FLASHPOINT 2008 Gray or Roan - Dosage Profile: 8-7-9-0-0; DI: 4.33; CD: +0.96 FLASHPOINT 2008 Gray or Roan - Dosage Profile: 8-7-9-0-0N; eDarIc: t4ic.33; CD: +0.96 RACE AND (STAKES) RECORD Northern Dancer Natalma Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earnings Danzig NeaArdctmiciral’s Voyage 2 RACE AuNnraDce (dSTAKES) RECORD NoPrathse drne DNaonmcer Nat*aPlmetaitioner 37Age Starts 3(21)st 002nd 3rd $2E7a1r,n4i5n0gs Boundary Danzig AdmSwiraolr’sd VDoaynacgeer 42 2100unraced 29,375 PaDsa dme aNsocums *PeKtietiroanlaer 56371(13)(2) 1(001) 2(2) $26701,8,49570 Boundary Edge SwRorodu nDda nTcaebrle 415 21005(3) 1(1) 2(2) $36219,7,32725 DaPmoanstec uVsecchio Kerala 561(1) 1(1) 2(2) 60,897 Edge Terentia Pomeroy (2001) Round Table 15 5(3) 1(1) 2(2) $361,722 Ponte Vecchio Raise a Native At 3, WON Hutcheson S.-G2 at Gulfstream Park (7 fur., Mr. Prospector Terentia Pomeroy (2001) Gold Digger by 7 1/4 lengths, defeating Travelin Man, Little Drama, Seeking the Gold Raise a Native Mr. Prospector Buckpasser At 3, WON Hutcheson S.-G2 at Gulfstream Park (7 fur., Con Game Gold Digger Razmataz, etc.), Jersey Shore S.-G3 at Monmouth Seeking the Gold Broadway by 7 1/4 lengths, defeating Travelin Man, Little Drama, Questress Buckpasser Park (6 fur., top weight of 123 lbs., by 7 lengths, defeat- Con Game In Reality Believe It Broadway Razmataz, etc.), Jersey Shore S.-G3 at Monmouth Questress Breakfast Bell ing C J Russell, Chipshot, Zero Rate Policy), a maiden Nahema In Reality Park (6 fur., top weight of 123 lbs., by 7 lengths, defeat- Believe It Chompion special weight race at Aqueduct (6 fur., by 6 1/4 lengths, Flickering Star Breakfast Bell ing C J Russell, Chipshot, Zero Rate Policy), a maiden Nahema Winking Star Flashpoint Chompion defeating Simba’s Story, Harlan’s Hello, Haystack Flickering Star Native Dancer special weight race at Aqueduct (6 fur., by 6 1/4 lengths, Raise a Native Winking Star Needle, etc.). Flashpoint Raise You defeating Simba’s Story, Harlan’s Hello, Haystack Mr. Prospector Native Dancer Raise a Native Nashua At 4, WON an allowance race at Fair Grounds (6 fur., equal Gold Digger Raise You Needle, etc.). Mr. Prospector Sequence top weight of 120 lbs., defeating Pass the Dice, Next Two Punch Nashua At 4, WON an allowance race at Fair Grounds (6 fur., equal Gold Digger *Herbager *Grey Dawn II Sequence Rigtohpt Twheiniggh, t Aomf a1n2e0c elbr sd.,e dOerfoe,a teintcg.) .Pass the Dice, Next Two Punch Polamia Heavenly Cause *Herbager At 5, WON Sam Houston Sprint Cup S. at Sam Hous- *Grey Dawn II Nantallah Right Thing, Amanecer de Oro, etc.). Lady Dulcinea Polamia Heavenly Cause At o5n, RWaOceN P Sarakm (6 Hfuor.u, sdteofena tSinpgr iHnat mCiultpo nSia.na, tB Sinamd, HSoluasr- NanSthalyl aDhancer Two Punch Lil (1992) Lady Dulcinea Charge, etc.), 2nd Hot Springs S.-L at Oaklawn Park Shy* NDaasnrcuelrlah ton Race Park (6 fur., defeating Hamiltonian, Bind, Solar Two Punch Lil (1992) Bold Ruler *NaMsrisusll aDhisco (6 Cfuhr.a, rtgoe L, aeutcr.i)e, ’s2 nRdoc Hkeott, dSepferiantignsg Sh.