Out of Eden Walk 501(c)(3) application! ! Out of Eden Walk is the organization supporting journalist Paul Salopek, currently on a seven-year journey from humankind’s birthplace in Ethiopia to the southern tip of South America, the last place humanity settled. Along the way he is publishing regular dispatches on the project’s own website and through National Geographic. The travel began in 2013, and will continue until 2020.! ! Out of Eden Walk incorporated on October 9, 2012, and applied for 501(c)(3) status on November 20, 2012. Their application was approved by the IRS on February 14, 2013.! ! Contents! ! • IRS Form 1023 Application – 1! • Form 1023 Application Attachment –15! • New Mexico Certificate of Incorporation – 40! • Organization Bylaws – 48! • IRS Determination Letter – 69 The Digital Media Law Project has voluntarily redacted some information in this document to protect sensitive business information and applicant privacy. Application for Recognition of Exemption Of.E No IS454l!n rOOT" 1023 " Oil'lOI • [l'W.. June 2006'1 Under Section 501{c)(3 ) of the lntemaJ Revenue Code 4'(Ao::.;ll\)ll ...V IIL'r:'<l -.u.._..S.._ Sttt (JuNre .....- ... Use tile mtnJctJons to tilts l!fiPJ.•ettttOf) Me for 3 of JlT bold ncms. FOf" additional help. C3ll IRS Exempt OrganiZ.3tiOns Customer toll-lree ot 1-377 Vi:-;it 011r wcbGite at - .irs.g<)\1 fot fotms 3nd pobhcabOnS. If the tequued .nfom13LIOI'land :;ubmitlcd with porymcot of tho <JPPfOprs:lte tee, lhe app11e1t1on may be returned to you. Attach additional to tn1s apphc:a110n rf you need more •p.'\Ce to fully Put YQlUI name and 8N on e3Ch :w:t Identify e3Cll ansv1er by Part and hne number. Cample1e I· XI ot rorm 1023 and aj)mit only those Schedules (A through H) that apply to you. 1@11 ldentifie3tion of Appieant 1 1u1 n:me (exx:ty a:. n 'fOAS docunent) 2 c/o Name <•' Out of Eden Walk PauJ F. Salopek II 3 Maiing addrG$$ (Nu!OOer and $1r'eet) (see lt\StnJct,ore) Room/Suite 4 P.O. Box 1754 - C1ty or town. Of oountry, OOd LIP • 4 5 t<b1t:l thunnld xCOUfltr'lg I'J1 171 Co{umbtJ$, New MeXJc:o 88029-1754 12 6 Pr!J'n; ry director, trustoo, 01 owthorized a N3me. Paul F. Salopek ll Foondet c t-ax.: (option-11)---- ---------------- 7 Arc you by.., authon:i:od ropresentatr.-e. sucll3S 3n attomey o. r ·vc:o; 0 Ye-s V1 No PfO"'-idc the authorized rq>rc:;cnta1ivo's nome. and the rome 3nd or the firm. lnc)ude a completed Form 2848. Power ol Anorney Nl<i Dcct:.lmtion of Rcprt:ScntatJve, vmh )'OUr apphcanon at you would u•• to vli1h vovr 8 W3S 3 per...on \'.00 .s not one ol yoyr ot•ioer.;. dirc<;tor-, employees. or an authon:::ed 0 hsted in line 7 f*d or payment. to help plan, 1T\31\39e. ot adVISe you 3bOv1 the 01 adl'llitieS of your org;mirn:ion or