PRESERVATION A,ND CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION VOLUME 23 NOVEMBER-DECEMBEFt2003 NUMBER6 National Register of Historic Places The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of our coun- try's cultural resources worth preserv- ing. It was authorized by Congress in 1966 with the National Historic Pres- ervation Act. This act directed the Secretary of the Intenor to compile an official list of cultural resources in the United States worth preserving, including "sites, buildings, objects, districts, and structures significant in American history, architecture, arch- aeology and culture" and to include those which are significant to the The Virginia Theatre, 203 w: Park, Champaign, was listed on the National Register of Historic nation, states, or local communities. Places on November 28, 2003. To date, forty-six individual buildings and one district in Champaign County are on the National Register. Four listed buildings have been demolished. After the Act was passed, the Secre- Prior to 1966~Americans interested in vents an owner from changing his tary of the Interior chose to decentral- the physical evidences of their history, property. This is not true. Theieis no ize the responsibilities given him by $hether at the local, state or national restriction in this law that prevents writing to each of the governors of the levels, had no legal voice in how their property owners from doing what respective states and territories, and tax dollars were spent on projects they want with their own property, asking them to appoint an individual which would affect the existing built with their own money. There is also within the state government who environment. At that time, the urban no obligation on the part of the pri- could carry out these responsibilities. renewal program of the Department vate citizen to give the public access Thus, each state has an appo~nted of Housing and Urban Development to his house unless he has received State Historic Preservation Officer was demolishing vast areas of Amer- grant money through this program (SHPO). In Illinois, the program is ican cities, and the new Department which he has spent on the interior or administered by the Illinois Historic of Transportation was plowing elsewhere which cannot be readily Preservation Agency (IHPA). through built resources of past gener- seen from the public right-of-way. In ations to put into place the interstate that case, he has an obligation to Philosophically, the National Register highway program.. show how he spent taxpayers' money is an attempt on the part of Congress by agreeing to open his house 12 days to bring the voice of American citi- The National Register is a restriction a year if requested by the SHPO's zens interested in the preservation of on the Federal government-not the office. the national patrimony into the dia- private citizen-on how it affects pri- logue of change at the planning table vate citizens and their property with Levels of Significance before Federal tax dollars are spent the use of Federal tax dollars and/or Placing a building on the National and Federal licenses issued which Federallicense(). It is a common mis- Register is a recognition that it has would affect such resources. conception that placement of private value and significance to either the property on the National Register pre- whole nation or the state or the city/county. These are the three basic Tax Incentives for Restoration reviewed by the Preservation Services , levels of significance on which a site, For a least fhe past twenty years.,the Division and a state review board, the building, object, district, or structure various changes in Federal tax laws Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Coun- placed on the National Register have brought tax benefits Jor placing cil. If it is approved by the Council ' should be considered. All sites, build- buildings, sites, objects, and districts and the SHPO, it is then signed and ings, objects, and districts on the on the National Register. Tax incen- sent to the Department of the Interior Register are not nationally significant, tives are attractive to the development for consideration for inclusion on the nor are they necessarily of statewide world and encourage the retention National Register. Final designation is significance. Indeed it is at the local , and recycling of buildings rather than made by the National Park Service. level of significance that the most tearing them down and replacing Properties are evaluated according to important value of the National them. Income-producing properties, established criteria that outline the Register resides. Buildings, sites, such as businesses and apartment significance and physical integrity objects, districts, and structures of buildings, c~ take advantage of the needed for designation. local significance give the'ir}dividual Federal Income Tax Incentive Pro- living in the community a'sense of . gram and receIve a 20% tax credit for Advantages of Listing locality and, place and id~ntity. They a certified rehabilitation. In Illrnoisi a There are two major advantages of give the visitor a sense of the unique- special program offers owners of sin- being on the National Register. A ness of the community which he is gle-family homes a Property Tax' degree of funding (which varies froin' visiting; He knows, for exa,mple, if the Assessment Freeze for eight years, administration to administration and local environment ofa town or city is also for certified rehabilitations. Fur- is at the states'discretion; however, maintained and the intangible values ther information on either of these tax there has been no grant money avail- of the historicity of the existing build- incentives is available from IHPA . able since the Nixon Administration), ings are recognized, rehabilitated and (217.785.4512). and recourse to the Advisory Council retained, then they are in that city or , on Historic Preservation, also created that town, not elsewhere. Most of the country has long since by the National Historic Preservation recognized that new bricks and mor- Act. The Advisory Council consists of It is for that reason that local build- tar do not necessarily equate to pro- certain members of the President's , ings apd cgmplexes such as the gress without a thoughtful, Wtellig~t Cabinet and private citiz~ns appoint- Orpheum Theatre or the VI Experi- value judgement being made on ed by the President. Its deliberations mental Dairy Farm (Round Barns) are whether what is being lost is any bet- come into play when there is a federal abundantly important not only to the ter or worse than what is being threat to an entry on the National people who live in Champaign- gained. That concept appears to be Register or a place eligible for the Urbana, but to visitors as well, as rather slimly established in Cham- National Register. If those differences manifestations of what makes Cham- paign-Urbana where economic pres- of opinion over what is being planned paign County. Visitors cannot see sure on campus area land tends to with Federal dollars or licenses versus these places in Alabama; such build- exacerbate the issue. Residents need what is already there cannot be , ings never developed there and theI:e- to take cognizance of this fact and resolved locally, then these questions fore do not exist. As local and vernac- consider reassessing their interpreta':' are referred to the Advisory Council ular as the Round Barns appear, they tion of "progress." The National on Historic Preservation. It then are abundantly important as a major Historic Preservation Act was passed makes a recommendation to the mem- contribution of Illinois to the collec- by Congress to help individuals deter- ber of the Cabinet whose department tive national heritage and, as such, mine what gives them their sense of is providing the Federal dollars or need to be preserved and placed on locality and place, and to instill a licenses to implement the proposed the National Register. From the sense of pride of heritage and richness changes. The Advisory Council can national view point, they have the , of the past, which enriches current recommend that the project affecting same level of importance as a Lincoln and future generations. , the National Register property should site or the state capitol. They are con- proceed, be stopped, be reorganized, tributors to the sense of place, and Nomination Process be redesigned, or be placed else- reveal the local heritage of the state of The National Park Service. has created where. Its authority is advisory, how- Illinois. Placement on the National criteria which should be followed in ever, and does not include the author- Register also ensures that these exist- submitting nominations to the Nat- ity to actually stop projects. This ing elements on the land will be taken ional Register. Anyone can nominate a review process is colloquially termed into consideration during,the plan- place for designation in the National "106 Review" after the section in the ning process when Federally funded, Register, although an owner's permis- law. PACA made use of the 106 assisted, and licensed projects may sion is required for private property Review process to save the Hazen affect the areas where they are found. to be officially listed. Applications are Bridge, north of Mahomet, which was Listings for Champaign County as of St., C; February 28,1991 December, 2003 Elm Street Court. 1-8ElmSt. Crt., (108 Buena Vista Court), V;J1lne15,2000 Phi Delta Thef<\Fraternity House, 309 E. NOTE: Listings are given by the official . Chalmers5t., C; pending National Register Historic Name of the Farm House (University of Illinois), 1403 building or structure, addresslIocation E. Loredo TaftDr.,V; October 31, 1989 PhI Mu Sorority House, 706W. Ohio St., and city, and date listed in the National V; May 21, 1990 Register.
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