-rLil la, tP Oicakkola’sw Pnr iPdaer,k Secretariat Bold Ruler Mis*sP rDiniscceoquillo etc(.6), f3ur.d, t oK Lealulyri’es’s LRaonckdeitn, gde Sfe.ataint gC Shuhriclhl, iPll icDkoow’sn Psr i(d7e, Secretariat Somethingroyal *PrIimncpeeqruatirllioce Morning Snack Somethingroyal fur.e, tcto.) , R3igrdh t Ktoe llVyo’ste ,L aLanudriine’gs RSo.cakt eCt,h udrecfehailtli nDgo wGnoso d(7 ImpTeormat rFicoeol Morning Snack Tompion Lofrudr)., Ptor aRiirgihet Etox pVroetes,s L Sau.raiet ’sP rRaoirciek eMt, edaedfeoawtisn g(6 G fuoro.,d TomS uFnoloiglht Cream in My Coffee Tompion SunNliagthitve Dancer to LCoorndc),h Pacreari,r Cieit yE xSpargees, sd eSfe.aatitn Pgr aJi rJie G Marebaadro, wetsc .()6. fur., Cream in My Coffee Toast of the Town NaRtivaeis De aYnocuer to Conchacer, City Sage, defeating J J Garbar, etc.). Toast of the Town IN THE STUD Raise You FLASHPOINT enteredI Nstu TdH inE 2 S01T4U. D Perdido Pomeroy. 9 wins, 2 to 4, 2017 in Republic of Korea, FEMALE LINE FLASHPOINT entered stud in 2014. His first foals are Zamchqaumicpki.o 2n w sipnrsi nat e5r, ipnla Rcedp uatb 6li,c 2 o01f 5K,o $r1e4a8. ,901, 2nd Hard 21nsdt daamm yearlingSsT oAf T20IS16T.ICAL SUMMARY POMWEoRrkOerY SS., P3IrdS TLaOdLie.s 5 T wurifn Ssp troin 3t ,S $.5, B7o4u,6g7a8in,v Filoleraw Har.-dR G. al MTOWRNOI NPGU SNNCACHK ,L bIyL S, ebcyre tTawrioat . PPulanccehd., $66 ,w01in0s. Daatm 3 o af-n-d 5, 1 crop Lifetime Lifetime 2yo RouSg.-hG’n2 , RFoyxwalo. o3d sw iGnasl,l a2n tt oB l5o, o$m1 1H6,.2-G092,, 2Snudg aFrl oSriwdairl TWO$ P18U4N,1C2H9 , LJIaLco(fb. bFyr aTnwcoe PSu.-nLc,h I)n. Sthtaek eCsu wrl inSn.,e r2,nd Foals of racing age MALE L3IN0 E 30 SS.t-aGll3io,n J/uAsffti rSmmedas Sh.i-nLgR ,S 3.-rLd, F2onodli sThes Pt lSea.-sGur1e, Set.c-L. abEonvdei.ne S.-L, etc. Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, incl.-- StaFrtLerAs S(/HFlPs)OINT is by POMEROY,6 (s2ta0k%es) winner o6f( 270 %rac)es, PGOoSttIaT IGVeEt RPEaSidP. O3 NwSinEs. a9t 2w iannsd, 23 , t2o0 51,5 ,$ 3$91125,5,43430, ,C 2anldif- SFilLveArS PHaPsOtryIN(fT. .b yS uSbilvjeecr tB sutcakll)i.o 1n3. wins, $127,018, 2nd Winners2 (t/oS tr5), $845,050, Forego S.-G2(13,3 %Ki)ng’s Bisho2(p3 3S%.-G) 1, oMrnoiua nDtaeirnbeye-rL J,u Jvoehninle B Sa.t-tLa,g Elivaa Mngeemlinoer iDalo Sw.n-sL ,S etatcr .S.-R. Main Pan S. Producer. Granddam of AT THE DISCO Total Starts 21 21 Miss Amalita. 4 wins at 2 and 3, 2015, $112,968, 3rd UN(gC. LbEy LDEisEc oS RAiMco, (c$.5 b45y, 6E5x8p,l oAitly).s 7he wbain Ss,. , 3e tco. )9, Nino Ja- Alfred G. Vanderbilt H.-G2, Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup FLASHPOINT. Subject stallion. pan, Subaru S., 3rd Subaru S., Coral S. Total WSin.s- G(/3S,t ar2tsn)d Smile Sprint H.3-(G124%, )Amsterda3m(1 4S%.-G) 2, Cassidy S. Mo Magic (f. by Mo Mon, $69,740, 3rd New Jersey Total Earnings $39,489 $39,489 MEL BEACH. