ALEXANDRIA ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1911 No 40 VOL. XIX ! biiaw were looking backward. Mis. ually rudng. When the party got I age by the wound had cut through CORNWALL FALL ASSIZES McRae had told the witness that I into the auto Dr. Magee, James Ma- I the 8th rib and hurt the lung, bullet NOTICE Important Sale of Holsteins Uren had drawn a gun and asked him • gee, Shaw and the witness were look- was found inside the chest, recognized to get the party away. ing backwards. F. D. McRae came ihe bullet exhibited as the one he NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Readers of this journal would do D. C. McRae was the next witness down the road to the rest of the ren>oved from tlie deceased, Wm. Shaw. g^orJÉbaiion will be made to the Par- well to attend the sale of high grade called by the Crown and after iden- MoRae party where after speaking to 'Hie \vitness with Dr. Munro of Corn- Mit of Canada at the next session and registered Holstein catUe to be tifying the rifles, told briefly of the them he cried out *"you dammed Pro- wall conducted a Post-M'ortem. Death tht K>f for an Act to incorporate a held by W. E. MclHllican & Son and visit of Dr. Magee and his friends on t€€Ftant pup”, he then dropped on his was due to a wound from a gun shot, Company to be named The RoyalCan- D. C. McDougall & Son, at S.t. Elmo, The Distressing Shooting July i, and their search of the house. knee and seemed to be ainiing at Dr. j Dr. Munro, with tMrty-tour ycar^ adian Railway System with power to miles north of Hfaxville, G. T. R. When it came down to cross-examin- Mi^ee. W'hen arrested by the wit- ] standing in his profession, agreed with construct, equip and operate a lino of station, Thursday, Nov. 2. ation there was a squabble between ness next nKirning following, he had ; Jh*. Alguire’e evidenee. railway from a point in the parish of The females offered have been bred Messrs. Pringle and Blackstock as to warned the accused with the usual I Dr. C. J. Hamilton, another pract- St. Anne du Bout de I’lle, in theCoun- over twenty years to registered sires the admission of certain evidence in warning given to prison^ and Mc- , ising physician and surgeon, of long ty of Jacques Cartier and the Prov- and are practically pure bred. contradiction of Dr. Magee. Part of Rae had said that if anyone had been standing, saw Shaw at the Hospital ince of Quebec, westerly through the Affair at Bridge End. this was ruled out but Mr. McRae shot they had shot themselves. evening' of the 1st of July, Dr. Al- The bulls range in age from 2 nionths Counties of Vaudreuil and Soulanges was permitted to contradict Dr. Ma- j Under cross-examination, Uren ad- guire and Mr. Pringle were present at in said Province, to a point on or to 20 months and are sired by Tohan- na Pieterge Rue, son of Johanna gee most emphatically on the point mitted being a boy from a home in, the time, Shaw appeared to be dj ing near the river St. Lawrence, in the of interfering between the doctor and Rue, 4th Lad Stock bull at the On- F. D. McRAE, THE ACCUSED, ON HIS TRIAL BEFORE England. He had held people up be- and was told of his serious situation County of Glengarry, in the Province Ms wife and he had never said that fore. He admitted having carried by Dr. Alguire. Shaw’s dying declar- of Ontario, to be crelermined by the tario Agricultural College and Sir Pasch Bœts, grandson of Alta Pasch, MR. JUSTICE SUTHERLAND. unless she had liberty of conscience handcuffs, which he sometimes car- ation was then read to the -fury, in Company’s engineers, with jiower to he would have to take her home. In- ried to church. He drew the hand- which he stated s>aw a man, he bè- construct a bridge over the feaet formerly 2 year old champion of the world, also Sir Admiral Ormsby — stead of trying to make trouble, he cuffs with the intention of handcuff- lieved was Farquhar McRae, come out branch of the Ottawa river separating Exhaustive Report of the first two days’ proceedings by a News urged his daughter to remain with ing D. C. McRae, if he interfered with of the house with a gun, take aim, the Island of Montreal from ITle Per- stock bull of D. C. Flatt’s herd of Hamilton, Ont. representative. her husband and try and live in peace Dr. Magee in his search of premises, then fire, and that the ?ihot passed rot in the