THE GOAL OF A NEW WORLD ORDER by Shoghi Effendi This interactive document was designed, researched and published as a pdf by Duane K. Troxel [email protected] 09-22-04 Amatu’l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum’s Comments on “The Goal of a New World Order” Dr. Moojan Momen on “Attacks on Baha'i Institutions (1921-44)” “The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh” and “The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh Further Considerations” were The period during and immediately after the First written in 1929 and 1930 respectively; they were World War saw momentous changes in the Middle designed to clarify for the believers the true mean- East. Apart from the more obvious political ing and purpose of their Faith, its tenets, its impli- changes—the break-up of the Turkish Empire, the cations, its destiny and future and to guide the overthrow of the Qájár dynasty, the Bolshevik unfolding and slowly maturing Community in revolution in Russia—there were many social and North America and in the West to a better under- religious changes: the abolition of the Caliphate standing of its duties, its privileges and its destiny. and the secularization of the State of Turkey, the This was followed in 1931 by a letter known as opposition of the new regime in Iran to the power “The Goal of a New World Order,” which with a of the 'ulama, the promulgation of laws intended to new mastery and assurance in its tone, rises above abolish the traditions of Islam and inculcate the the level of a letter to co-workers in a common civilization of the West. These sweeping changes field and begins to reflect the extraordinary power resulted in a fundamental alteration in the nature of of exposition of thought that must characterize the persecution of the Bahá'ís. Instead of physical a great leader and a great writer. In a letter of the violence inflicted upon individuals, persecution Guardian written in January 1932 his secretary, took the form of attacks on the organization and obviously referring to “The Goal of a New World institutions of the Bahá'ís, their schools, houses Order,” states: "Shoghi Effendi wrote his last of worship, holy places and administrative bodies. general letter to the Western friends because he felt And with the decline of the power of religious that the public should be made to understand the leaders, the initiator of these persecutions was attitude the Bahá'í Faith maintains towards prevail- usually the State itself. ing economic and political problems. We should let the world know what the real aim of Bahá'u'lláh —The Bábí and Bahá’í Religions, 1844-1944, xxvi. was." Shoghi Effendi associated this letter with Italics and underline emphasis added. the tenth anniversary of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's passing and in it dwells at length on the condition of the world Mr. Brent Poirer, JD has kindly donated his and the change which must be brought about notes on this letter that can be accessed by clicking on this between its component parts in the light of the link. teachings of Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá. —Amatu’l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum, The Priceless Pearl, 212-213. CHRONOLOGY OF BAHÁ’Í & WORLD EVENTS: 1922-1931 “The Goal of a New World Order” was written in 1931. This chronolgy lists events from 1922 to 1931 when Shoghi Effendi wrote this letter to the Bahá’ís of America & Canada. 1922 Mustafa Kemal proclaims Turkey a republic. 1929 May. NSA of the USA incorporated as a 1922 Soviet states form U.S.S.R. voluntary trust. This made that body a legal entity empowered to enter into contracts. 1923 First publication of Dr. J.E. Esslemont’s 1929 Keys to the Mansion of Bahji restored to Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era. Shoghi Effendi.. 1924 Patent for TV filed by Russ-American 1929 Oct. 24th. Great Stock Market crash inventor V. K. Zworikin. followed by world-wide depression. 1924 Triumph of Ataturk regime and 1929 The “Bahá’í World Union” formed in abolishment of the Ottoman monarchy, the Germany by Covenant-Breaker Wilhelm Caliphate and the disestablishment of the Herrigel as a result of the activities of Ruth Sunni Muslim clergy in Turkey. White (the “besotted woman” who foolishly challenged the Will & Testament of ‘Abdu’l- 1925 First duly elected National Spiritual Bahá). See p. 90 WOB. Assembly of the US and Canada. 1929 Work begun on three additonal 1925 Founding of the International Bahá’í chambers in the Shrine of the Báb. Bureau in Geneva. 1929 Einstein’s “Unified Field Theory” 1925 May 10, the verdict of the Muslim court in Egypt pronounced the Bahá’í Faith an 1929 Bahá’í laws of personal status independent religion. recognized by the government in Palestine (now Israel). 