Volume 4, Number November, 11 Memphl�, Tennessee 1983 Allain Denies Being Gay in Mississippi Governor.'s Race . oilman Victor Smith (an $11,000 According to Spell, "Madam" re­ by John Stilwell . Donald Ray Jolmson, 24, also contributor to the Bramlett cam. ceived a $300 "finders fee" for di­ With only two weeks to go before known as Donna, was convicted of paign), W.D. "Billy" Mounger (a recting Holliday to the investigating the November 8th general election obstructing traffic, soliciting for $14,200 contributor), Neal Clement agency and both received $100 to. in Mississippi, Democratic guberna­ prostitution or immoral purposes (a $5000 contributor) as well as conclude their business in Jackson torial candidate Attorney General and for carrying a concealed wea­ other who did not want their names before they were moved. All four Bill Allain was accused of homo­ pon. And . one -known only as associated ·with the investigation. being offered '"protection" by sexual conduct by Jackson attorney are "It doesn't make any difference ·continued on 2 William E. Spell, Sr. after a month who financed it," Spell said, "it's long investigation by Pendleton De­ whether it's true or not." tective of Mississippi. Allain's Re­ At a press conference in Jackson, publican opponent, Leon Bramlett, Spell, a Jackson attorney and for­ while attempting to remain removed mer advisor to Gov. Cliff Finch said from the controversy, has challenged the investigation had uncovered Allain to take a lie detector test to "clear and convincing evidence that prove his innocence. Before the re­ establishes beyond a reasonable lease of the results of the investiga­ doubt that Attorney General Bill tion, polls showed . Bramlett 30 Allain, over a period of years, fre­ points behind Allain in the govern­ quently has engaged in homosexual or's race. acts with male prostitutes." In a statement released by Gov. William Winter, the governor de- The "clear and convincing evi­ plored the "new low in gutter poli- dence" includes three sworn state­ tics that the Republican Party has ments from four transvestite pros. injected into this· race." Winter said titutes. The four are: he had not seen such vicious at- David Holliday, 24, who also Steve Endean Steps Down tempts at character assassination in goes by the name Devia Ross, accor­ all his years in politics. ding to police records was convicted Spell said the investigation was in 1980 on a shoplifting charge and as GRNL Head begun because, "some guys carne to sentenced to serve 6 months at a me and said they had heard so many Salvation Anny half-way house. by John Stilwell minors they felt it was a good idea Grady Louis Arrington, also . Steve Ehdean, the 35-year-old to at least trace those rumors to known as Nicole Toy, 24, was con- Executive Director of the Gay their source." victed in '79 on a charge of false Rights National Lobby has submit- h T e month-long investigation, pretense (fraud) and burglary. He ted his resignation to the executive cost about $10,000 according to paid a $100 fine on. the first con- committee ending five years of ser­ Spell. Persons involved in promoting \riction and served three years on the vice to the organization. The resig- the investigation include Jackson burglary convi�tion. nation was accepted reluctantly but · . , the board felt "they had to let him decide." C I· an· I M c I 0 a u r derer Sentenced I The resignation comes after ever- increasing criticism from David Good�te.in, By Ric Sullivan and Allen Cook Gossett will be eligible for parole publisher of The Advo- cate in about 4 years, Hoover said. ·and columnist David Bush. accusing The murderer of Michael Cian- In speaking of the case against GRNL of being slow in· recognizing ciola has been sentenced to 15 Gossett, Hoover indicated that there the AIDS crisis and un­ sophistocaied years in prison in a plea bargaining was no direct connection between in responding to it. I arrangement. Jerry Bob Gossett, 26, Cianciola and Gossett that night. , � his letter, Endean s�d, "I be pleaded guilty to second-degree mur heve the attacks on me dunng the ·. Some witnesses had seen Gossett at _ pas ne months be lar ly der last month. Tom Hoover, assis-' Cianciola's beauty shop on North ru �� ge Steve Endean attr�t b ted a political vendetta. tant district attorney, was quoted McLean several times before and a � � energy better spent fighting our real by the CommercialAppeal as saying combmed With a quest for power _ car "resembling" Gossett's was seen enemtes. negotiated sentence was in· the and control of our movement ·· I the there that night. However, no one : "If self defense becomes the �ave concluded ...that my <: ont a- "low range" of a possible 10-year to could positively put Gossett in the . m';l highest purpose, it is time