In the World of Music and Musicians The Late Camille Saiiit-Saens And His Visit to United States Programs of the Week of German and Sunday Tuesday Missions French Coniposcrg; Strauss Acolian Hall, 3 p. m. Concert by the Aeolian Hall, 3 p. m. Song recital and Failure in lneidents of icw York Symphony Societ;, : Margueritc d'Alvarez, contralto: Propagandism; Saint- ¦'.. Dleu.A. Nleolau ymphony No. 3.Rrahmi .Glock Saens's Sojourn Here; His Genius and Career A Comefly Ovorture".Oardlnei chanta .Ramaau oncerto ln C mlnor., .i>. ;ms ,. .Easthope Martin Percy ()r»ingor. .Franic Hrl«»ro Ilghf. Ruaalan Folk songs.I.iadow i' ' .. .Q. Btratffefe M I'-1 H. E. Krehbicl legree upon him, and the trifles Carnegie Hall. 3 p. m. Song rccitai I.nd . Rraumon-. By | already >y Emma Calve: t. uuy .Tachalkowaky have been to mentioncd. The other numbors of the UsnCes ^n Kti le n -...,- .Dargomysaky y!e reccntly permitted Sapho.Gounod .1 .."' Nl'ltli Maiden .narK-.n.yzaW program were his "Le Rouet d'Om- 'hreo old French Song*.Anonymoua .Tschatkowaky look upon the greatest of Gcrmany's Echoos des montagnes idc .k Chaoaaon phalc," Gcorg Schumann's "Liebes- La Rol Kenaud. ia.B. I'timiamri living composers and one of thc fore- frilhling" and Beethoven's "Eroica." (Chanson de Geates de Troubadours) !.¦¦ Solr .C. Dabuaay I.a Llsotte. l ..H»tnn most reprcsentatives, if not the fore- At the repetition of the program on jamen/o d'Arlane.Montev. d Tus OJ08 '.. .Alvarfz riades haleines ¦.' ¦.- the next Mr. Damrosch (XV Century).. Carisalml '.. .' Toroa..Alvara -. ef contemporary French musi- .day apologized Jlal»lr d'Amour.Mart li. i.^i i J IIn .Puater most, iuand on to the public for to conduct Almo..Ca.rissiir.1 ._ Ma a 'olorosa .Granado* Richard Strauss created more presuming \ria: Casta dlva (from "Norma") 13 cians. thc. symphonic pocat when the com- Joux Pays.Grctchanlnow Carnegie Hall, 8:15 p. m. Concert by a stir than did Yincent d'Indy, but iioser was in Vtmant ia Tlmo.Rtmsky-Korsai. r N'ew York Banks' </le»' of the house and cxcuscd nanson Slnvo.Chamlnade Club: there was or.c obvious rcason himself by that M. Saint- labancra (froin "Carmcn"). BI King Olaf's Qhrlstmas. Dramatlo rantata, Jor this stating .|H\ Valvcrde by Dudlay Buck Saens had cxplaincd that he had come Ihanson Boheme (from (WortJa from Longfellow'a "Saga or Klnr ln addition to the greater genius and "Carmcn") HU Olaf.' to America as a virtuoso of the former. the pianofortc City College, 1 p. m. Organ rccital 1 ho ale. RosaUH popularity Despite and did not wish to invite flpln Spin.SwiiiRh ro'.itaona: the fatigue >y A. rhc l,a p ln thc WcbI ..lioratlo J'arkar we were disinclincd to think Samuel Baldwin: f-\ct that which would bring. On No- ... us from "Tannha-uaar." conducting '' 'ri " Rlchara vcniber 15 18 ar- minor.Gullmant Waan_r jo st the outsct, there was a large and Mr. Damrosch mI^iwMr ln D fuguc a Ia GIguc .Bach ['Sall ra' '".. rtia fi :. "Flylng Dutchman" conccrts in the visitor's So-l aur les Flutes. n LOUln Rlchard Wafn*' of propagar.dism in ranged special March of the rho Bell Relnthale- me.iure political Mavic Dancp Magl.'