555.9m 5 684.6m 5 × #7 0 La Pastora ! 67 B × × #7 × ! × ¬ × × N Las " 0 ' X Fuentes W 5 ¬ 2 × × 7 ° × 8 0 × Cartographic Information 4 575.6m ¬ #7 ! La Sabinosa × B Las × Full color A1, low resolution (100 dpi) × ï 650.6m × × La Pastora 1:10,000 ¬ × #7 × #7 WX ! × 914m 887.8m 830m ! B ! Caídas ¬ × #7 ! × B #7 915.6m ¬ × × #7 Los Replanos ¬! 634.2m × 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 788.2m × K.17 573m ! B #7 0 #7 #7 La Masía 0 Km ¬ 0 5 0 0 9 0 ! 9 × 0 del Retor 0 4 ×× 1 60 0 4 La Losa ! - ¬ 3 × 5 3 × 632.3m 0 V WX 6 × 4 #7 4 5 × Cerro de 911m 5 Grid: WGS 1984 Zone 30 N map coordinate system × C × 4 El Salto de #7 871.3m 4 Villarroya Masía #7 8 ± × las Palomas 858m#7 de Bagán Tick marks: WGS 84 geographical coordinate system 660.3m 5 × #7 7 WX 8 6 663.6m El Plano Umbría de la 5 × × #7 Legend × × 0 de la × ! Sabinosa × B × × Ho×rca 25 6 × 75 Hydrography Barriers ! ! B B 8 ! B ! B ! B BI010 - Cistern Point ! AL260 - Wall, Brick 95 B 0 Las × Corral × ! BH140 - River Line, Intermittent ×B 646.7m AL260 - Wall, Stone 5 del Plano Cascajeras !! #7 7 × × 5 ! 7 × 2 AL070 - Fence 962.9m 0 WX WX 8 839.1m #7 0 ¬ 0 #7 DB071 - Cut Line 5 8 El Salto Transportation 0 2 634.9m 0 9 #7 1 de la WX Masía AP030 - Road, Secondary, All-weather Novia Vieja Physiography × Umbría × AP030 - Road, Local, All weather 926.2m Pacaire #7 CA030 - Elevation Spot #7 #7 0 × 677.3m 771.6m AP030 - Road, Local, Fair-weather 830.5m 5 5 de Tello #7 #7 #7 7 2 0 717.9m CA010 - Depression Contour × 7 0 #7 AP010 - Cart Track 7 703.9m WX WX × AQ040 - Bridge CA010 - Index Contour . Los Pradicos × AP050 - Trail Line DB010 - Steep Terrain Face El Beneficio × 1 WX WX AQ065 - Culvert 0 × 0 0 696.1m #7 Boundaries Umbría El Collado WX × Population K.16 ! × Municipalities 8 de Vea Blanco AL015 - Building (P) 1 7 WX 0 5 × 67 25 #7 5 AL015 - Building (A) Fire Extent 724.5m × × × 836.8m × ! 1 #7 ZD040 - POI, Road Milestone AOI 0 × Peña de la WX 7 Puntal de 868.9m 5 595.4m #7 Hiedra % ZD040 - POI, Comm. Tower la Atalaya #7 #7 #7715.1m 0 ZD040 - POI, Cemetery 0 794.3m 0 1 1108.2m 5 5 ï 0 1 #7 818.9m 0 0 7 0 0 #7 0 1 0 9 7 3 746.3m 3 2 3 #7 3 Peña 5 4 4 4 Blanca 4 Landcover × #7 726.2m 8 #7 Continuous urban fabric ! 897.1m B 7 5 × ! 7 B 25 Discontinuous urban fabric 934.9m Los #7 #7759m Road and rail networks and associated land Puntales 80 #7 0 50 Non-irrigated arable land 927.5m 8 944.9m WX 7 #7 25 Permanently irrigated land 7 8 8 La Bellota 9 El Cascajar 5 5 5 0 1051.2m 0 0 Fruit trees and berry plantations 0 0 9 #7 Masía 8 2 Los Los × Olive groves 2 5 Dehesa 5 Aguachiles Raboseros WX × #7 Agriculture land with significant areas of natural vegetation N 951.3m 8 " 0 7 ' Coniferous forest 5 El Escoprón 860.7m 1 90 #7 ° Transitional woodland shrub 0 0 9 4 Bare rock 25 × Sparsely vegetated areas La Melchora 867.4m N 9 " 75 Peña Grande #7 × 827m 0 #7 ' × 1 734.4m 1033.9m 825.8m 821.6m 750 ° × ¬ 850 #7 1 #7 0 #7 #7 0 K.15! 0 0 1 5 4 ¬ 0 0 9 7 0 2 0 5 × ¬ WX Map Information ¬ ¬ 25 7 #7 776.9m × 0 797.3m Detailed mapping of the forest fire of Montán - Caudiel (Castellón, Spain). The area was hit 75 Gallocanta #7 745.5m 75 1054.9m 946.1m by a forest fire on July 7th, 2015, extinguished only on July 20th. × #7 7 1 #7 #7 0 The core user of the map is the National Office of Civil Protection of Spain. The potential × × WX 2 0 Venta de Repala 5 0 ¬ 9 additional users of the map are any other authorities involved in in-field operations. × ¬ ¬ ¬ ! × ¬ V-195 ¬ Peña del ¬ C ¬ ¬ The scope of the map production is to generate damage delineation and grading maps, ¬ ¬ 7 ¬ 50 Calacierto 7 1 10 8 landslide/erosion and flash flood risk maps, biomass and biodiversity loss assessment and × 5 0 0 0 ! 