about you- financial or tax 1113ttetS? tf MYes. • pro'l'lde the pemon·:; n<"Jmc. the name and of the persons linn. the amounts p3Jd 01 J)r(lmi!;.ed to be; P')ld, Jnd pa""..oo·s rde. 9a Ofg:lnaatlon's webroe www.outofedenwalk.com (currently under b cm<Jil· (optlorr\aQ 10 Certain orgnnirnt.on!: Ore not to file an in'oiTTlQtJon rot!M'n {Fotm 990 Of Form 990-CLJ If Y'O\J C Yc:; 3re gronted tuc-exet'nJ)tion, you cl.,iming to bo crcu:;cd from filing Form 990 Of Fotm 990-E:Z? t expL'111"1. See the lor a dc:icripticn of orgamm<ions not requ,red to f e f-Ot«' 9C)') Of f otm 990-lL 11 lnC.ot'POf3-ted 3 oorpomta\. or brned.• t other •1 CQrl)OI\'Ition {MMIOOIYYYY) 10 1 09 1 2012 12 W«e you formed under the Law!: of 3 foreign eountry? f " Yes. s.tate tr!e oou:'\try. c:t. No. H 33K I You must be a corporation .ncludtng a hm•tt.d habilty COI'I :my). ,, or a trust to be t.b exempt. (See DO NOT lonn you c;<»n choek on liM$ 1, 2. 3, or 4.. ATe you 3 eotp01"3llon'? If wve ..; 311.1Ch :l eopy Of your \lrticl«; ol incorporatloo showng certJfiiC3Uon [td Yes 0 No of filing w1th approp-a:.te ... bte ngl:ney Include oopic:; of iJ11Y runcndmcnts to your artiCles and bt they 3100 !:how :,;tntc r:li'lg CC11if'l(;;)tiQn 2 Ate you 3 1imitcd c:omp."'V1)' (I.LC)? If "Yc<J ... attach B copy of ywr 3rtlcles ol Otganil::l!ion 0 YGS 1121 No Ottt hc::ltief\ oC filing •• ppnpnt :otortc i!QCOCV rf 'fOAJ adoQted oo oper.111ng agreem()nt, ., copy Include copic:; of ;ry arT1Cfldmcn;:; o your artiCles and be sute tl'ey mow st:ue filing ees1irc:rtion Rl"'cr eo the nstructiOn:i fQr wilEq an LLC should no; fl e rts ONn 3 Are you an Hsoa3t.on? ,f ati3Ch of your article:; of [J Yes lii2l No oonst..tutJon.. or othef S•m.br otg..razing ctoc:\smetl! thil• i:; dortod und toast two Include stgned and da!ed copif!': 01 :Jny 43 Ale you 3 "YC'!:: :'ltt.,"Cfl" and diltod CQP')' of your agreemeilt. ltld.lde "ligned 0 Yes No and dated Of :Jf'fy , b l liJVc )'OU been tf "No," t'lc:NI you are fanned 'WIChaut ol pbccd in 0 Yes 0 No 5 l l<tYC you adoptod bylaws? If "Yos." :rttleh a current oopy !:110.-...ng dote of .x;loption If "No," oxplllin [] No how ur otf.cers. or ,,re in Your Org,=alliZI=- _________________________ _ Tho foiiOI\ll'lg are de!9"1ed to ute 11'131 ..,hef'l )OJ fill> t'll!: Y<XK organ&:JIQ oocumene the rcaui!'ed to te!t undet' !:ed10I 501fC)IJ; l)nl='; )W CiFI bolCc:; 'r'l boili IOH 1 3nc1 2, your does noc meet the org:lrlllat!Cml DO NOT file ttli$ untl you ha¥e amended your organiang doclJrnent. SubMit 'fO" oogiOOiard Of93'\lM9 fifng if )'OU ant a OCfP()f3.tiOn or M U.C) v11th your :,pplic;Jtion. 