1926 Queen Marie of Rumania becomes a Bahá’í through Martha Root. 1930 There were nine National Spiritual Assemblies: Caucasus, Egypt, Great Britain, 1927 First talking movie, The Jazzz Singer. Germany, India and Burma, Persia, Turkistan 1928 First House of Worship taken over by and United States and Canada. the Soviets and leased back to Bahá’ís. 1930 July Shoghi Effendi completed the 1928 Nov. Holy House of Bahá’u’lláh in translation of The Book of Certitude, the Baghdad brought before Permanent Mandate foremost doctrinal work of Bahá’u’lláh’s Commission of League of Nations and their Revelation. It was printed in 1931. ruling was the House to be restored to the 1931 Canadian Bahá’í population: 30. Faith. Restitution was not made by authorities in Iraq. 1931 Formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iraq. 1928 Word “Bahá’í” registered registered with US Patent Office as trademark. 1931 Completion and dedication of the superstructure of North America’s Mashriqu’l- 1929 Formation in New York of the “New Adkár. History Society” by Mrs. Julie Chanler with the support of Covenant-Breaker, Ahmad Sohrab. 1929 May. NSA of the USA incorporated as a voluntary trust.This made that body a legal entity empowered to enter into contracts. The Goal of a New World Order Study Guide The following are study materials for “The Goal of a New World Order”, the third of the Guardian’s letters included in the compilation The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh and the first of the three cited for review in the Ridván 2003 Message from the Universal House of Justice. “The Goal of a New World Order” is dated No- vember 28, 1931, when the world and the United States in particular, were in the depths of the Great Depres- sion. Europe was on the verge of another war and every continent of the globe was in great turmoil. Some quotations appearing in this letter were indented and have therefore been counted as individual para- graphs. Paragraphs begin after the salutations. OUTLINE OF THEMES I. The Goal of a New World (paragraphs 1-5) 1. Tribulations hasten the gradual emergence of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. 2. Abdu’l-Bahá foresaw that the terms of the post-WWI peace created conditions for another war. 3. The world is on the verge of a calamity too awful to contemplate. II. A War-Weary World (paragraphs 6-8) 1. Abdu’l-Bahá predicted the Balkans would continue to agitate and the Movement of the Left [i.e., Communism] would spread. 2. The world, on every continent, is assailed by forces it can neither explain nor control. III. Signs of Impending Chaos (paragraphs 9-12) 1. Bahá’u’lláh declares the prevailing order to be lamentably defective. 2. Widespread upheavals in social, economic, religious and political spheres afflict all continents. 3. Cataclysmic changes are reminiscent of the fall of the Roman Empire. 4. A religious revival might emerge out of agony of shaken world. 5. Bahá’u’lláh prophecies world will continue its perversity until there suddenly will appear that which shall cause the limbs of mankind to quake. Then the Divine Standard will be unfurled. IV. The Impotence of Statesmanship (paragraphs 13-14) 1. Humanity has strayed too far to be redeemed through the unaided efforts of rulers and statesmen. 2. It is towards God’s Divine Program for World Order that mankind must strive. V. Guiding Principles of World Order (paragraphs 15-20) 1. The consequences of WWI engendered a vindictive, suspicious, fearful and competitive spirit among European nations. 2. The world’s leaders have failed to adjust their economic and political systems to the needs of the age. 3. Leaders have been unable rid themselves of preconceived ideas and creeds and reshape the machinery of their governments according to the standards implicit in Bahá’u’lláh’s principle of the Oneness of Mankind. 4. It behooves the world leaders to implement in its entirety the remedy prescribed by the Divine Physi- cian. 5. They should apply the principle of federalism to the relationships among peoples and nations of the world. 6. Universal Peace will be upheld by a binding Covenant that fixes boundaries and limits armaments, and provides for collective security. 7. Peace is attainable with ceaseless endeavor and indomitable determination. The Goal of a New World Order Study Guide VI. Seven Lights of Unity (paragraphs 21-22) 1. Due to wondrous advances in the Century of Light (20th century), world unity is attainable in this cy- cle, unlike previous cycles. 2. Unity in the political realm, of thought in world undertakings, of freedom, religion, nations, races and language will inevitably come to pass. VII. A World Super-State (paragraphs 23-26) 1. The world is sick. A skilled Physician must apply the remedy.
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