156 MODEL OF SISTER CITY COOPERATION IN ORDER TO IMPROVE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN BANYUMAS REGENCYΩ Noer Indriati, Sanyoto, Aryuni Yuliantiningsih, Agus Mardianto and Wismaningsih Faculty of Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The world has entered an era of openness, the nation that choose to close from international rela- tions will be excluded from modern civilization. Sister city is the concept of coupling of two different cities and political administration with the aim of establishing relationships of cultural and social contact between people. This paper used statutory approach, with a qualitative analysis of the juri-dical. Cooperation with overseas regions are snowball, which mean begins with one thematic coope-ration and can be resume in other fields. Sister city cooperation can increase foreign exchange thereby increasing regional development. Cooperation in the Regency of Banyumas has yet to be re-alized, and reach new level of offerings to the country's area contact. Keywords: authority, international treaties, sister city Abstrak Dunia telah memasuki era keterbukaan sehingga bangsa yang memilih untuk menutup diri dari perga- ulan internasional akan menjadi bangsa yang tersisih dari peradaban modern. Kota kembar adalah konsep penggandengan dua kota yang berbeda lokasi dan administrasi politik dengan tujuan menjalin hubungan budaya dan kontak sosial antarpenduduk. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang- undangan, dengan analisa yuridis kualitatif. Kerjasama dengan daerah di luar negeri bersifat snow- ball, artinya diawali dengan satu kerjasama tematik, dapat dilanjutkan kerjasama di bidang lainnya. Kerjasama sister city dapat menambah devisa negara sehingga dapat meningkatkan pembangunan da- erah. Kerjasama ini di Kabupaten Banyumas belum dapat terwujud, dan baru mencapai tingkat mena- warkan, sehingga belum terdapat daerah dari negara lain yang menghubungi. Kata kunci: kewenangan, perjanjian internasional, kota kembar Introduction 40385.3 hectares, while others are between 500 Based on the geographical and land trans- up to more than 1,000 M above sea level. portation network maps, Purwokerto is very The total area of Banyumas Regency ap- strategic as it becomes a node centers of econo- proximately is 1327.60 km2, equivalent to mic growth, Cilacap, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Ci- 132,759.56 ha, with the condition of the area rebon, whether on good road networks or rail- between the land and the mountains with ways. Purwokerto is 50 Km away from Cilacap mountain structure consists of most of the Sera- where there is Port of Samudera Tanjung Intan yu river valley for agricultural land, most of the and Tunggul Wulung Airport. Topographically plateau for the settlement and its grounds, and Banyumas is consist of more than 45% lying partly of the mountainous for plantations and areas which are scattered in central and south- tropical forest located on the slopes of Mount ern parts, and from west to east. Altitude most Slamet in the south of Earth and the wealth of of the region is in the range of 25-100 M above Banyumas Regency has still quite a potential for sea level covers an area of 42310.3 hectares Slamet mountain with a summit elevation of sea and 100-500 M above sea level covers an area of level is about 3.400M and it is still active. Ba- nyumas regency consists of 27 districts which Ω This paper is part of the research with LPPM Unsoed are divided over a number of 30 kelurahan and Chairman Decree No Kept.4893/UN23.14/PN.01.00/2015 Model of Sister City Cooperation in Order to Improve Regional Development... 157 301 desa. Banyumas Regency Government has effort to improve development in Banyumas Re- not had sister city cooperation yet and hopeful- gency? ly with its potential can be established sister ci- ty with foreign partners. Reseach Methods Nowadays, countries tend to regulate and This doctrinal research used statute ap- make the international relations in the form of proach because the object which examined are written international agreement. It is based on various rules of law that become the focus and interdependence and mutual need of one coun- the central theme of the research. The app- try toward another, whether it is natural re- roach method that used is legislation approach sources, energy, information, technology, or that serves and lead to the issued of the policy even trade. and appears as the concept of public policy. Pri- The historical aspect of the ongoing ab- mary Data is used to support secondary Data road cooperation relations by the Local Govern- Obtained through interviews. The analytical me- ment started from the birth of Municipal Inter- thod used is analysis methods of the juridical national Cooperation (MIC).1 According to the qualitative data. Local Government Association of the Nether- lands that the MIC is a cooperative relationship Discussion between two or more communities, where at Create Sister City Cooperation That Can be least one of the main protagonists are the muni- Used as an Effort