1 St:ctJOn ruau.,.e:. your document state your exempt :ueh (21 and-'or Check IM bolt to confirm th.J· )'OUr OfO,li'IQ:Ing CJocumen re<p.r'remcm Dc:icribc spccifical.,; where your etgancz..ng document the requirement, :ruch a:; 3 (eference to a parttcul3t 3ttlde ¢tt in your docu'nent. Refer to the tor porposc fanguago. locatiOn of Pupose Cl3use {Page, Mtele, :tl"'d attehrnt· Article 3, paragrapn 3 2.,, Sce.'tion 501{c)f3) reQUire:; upon dis&oluooo of your Org311123bon, your rem3Jn.ng be vl for eJtempt PJPO!IeS. !:UCh e_. relig:lcll:> cOuc<:l'ionaJ, ar.d/u purposes.. Check Ulf: boA Ol'lline ccnfnnthilt your docl.rnMt this reqUirement b')' lor ttlr d.:;trbuoon azsetr. upon dltsolu!Jort. 11 you lt:J'f on 1w 'or )'01" do no; CII@O< tne bO>. on 2:1 :lrld go to ne 2c. 2b If you the box on lino 2a.. speedy the f<'!lc Article, Paragr31)h).. Do not oomplete line 2c if you cheCked box ?.-. d c · 1 • pa.nlgrapn _ 2c See the tor •n10m'131iQn the of Ja·, in )'OUr parbCti.3r sute Check_ bOx if 0 you rdy on of mte law for your dissolution ptOV1$tOn 3fld the =:t.;'rtc- Nol Appfttablc: N.an-3tlve Desenption of Your Activities 1t1 a.:tacnment. de<'..c!\te )<CUr psst. ptt:$tl(lt. pl.'tl"'fllO ,lCtrvrtics n ;a l'oilrra:t-•'0. If you be eve :h:lt you h3\-e 31rt!!l)!ty pro.. ,Cied !;OmC of thrs ntorm3tJon tn p."W!!: o1 this you muy slllVNn::o 1hru 11tonn311on 3n<l relet to lhe 3ppiiC31Jon tor de131iS. You r\'13y ()tt:•c::fl oopc:; of newsletters, broctlures. or Sltllti:W documtf'lt$ lOr dt:bils to lt'li!l lll3!r3b·.re. Remtmbcr trot if tr.i:; iJR;)Iic;..-rtion i:> It wt be opera for pobUc Oi!!Crlp!Jon ol 3dJIIrt.es should be ;)tid ;:.c;curute. Ac*f to tho instr'UCOOns for .rrf001'\atlon tn3t must be •ncluOcd n your desail)bOn. l@i'J Fmacncial A.nangements Wrth Your Oft,ecrs, Directors. Trustees, .....,., yccs, dlou cpe ent 1a Lis1 the name' 3nd m31.•ng ol :111 ol ycur orr.,."r.i d rl.'l"'or:; and Rlr each p€Bon liStt:d.. sbte thfSr to:3i. :lflflU31 or for tt'le organization. ether :l:S, n olftCtlf, u other poeibon. U!:e 3Ctu31 rl blc !:mer ·none· if no IS be p:l.ld. 11 i:; needed, 3tt3c:tl a seoor.)te Sheet. Reier to the 6or mforma:JOO on \\tl3t to lllCiude as compensariOn. T!Uo llmothy J. McHIJity• OiroQor Jam Oirwctor David S. Rohde• Otrector fonn 1 023 f'Ae,, c. :>oofil I r-. 1= .,._.. e-XIOilO ON- i:Ffiij and Other Fin:aond31 Arra.ngernol'll$ With YOUT Officets, OireetOI'$. TI'USteH. b lilt 1ht,...,.,..,.., and tl'l3lng <3dct , . ·of each cA )IOU' tMJ hgNill etnpk)jUS ¥iho reoeive Of wil !'nOte h!ln sso.ooo per year. use" Refer to Jor _ __:._ :: r'lnOW; on .tld!IIO n::l.Jde. liS COiiip(!li$tioll.. Do not indl,ldD oflotra. in O::noeo.............. .. .... ·HoM 11 ttft time · piOaSC -&W attadvnent .. ······································· . ...... ········· .. .. ,., ....... c.
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