Public Notices PAGES 21-96 PAGE 21 JULY 12, 2013 - JULY 18, 2013 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES FIRST INSERTION NOTICE OF SALE FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION NOTICE OF SALE FIRST INSERTION NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS Public Notice is hereby given that Na- NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICE OF SALE: PURSUANT TO NOTICE TO CREDITORS NAME LAW PURSUANT TO tional Auto Service Centers Inc. will NAME LAW PURSUANT TO NAME LAW PURSUANT TO F.S.713.585, EACH OF YOU ARE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SECTION 865.09, sell at PUBLIC AUCTION free of all SECTION 865.09, SECTION 865.09, HEREBY NOTIFIED THE FOLLOW- HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA STATUTES prior liens the follow vehicle(s) that FLORIDA STATUTES FLORIDA STATUTES ING VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AT FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that remain unclaimed in storage with NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PUBLIC SALE.YOU MAY REDEEM PROBATE DIVISION the undersigned, desiring to engage in charges unpaid pursuant to Florida the undersigned, desiring to engage the undersigned, desiring to engage in SAID VEHICLE BY PAYMENT OF File No. 13-CP-1816 Division A business under the fictitious name of Statutes, Sec. 713.78 to the highest in business under the fictitious name business under the fictitious name of MONIES OWED PLUS ACCUMU- IN RE: ESTATE OF THE OAKS AT RIVERVIEW APART- bidder at 4122 Gunn Hwy, Tampa, of Tri-City Properties located at 5700 Financial Divorce Consultants located LATED STORAGE CHARGES OR MARJORIE E. HUNTER MENTS located at 202 E. Broad Street, Florida on 07/26/2013 at 11:00 A.M. Memorial Hwy. #102, in the County at 1304 S. De Soto Ave., Suite 101, in IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVI- Deceased. in the County of Hillsborough in the of Hillsborough, in the City of Tampa, the County of Hillsborough, in the City SIONS OF F.S.559.917. PROPER I.D. The administration of the estate of City of Tampa, Florida 33634 intends 1998 TOYOTA Florida 33615 intends to register the of Tampa, Florida 33576 intends to reg- REQUIRED. THE OWNER OR ANY Marjorie E. Hunter, deceased, whose to register the said name with the Divi- 4TANL42N1WZ055246 said name with the Division of Corpo- ister the said name with the Division PERSON CLAIMING A LIEN/INTER- date of death was January 7, 2013, is sion of Corporations of the Florida De- rations of the Florida Department of of Corporations of the Florida Depart- EST HAS A RIGHT TO A HEARING pending in the Circuit Court for Hills- partment of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Terms of the sale are CASH. NO RE- State, Tallahassee, Florida. ment of State, Tallahassee, Florida. PRIOR TO THE SALE DATE BY FIL- borough County, Florida, Probate Divi- Dated at Hillsborough County, Florida, FUNDS! Vehicle(s) are sold “AS IS”. Dated at Tampa, Florida, this 9 day of Dated at Tampa, Florida, this 28th day ING A DEMAND WITH THE CLERK sion, the address of which is P.O. Box this 10th day of July, 2013. National Auto Service Centers, Inc. July, 2013. of June, 2013. OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. ANY 1110, Tampa, Florida 33601-1110. The Daniel G. Drake, Esquire, Agent for reserves the right to accept or reject Charlotte P. Kramer John Boyer, LLC PROCEEDS REMAINING FROM names and addresses of the personal RTD Phase I, LTD. any and/or all bids. July 12, 2013 13-06324H July 12, 2013 13-06176H THE SALE OF THE MOTOR VEHI- representative and the personal repre- July 12, 2013 13-06326H CLE AFTER PAYMENT OF AMOUNT sentative’s attorney are set forth below. NATIONAL AUTO CLAIMED WILL BE DEPOSITED All creditors of the decedent and SERVICE CENTERS, INC. WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT other persons having claims or de- 4122 Gunn Hwy Tampa, FL 33618 FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FOR DISPOSITION. ANY PARTIES mands against decedent’s estate on FIRST INSERTION NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF ACTION CONTACT THE LIENORS AGENT whom a copy of this notice is required NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Public Notice is hereby given that Na- OF FICTITIOUS NAME BEFORE THE DIVISION OF BELOW. VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD to be served must file their claims with OF FICTITIOUS NAME tional Auto Service Centers Inc. will NOTICE is hereby given that the un- PROFESSIONS, TALENT AGENCIES WHERE INDICATED. this court WITHIN THE LATER OF NOTICE is hereby given that the un- sell at PUBLIC AUCTION free of all dersigned 3D Capital Investments Cor- IN RE: The practice of talent 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF dersigned RKC LLC of 12311 Breton prior liens the follow vehicle(s) that poration of 17633 Gunn Highway Suite agencies ON 7/31/13 @ 11 AM AT CARDINAL THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS Oak Ln Riverview FL, 33569 pursuant remain unclaimed in storage with 145 Odessa FL, 33556 pursuant to the Espada Model Management Inc. PAINT & BODY SHOP, 606 N NEW- NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE to the requirements of the Florida De- charges unpaid pursuant to Florida requirements of the Florida Depart- 119 N. 11th street Ste. 300A PORT, TAMPA FL, PH#813-253-5961, DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF partment of State Division of Corpora- Statutes, Sec. 713.78 to the highest ment of State Division of Corporations Tampa, FL 33602 1998 HOND 1HGCF8546WA058785, THIS NOTICE ON THEM. tions is hereby advertising the following bidder at 2309 N 55th St, Tampa, is hereby advertising the following ficti- CASE NO.: 2012025360 TOTAL DUE, $1669.41. All other creditors of the decedent fictitious name: Operation Elegance. Florida on 07/26/2013 at 11:00 A.M. tious name: QuantumSpider.com. It is LICENSE NO.: 1083 and other persons having claims or de- It is the intent of the undersigned to the intent of the undersigned to register The Department of Business and WALLY’S PAINT & BODY SHOP mands against decedent’s estate must file register Operation Elegance with the 1995 DODGE QuantumSpider.com with the Florida Professional Regulation has filed an OF TAMPA INC.,PH#813-876-3479 their claims with this court WITHIN 3 Florida Department of State Division 1B7HC16Y0SS290938 Department of State Division of Cor- Administrative Complaint against GIVES NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE of Corporations. 2012 HYUNDAI porations. you, a copy of which may be obtained OF LIEN AND INTENT TO SELL FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. Dated: July 8, 2013 KMHCT4AE0CU071391 Dated: July 8, 2013 by contacting, Melinda Gray, Service THESE VEHICLES ON 7//31/13 @ 11 ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH- July 12, 2013 13-06298H July 12, 2013 13-06297H of Process Unit, Department of Busi- AM AT 4816 N CHURCH ST, TAMPA IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH Terms of the sale are CASH. NO RE- ness and Professional Regulation, 1940 FL. PURSUANT TO SUB-SECTION IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLOR- FUNDS! Vehicle(s) are sold “AS IS”. North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 713.78 OF THE FLORIDA STAT- IDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOR- National Auto Service Centers, Inc. 32399-2206, (850) 488-0062. UTES. WALLY’S PAINT & BODY EVER BARRED. reserves the right to accept or reject SHOP OF TAMPA INC., RESERVES NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME FIRST INSERTION If no contact has been made by you any and/or all bids. FIRST INSERTION concerning the above by August 09, THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR RE- PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 2013 the matter of the Administrative JECT ANY/AND ALL BIDS. CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR NATIONAL AUTO OF FICTITIOUS NAME Complaint will be presented at a hear- 2000 CHRY 1C4GP54L8YB614497 MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, SERVICE CENTERS, INC. NOTICE is hereby given that the un- ing pursuant to 120.57(2), F.S. before 1997 FORD 1FMDU32X5VUC41498 DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. FLORIDA 2309 N 55th St, FL 33619 dersigned VOSHOD LLC of 7501 Re- the Florida Division of Professions, Tal- 1994 ISU 4S2CG58VXR4340949 The date of first publication of this PROBATE DIVISION gents Garden Way Apollo Beach, FL ent Agencies. notice is July 12, 2013. File No. 13-CP-1066 July 12, 2013 13-06239H 33572, pursuant to the requirements In accordance with the Americans BELOW WILL BE SOLD PER F.S. Personal Representative: IN RE: ESTATE OF of the Florida Department of State with Disabilities Act, persons needing 715.109 ON 8/14/13 @ 11 AM AT 3 Linda Faingold ROBERT JOSEPH MARYNIAK Division of Corporations is hereby a special accommodation to participate LAKES MOBILE HOME COMMU- 5334 Van Dyke Road Deceased. advertising the following fictitious in this proceeding should contact the NITY, 9800 SHELDON RD, TAMPA Lutz, Florida 33558 The administration of the estate of FIRST INSERTION name: Lenny James Jazz. It is the individual or agency sending notice not FL, 1991 KIRK 146M5787, TENANT Attorney for Personal Representative: Robert Joseph Maryniak, deceased, S.D. GELLER. Linda S. Faingold, Esquire NOTICE TO CREDITORS intent of the undersigned to register later than seven days prior to the pro- whose date of death was March 8, 2013, Attorney for Personal Representative IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Lenny James Jazz with the Florida ceeding at the address given on notice. is pending in the Circuit Court for Hill- FLORIDA AUTOMOTIVE TITLE Florida Bar Number: 11542 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Department of State Division of Cor- Telephone: (850) 257-6097; 1-800- sborough County, Florida, Probate Di- SERVICE 5334 Van Dyke Road FLORIDA porations. 955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-8770 (v), vision, the address of which is P.O. Box TAMPA-CLEARWATER-ORLANDO Lutz, Florida 33558 PROBATE DIVISION Dated: July 3, 2013 via Florida Relay Service.
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