Vol. 6 · No. 1 Spring 2002 The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology Biblical Perspectives Editor-in-Chief: on Marriage and Family R. Albert Mohler, Jr. Executive Editor: Editorial: Thomas R. Schreiner Daniel L. Akin 2 Marriage and the Family Editor: William A. Heth Thomas R. Schreiner 4 Jesus on Divorce: Book Review Editor: How My Mind Has Changed Chad Owen Brand Associate Editor: Gordon Wenham Brian J. Vickers 30 Does the New Testament Approve Assistant Editor: Remarriage after Divorce? Randall K. J. Tan Thomas R. Schreiner Advisory Board:Timothy K. Beougher 46 William J. Webb’s Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Daniel I. Block A Review Article John B. Polhill Peter Balla Thom S. Rainer Child-Parent Imagery in the Catholic Epistles Esther H. Rothenbusch 66 Mark A. Seifrid Leigh E. Conver Mark E. Simpson 78 Marriage as a Spiritual Discipline Design: Jared Hallal Daniel L. Akin Editorial Office & Subscription Services: Sermon: The Beauty and Blessings of the Christian Bedroom SBTS Box 2388 94 Song of Solomon 4:1-5:1 2825 Lexington Rd. Louisville, KY 40280 (800) 626-5525, x4413 104 The SBJT Forum: Issues Relating to the Family Editorial E-Mail: [email protected] 114 Book Reviews Yearly subscription costs for four issues: $20, individual inside the U. S.; $30, ATLA Religion Database on CD-ROM, published by the American Theological individual outside the U. S.; $35, institutional inside the U. S.; $45, institutional Library Association, 250 S. Wacker Dr., 16th Flr., Chicago, IL 60606, E-mail: outside the U. S. Opinions expressed in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology [email protected], WWW: http://atla.com/. are solely the responsibility of the authors and are not necessarily those of the THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST JOURNAL OF THEOLOGY is published quarterly by editors, members of the Advisory Board, or The Forum. We encourage the sub- The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2825 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY mission of letters, suggestions and articles by our readers. Any article submis- 40280. Spring 2002. Vol. 6, No. 1. Copyright © 2002 The Southern Baptist sions should conform to the Journal of Biblical Literature stylistic guidelines. Theological Seminary. ISSN 1520-7307. Second Class postage paid at This periodical is indexed in Religion Index One: Periodicals, the Index to Book Louisville, KY. Postmaster: Send address changes to: SBTS Box 2388, Reviews in Religions, Religion Indexes: Ten Year Subset on CD-ROM, and the 2825 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY 40280. 1 Editorial: Marriage and the Family Thomas R. Schreiner Thomas R. Schreiner is a profes- Cultural opposition to a biblical view of husbands and wives, parents and chil- sor of New Testament at The Southern marriage, family, and the role of women dren, and men and women. Baptist Theological Seminary. He has appears to be unending. The rise of the If our desire is to pattern our lives by also taught New Testament at Azusa pro-homosexual movement constitutes the scriptures, we must study and under- Pacific University and Bethel Theo- one example of an anti-family agenda. stand them. Before we proclaim the truth, logical Seminary. He is the author of Some denominations are not merely we must ensure that we know the truth, Romans in the Baker Exegetical Com- debating whether homosexuality is and such knowledge can only be derived mentary on the New Testament and morally permissible. They are disputing from study. The scriptures are clear, for co-author of The Race Set Before Us: whether or not homosexuals should be example, that divorce is never a good A Biblical Theology of Perseverance and ordained as ministers of the gospel. Many thing. It is never ideal for marriages Assurance. His most recent book is Paul, unbelievers insist that rejecting the moral to break apart, for the covenant bond the Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ: A legitimacy of homosexuality stems from between a husband and wife to be sev- Pauline Theology. In addition, he is serv- hatred. Unfortunately, some who main- ered. Recent sociological study confirms ing as the preaching pastor of Clifton tain that they are believers make the same that children suffer significantly as a Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. argument. The worldview of secular cul- result of divorce. The claim that divorce ture does not only oppose the church; in is “better for the children” is in most some instances it has invaded and cap- instances a myth. Preserving marriage, tured the mind of some who claim the working at a marriage is one of the path- name of Christ. Many ordinary Christians ways for our sanctification and holiness would be shocked to discover what is as Leigh Conver demonstrates in this taught about marriage, family, and the issue. When we marry, we enter the school role of women in colleges and universi- of holiness, as we submit to what God ties that claim to be Christian. desires to