said County of Vaudreuil, and harmony and on one occasion at expecting to find D. C. McRae, the through the back of the auto entered also to construct a bridge across the least when be refused to take her only man on the premises. He dW hi» back causing the wound. west branch of the Ottawa river sep- The end of the case for the prosecution. home with him. Mrs. Magee could noi know if he had any right to l>e ,l'o Mr. Prin<?!e—'Vho declaration was arating said He Perrot from the main- no longer stand the treatment meted on the premises but' he had no papers. written by Mr. Pringle ai tin» request, land in the said County of Vaudreuil, MURTGAGE SALE. out to her by her lord and master He had arranged by leMer with Dr. ot the witness : said bridges to be used for idilway The Fall Assizes, which opened in but to his knowledge although being and took advantage of her husband's Magee to join in the attack. The j .la.mos DingwaD, Gomity t'mvvp .\i- purposes and for the passage (»f pe- Under and by virtue of the powers Cornwall on Tuesday of this week, at- threatened neither of :heni iiad shown absence to leave home with her child letter was probably destroyed. 'I'he lorney, sworn, stated the guns ? destrians, vehicles and cars, and to contained in a certain mortgage which tracted a very large attendance fiom their weapons. for the last time. This w’as la^ May arrangement was that he was to rifles produced were placed in nis pre- collect tolls for the use of said will be produced at the time of sale, this county, which was largely due to When R. A. Pringle, K.C., oegan the I and early in J une, when Dr. Magee stand between Dr. Magee and any- mises the bullet as well ami \v »re in bridges ; to construct and operate tele there will be offered for sale by public the fact that the criminal case—The cross examination, he brought up a * with some friends went to Bridge • one who interfered with him. Witness exactly the same*.condition. graph- and telephone lines -dong its auction at the Grand Union Hotel, Crown vs. McRae, was on the docket.' letter, which Dr. Magee acknowledged j End by a round-about way, being admÎLted getting D. C. McRae in a (Vvptain W. Kiinion.s—An expn ' meed railway and to collect tolls for the Alexandria, on Saeurday, the 4th day The grand jury, that afternoon, hav as his handwriting in which lie said j driven from Ale.xandria by J. Kemp corner holding him up vith handcuffs rifleman had examined rifles, fx'ubit transmission of messages thereon ; to of Novemkw, .1911, at one o’clock in ing brought in a true bill, the case some ugly things to his wife regird- and visiting the McRae homestead J and having shoved McRae to one side 6. a Marlin rifle with largo bore and construct, acquire and navigate s‘eam the afternoon,* the following property opened in the Court House at rine ing^religious matters. Mr. Blackstock ■ while nearly all tlfe family were 1 along with Dr. ifagee he had prouled strong carrying powers. Witness l.-c- and other vessels ; to construct, ac- —all and singular the west half of lot o’clock the following Wednesday morn- objected to the introduction of the lic\ed the bullet exhibited con'd nave quire, exploit, lease and dispose of [ at ohui'ch, he w’as told he could see ’ around the McRae homestead. On number eight in the first concession of ing, His lyordship Justice Sutherland religious question, out Mr. P'iagleie- his wife and child any time that he ' July 1 he know all about the attempt been fired from the rifle produced. wharves, docks, elevators, warehouses, the Township of Kenyon, formerly oc- on the bench. The Crown was repre- plied that Mr. Blackstock had re- To Mr. Pringle—Tf the rifle .%1'ich offices and other structures ; to ac- j can:» properly and alone. Mr, Mc- ‘ to kidnap the child and he was en- cupied by the late Victor Pilou, On sented by G. TJ Blackstock, K.C., To- ferred to the religious troubles in his was sighted to 1.50 yards, if fired from quire, generate and utilize water and 1 Rae offered to drive Put and meet gagiYÎ to prevent anyhoily interfering this property are erected a comfort- ronto, assisted by Counties^' Cl'own opening address. His T.oid^hlp con- •he ooint stated by previous wtnesse.s steam power for tne purpose cf com- I him any time he èetit word. While I with Dr.
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