7/14/20 77-0-20 AN ORDINANCE Amending Title 10, Chapter 11, Section 10 "Limited Parking" and Title 10, and Chapter 11, Section 12 "Parking Zones" of the Evanston City Code NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EVANSTON, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: SECTION 1: City Code Sections 10-11-10 X(F)1, F(2) and (X)C of the Evanston City Code of 2012, as amended, is hereby deleted to read as follows: 10-11-10. - SCHEDULE X: LIMITED PARKING. I SCHEDULE x (F) 1.: Exceptions: A vehicle displaying a currer;"i residential ex.;mption parking Permit for a designated district may be parked for a period exceeding the posted time limit (F) without penalty on those streets within the designated district. (Ord. No. 141-0-85; Ord. No. 54-0-86) 1. Residential Exemption Parking District B: I Church Street Hinman Avenue to Judson Avenue, both sides 1 1 (Ocrdh.uNrch. s-tr_e_e_- t- )--rl------Judson Avenue to Sheridan Road, south_____ side __, 0 26 0 8 9 .--! Clark Street Hinman Avenue to Judso_n_A_v:n_u_e_, b- o-th- s- id- es-----1 1 (Ord. No. 111-0-19) I ----- I Davis Street Hinman Avenue to Sheridan Road, north side Davis Street Judson Avenue to Sheridan Road, south side I (Ord. No. 127-0-91) 1 ..------Forest Place I Davis Street to Church Street, west side I ,_.. Greenwood Street j she~n Avenue to chicago Avenue, and Hinman Avenue to I r-- (Ord. No. 38-0-14} I Forest Avenue, north ~ide ___....___ Grove Street I Hinman Avenue to Judson Avenue, both sides I Grove Street 1 (Ord. No. _ _ ) Hinman Avenue to Chicago Avenue, south side J 26 0 89 -----'----- 1 77-0-20 Hinman Avenue I Greenwood Street to Lake Street, west side I i I Hinman Avenue Grove Street to Clark Street, both sides Judson Avenue Greenwood Street to Lake Street, east side 1 Judson Avenue Lake Street to Church Street, both sides (Ord. No. 26-0-89) Judson Avenue Clark Street to a point 150 feet south thereof, west side (Ord. No. 72-0-97) • I I I Lake Street I .co I (Ord. No. 127_ 0 _91 ) Hinman Avenue to Sheridan Road, both si~ e~ ,-. Lake Street - j Hinman Avenue to Chicago Avenue , north side I_ Lake Street _ J Chicago Avenue to Sherman Avenue, both sides n Sheridan Road i- . ____ , ~I (ord. 111 _0 _19 ) J__ ___ ~ 43~ Shendan Road to Davis Street Those residents having a legal address upon the streets or portions of streets listed above are eligible to apply for and receive permits for residential exemption parking district B. Also, residents having a legal address on Chicago Avenue between Dempster and Lake Streets and on Sherman Avenue between Lake and Greenwood Streets are eligible to apply for and receive district B permits. (Ord. No. 26-0-89) I I SCHEDULE x (F) 2.: ..... ...... 2. Residential Exemption Parking District C: _:_j Dempster Street I (Ord. No. _ _ ) , South alley, alley east of Chicago Avenue to Judson Avenue 14 0 86 ForestAvenue -,-- - JI (Ord. No. 124-0-SS) West side, Lake Street to Dempster Street 1 J Greenleaf Street ISouth side, al~ey east of Chicag c: Avenue to Judson Ave~e ~ '1- Greenwood Stree; - I South side, Sherman Avenue CRirage AveAYe to Judson I 1 Avenu: T Hamilton Street Both sides, Chicago Avenue- to_H_i-nm- an- Avenue / "Hamilto~ Street South ~ide , Hinman Avenue to Judson Avenue j T Hinman Avenue West side, Greenwood Street to Lee Street I Judson Avenue East side, Greenwood Street to Lee Street I SCHEDULE x (F) 2.: I J Those residents having a !: ~al address upon the streets or portions of streets in the -2- 77-0-20 area defined below are eligible to apply for and receive permits for residential exemption parking district C: Greenwood Street from Chicago Avenue to the alley east of Judson Avenue; alley east of Judson Avenue from Greenwood Street to Lee Street; Lee Street from the alley east of Judson Avenue to Chicago