Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 9-25-1998 The iH lltop 9-25-1998 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 9-25-1998" (1998). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 220. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/220 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HE ILLTOP The Voice ofHoward University Since 1924 VOLUME 82, No. 4 F RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1998 Amid Secrecy, ■ Presidential Emergency Action A Department A ■ Student Alcohol Policy Fights for ■ Suspension For Being Charged With A Crime Reaccrediation ■ Judiciary Board Appointments By RAF1AH DAVIS Hilltop Staff Writer lo recent months, a layer of secrecy bas blanketed the Uni­ versity's Deparlment of Radio, Television and Film as news ofits fight for reaccreditation spread. When peppered with questions from students about the status of reaccred­ i_tation efforts, the faculty- including Dean Janette Dbtes and former department chair Bishetta Merritt-remained tight-lipped. Tomorrow, the Accrediting Council on Education in Jour­ nalism and Mass Conlmunications, or ACEJCM, will vote on whether to restore the the embattled department's accre­ didation. The office ofDean Janette Dates virtually directed all Hill­ lop inquiries about the department's push for reaccredia­ tion to facully coordinator Lamont Gonzalez. Gonzalez, who acred as the department's vice chair until the recent arrival of producer Bill Duke, who addressed stu­ Proposed Judicial dents as chair this month, said the department was never in At Town Hall Meeting, danger of losing its accreditation. As part ofthe reaccreditation process. the department sub­ Board Raises mitted a self-study to the ACEJCM outlining 12 "crediting Swygert Confronts standards." Following a sttingenl review of the self-study, Questions the council appointed a three-member team 10 visit Howard Students, Issues lo investigate whether the Radio, 11:levision and Film By DONTAI L. SMALLS departtnent was adhering lo the standards it had set for itself. The team arrived in November of J997 and reported their Hillrop Staff Writer By RAFIAH DAVIS findings in April of 1998. President H. Patrick Swygert, during a town Hilltop Staff Writer "[The council) said there were discrepancies between the hall meeting Tuesday, combated the contro­ wri1ten report of the first visiting team, and their oral In his first town hall meeting of the school report," Gonzalez said. versy surrounding proposed revisions to the year, President H. Patrick Swygert addressed Studem Code of Conducl, bul did not deeply a diverse round of issues posed by students But Gonzalez declined to re,•cal details of the findings, saying only that be was "not quite sure." address the issue of changes to the Universi­ Tuesday, including the Administrarion's Hilllop file pho10 efforts 10 draft broad revisions 10 the Student "I didn't attend the meeting," he said, adding that "the ty-wide judicial boards. President H. Patrick Swygert Code of Conduct. The boards, cutTCntly a set of four courts in revisiting team made mention of discrepancies, but didn'l Students, many toting copies of the pro­ SceRTF.A4 which alleged violations of the Code arc posed revisions to the Student Code of Con­ ,. tried before a panel of students, administra­ Code Lacks Clarity, duct thal was published in last week's edi­ tors and faculty members, are overseen by the lion of The Hilltop, peppered Swygert wilh quesrions on issues ranging from the Uni­ Dean of Special Student Services, Vincent Students Say versity's efforls to control seeping water in Johns. the Tubman Quadrangle, to whether 1he add­ At UDC, Williams' Under the currem Code, the Howard Uni­ drop period during registrntion would be versity Student Association and the Faculty By APRILL 0. TURNER expanded. Hilltop Staff Writer Senate appoints each of the ?-member Responding a question posed by one s1u­ den1, who asked how the University would Candidacy Draws boards, each of which consisrs of two stu­ Months after the Administration proposed revising the combat scanl levels of parking on campus. dents and five facully members. Swygert acknowledged that the University is Johns, under the curren1Code, verifies that Student Code of Conduct, implementing far-reaching and in dire need of parking, but said lhere is lit­ students are in good academic standing and ambiguous legislation sharply tightening the power ofs tu­ tle space to expand. The most feasible way Mixed Emotions then approves the appointment. dents, the University formally presented, for the first time, to remed.Y. the problem, Swygert said. would be 10 butld a multi-level parking structure. But under the proposed revision to the its 28-page revision 