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $247,049, Frank Gomez Me- Yuwa Hurricane (g. by Mt. Livermore). 3 wins at 2 Saratoga Special S.-G2, Gotham S.-G3, 3rd Churchill Pommeorioayl SS.,t a3rd. 1K4a iwseinr sH, .2 to 5, $103,190, 3rd Clasico Juvenile S.-R). Great-granddam of Don Six's Avg. Earnings (/Str) $6,582 $6,582 Agustin Mercado Reveron, Copa 4 de Julio. Naunmd b4e irn( fJ. abpy aDno, n3 Srdix H, 1y0o wgoin sJ,u $n2io12r ,G68ra6n, d2n Pdr Jixe-rGs-3. Avg. EarDnoinwgnss ( /HS.t-aGrt)2, Kentucky$ C1u,8p8 0Juvenile S$.-1G,838.0 Sire of 11 QUIJOTE. 5 wins, 2 to 4, 2017, $237,475, Big Drama S.- Broodmare Sire Stakes Wstnakrse s(/ Swtirn)ners-- 0(0%) 0(0%) ColRo,r m2nedp Joimmpoy mW.i n2k fiewlidn sS .,a Rt o3b, er2t 0H1i5lt,o n$ 9M8e,6m7o5r, ia3l rSd. ey Juvenile S.-R), Disco Partner (3 wins to 3, 2015, POMEROYS PISTOL. 5 wins to 3, $574,678, Forward Gal Jackson Bend S.-R. TWO P$U17N4C,9H10, ,1 29n8d3 N. Sewir eY orfk 3 S6t3a ldlioamn Ss eorfie 1s5 S9.8-R f,o eatlcs.,) .1197 Stakes Horses (/Str) 0(0%) 0(0%) BROOKLYN COWBOY. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $211,875, West rnrs (75%), 846 wnrs (53%), 190 2yo wnrs (12%), Avg. EaSrn.i-nGg2s ,I nFdoexwoods Gallant 0B.5l3oom H.-G2, 0S.8u4gar Swirl BamViarg Rinoias eL.e 3g iwsliantsu aret 2C ahnadir 4m, apnla’sc eCdu apt S5,. -2L0,1 e5tc, .$85,839, Biometal (g. by Moscow Ballet). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, ComparSa.b-lGe 3In,d Jeuxst Smashing S.-0L.,8 02nd Test S.-G1, Prioress 2nd Lindsay Frolic S. $217.0,849 A5E, I2, n1d.2 L9a nCdI, o4f 8J asztaz kSe.s winners. SBPliLnAgS IHt ORnU BLaEbSy.. 35 wwininss a ta 2t 3an adn 3d, 240, 1250, 1$75,7 ,$010748, ,24n3d0, 32rdn dd admam 2017 StSat.i-sGti1cs, Old Hat S.-G3, 3rd Davona Dale S.-G2. Groomstick H., Alabama Jack’s H.-R. StaPrteOrsSITIVE RESPONSE. 9 wins6, 2 to 5, $392,533, Cali- E. L. Gaylord Memorial S. CMREOARMN IINNG M SYN CACOKFF, EbEy , Sbeyc Treotmarpiaiot.n P. lHacaelfd-s, i$s6te,0r 1to0 T. Dheam A bof--- Winners (/Str) 2(33%) LMArK. EJ aDy RDI.V 3E w iSnsO aUt T3,H 2.0 165 w, $in5s5, 522 0t,o 3 r4d, G$o1l4d3en,9 B4e2a,r HSi.-ltRo.n TWsOen PteUeN, ECaHs tmLIaLn(.f.D bamy Towf o5 wPiunnncehrs)., iSntcalkuedsin wg-in-ner, fornia Derby-L, John Battaglia Memorial S.-L, Gold Garden Inn/Hampton Inn and Suites Sprint S.-R. Total StaRrutssh S.-L, County of Alamed2a1 H., Rolling Green S., 2nd Stop the Spending. 3 wins at 3, $48,931, 3rd Aspen Cup S. Salt Ianb Movye .Stew. Winner at 3, $22,000. Dam of PA- Total WiAnlsa m(/Setdaartns )H., 3rd El Camino 3R(e1a4l% D)erby-G3. RJUeBffrYeSyA ANrDmPiEnA. R3 LwSin. s6 awt in4s, ,$ $4151,633,497,4 2, nJda vBa oGbo Sldu Sm.,m eetcrs. SilTvOerO PIEas(t$r7y4(,f7. 6b7y, SFilovxeyr BJu. ckG).. 1S3.- wRi,n se,t c2., tod 7am, $ 1o2f7,- Total Earnings $39,489 HANMGeOmVoErRial SCAuTpU SR.-DR.AY. 2 wins at 2, $106,875, Juvenile C0o1p8e, la2nd T oMoa, i$n1 P32an,9 2S1. , P2rnodd Kuceenrt.u cGkrya nCdudpa mSp roinf tAT AvgF.
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