Southern Counties HA JRPC Nominations Name JAC JRPC School Club U15 Girls Alaina Adam To JAC Assess Middlesex Haslemere St Georges College Sunbury & Walton H Charlie Adams To JAC Assess Buckinghams Oxford Grange Wycombe Kitty Baccanello Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Danes Hill Surbiton Isabel Baker Cluster Competition Berkshire Haslemere St Marys School - Reading Hope Ball To JDC Sussex Declined Not stated No Club Alessia Barber Cluster Competition Middlesex Oxford Sacred Heart Langu Eastcote Ella Bartram Cluster Competition Sussex Tonbridge Hawthorns School, East Grinstead Hannah Bates To JAC Assess Sussex Tonbridge Millais Horsham Stephanie Beaumont To JAC Assess Surrey Haslemere St George's College Surbiton Anna Betteridge Cluster Competition Berkshire Oxford Calthorpe Park Reading Lucie Bishop Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge St Johns Leatherhe Guildford Gemma Blane To JAC Assess Buckinghams Oxford Beachborough Buckingham Ladies Darcy Bourne Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Danes Hill Surbiton Rowena Brimacombe JRPC Nominated Middlesex Northwood st Richard Reynolds Sophie Buchanan To JAC Assess Kent Tonbridge Dane Court Gramm Herne Bay Ella Burnley Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere St George's College Surbiton Hannah Bycroft To JAC Assess Surrey Tonbridge Lingfield Notre Da East Grinstead Issy Carey Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere St George's College Surbiton Zoë Carter Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere St George's College Woking Emily Cavender Cluster Competition Buckinghams Oxford Beachborough Buckingham Ladies Molly Chadwyck-Healey To JAC Assess Sussex Tonbridge Lancing College Brighton & Hove Jennifer Chee To JAC Assess Sussex Tonbridge Ardingley Burgess Hill Molly Chesney To JAC Assess Middlesex Haslemere Kingston Grammar Surbiton Caitlin Chick Cluster Competition Kent Tonbridge Newstead Wood Sc Lovegrove Academy Amy Collier Cluster Competition Berkshire Oxford Farnborough Hill Reading Jemima Copeman Cluster Competition Buckinghams Oxford Wycombe High Marlow Timea Culverwell Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge Reigate Grammar Reigate Priory Millie Davies JRPC Nominated Middlesex Northwood Highgate School - L Southgate Aoife D'Mello Cluster Competition Middlesex Haslemere Kingston Grammar Teddington Victoria Doyle Cluster Competition Sussex Tonbridge Ardingley Horsham Zoë Eifion-Jones Cluster Competition Kent Tonbridge Sevenoaks Sevenoaks Sophie Eldred To JAC Assess Kent Tonbridge Kings School Roche Holcombe Eleanor Emmanuel Cluster Competition Berkshire Oxford The Abbey Sonning Florence Ferrari To JDC Sussex Declined Not stated No Club Sheila Forbes To JAC Assess Hampshire Haslemere Hampshire Collegia Romsey Jessica Fores To JAC Assess Buckinghams Oxford Sir William Borlase Marlow Melike Gerrits JRPC Nominated Buckinghams Injured Sir William Borlase Marlow Erin Gibson To JAC Assess Berkshire Oxford Farnborough Hill Sc Reading Freya Gladstone Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge Claremont Fan Cou Surbiton Sara Gotham-Pardo Cluster Competition reser Middlesex Haslemere Kingston Grammar Teddington Alice Grainger JRPC Nominated Surrey Haslemere St George's College Surbiton Millie Griffiths Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Ibstock School - Ro Barnes Coca Hall Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Cranleigh Surbiton Izzy Harrison Cluster Competition Middlesex Haslemere Waldegrave School Surbiton Rowena Hearn Cluster Competition Oxfordshire Oxford Headington Oxford Hawks Sophie Hill To JAC Assess Middlesex Haslemere St George's College Jade Hillier Cluster Competition Sussex Tonbridge St Paul's College (B Mid Sussex Hannah Hobcraft Cluster Competition Berkshire Oxford Bradfield College Reading Rosie Hope Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Cranleigh Prep Sch Guildford Jenny Horton To JAC Assess Sussex Haslemere Chichester High for Chichester Priory Par Rosie Hudson To JAC Assess Hampshire Haslemere St Nicholas' School Aldershot & Farnha Toscanie Hulett Cluster Competition reser Surrey Haslemere Streatham & Claph Spencer Lucy Hurrell Cluster Competition Oxfordshire Oxford Goring CofE Primar Wallingford Scarlett Jones Cluster Competition Oxfordshire Oxford Cranford House Wallingford Izzie Keeley To JAC Assess Buckinghams Oxford Wycombe High Wycombe Hannah Keyte To JAC Assess Kent Tonbridge James Allen's Girls' Bromley & Beckenha Printed on: 10 Sep 15 Page 1 of 22 Southern Counties HA JRPC Nominations Name JAC JRPC School Club Ellie Kilby Cluster Competition Middlesex Tonbridge St George's College Teddington Alice Klugman Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Surbiton High Surbiton Giorgia Laird Cluster Competition Oxfordshire Oxford Drag - Oxford, Oxfo Oxford Hawks Megan Layfield To JAC Assess Yorkshire Oxford Not stated No Club Ellie Liddell Cluster Competition Berkshire Oxford Lambrook