10 the Code. Now, the Howard University community is faced with Such an initiative would rake years to plan By MARK Code, HUSA and the Faculty Sena re can only and build, he said. coming to grips with the legislation that, ii passed by the JENNINGS submit recommendations to Johns. If A Hilhop reporter, referring 10 an incident Hilltop Staff Writer approved, the ruling on who sits on respec­ Board of 'Irustees, could dramatically curtail students' in which lhe University Police denied rights. another member of the newspaper's staff tive judicial boards would shift entirely 10 access to informalion regarding llie Sept. I 3 Mention Anthony Johus, a move which many students have Under the proposed revision, President H. Pattick Swygert and the Dean of Special Student Services, Vincent Johns. bomb threat in the Tubman Quadrangle, Williams and the word pro1es1ed. asked the presidenl lo define the Universi­ reserves the right to immediately suspend from lhe Uni­ "mayor" in the same During Tuesday's 1own hall meeting, se\'cral ty's policy towards the release of such crime sentence, and some versity students charged with a crim-ven for alleged reports and statistics. students quickly pointed to what they called University of lhe Dis­ ''flaws" in the proposed legislation's lan­ offenses charged by state, local or Federal authorities. Swygert acknowledged that the University Many University students, upon reading the proposed is reguired by Federal law to provide such trict of Columbia stu- guage, such as the fact thal the Code con dent just quiver. Dur- .__..,_ ____.::; See CODE, A4 pul:/ lic information to individual students See BOARD, A4 See MEETING, A2 in g the spring Hitl10p filc photo semesler of J 997, a UDC students rear unh-ersity cloolng under new mayor. ban d o f UDC s t ud ents Sports Loses Three-fune South African Ambassador to formed human road blocks across Connec1icu1 Avenue, NW, protesting a plan Deliver Today's Convocation by Williams, the then-chief financial officer of the District, Olympic Gold Medalist to close or ttansform the school into a two-year college in an attempt to save money. By APRILL O. T.URNER Keynote Address at Cramton "I was out lhere when they first started to block the ttaf­ Hilltop Staff Writer leadership with the Cape Thachers Profes­ fic," said Devon Lewis, a 22-year-old graduate of UDC. By "We ,were mad and wanted a letter personally delivered by Florence Griffith Joyner, 38, the JASON T. SMITH sional Association. an African education­ Hilltop Staff Writer al organization. him saying why he was planning to take such action." fas1es1 woman sprinter in track and In 1994 Soon led the African National Williams, the bow tie-wearing Democral who was hired field history, died on Tuesday in her . Marking Howard's I 31st Convocation, three years ago by Mayor Marion Barry to help plug the sleep at her home in Mission Viejo, Congress's Western Cape campaign for South African Ambassador to the United city's economic crisis, captured roughly 50 percem of vote Calif. ,the countries first national democratic elec­ States Franklin A. Soon will deliver the tions. in the city's general elections last week, pairing him with Her husband, Al Joyner, attempt­ keynote address during the ceremony, Republican Carol Schwartz in a battle to replace Barry. ed to awaken his wife after the "He has been a great friend and a strong which is intended to officially mark the UDC survived lhe budget cuts that forced hundreds ofcity morning alarm went off, only 10 supporter of the University, particularly in beginning of the University's a_cademic our initiatives to sttcngthen and enhance workers to seek new jobs. The same cannot be said for some find her "unresponsive and "not year. The service begins today at 11 a.m. of its employees and programs. Roughly one-third of lhc breathing''. It is suspected that Grif­ our ties with lhe new South Africa," Pres­ and will be held in Cramton Auditorium. school 's workforce-125 faculty and 200 non-faculty fith Joyner had a heart related prob­ ident H. Patrick Swygert said. Ambassador Soon is respected world­ employees-were released in an effort drafted in parl by lem. Sonn grew up near Queenstown and wide for being a staunch advocate for a Williams to close a deficit of $18.2 mil.lion. Griffith Joyner set world records in Capetown, South Africa. He graduated "non-racial" democratic society in South "I think cutting the teachers was a good idea that helped the and meters during lhe from the University of the Western Cape 100 200 Africa. He is also known for his commit­ to save our school," said Roy Knigh1, a senior criminolo Summer of I 988 Seoul Olympi­ and the University of South Africa.
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