.V. ¦.V.V.Dtt Rlnger'a Daughter.. honor, and in these M. Saint-Sacns prc- . Oaalsn . Beachnlt' if not in thc l.ove's Dvorak the visit of tbe German, sented himself in the which he Dream.','. |,;..,'. Sol ilati Gri 4 Torpadle, Boprano, _aci aspect 11 Vai ady, \ loloncelllat. of at least in more JJMAl/l wagi?' purposs his manager, had occupied for than twenty-five CfllVE, FfrVsccne.'::.'.'.'.:::::::: ::w«n« jheir expectation and hope. The fact years in tho minds and hearts of the Cooper Union. 8 p. m.- Concert by W'rdnesday music lovers of America.as thc JJoprano Adcle Parkhurst, Ai m Hall, '.'> m. Piano recital became obvious as soon as it was seen finest, soprano; Edna Inder-1 p. by sanest, soundest and most vcrsatile maur, contralto; Judson House, tenor; Harold Morris: that only thc spcctaculnr appearanccs I'rench "musician of thc nineteenth Frcd bass: Chromatlc Fantaay and Fugua.Baeh Patton, Sonata. <: mlnor. Op. 22.Schumann .f the were witnessed by century. Thc of the Sextetl'e from "Luola di Ummermoor" l/Alouetto GIlnka-Balaktre- composer' disappointments <ln quartette forn. i. first concert were Misses Donlzettl Perpotual Motion . Weber which bad been sc- forgotten in the Parkhurst an.) Ind%rniaur; Messrs. B¦.¦. u¦¦ 1.' F '.erge audienccs, Houan and Patton ide, mlnor; I'olonalse. splcndor of his G minor pianoforte By tho Waters o£ \ flat major .Choplrv tured by advanccd subscriptioirs. and Minnetonkn M nui <¦.¦ m Sonata N'oble) John row" concerto and C m'inor Thurlow Ueurai :e symphony, two , , Keguedilla .Albert Stoea,,.- hat these audienccs were composed . .Frank l,a Forge .Marion of his masterpieces, and also ';wo of thc TtflED/l My5.«tr«*tLover. ho comes o'er the Baoei \\ Skec, -.- VVaahorwoman.Leo Sowerby of the German c!c- most Clough- :.¦ ¦''.. ¦. iverwhelmingly nptablo achicvcmcnts in their re- Miss Inder aur Sonata, Op. ?) \ Duet and A Ballct.Harold Morrt- in and showed lit- spective departments that France has Soprdno. from "l,a Forza <:¦ Dpsllno". .Verdl l.a .ner.t our population Messrs. House and Kalton Campancllii. Lla»' if discrimination in their dem- to her credit. Tho Dancing Glrl...,.Bruno Huhn Je any Rflln.Pearl Curran Thursday of Thc "inti- Twelve days before thcrc must ha\_ A Song of the Open.Frank La Forgo instrations approbation. been in tiie Miss Parkhursl Carnegie Hall, 8:30 p. m..Concert which have been many audience who won- A Splrlt Flowor.Campboll Tlpton uatc" concerts might i\\«4 I Arlse from Dreams ot by thc New York Phiiharmonic Or- dcrcd if thc valiant champion of seri- Tlieo..Bruno Huhn txpectcd to attract tlie admirers of his I he oreat Awakpiiing ,.A Walter Kramer chest ra: ousness in art was degenerating into a Mr. House nusic those devoted to his chamber m Duet fr..m "Tho Tales ..t ymphony No. I, 'n C mlnor, Op. h*. saloii musician of the type popular two :.'