teach us. As believers, our desire is to submit to The covenantal union between men the lordship of Christ in every arena of and women, more particularly the joys of life. There is no realm over which Jesus the physical consummation of that union Christ should not reign as our sovereign. is portrayed in the Song of Solomon. Hence, we submit to scriptural authority Danny Akin’s sermon from Song of in formulating our view of marriage, the Solomon addresses the responsibilities of family, and the role of women. We do not husbands and wives. Dr. Akin reminds us trumpet our own ideas about marriage, that Christ is Lord over every realm of our nor do we appeal to “our experience” or lives, including how we behave sexually. “what God told me” when facing contro- Is divorce ever justified? I have already versial questions like divorce and remar- noted that divorce is never ideal, but is it riage or the role of women. We turn to the in some cases permissible? The church of scriptures to study and seek what God has Jesus Christ has debated this question to say about topics that provoke debate throughout history. We have two very fine even among Christians. We acknowledge articles on this question in the current that the Bible has the final and authorita- issue. Gordon Wenham, a well-known OT tive word on how to conduct ourselves as scholar from England, argues that divorce 2 is permissible in some instances but never to include an essay on this subject by a remarriage. William Heth takes the other Hungarian NT scholar, Peter Balla. Dr. position. He maintains that both divorce Balla’s essay is part of a larger forth- and remarriage are justified in some cases. coming monograph in which he investi- Those who have followed the exegetical gates the biblical teaching on parents and debate on divorce and remarriage may be children. surprised to see Wenham and Heth writ- ing on opposing sides relative to divorce and remarriage. In 1984 they published a book together defending the view that remarriage is never right, and an updated edition holding the same position appeared in 1997. Wenham continues to hold the view propounded in both the 1984 and 1997 editions. Heth, on the other hand, has slowly changed his mind, and readers are introduced to his new position here. Our hope is that readers will come to an informed understanding on divorce and remarriage through the help of these two articles. We are all aware of the intense debate on the role of women in the church. Books propounding the egalitarian view con- tinue to pour forth from publishers. A new book on women, slaves, and homo- sexuals by William Webb has provoked some discussion. Some have wondered if his hermeneutical approach represents a new breakthrough. In an extended review article I argue that Webb’s thesis is not compelling. At the end of the day his con- clusions do not differ significantly from the typical egalitarian reading of the text. The old egalitarian reading of the text is simply dressed up here in new hermeneu- tical clothes. The relationship between parents and children is fundamental to human society. If families prosper society prospers. If families are dysfunctional, society becomes dysfunctional. Rigorous study of biblical texts on the relationship between parents and children is lacking. We are delighted 3 Jesus on Divorce: How My Mind Has Changed William A. Heth William A. Heth is Professor of New Introduction some circumstances (persistent adultery, Testament and Greek at Taylor Univer- What did Jesus mean when he spoke out physical or verbal abuse, incest, etc.), sity and has served as a professor at prophetically against divorce and remar- Jesus taught that his disciples should not Taylor since 1986. Dr. Heth has written riage as it would have been understood remarry after divorce. In short, remarriage extensively on the issue of divorce and and practiced by his first-century hearers? after divorce for whatever reason—even remarriage. He co-authored with How literally should we interpret those sexual immorality (Matt 5:32; 19:9)—was Gordon Wenham Jesus and Divorce. A pronouncements? Did Jesus intend to set a violation of the seventh commandment, second edition of this work was pub- forth an exceptionless absolute? Or should “You shall not commit adultery” (Exod lished in 1997. we approach his divorce sayings as rhe- 20:14; Deut 5:18).2 How do matters stand torical overstatements intended to empha- now? size a particular point, but admitting of The consensus appears to be stronger exceptions? How would his audience than ever. Christianity Today’s 1992 read- have understood those sayings, and what ers survey revealed that can we learn from his earliest disciples’ attempts to understand and apply Jesus’ The majority believe that fornication (73 percent) and desertion by a non- teaching to their respective Christian com- Christian spouse (64 percent) are munities? Did they faithfully reflect the two scriptural grounds for remar- intent of the one they called Lord and mas- riage.
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