DAILY NEWS, BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY Sports SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2012 - PAGE 5B OUTDOORS 2012 SOFTBALL/BASEBALL REGISTRATION Sunday, February 19, 2012 • 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Drakes Creek Middle, Moss Middle, South Warren High, & Warren East Middle SOFTBALL REGISTRATION Angel League:Division 1: Age 4 (Age determined by May 1, 2012)Cost: $40.00 Division II: Ages 5&6 Cost: $50.00 Division III: Ages 7&8 Cost: $50.00 ASA Slow Pitch: 10u, 12u, 14u, 16u, 18u Cost: $60.00 ASA Fast Pitch: 10u, 12u, 14u, 16u, 18u Cost: $75.00 All League Age determined by Jan. 1, 2012 (Except 4yr. olds) Kentucky Afield Pee Wee Baseball Registration Little League Baseball: The fisheries division of the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources stocked redear sunfish, commonly called shellcrackers, in Southern L.L.: Ages 9, 10, 11, 12 Cost: $95.00 Yatesville and Fishtrap lakes in eastern Kentucky over the past cou- T-Ball Age 4 Cost: $60.00 www.wcsouthlittleleague.com ple of years to establish a fishable population. The new license year Division 1: (Coach Pitch) Age 5&6 Cost: $60.00 begins March 1. Northern L.L.: Ages 9, 10, 11, 12 Cost: $85.00 Division I1: (Coach Pitch) Age 7&8 Cost: $70.00 League Age determined by April 30, 2012 Western L.L.: Ages 9, 10, 11, 12 Cost: $75.00 Fishing chances www.eteamz.com/bowlinggreenwest . Notice: Eastern L.L.: Ages 9, 10, 11, 12 Cost: $85.00 First time participants MUST bring birth certificate. www.bgeastll.com The Warren County Parks & Recreation Department abound for 2012 Age determined by May 1, 2012 DOESNOT establish the registration fees for any By LEE McCLELLAN County, Whitehall Park Lake in league. F ees are established by each independent Babe Ruth League: Kentucky Afield Madison County, Waymond league’s board of directors. Babe Ruth (Prep): Ages 13 & 14 Cost: $100.00 FRANKFORT — With Valen- Morris Park Lake in Daviess For more information call 842-5302. Softball info call Babe Ruth: Ages 15, 16, 17, 18 Cost: $100.00 tine’s Day upon us, only a few County along with Carlson and 779-2689 weeks remain on your current Dickerson lakes at Fort Knox in Age determined by May 1, 2012 annual fishing license. The new Meade County are new additions license year begins March 1. to the FINs program for 2012. This year presents new oppor- For more information on the tunities to catch rainbow trout, FINs lakes, visit the Kentucky blue catfish, redear sunfish, also Fish and Wildlife home page on known as shellcrackers, and the Internet at fw.ky.gov or pick white crappie. up a free copy of the Kentucky Black crappie now dominate Fishing and Boating Guide, avail- the population in Taylorsville able wherever fishing licenses are SSpecialpecial PPurchaseurchase Lake, and a good spawn last year sold. You may request a copy by Special Purchase should lead to good fishing for calling the Kentucky Fish and black crappie in coming years. Wildlife Information Center at Also, three years of white crappie 800-858-1549. stockings should lead to great Get out and wet a line this fishing this spring. Gary Gary ForceForce HondaHonda “The stocked white crappie are spring and enjoy these new fish- doing pretty good,” said Gerry ing opportunities. Shirt-sleeve Has Has MadeMade aa SpecialSpecial weather is just around the corner, Buynak, assistant director of fish- Purchase Purchase ofof 2222 VehiclesVehicles eries for the Kentucky Depart- but don’t forget to purchase your ment of Fish and Wildlife Kentucky annual fishing license if you plan to fish after March 1. We We ArAree OfferingOffering atat Resources. “They are growing to SSALEALE about 9 inches long in less than Unbelievably Unbelievably LowLow Prices!Prices! SALE two years. We found a few white White-nose syndrome crappie over the 9-inch limit last spreads in Kentucky Hurry...These Hurry...These Won’tWon’t LastLast Long!Long! year, so there should be more for The Kentucky Department of anglers to catch this year.” Fish and Wildlife Resources has White crappie stockings will detected white-nose syndrome in continue at Taylorsville Lake and bats at three Breckinridge County 22011 2001111 CCHEVYCHHEEVVYY IIMPALAIMMPPAALLAA LLTLTT 5 Kentucky Lake this year as well caves. TO CHOOSE as eastern Kentucky’s Carr Creek Three common species, the AAT ATT,, LLoaded,Looaaddeedd,, SSpoiler,Sppooiilleerr,, AAlumAlluumm WWheels,Whheeeellss,, CCDCDD FROM and Paintsville lakes. Northern long-eared, tri-colored Anglers report catching keeper and little brown bat, have tested PPlayer, Pllaayyeerr,, PPowerPoowweerr SSeat,Seeaatt,, FFactoryFaaccttoorryy black crappie by walking the positive for white-nose syn- bank near the Settler’s Trace drome, a disease of hibernating WWarr Waarrrraanty,annttyy,, KKeylessKeeyylleessss access and casting Road Runners bats caused by the fungus $ and lime-green curly-tailed grubs Geomyces destructans. 