. &*% &ii Iloffmann Brahm* did not lill even so _ Offrnbarh jiusic and songs- Misses Parkhurst and Tone-Poem. "P"a'h an-1 Transflg_ra- generalions There was dolor in IndormaiiT ' ago. Th» .Sirasc¦¦ imail a rooin as Town Hall; and thc tlorn . Flpgler such a reflcction, hut it. would not Bruno Huhn oi Fai 'i.;., "Tn :n" Court of ine concert with orchestra given in thr 1'*r;lfVl.ho ). loral Pomotrranatea" .Whtthoraa down before tiie of a Dance.Moss Opera House, for which spertaele vener- Ti'antsi Hcav'n, UeaVn (negro aplrituali, (First in.i" *. theso concerta) Metropolitan able and venerated composer who had llcnry Bui lelgh Overtura lo "Tannhaouser".Wagae; ic was rngaged to aid in introducing Mr. Patton crossed the ocean in lhe evening Quartette from "Rigolotto". V'ordl _n opcratic .singer. will probably go of his Misses Parkhurat and nldermaur; Messrs. twilight life, sccmingly oblivi- rcading as that of Suint Saens I had ]I'.>uj.. ,m.J Patt in Friday down in tbe record books <>f the mana- ous to all his noblc achieveincnts and never seen. I tdl you he's the. most. Carnegie Hall, II:30 p. m. Conear? gers as the most costly cxperiment of contenting himself with the frippcrics intcllectual musician of thc present its Hippodrome, 8:15 p. ni. Song recita! by the New Yerk Phiiharmonic Or t'nc season. Yet Dr. Strauss Ghaliapin conductcd, of a "Wedding Cake" valse caprice, day! ( Der grosstc niusikalischo Kopf by John McCormack: chcslra: music was of his "I n' No most ef thc composi- an allegro appassionata, in which lhe der Jetzzcit! )" Boris a Welconie aura amoroi a" (Cosi fan lutte) Symphonj 4, ln 15 mlnor, Op. ft. thc had been cxtcn- dfoszp Stop/ik. Mozarl R-ahm* tion and t'.nger passion was that of a glistering iciclc I'U ad Irene" Malanla).Handel Tone-Poem, "Death and Transfig-ura- Parallcls in the Carcers of Mr. McCormack Hoi.P'raus- .sively advertiscd. Artisticaliy, thc and a fantasia whosc dal- ! Fealure of Week I fascinatfng Berlioz and Saint-Saens Adantlno .Tarttnl-Krelsler Symphonlc Fantaay, "ln th<» Court of visit added nothing to our knowlcdgc liancc. with Varlatlons nn a themo oC Corelll, I'om grunates" .ivhithorn" unwonLcd " rhythm and Ovcrture to _,, . Tartlnl Krelsler i'.innhaeuser'.V.'a__c:/ of thc musician's art; coramercially i: exotic colors could not atone for its It is notcworthy thal tbo dicta of Tho Last of Fcodor Chaliapin will appear again Slght Flaiin etta (HoniiPt At S:lo m. was one of those individual financial Berlioz and Dr. von Biilow were f-o:n Boecacrio) .Harrison p. Song recital by Prieda superliciality and hollowncss. At this pro- in "Boris Codunoff" at the Metropoli¬ riv RIVals, from he been to nounccd ".Songa from tho Hempcl, soprano: triumphs which has able concert the visitor the organ by musjeians who were eom- Clay" . 1... 9 Taylor played tan Opera llousc next Thursday even¬ from th "Agnus Del," from th« "Coronatlen lhan that of M. in his Desolatlon. ln«s. ;. M ass lornpcl better any composer part in his .S'.renaue, Op. 15, for violin, panions Saint-Saens tri-i ing with Mmes. Matcnauer, Dalossy, Koa-Shin. irauville Bantock .Mozart and also in his lt A Birthday.\rthur "'..ii bo piu cosa s<>:;. from "Tho M.r- cor lived. Its aftcrmath of anccdotc viola, pianoforte and organ, his as- umphs failurcs.
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