Avenue; and Chicago Avenue from Lee Street to Greenwood Street. (Ord. No. 14-0-86) SCHEDULE X (C): TWO-HOUR LIMITED PARKING No person shall park a motor vehicle for a period of time longer than two (2) hours between the hours of nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P .M. on any (C) day except Sunday and national holidays upon the following streets or portions thereof: r Greenwood Street 1 -------- -- --- Both sides, Oak Avenue to Elmwood Avenue (Ord. No. 5-0-89) , Greenwood Street South side, Chicago Avenue Sherman Avenue to Elmwood Avenue ~~------- 1Greenwood Street l (Ord. No. 112-0J- South side, Maple Avenue to Oak Avenue l 75) ' 1Greenwood Stre-et .-· . - ---~- (Ord No _ _ North side, from Chicago Avenue to Sherman Avenue. and from 94 0 ! . so) I llJ§. alley west of Sherman Avenue to Elmwood Avenue 1-1 Greenwood Street I ---- (Ord. No. 105-0- South side, Chicago Avenue to Forest Avenue I 89) ~ IGreenw--oo- d- S-tre_e_t (Ord. No. 32-0-17 South side, Grey Avenue to a point 125 feet east thereof ) SECTION 2: City Code Section 10-11-12 Xll(B) of the Evanston City Code of 2012, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: 10-11-12. -SCHEDULE XII: PARKING ZONES In accordance with Section 10-5-1 of this Title, parking meters, pay stations and web-based payment applications shall have having the following rates, time limits, and hours of operation are to be installed on for the following streets or portions of streets or - 3- 77-0-20 parking lots described below. Rates, maximum parking time limits, and hours of operation are to be in effect on all days except New Year's Day, the official 66-0-19 Monday observance of Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. SCMEDl:JL!~ XII {S): (A) P.our: (4,) ,ftol!r m~imum Rarking limit at @ n;llte of one cgll§r: ~hd 1ifty <;§nt§ ($1.50) per 1fiour-, effective ·March ~. 2.Q19 througfl @~q_ember 31, 2019 ~a commengng on danuaf\Y 1, 2020, the rate Will be two dollars ($2.00) pet nour, between the fiours· of eight o'clock- '(8:00) A.M. to nrn~ o'clock (9:00) P.M. Monday tlirougti Saturday: Benson Avenue Both Clark Street to University Place Central Street South First 3 spaces East of Ewing Chicago Avenue** West Church Street to Sheridan Rd Chicago Avenue West From Hamilton, first 5 spaces North Church Street North Chicago Avenue to Hinman Avenue Clark Street Both Avenue to Orrington Avenue Custer Street West Main Street to Washington Street Elmwood Avenue East Grove Street to Davis Street Dempster North Elmwood Avenue to first alley West of Elmwood Avenue GFeeAweaej StFee~ &th GAisa§la AYeA~e te SAeFFRaA AYeA~e Sherman Ave West Dempster Street to first driveway South pf Dempster Street South Boulevard South Chicago Avenue east to driveway of 516 South Boulevard Washington Street Both Chicago Avenue to Custer Street **Overnight Parking Permitted SECTION 3: The findings and recitals contained herein are declared to be prima facie evidence of the law of the City and shall be received in evidence as provided by the Illinois Compiled Statutes and the courts of the State of Illinois. -4- 77-0-20 SECTION 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner provided by law. SECTION 6: If any provision of this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance that can be given effect without the invalid application or provision, and each invalid application of this Ordinance is severable. Introduced: _ ___;A.;;..,ug"""u"""'st'"""1..;; ..o___ , 2020 Approved: Adopted: __s_ep_te_m_be_r_14 ___ , 2020 ____se_p_~_m_be_r_2a _______ ,2020 Stephen H. Hagerty, Mayor Attest: Approved as to form : cdstfJ.rdo Gowta ~~ DevoA Reis, Gil)' Glerlc Kelley Gandurski, Corporation Counsel Eduardo Gomez. Deputy City Clerk -5-.
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