UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL OF ST.VLADIMIR УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ПРАВОСЛАВНИЙ СОБОР СВ. ВОЛОДИМИРА 855 Barton Street, East, Hamilton, Ontario L8L 3B4 Fr. Wasyl Makarenko, Parish Priest Cell: 905-730-7542 Residence: 905-385-2712 e-mail: [email protected] Parish Council President: Orysia Sushko Telephone: 289-887-0626 e-mail: [email protected] ПОРЯДОК БОГОСЛУЖЕНЬ/SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES FROM APRIL 11TH TO APRIL 18TH, 2020 ВІД 11-ОГО КВІТНЯ, ДО 18-ОГО КВІТНЯ, 2020 ВЕРБНА НЕДІЛЯ PALM SUNDAY VESPERS (as per bulletin) SATURDAYS: 5:00 P.M. EVE OF FEAST DAYS: 6:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS: SAT. NIGHTS BEFORE OR AFTER VESPERS BEFORE 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING BEFORE 9:30 A.M. ON FEAST DAYS OR BY APPOINTMENT FOR OUR SHUT IN’S SERVICES SUSPENDED TO FURTHER NOTICE – STAY SAFE AND GOD BLESS (John 12:1-8) A foretaste of the new life Between Great Lent which finished the day before yesterday on Friday, and Holy Week which begins tomorrow night, are inserted these two days: Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday. It is like a respite, but also like a foretaste of all the things that will happen during Holy Week, and also like a foretaste of the Resurrection, of the new life. And for the Christian who truly tries to live in accordance with the will of God, a time comes when the Lord will guide him to such a state as these two days, and will give us a foretaste: foretaste of the Passion and of the Resurrection; foretaste of eternal life; foretaste of that life which is free from sin. It is a foretaste that provides us with the certainty that someday everything will end, that someday all these things that torture us will pass, that truly someday all the things that are spoken in the Gospel will be true also for us: we will be redeemed from sin, from death, and from the old man. We will be resurrected and will live in the Lord. The Lord as the king enters triumphantly into the city Jerusalem, and small and great are moved—it was ordered this way by Divine Providence—and sing and receive Him as king. And He enters the city sitting on an ass’s colt. The Lord is God and man, and He always knows moderation. But all these things are simultaneously also lessons for us, for us to be moderate and careful. Christ voluntarily does what He does, not as self-determining, but as the heavenly Father has appointed things. Every harm to us Christians arises from our unwillingness to allow God to guide us. Let’s give ourselves to God so that He will guide us, fix us, govern us, and bring us to where it is that we should arrive. Holy Hesychasterion “The Nativity of Theotokos” Publications. Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos Beloved in Christ! For “the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matt 20:28) With the celebration of Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem we are entering Passion Week – the holiest days of the Orthodox Church calendar culminating in the celebration of Pascha. The Resurrection of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Under normal circumstances preparations would be consistent with our religious and cultural traditions – but todays circumstances are not normal. Most important we must not lose site of our purpose, and that is to celebrate God’s love for his people, made manifest in His Resurrection. He gave Himself to death, that we may find joy in His Resurrection, and have life everlasting. In order to celebrate Pascha under todays circumstances we need to adapt. We are recording services – we’ve recorded the service commemorating St. Mary of Egypt. The Entry of Our Lord, The Shroud Service and the Paschal service will be recorded and will be available on our website and on our Facebook page. During these services take the holy water you have in your homes and after reciting the following tropar you may bless your pussy willow,. THE ENTRANCE OF OUR LORD INTO JERUSALEM – PALM SUNDAY Tropar, Tone 1: Giving us before Your Passion an assurance of the general resurrection, You raised Lazarus, Christ our God. Therefore, like the children we also carry symbols of victory and cry out to You, the Conqueror of Death: “Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.” Загальне воскресіння перед Твоїм стражданням запевняючи, з мертвих воскресив єси Лазаря, Христе Боже. Тому і ми, як діти, несучи знамена перемоги, виголошуємо Тобі, Переможцеві смерті: «Осанна у вишині; благословен, хто йде в Ім’я Господнє. and for your Paschal Easter baskets. THE RESURRCTION OF OUR LORD, GOD, AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST FROM THE DEAD (GREAT DAY – HOLY PASCHA, “THE FEAST OF FEASTS”) Tropar: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death and upon those in the tombs, bestowing Life. – sing or recite 3 times. Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертію смерть подолав і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував. We do what we can under the circumstances. May the Lord bring peace and comfort to His people during these days, may He open our hearts to those in need, may He wake us thankful for those who have become “our brothers keepers” in hospitals and care facilities, may He strengthen our faith and trust in Him and may His Grace embrace us all. In Christ Jesus, Fr. Wasyl Дорогі Брати і Сестри в Христі: Ми сидимо по хатах наших…слухаємо поради медичних авторитетів… дні перетворюються в тижні…виглядаємо з вікнах наших і бачимо пусті вулиці…нечуємо голос діточок бавлячи на вулицях. І під цією хмарю надходить Страсний Тиждень і Великдень. – і під цією хмарою ми маємо відсвяткувати Воскресіння Господа Бога і Спаса нашого Ісуса Христа, і під цією хмарою всі наші церкви закриті для спільної молитви. Як нам все це відбути і як нам ці дні від святкувати. Перше, долучайтеся до «on line service» через технологію яка є вигідна для вас, або слухайте до записаних богослужб на нашому website. Це моління об’єднує нас – ми стаємо в дусі одна родина об’єднана в Христі Ісусі. Нехай ласка Господня буде з всіма нами. В Христі Ісусі, О. Василь Message from our Parish Council President I hope this message finds you and your families well as we work through the Coronavirus pandemic together. We are facing unprecedented times and must do all we can to stay healthy and safe. We must adhere to the directions provided us by our health authorities and the methods they recommend. As well, we must maintain contact with our Church community, friends and family by keeping in touch by telephone and online means. I am confident that you are all doing so. Considering the present situation, as you have been informed, all Church services are cancelled until further notice. This includes Holy Week and Easter Sunday. We have sent you the e-mailed notices from the Hierarchy of our Church relative to the closures and related issues. As well, we are cancelling our annual meeting that was scheduled for April 26th and will keep you informed as new plans materialize. For your information, the Parish executive has been dealing with issues as they arise. We have had some requests from parishioners who would like to make donations or pay memberships at this time. In this bulletin, you will find information from our Financial Secretary, Walter Rosizky, as to the best way to do this. We thank you for your ongoing support. As well, Fr. Makarenko will continue to provide us with online services, which he outlines in this bulletin in detail. We thank him for doing so and making these available to us. Please feel free to contact Fr. Makarenko (905-385-2712) or myself (289-887-0626) at anytime, if you wish to talk, inquire about information, or for any other reason. We will be pleased to hear from you. I appeal to you to keep healthy and safe. May God Bless us all as we keep each other in our prayers. One of our great leaders from the past, Ivan Franko wrote: “We must be prepared for the Big Moment in life and respond to it by being a leader”. That big moment is now. Irene Orysia Sushko C.M. Parish Council President “And the World came together as the people stayed apart”. I saw this chalk art in my local newspaper and thought of all of us. How, although we are apart, we are never far from each other’s thoughts and prayers. How we are still managing to keep in touch in various ways: by phone, text, email, Facebook. On behalf of all of us, I would like to thank Father Makarenko for finding a way to broadcast the liturgy from our own parish. Today is Palm Sunday and such a special service. The day Jesus rode into Jerusalem and the world rejoices. May your spirits be renewed by the promise of Easter. Let us take the time to reflect on the gifts that surround us every day ... family, friends, faith, kindness and love. Thinking of your all during this pandemic. God Bless you and keep you safe and healthy. Eroslava Evanetz, President, UWAC Lesia Ukrainka A TRADITION After Palm Sunday services, it was customary for Ukrainians exiting church to gently tap each other with the blessed pussy willow branches. This custom, known as “Boze Rany” (“God’s Wounds”) was done to imitate the scourging of Jesus by His captors on Holy Friday. But the tapping of friends with the pussy willow branches was actually a wish for good health, wealth and happiness.
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