Matthews Campbell +% Rhuads FILED McCluve October 21,2010 Thompson Secretary c:'? Fvyauf Arkansas Public Service Commission 000 Center Street (J P.A. 400 ATTORNEYS P.O. Box Little Rock, AR 72203 7 19 Souih Second Streef Re: Docket No: IO-0744 Rogers, AR 72756-4525 Dear Madam Secretary: PH 479/636-0875 FX 4791636-8I50 Please find enclosed the original and fourteen copies of an Affidavit of Publication as approved by Order No. 5 on October 11, 2010 and three (3) Affidavits of Notice in the above referenced docket. Please note that David R. Mafthews three separate affidavits have been filed because in order to simplify Craig A. Campbell both the logistics of notification and also to provide greater clarity to the George R. Rhoads. landowners, the mailings of notice were divided by the three major Edwin N. McClure portions of this project: 345 transmission line, 161 transmission line, and Larry J. Thompson the rebuild of the existing Centerton to East Centerton transmission line. Mark T. Ftyauf = The new Shipe Road Station, the expansion of the existing Centerton Maun'cio A. Herrera Station and the Greenhouse Road Switching Station were also included Sarah L. Waddoups in their respective notices. Please file the same and return all unneeded C. Eric Vester file marked copies to me in the enclosed self-addressed stamped Vicki S. Vasser envelope. Jeremy S. Ament Nathan R. Bogarf If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincere I y , Kimberly R. Weber a Mary 8,Matthews of counsel Sarah L. W ddoups *dso admilled in Oklahoma SLW:sah *alsoadmitted in Missouri metso adminedin Tcxas Enclosures cc: All Parties Email [email protected] Website wwwrncrmt. corn AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Holly Egolf, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers, LLC, printed and published in Washington and Benton County, Arkansas, of bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: MAITHEWS CAMPBELL RHOADES MCCLURE THOMPSON & FRYAUF CERTIFICATE APPLICATION Was inserted in the Regular Editions on: October 11, 12, 2010 Publication Charges: $ 2,352.00 Holly Egolf Subscribed and worn to before me This 14 day of a &bar, 201 0. U Notary Public My Commission Expires: Jim Meara Washln ton County Cornmlsslon /umber t 23'/4@47 SEE ATACHED **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice wM follow. - - ---- ---- - I BEFORE THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION .I. ; IN THE MA~EROF THE APPLICATION OF SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY A~DPUBLIC ~ NEED FORTH€ CONSTRUCTION OWNERSHIP, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DOCKET NO: 10-074-u OF THE PROPOSED FLINTCREEK SHIPE ROAD TO PROJECT *. 1 AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES TO BE LOCATED IN BENTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS. I. 4. NOTICE OF FILING OF APFl ICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ENVIRWENTAI COMPATIRILIn Ndm Is hemwpmvIdd that on or abutAugust 16,2010, Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCOor ha Company) filed an applimhn foraCertilimte of EnvlmnmentalCompatfbnrtyand PubIlc Need (CECPN) wlth the Arkansas PublicSafvim t3rnrnkslon (Cornrn~sslon). applimtion seeks authority to mnstrud the foltming fadlitres: A new substation to be Ioated south of Ship Road near Centerton, Benton County, Arkansas 4new35 Uovo!t transmkskn line orIginstlog at the Flint Cmek Station toeated on the premlsas of the Flint Creek 5en0ratron Faafiity near Gentry. Benton County, Arkansas and Lermlnatlng at the pv+ShIpe Road Station. The overall length oftha transrnkioi ltne to be built under thls CECPN will be appm'mately 14 dies If bullt on lhe Company's proposed mute. The pmpsed LransrnissIon line will be constructed on new easements to be prow red or tha t have been p~iedby SWEPCO in the area qep1Cled on theattached map. The Company is proposing to mnstruct th8 transmission line on Rouh5. -mere am eleven atternat+ rputes alsu uder wnsk!eratlon for thlspmjed, -. - ! ._.. A new 761 kilolfdl transmtssIon lIna odglnatlog at the proposed Ship Road StaUon and'tennlnaljng al'the East Centerton Station: 8nd the expansbn of the existing Centnrton SBtlon. Tha werall Iength of the- hnsrnlsslon llne to be bullt under thls CECPN wlil be ~ppmdmately5 mils5 if bullton the Companfs propsed route. The propsed transmIsston tine will k conshcted on nawaasctmenls to ba procured or that have been prokured by S&PCO In the area depleted on he allached map. The Company Is proposing b wnstrud the transmkibn line on Route 5. ,There a& five altarnative mutes atsp under cnnslderahn for thls pro@& - The rebutld of approximately 1.8 mllm o!a,&ting 69 kV,hnsmisslon the to be- energhed at 161 kV. The rebuinlins will use prima* existing right of way, with rnlnor deviations b'ammmodate the landowner. Ib addition, SWEPCO proposes to mnstru? Lha new Griinhouse Road Swilchfng Stallon south of hlghway $02 In Centerton, Banlon County, Arkansas. SWEPCO hs.acqulred the prop@ where thIs slatlon idlt be-located. The-rnap Included In thls notice depicts the segments wrnprislng the prop& and all allemate &Utes for the pmF&d 345 kV Lransrnlssh tine, the pmposd 161 kV transmission he, the propsad mbuI!d of the 69 kV tmnsrnlssion line, the Imtlon of the Rinposed Ship Road Station, the sxpanslon to the &sting Cenlarlon SMon snd the proposed Gresvhouse Road Swltchlng Station. 