E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2017 No. 172 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was than 32 million children and their fami- Head Start and the Early Head Start called to order by the Speaker pro tem- lies. Head Start gives every child, re- programs are in small towns and big pore (Mr. PERRY). gardless of circumstances at birth, a cities alike. They bring together par- f chance to succeed in school and in life. ents, teachers, volunteers, and commu- When Head Start was first launched nity leaders to create a quality pro- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO in 1965, the idea of providing com- gram that truly does give lower income TEMPORE prehensive health, nutrition, and edu- children a head start in life. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- cation services to children in poverty Studies have shown that students fore the House the following commu- was groundbreaking. The Head Start who have had access to Head Start nication from the Speaker: model, developed over the decades, has were more likely to graduate from high become one that has been built now on school and attend college. They are WASHINGTON, DC, evidence-based practices and is con- October 25, 2017. less likely to commit a crime or be- I hereby appoint the Honorable SCOTT stantly evolving, using the best avail- come a teen parent. Head Start gives PERRY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this able science and teaching techniques to children equal footing from the start day. meet the needs of local communities. and allows them every opportunity to PAUL D. RYAN, Head Start takes a comprehensive be successful, thanks to an early edu- approach to meeting the needs of Speaker of the House of Representatives. cation. young children across four major areas f Mr. Speaker, I applaud Head Start of development, including education. programs in the Fifth Congressional MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Head Start provides a variety of learn- District of Pennsylvania and through- ing experiences to help children grow The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- out the Nation for helping to break the intellectually, socially, develop- ant to the order of the House of Janu- intergenerational cycle of poverty. So mentally, and emotionally. ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- many Americans from all walks of life nize Members from lists submitted by Health: Head Start offers health serv- ices such as immunizations, dental, were offered a fair start in life thanks the majority and minority leaders for to Head Start. morning-hour debate. medical, and mental health and nutri- f The Chair will alternate recognition tional services and early identification between the parties. All time shall be of health problems. EPIDEMIC OF GUN VIOLENCE Parent involvement: Head Start in- equally allocated between the parties, volves parents in the planning and im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and in no event shall debate continue plementation of activities. Parents Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other serve on policy councils and commit- Illinois (Ms. KELLY) for 5 minutes. than the majority and minority leaders tees that make administrative deci- Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I and the minority whip, shall be limited sions, participate in classes and work- rise, yet again, because Americans are to 5 minutes. shops and child development, and vol- dying each and every day. The epi- f unteer in the program. demic of gun violence has ended too many futures before they have begun, HEAD START AWARENESS MONTH Social services: Head Start also pro- vides outreach to families to determine left too many empty seats at the din- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The what services they need. ner table, torn too many families Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, Head Start focuses on apart, and left too many communities Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 the whole child and the whole family. asking: How many more before Con- minutes. Research has suggested that educating gress acts? Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. children in their earliest years plays an Mr. Speaker, I can’t blame them. Mr. Speaker, 35 years ago, President important role in inspiring lifelong With 90 Americans dying from guns Ronald Reagan first proclaimed Octo- learning, school readiness, and pre- every day, this House and this Speaker ber as Head Start Awareness Month, paring students before they begin kin- continue to turn a blind eye to this epi- and, proudly, we continue to raise dergarten as an essential part of Head demic. awareness about Head Start and the Start, and it is especially important Mr. Speaker, earlier this month, one benefits it brings to America’s chil- for some of the most vulnerable among man carried out this Nation’s worst dren. us to ensure access to quality edu- mass shooting in history in just 11 Since its inception 50 years ago, Head cation and the outcomes that can be minutes, leaving 58 Americans dead. Start has improved the lives of more derived from it. These are mothers and friends, sons b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8147 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:52 Jan 12, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD17\OCTOBER\H25OC7.REC H25OC7 H8148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 25, 2017 and brothers, people just trying to Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise increases the Airport Improvement enjoy some country music. this morning because the House must Program from $3.3 billion to $4 billion. Instead of going home to their loving continue its work to reform and reau- It has the ability to upgrade our air- families, instead of going home and thorize the FAA. We have got to pass ports. being greeted at the door by their tod- H.R. 2997, the 21st Century AIRR Act. Mr. Speaker, I also served my coun- dler, they were carried away in bags. Thirty years ago—30 years ago—the try in the Air Force for 16 years. As a They are now another tragic statistic, FAA identified the need to modernize veteran, I know that national security another empty seat at Christmas din- or upgrade the Nation’s antiquated comes first. The 21st Century AIRR Act ner—lives taken, not lost—lives with World War II era air traffic control sys- does not jeopardize the interaction be- such potential, lives that were doing tem. This is a system, at the time, that tween the Department of Defense and amazing things, lives that were raising used radar technology and paper strips air traffic control; in fact, it strength- families and serving their commu- for communications between control- ens it. The Federal Government retains nity—lives taken, not lost—lives sur- lers. They literally would take these exclusive sovereignty and control of rounded by hundreds of other lives that paper slips and hand them from one the airspace, and the President main- will never, never be the same. controller to the next controller to the tains critical authority to assume con- Each life taken is a tragedy, but the next controller as aircraft not only trol of the airspace during emergencies hundreds of other lives impacted for- moved through the airwaves, but were in times of war. ever in those 11 minutes are, equally, moving through the airport systems. The time to bring up the bill, H.R. now made tragic. Now, over the last 30 years, Canada, 3997, the 21st Century AIRR Act, is 489 people were injured. Mr. Speaker, Australia, and many in the EU have now. The public has waited way too let me say that again, because we often changed to this GPS system. We have long. We have been bypassed by other focus on those killed but forget about got countries all across the globe going countries. If we can identify it 30 years the hundreds fighting for their lives in to GPS, or decades ago have already the intensive care unit. We forget ago that we had World War II tech- switched. It is when they go through nology, we ought to recognize it today about those who will need to learn to our airspace, we still use this old radar walk again or will never walk again. and stop passing these little pieces of technology. paper back and forth through our air We forget about the mom who will Now, during this time, we have up- never hold her baby again because her traffic control systems. graded GPS systems. We all carry Let’s upgrade our systems, let’s cre- arms are paralyzed, the other grand- around handheld devices that use GPS: ate efficiencies, and let’s get people father who will never see his grand- the Wave app, Google app. There are moving across this country in an effi- children again because he has been many different mapping platforms that cient manner where they are not sit- blinded. allow you to get through cities, towns, ting on tarmacs waiting for flight Mr. Speaker, while Las Vegas the countryside. If there is an accident, delays. marked that largest mass shooting in there is a delay, it allows you to get U.S. history, just 477 days earlier, the around it and move through so that we f largest mass shooting was a prevent- can actually have greater efficiencies DEMAND ACTION FOR VICTIMS OF able tragedy at Pulse nightclub in Or- on the road.
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