to Improve Development In cipality, district, provincial and/or state. Banyumas Regency This paper uses the term of model becau- An International agreement’s nomencla- se international treaties generally are held by ture may be varied, but if it is studied further, the state with the state or other subjects of grouping certain agreements in the title is in- international law. Article 2 of the 1969 Vienna tended to indicate a substance regulated simi- Convention states that "the agreement is ap- larity. The use of certain titles on an internatio- proved by one country with another country, nal agreement is also carried out to demon- subject to international law with one or more strate that the agreement material weighs dif- instruments and give rise to legal consequen- ferent levels of cooperation with other interna- ces". Sister city is one model of international tional agreement, and even to show a link bet- cooperation undertaken by the region in a coun- ween such international agreements with other try with region in other countries. Sister City is international agreements that have been made the concept of the union of two different city previously. locations and political administration with the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Legal ag- aim of establishing cultural relations and so-cial reement, does not do distinctions made in va- contract between residents. Sister City general- rious forms of international agreements. In ad- ly have similar demographics and problems fa- dition, Article 102 of the Charter of the United ced. Sister city concept can be thought of as Nations only distinguishes international agree- friends between the two cities. The relation of ment under the terms of treaty and internatio- the Sister city is very helpful for the coopera- nal agreement, which up to now there is no tion program in the field of culture and trade. clear definition between the two terms.2 Prac- tice making the agreement between the coun- Problem This paper will discuss how to create a 2 sister city cooperation which can be used in an Sugiarto Pramono, “Hubungan Luar Negeri Indonesia Era Otonomi Daerah. Sister province (Provinsi Kembar) Jawa Tengah Dengan Negara Bagian Queensland Australia Pe- riode Tahun 2000–2007-Faktor Pendorong Melakukan Ker- 1 Jemmy Rumengan, “Perspektif Hukum dan Ekonomi atas jasama Sister Province Jateng-Australia 1991-2009 oleh Kerjasama Luar Negeri oleh Pemerintah Daerah”, Jurnal (staf pengajar Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik), Hukum Internasional, Vol 6, No. 2, 2009, Jakarta: Univer- Jurnal Hubungan Internasional, Semarang: Universitas sitas Indonesia, page 241. Wahid Hasyim. 158 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol. 16 No. 2, May 2016 tries had been spawned various forms of termi- Reform Order that one of the agenda to amend nology of international treaties, which some- the 1945 Constitution, among other things be- times differ usage by country, region and type cause the 1945 Constitution gives enormous po- of devices internationally. The terminology used wer to the executive. It has made a system of by the international instruments generally do authoritarian rule to be changed with more sys- not reduce the rights and obligations contained. tems to guarantee a balance between the exe- In Law Number 22 Year 1999, the area cutive and legislative institution.4 Before the can do foreign relations. Therefore, the sister first amendment, the power to establish law by city cooperation relationships has a strategic the President and since the amendment, the meaning because the convergence of city’s cen- po-wer held by Parliament.5 ter growth and development in a mutually be- The Practice in Indonesia distinguishes in- neficial cooperation. Sister city cooperation in ternational agreements which require the ap- conformity with international law (1969 Vienna proval of Parliament and that does not require Convention, 1963 Vienna Convention and 1969 the approval of Parliament. It is very important, Vienna Convention), National Law (Law Number international agreements concerning the inter- 22 Year 1999, Law Number 37 Year 1999, Law ests of citizens; which resulted in changes to Number 24 Year 2000, Law Number 20 Year national legislation; and the resulting changes 2003 and Decree of the Minister of Foreign Af- in the region takes its implementing regula- fairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 03/ tions.6 The international agreement can be AIOTIX/ 2003).3 compared with the agreement between the re- Sister City is done to make easier network gions in Indonesia with an area of friendly coun- of economic cooperation, culture, education, tries known as “the sister agreement”. Sister and various fields in accordance with the core agreement is not a treaty, because it does not competencies of a city/regency that can be qualify under the Vienna Convention on the Law mutually beneficial. Article 4 of the Regulation of Treaties 1969 concerning Law of Treaties.7 of Ministry of Home Affairs No.
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