'I The Comrnlsslcn wfil conslder and may preferanyoltha variaus alternate mutes. The map Is ahavatbMe for more detded mvkw a) w.swep.wdgmBenloncounty. The website ahIndudes a Unk to the Arkanses PublIcServlce Cornmlsslon web& where wplas ofthe application and all other dowmants 8rm avallable. Authonly lo bund them fadlib Is being xrught in order lor SWCOto ensure reltabllliy wltt!Jn the area gwmed by the Southwest Power PdYou am notified that hterventlon or limited appearances musl be 61ad wIth the Commlsslon within 30 days after October 11,2010, unless g+ muse Is shwn pursuant to Arkansas Code Annotated §23.18517. You are furlher notified thal at the*hearlng to be scheduled by lha Commisslon on this appllmtron, the follovfng rules sha!l appty; (a) The Cornmlsslonwilt hear eddence dthe gsnemt emnomlcand envlronmantal Impact of the pmpbsed faacility. as opposed to Individual obJectlons to the presence dlhe facility; (b) fhat cornpensaton for damages Is not awarded by the Cammisslon. mmpenssUon Is awarded by Chil Court in an ednent domaIn pincdlng H the applbnt and the landowner cannol settle prlvale~and . * (4 That the purpose of the hearing Is lo &me the [=!on wiih the least generally adverse ecyomlc and snvimnmenbi cons&mws. and that In the coursed sdedlng a tomuon, the Cornrnisdon may modify oneo~+thhnm-ddo&~ons Kit Is In the publiclnlerest. You are- further notified that the appIIcatIon Indudes an Endronmental lmpad Stateirwnt which $on file at the office of lha Secretary of the Arkansas Public Service Comm*kslon lolrated at 1000 Cspter Street, Uttle Rock, Arkansas and Is avaflabla for pubk Inspection. Furthat, the Endronmental Impact Statement is avaflabIe for tnspedlon behnthe hours of 830 a.m. and 4:30 p.m, Monday thmugh Friday, at ths tocat oK(ce of SWEPCO lorrated at 101 W.TmshIp SL, Fayenwrifle, Pukanys. In additlon, the 8ppllcatlon, Including the ESlvfronmenEel ImpactStatement, Is avalhbie for publlplppection at tha pubtic ltbpries in benlonvitle, Belb -Vista, Dewtur, Gravette, Gentry,,Rqers and Slloarn Spdngs. -- BEFORF, THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COM SSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION 1 OF SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER 1 COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF 1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY AND 1 PUBLIC NEED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION 1 OWPERSHIP, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 1 DOCKET NO: 10-074-U OF THE PROPOSED FLINT CREEK TO SBIPE 1 ROAD PROJECT AND ASSOCIATED 1 FACILITIES TO BE LOCATED IN BENTON 1 COUNTY, ARKANSAS 1 AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) 1 ss. COUNTY OF BENTON 1 The undersigned, Sarah L. Waddoups, upon his oath deposes and says: 1. That I am of legal age and am conipetent to testify regarding the matters stated herein. 2. That on August 13, 2010, I mailed the Notice of Filing of Application for Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and PubIic Need for the proposed 345 kV Transmission Line and New Station with attached map to all persons listed on the attached mailing lists by certified mail, return receipt requested, with sufficient postage thereon. A copy of said notice mailed to the landowners, librarians and government officials with a copy of the transmittal letters to the landowners, librarians and governmen 1 officials arc attached hereto. I" 4 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this3 day 0- ,2010. Seal & Commission Expiration: 0 V’ August 13,2010 Re: SWEPCO's Application for a Certificate of EnvirollmentaI Compatibility and Public Need-APSC Docket No. 10-074-U Proposed 345 kV Transmission Line and New Station Dear Landowner: ATTORNEYS Enclosed with this letter you will find a Notice of Filing of Application for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need and a map. SWEPCO is seeking authority fiom the Arkansas Public Service I19 South Second Street Commission Rogers#A R 72X6-4525 to build a new 345 kilovolt transmission line and new station. You are being sent this notice because, according to the records maintained in the county PH 4791636-0875 courthouse, you own property which may be traversed by the transmission line. FX 4 79/636- 8 I 50 The map which is attached to the Notice identifies various Iinks which comprise each of the twelve alternate routes. SWEPCO has proposed Route 5 which is comprised of segments 1, 3, 7, 20, 23, 27, 30. If your land is not David R. Matthews* located on any of those links, then the route of the transmission line proposed Craig A. Campbell by SWEPCO does not traverse you.
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