to on m go." life sentence. hen G�e contac�d present capactty ot m � shop that night. According to bern r 18 � Friends and critics alike admit �e st mterest f t l e aG R Hoover, he said that hts perception . Hoover, the ·main thing was 0 l � tghts · . that when Endean came to the lt NatlOnal L bby the LesbtantGa is that tho� involved may have f� Gossett's own statement. Had Gos- � ' y two-year old organization, it was .mo�e��nt m ge�e , or fQr m as that the Jurors wouldn't conviCt sett pleaded innocent, it is felt that � � . moribund and had no staff, no tele­ an d1 1dual . While ternal poh "one queer... for killing another," or the state's case against him would � ': . m �l� phone and no office. Endean worked some blame mevttable m any movement, t may have placed on not have been strong enough to are I lS long hours often drawing no salary felt apparent th t the atmosphere has Cianciola. He said he that 15 convict him. , � to build GRNL into a dynamic and years was too low a sentence for a Cianciola was found beaten to o on that I can only bee�. 80 :p lS � nationally respected organization bludgeoning death and that he death last November in his beauty .anticipate contmued power plays, 3 .with a $ 00 000 annual budget and aneu ering, backbit (Hoover) wanted to take the case to shop. � � �g an� bicker- eight full t e employees. which absorb precwus � trial. mg time and · continued on page 2 Editorials appearing in Gaze represent only the opinions of the Gazln authors unless otherwise indicated. Four and Counting regional Gay/Lesbian conference at Not surprisingly, those same goals the public, encouragement of par­ by Ric Sullivan Rivermont, fundraisers for the Nat­ are espoused by other organizations ticipation at any level by any inter­ ional March on Washington for as well. So what has helped IIlake ested person, open format of dis­ Lesbian and Gay Rights and AIDS the Coalition so successful in its cussion and consensus, lack of ex­ Recently, the Memphis Gay research, the establishment of four years? : clusionary or prohibitive policies, Coalition very quietly turned four. Lambda Televideo and Gaze People willing to make it work, and varied activities and projects There was no mayoral proclamation (which, while not Memphis' first willing to help tum ideals into that can accomodate practically any no press release, no benefit enter­ Gay paper, is it's most successful reality, in whatever way they level of motivation and willingness-­ tainment extravaganza\, not even especially in view of its national choose. the Coalition was mtended to be and (to my knowledge) a raising of recognition),, three Gay Pride And a system to organize and remains an effective vehicle to com­ glasses to toast the oldest Gay marches, direct solicitation of the focus energies and resources, while bat discrimination faced by Gay organization in Memphis. Gay vote by major mayoral can-· permitting and even encouraging, men and women, to educate both While public celebrations have didates, and the appearance here of any interested motivated · person the Gay and non-Gay comiilunities, definite symbolic value and ca q­ national Gay rights notables, such to develop and utilize his or her and to promote positive attitudes serve as important PR weapons with as Leonard Matlovich, Susan own creativity. toward Gay lifestyles. both the Gay and non-Gay com­ McGrievy, Lea Hopkins, Susan The Coalition has often been Gays have felt oppression in munities, they are not necessarily Green, Robin Tyler, and Meg criticized for its lack of formal myriad forms for hundreds of years. the most effective way to reach Christian. · stru_cture, for not having elected or \ The end is not in sight. But people, especially Gays. the These and the dozens of other appointed directors, officers, or picture would be a lot darker, The nature of a celebration, or a educational, social, and political other individuals whose function lot bleaker if it were not for the , lack of one, is, of course, events that would not have oc­ would be to determine policies, groups like the Coalition. most ofteri dictated by factors such cured had the Coalition not been activities, and methods. Happy Birthday to the Memphis as the prevailing mood, willingness formed, did not just happen. They But it is that fluidity , flexibility Gay Coalition. Four down....... and resources of those involved in resulted from thousands of hours of structure that forces ideas and and counting. planning and implementing the of work by several hundred people actions out of those who can best The Memphis Gay Coalition event, and certainly by what is who believed not only in the im­ determine what goals and activities meets the lst and 3rd Mondays sought to be achieved.
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