0 $ at stickups and flooded timber. The caves, which are northeast NADA 17,800 The blue catfish at Taylorsville of Hardinsburg, are within a 20- DOWN! Lake are doing well. mile radius of one another. The GARYG GAARRYY FFORCEFOORRCCEE “An angler caught a 48- caves are privately owned and not $ $ $ $ pounder out of Taylorsville last open to the public. HONDAH HOONNDDAA year,” Buynak said. “We started 1 5,880/ 248 / /mmoo Personnel at the Southeastern PPRICERICE 15,880/ 248 PRICE stocking them at Barren in 2010 Cooperative Wildlife Disease and they are doing well there and Study in Athens, Ga., recently also at Dewey Lake.” confirmed the disease. Blue catfish fight hard and Biologists are still assessing 22010010 TTOYOTAOYOTA CCOROLLAOROLLA LLEE taste great. They like live or fresh 2010 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 6 dead bait. Cut bait made from caves within the area to deter- TO CHOOSE gizzard shad or skipjack herring mine the extent of the infection. AAT ATT,, LLoaded,Looaaddeedd,, CCruise,Crruuiissee,, CCD,CDD,, FROM entices hungry blue catfish as do “Caves are very abundant in live shad. this particular area of the state GGreat Grreeaatt GGasGaass MMileage,Miilleeaaggee,, “We’ve also stocked blue cat- and we are working diligently to fish in Wilgreen Lake since 2009 canvas all known sites,” said KKeyless Keeyylleessss and they are doing pretty well,” Sunni Carr, wildlife diversity $ Buynak said. The 169-acre lake coordinator for the department. 0 $ provides excellent largemouth With winter surveys just get- NADA 15,500 bass fishing and decent fishing ting under way, it is unknown if DOWN! there are more infected sites in for bluegill and redear sunfish. GARYG GAARRYY FFORCEFOORRCCEE “We’ve stocked redear sunfish the state. Employees of Kentucky $ $ $ $ in Yatesville and Fishtrap lakes Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. HONDAH HOONNDDAA and they should be coming on,” Fish and Wildlife Service have PPRICERICE 1133,,888800// 2 21177 / /mmoo PRICE Buynak said. Both of these lakes been working collaboratively on offer excellent fishing for bluegill local surveillance and monitoring and should provide bountiful of the disease since it was first redear fishing as the stocked fish detected in New York state in 22010 2001100 HONDAHHOONNDDAA CCIVICCIIVVIICC LLXLXX 5 proliferate. Yatesville Lake has 2006. TO CHOOSE “By having a state white-nose excellent bluegill numbers while AAT ATT,, LLoaded,Looaaddeedd,, CCD,CDD,, KKeyless,Keeyylleessss,, FROM Fishtrap Lake holds trophy syndrome response plan in place, bluegill in the 11- to 12-inch it has allowed us to quickly coor- HHonda Hoonnddaa CCertified,Ceerrttiiffiieedd,, range. dinate surveillance of known Louisville area anglers will hibernacula,” said Brooke Hines, 7 7 yyr/100kyrr//110000kk WWarrantyWaarrrraannttyy soon have new winter and early state bat ecologist for Kentucky $ spring trout fishing with excellent Fish and Wildlife. “Local grottos 0 (caving clubs) have been a $ public access at a stream close to NADA 15,925 town. The fisheries division plans tremendous help with this DOWN! to stock a total of 7,500 rainbow endeavor.” Last winter, department biolo- GARYG GAARRYY FFORCEFOORRCCEE trout in March, April and October $ $ $ $ in Floyd’s Fork of Salt River. gists surveyed about 100 caves HONDAH HOONNDDAA Miles Park off U.S. 60 offers throughout the state. At the end of 1 4,875/ 233 / /mmoo PPRICERICE 14,875/ 233 bank and wading access to the survey season, white-nose PRICE Floyd’s Fork. Access will syndrome was confirmed in a improve as the Parklands of cave in Trigg County. This was Floyd’s Fork project continues the first documentation of the dis- 22010 2001100 CCHEVYCHHEEVVYY CCOBALTCOOBBAALLTT 6 over the next couple of years. ease in the state. TO CHOOSE Although white-nose syn- In-line spinners, small sus- AAT ATT,, LLoaded,Looaaddeedd,, AAluminumAlluummiinnuumm WWheels,Whheeeellss,, FROM pending jerkbaits in chrome, drome is not a threat to humans, chartreuse or orange colors fished pets or livestock, officials are still CD,C CDD,, KKeyless,Keeyylleessss,, on 4-pound test with spinning working to educate anyone who gear score well on rainbows in may enter a cave on the proper RRemote Reemmoottee TTrunkTrruunnkk early spring. decontamination protocol. $ Kentucky anglers who want to Decontamination helps pre- 0 catch fish close to home need to vent human movement of the dis- $ NADA 13,425 visit one of the Fishing in Neigh- ease throughout the landscape. DOWN! Ways that people can help reduce borhoods (FINs) lakes. Lakes in GARYG GAARRYY FFORCEFOORRCCEE this program regularly receive the risk of accidental spread of $ $ $ $ stockings of trout and catfish. the disease can be found online at HONDAH HOONNDDAA Fisheries personnel monitor the the website of the U.S. Fish and PPRICERICE 1111,,888855// 1 18877 / /mmoo largemouth bass and sunfish pop- Wildlife Service at www.fws. PRICE ulations in these lakes and stock gov/whitenosesyndrome/ these species if needed to main- cavers.html.
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