2 B 1068.5m ¬ 8 2 5 0 #7 × 0 0 mitigation measures with respect to the evaluated risks. 5 0 × 0 0 2 2 ¬ 1054.8m 3 × #7 3 Activation relevant data 4 × 4 4 ¬ × 5 Umbría 4 2 1071.2m × Event date 07/07/2015 776.5m × 0 #7 Moquirre #7 1 × 20/07/2015 #7 991.2m Extinguished ¬ 425 El Calacierto #7982.7m Fire Extent Area (ha) ¬ ¬ Puntal Data Sources ¬ 1045.1m 0 #7 Redondo 5 . 75 7 × . 9 Image layer: Pléiades-1A © CNES (2015), distributed by Airbus DS (acquired on 03/06/2015 . 1004.8m × . #7 . 11:01 UTC, GSD 0.5 m, 0% cloud coverage, 16.31º incidence angle, band combination: . × . Blue, Green, Red), provided under COPERNICUS by the European Union and ESA, all . ¬ . 793.5m . #7 . Alto de la rights reserved. Cueva de la ¬ . #7 . Virgen 1049.8m Vector layers: Transportation Network, Hydrography, Population, Physiography and other 5 7 . ¬ . 7 × . related features, including Land Use /Land Cover primary source is Cartografía vectorial . #71006.6m 1:5,000: "© INSTITUT CARTOGRÀFIC VALENCIÀ" duly updated over Pléiades pre-event . 10 ¬ . 00 image. Municipalities boundaries (INE, 2015). 8 . 0 . 97 . 5 0 ¬ Elvira . Inset maps: Administrative boundaries (GADM 2015). Municipalities boundaries (INE, 2015). Loma de . 996m . la Cierva . K.13 . ! . #7 El Gollizno . All data sources are complete and with no gaps. ¬ . 1016.2m 1020.4m . 9 997.4m . #7 . #7 × 7 #7 1012m ¬ . 9 . 1 × 5 #7 7 . 5 ¬ ¬ 882.8m × . Mas . 0 #7 . Alto de la 5 0 . 00 . 1 . 0 de Calvo 1 × 1015.5m × × . 0 × × . Sierra #7 Dissemination/Publication . 0 . ¬ 0 . 987.5m 960.6m . #7 #7 . ¬ 1025.2m Map products are available in the Copernicus EMS Portal at the following URL: . × . 980.8m #7 . C . http://emergency.eu/mapping/list-of/components/EMSN029. #7 #7 . V . - × . 1 . 0 9 . Monte de . 5 5 Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoPDF, GeoJPEG and vectors (shapefile and KML formats). 5 5 9 0 . 2 × 7 0 . ¬ Elvira 9 No restrictions on the publication of the mapping apply. 0 El Mas de 9 × . 9 1 2 . 1025.8m All products are © of the European Union. 0 . 0 8 5 . San Juan 5 0 0 . 0 7 . 8 0 0 . 0 7¬ . 7 . 1 . 1 . 5 3 . 3 . 973.2m 4 4 . Masía de . 961.6m #7 4 4 Disclaimer ¬ #7 5 . San Juan × 916.1m × . 5 9 . × #7 2 1 . 1070.7m - × The products elaborated in the framework of current mapping in Risk and Recovery mode 8 × . #7 × ¬ . V . El Majadal . activation are realized to the best of our ability, optimising the available data and information. C . La Sierra 933.8m . 961.8m . #7 ¬ . 1087.3m #7 9 . 5 All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of . 0 × . × #7 0 Monte . 0 . ¬ . the original data sources. The products are compliant with Copernicus EMS Risk and . 0 . 1 Sabio . N . " . Recovery Product Portfolio specifications. 1 . 0 . 1012.1m ' . 0 . ¬ . 7 #7 0 . 0 . 5 . ° 5 . 0 . 0 . × . 1049.2m . 1 . 4 . #7 . Cerro . 0 Map Production . 0 . 929.3. m . × . 8 . Redondo . #7 . 1 . 0 . 7 . 5 . 867.9m The present map shows basic topographic features such as Transportation Network, . 8 . #7 . 1052.3m . 2 Las . #7 5 . Hydrography, Population, Physiography and other related features, including Land Use /Land N .
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