School - Reading Amy Litchfield To JAC Assess Oxfordshire Oxford Headington Oxford Jenny Marsh Cluster Competition Oxfordshire Oxford King's High Banbury Tilly Mason To JAC Assess Buckinghams Oxford Dr Challoner's High Amersham & Chalfo Flora McEwan To JAC Assess Kent Tonbridge Croydon High Lovegrove Academy Dila Muldur To JAC Assess Oxfordshire Oxford Cokethorpe Oxford Hawks Nina Munetsi To JAC Assess Berkshire Haslemere Tomlinscote Yateley Francesca Musson To JAC Assess Buckinghams Oxford Northampton High Buckingham Ladies Renée Ojikutu Cluster Competition Kent Tonbridge Bromley High Sevenoaks Jasmine Palmer-Garrick To JAC Assess Kent Tonbridge Kelsey Park Sports Bromley & Beckenha Tamsin Paterson To JAC Assess Middlesex Haslemere Waldegrave School Teddington Maddy Peacock Cluster Competition Buckinghams Oxford Beaconsfield High Marlow Kung Phimlee Cluster Competition Middlesex Haslemere Surbiton High Wimbledon Sophie Raymond Cluster Competition Hampshire Haslemere City of Portsmouth Fareham Maya Salmon Cluster Competition Middlesex Haslemere Bradfield College Richmond Katie Sanders Cluster Competition Buckinghams Oxford Beaconsfield High Wycombe Emily Sankey To JAC Assess Buckinghams Oxford Dr Challoner's High Amersham & Chalfo Michaela Scott To JAC Assess Sussex Tonbridge Hurstpierpoint Coll East Grinstead Tanya Scott Cluster Competition Oxfordshire Oxford Drag - Oxford, Oxfo Oxford Hawks Mary Scoular Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge Streatham & Claph Spencer Sanne Senior Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge St John's School - L Surbiton Elizabeth Smith To JAC Assess Berkshire Oxford Holt Reading Imogen Smith Cluster Competition Buckinghams Oxford Beaconsfield High Gerrards Cross Aimee Stapleton To JAC Assess Buckinghams Oxford Berkhamstead Sch Gerrards Cross Catherine Thomson To JAC Assess Hampshire Haslemere King Edward VI (So Trojans Issie Thorneycroft Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Felton Fleet School Surbiton Ana Torres-Quevedo To JDC Hampshire Declined Testbourne Comm Basingstoke Elisa van Meeteren To JAC Assess Surrey Haslemere The Harrodian Richmond Lara Vincent Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Guildford High Surbiton Holly Walder Cluster Competition Middlesex Haslemere Surbiton High Wimbledon Rosie Walker Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Cranleigh Woking Poppy Webb Cluster Competition Oxfordshire Oxford St Edward's (Oxfor Oxford Hawks Steph Weber Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge Reigate Grammar Surbiton Taylor Weber Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge Reigate Grammar Surbiton Ella Welch To JAC Assess Hampshire Haslemere Ditcham Park Scho Petersfield Mila Welch Cluster Competition Buckinghams Oxford Sir William Borlase Marlow Orissa Welsh Cluster Competition Kent Tonbridge Sevenoaks Sevenoaks Milly Wheatley To JAC Assess Sussex Tonbridge Peacehaven Comm Brighton & Hove Georgia Whitaker Cluster Competition Kent Tonbridge Kent Pembury Tunbridge Wells Sophie White To JAC Assess Sussex Tonbridge Handcross Primary Burgess Hill Olivia Wilde Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge St Teresa's School - Surbiton Annie Wilson Cluster Competition Kent Tonbridge Eastbourne College Tunbridge Wells Helen Windsor Cluster Competition Buckinghams Oxford Great Marlow Marlow Evie Wood Cluster Competition Middlesex Tonbridge Surbiton High Teddington Jemma Woods Cluster Competition Hampshire Haslemere Tormead Aldershot & Farnha Mackenzie Wright To JAC Assess Hampshire Haslemere Sandown High Isle of Wight Poppy Wright To JAC Assess Hampshire Haslemere West Hill Park Scho Havant Maya Yien Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge Downsend School - Surbiton Printed on: 10 Sep 15 Page 2 of 22 Southern Counties HA JRPC Nominations Name JAC JRPC School Club U15 Boys Arthur Ainley To JAC Assess Berkshire Oxford st andrews pangbo Reading Hobie Ambrose To JAC Assess Hampshire Haslemere Barfield School - Fa Aldershot & Farnha Fin Anderson To JAC Assess Buckinghams Oxford Sir William Borlase Marlow Sam Armitage Cluster Competition Berkshire Oxford Yateley School - Yat Reading Josh Askew To JAC Assess Surrey Tonbridge Kingston Grammar Surbiton Dan Atkins Cluster Competition Berkshire Oxford Pangbourne Colleg Reading Charlie Axford JRPC Nominated Middlesex Northwood Bedford Southgate Krishan Badiani To JAC Assess Oxfordshire Oxford Magdalen College S Oxford Hawks Matthew Barker To JAC Assess Kent Tonbridge Solefield School - S Sevenoaks Phil Barnett To JAC Assess Oxfordshire Oxford The Dragon School Oxford Hawks Andrew Barton Cluster Competition Buckinghams Oxford Sir William Borlase Marlow Matthew Blood Cluster Competition Surrey Tonbridge Whitgift Southgate Raphael Boulanger Cluster Competition Surrey Haslemere Charterhouse Guildford Piers Bowden To JDC Surrey Declined Cranleigh Prep Sch SJB Academy Joshua Brown
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